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Learn more about how to set up a Stage channel and how to set it public so that more people can discover what your community is all about.":"Ready to set one up? Learn more about how to set up a Stage channel and how to make it public so that more people can discover what your community is all about.","#Bring your community together with stages":"Bring your community together with Stages","#Undiscord - Bulk delete messages":"Undiscord - Bulk-delete messages","#Authorization":"Authorisation","#Before message with Id":"Before message with ID","#205: Utilizing Role Colors":"205: Utilising Role Colours","#Safety Center":"Safety Centre","#Discord’s Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) are employee-led organizations centered around belonging. Led by our Inclusion, Diversity & Purpose team, Discord empowers our ERGs to create an inclusive space where members of underrepresented groups and allies can come together to celebrate our diverse communities. Our ERG leads have 10% allocated work time to help build belonging through promoting education and awareness, offering learning opportunities, and driving advocacy for their communities in and outside of Discord.":"Discord’s Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) are employee-led organisations centred around belonging. Led by our Inclusion, Diversity & Purpose team, Discord empowers our ERGs to create an inclusive space where members of underrepresented groups and allies can come together to celebrate our diverse communities. Our ERG leads have 10% allocated work time to help build belonging through promoting education and awareness, offering learning opportunities, and driving advocacy for their communities in and outside of Discord.","#432: Internationalization of a Community":"432: Internationalisation of a Community","#Snowsgiving 2021 Has Ended — See How You Made It Truly Special":"Snowsgiving 2021 Has Ended — See How You Made It Truly Special","#There’s a brand-new page in Server Settings: Command Permissions! Server admins and moderators can head into the Integrations page to customize which slash commands can be used, in what channels, and by which roles. Read on for more!":"There’s a brand-new page in Server Settings: Command Permissions! Server admins and moderators can head over to the Integrations page to customise which slash commands can be used, in what channels, and by which roles. Read on for more!","#Permission to Slash, Granted: Introducing Slash Command Permissions":"Permission to Slash, Granted: Introducing Slash Command Permissions","#How to get the most out of your Community Server":"How to get the most out of your Community Server","#Addressing Harmful Off-Platform Behavior":"Addressing Harmful Off-Platform Behaviour","#We're always looking to make Discord more helpful for all communities, whether your server is you and your closest friends or it’s home to the entire fandom of your favorite hobby. Starting this week, you may see some of the bigger servers you’re in show off new features you haven’t seen before.":"We're always looking to make Discord more helpful for all communities, whether your server is you and your closest friends or it’s home to the entire fandom of your favourite hobby. Starting this week, you may see some of the bigger servers you’re in show off new features you haven’t seen before.","#In the latest Engineering blog, Senior Software Engineer Matt Nowack at Discord explains how his team utilizes Patch to test Elixir code.":"In the latest Engineering blog, Senior Software Engineer Matt Nowack at Discord explains how his team utilises Patch to test Elixir code.","#Discover Your Next Favorite Campus Club in Student Hubs":"Discover Your Next Favourite Campus Club in Student Hubs","#The Future is Soon — Your favorite Discord apps and bots are nearly done switching to Slash Commands: the new and improved way to interact with apps. Check out all the new things you can do today!":"The Future is Soon — Your favourite Discord apps and bots are nearly done switching to Slash Commands: the new and improved way to interact with apps. Check out all the new things you can do today!","#Our people, much like our users, can’t be put in a box. The quirky and unique cast of characters that work together at Discord may be intrepid travelers from all walks of life, but there’s a reason we’ve all ended up here. We care about each other, the work we do, and the future we’re building — like, a lot. We pull our own weight and treat each other with extreme empathy. No cogs or jerks allowed.":"Our people, much like our users, can’t be put in a box. The quirky and unique cast of characters that work together at Discord may be intrepid travellers from all walks of life, but there’s a reason we’ve all ended up here. We care about each other, the work we do, and the future we’re building — like, a lot. We pull our own weight and treat each other with extreme empathy. No freeloaders or jerks allowed.","#Whatever social cause you’re passionate about, take a day (or two) off to make an impact. While you're at it, take advantage of $1,000/year in donation matching to charitable organizations!":"Whatever social cause you’re passionate about, take a day (or two) off to make an impact. While you're at it, take advantage of $1,000/year in donation-matching to charitable organisations!","#Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is the most secure way to protect your account. You can use Google Authenticator, Authy, and other authenticator apps on a mobile device in order to authorize access to your account. Once 2FA is enabled, you’ll have the option to further increase your account’s security with SMS Authentication by adding your phone number to your Discord account.":"Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is the most secure way to protect your account. You can use Google Authenticator, Authy, and other authenticator apps on a mobile device in order to authorise access to your account. Once 2FA is enabled, you’ll have the option to further increase your account’s security with SMS Authentication by adding your phone number to your Discord account.","#Please do not edit, change, distort, recolor, or reconfigure the Discord logo.":"Please do not edit, change, distort, recolour, or reconfigure the Discord logo.","#Colors":"Colours","#We’re a playful and fun brand that doesn't take ourselves too seriously. That said, we're keen on keeping things quality. If you're gonna use our art for something please keep it tasteful and send it our way for approval.":"We’re a playful and fun brand that doesn't take ourselves too seriously. That said, we're keen on keeping things quality. If you're gonna use our art for something, please keep it tasteful and send it our way for approval.","#Set up private channels for leadership, categorize members into roles, moderate your space, and more.":"Set up private channels for leadership, categorise members into roles, moderate your space, and more.","#Customize notifications, give presenters the spotlight, and let new members stop by with no sign-in required.":"Customise notifications, give presenters the spotlight, and let new members stop by with no sign-in required.","#Personalize your server with a Custom URL, Server Banner, and Invite Splash.":"Personalise your server with a Custom URL, Server Banner, and Invite Splash.","#Help Center article":"Help Centre article","#Your server is organized into topic-based channels that keep meetings, resources, official chat, and social conversations in one place.":"Your server is organised into topic-based channels that keep meetings, resources, official chat, and social conversations in one place.","#Discord has been an invaluable tool in growing our organization. It lets our members stay active and connected. From casual matches to our largest events, Discord has the tools to facilitate organized and easy communication with any number of participants. Discord lets us keep playing chess together!":"Discord has been an invaluable tool in growing our organisation. It lets our members stay active and connected. From casual matches to our largest events, Discord has the tools to facilitate organised and easy communication with any number of participants. Discord lets us keep playing chess together!","#Designed for active and engaged communities, the Partner Program distinguishes the best servers out there. As role models to all of Discord, Partnered servers are communities that both our new and veteran users can use as inspiration to create their own communities.":"Designed for active and engaged communities, the Partner Programme distinguishes the best servers out there. As role models to all of Discord, Partnered servers are communities that both our new and veteran users can use as inspiration to create their own communities.","#DISCORD PARTNER PROGRAM":"DISCORD PARTNER PROGRAMME","#Create a place where your club or organization can get together to meet, organize, and hang out. Discord makes it easy to stay in touch and talk throughout the year.":"Create a place where your club or organisation can get together to meet, organise, and hang out. Discord makes it easy to stay in touch and talk throughout the year.","#Learn how students use Discord to organize and stay connected across campus clubs, communities, and organizations":"Learn how students use Discord to organise and stay connected across campus clubs, communities, and organisations","#Be recognized":"Be recognised","#Customize, promote, and show off your Discord community directly on your stream. Share your Discord chat on your stream and get everybody the attention they deserve.":"Customise, promote, and show off your Discord community directly on your stream. Share your Discord chat on your stream and get everybody the attention they deserve.","#Customize, promote, and show off your Discord community directly on your stream. Display your Discord chat alongside your Twitch chat so the memes can be shown in unison.":"Customise, promote, and show off your Discord community directly on your stream. Display your Discord chat alongside your Twitch chat so the memes can be shown in unison.","#Customize the look and feel with your own style sheet":"Customise the look and feel with your own style sheet","#Our internal programs include but are not limited to unconscious bias training, employee resource groups, inclusive hiring practices, diversity sourcing strategies, and partnerships with high-impact organizations that drive equity. As we build our external strategy, we empower our employees to be a force for good in the world and support causes they are passionate about.":"Our internal programmes include but are not limited to unconscious bias training, employee resource groups, inclusive hiring practices, diversity sourcing strategies, and partnerships with high-impact organisations that drive equity. As we build our external strategy, we empower our employees to be a force for good in the world and support causes they are passionate about.","#Our platform is our headquarters! Because we believe great work isn't tied to a physical space, most of our roles offer flexibility — whether it's from the comfort of your home (in approved locations), an inspiring office setting or a combo of both! No matter where your desk lives, we offer generous support to help you remain productive and engaged.":"Our platform is our headquarters! Because we believe great work isn't tied to a physical space, most of our roles offer flexibility — whether it's from the comfort of your home (in approved locations), an inspiring office setting or a combination of both! No matter where your desk lives, we offer generous support to help you remain productive and engaged.","#The AAPI (Asian American and Pacific Islander) ERG empowers Discord’s Asian-identifying employees and allies by honoring the richness and diversity of the Asian community. One of the group’s tentpole initiatives is hosting AAPI Heritage Month — a full month of programming that advocates for cultural diversity, education and career development. Celebrations include Lunch & Learn sessions, group gatherings, workshops and creator highlights featuring AAPI employees, communities and artists!":"The AAPI (Asian American and Pacific Islander) ERG empowers Discord’s Asian-identifying employees and allies by honouring the richness and diversity of the Asian community. One of the group’s tentpole initiatives is hosting AAPI Heritage Month — a full month of programming that advocates for cultural diversity, education and career development. Celebrations include Lunch & Learn sessions, group gatherings, workshops and creator highlights featuring AAPI employees, communities and artists!","#The Parents ERG at Discord is a community focused on providing support, resources and fellowship for parents and caregivers. Besides being a safe space for discussing anything related to being a parent, like getting advice on pre-schools in the Bay Area or venting about a newborn’s sleep schedule, the group hosts programs for helping parents and caregivers at Discord best navigate the complicated landscape of finances, benefits and strategies specifically related to raising children.":"The Parents ERG at Discord is a community focused on providing support, resources and fellowship for parents and caregivers. Besides being a safe space for discussing anything related to being a parent, like getting advice on pre-schools in the Bay Area or venting about a newborn’s sleep schedule, the group hosts programmes for helping parents and caregivers at Discord best navigate the complicated landscape of finances, benefits and strategies specifically related to raising children.","#We care deeply about safety. Our dedicated Trust & Safety team works hard to help keep our community safe. We also use certain information to help us identify violations of our Community Guidelines and prevent harmful content from being distributed through the services.":"We care deeply about safety.. Our dedicated Trust and Safety team works hard to help keep our community safe. We also use certain information to help us identify violations of our Community Guidelines and prevent harmful content from being distributed through the services.","#Other information that we collect automatically. When you take certain actions on other sites, we may receive information about you. For example, when we advertise for Discord on third party platforms, if you click on the ad, we may receive information about which ad you saw and on which platform. Similarly, we may also receive certain information when you click on a referral link, such as which website you came from.":"Other information that we collect automatically. When you take certain actions on other sites, we may receive information about you. For example, when we advertise for Discord on third-party platforms, if you click on the ad, we may receive information about which ad you saw and on which platform. Similarly, we may also receive certain information when you click on a referral link, such as which website you came from.","#To report on our company’s performance. We use your information to track the fundamental metrics of our business, to perform financial reporting, to respond to regulatory obligations, and to debug billing issues.":"To report on our company’s performance. We use your information to track the fundamental metrics of our business, to perform financial reporting, to respond to regulatory obligations and to debug billing issues.","#We are based in the United States, and we process and store information on servers located in the United States. We may also store information on servers and equipment in other countries depending on a variety of factors, including the locations of our users and service providers. These data transfers allow us to provide our services to you. By accessing or using our services or otherwise providing information to us, you understand that your information will be processed, transferred, and stored in the U.S. and other countries, where different data protection standards may apply and/or you may not have the same rights as you do under local law.":"We are based in the United States and we process and store information on servers located in the United States. We may also store information on servers and equipment in other countries depending on a variety of factors, including the locations of our users and service providers. These data transfers allow us to provide our services to you. By accessing or using our services or otherwise providing information to us, you understand that your information will be processed, transferred and stored in the US and other countries, where different data protection standards may apply and/or you may not have the same rights as you do under local law.","#You can disable and manage some cookies through your browser settings. You will need to manage your settings for each browser you use. You can find instructions for how to manage Cookies in popular browsers such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari (iOS), Safari (Mac), and Opera.":"You can disable and manage some cookies through your browser settings. You will need to manage your settings for each browser you use. You can find instructions for how to manage Cookies in popular browsers such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari (iOS), Safari (Mac) and Opera.","#Depending on where you are accessing our services, you may be able to adjust your cookie preferences at any time through a cookies banner or by selecting “Cookie Settings” from the footer or menu on our website.":"Depending on where you are accessing our services, you may be able to adjust your cookie preferences at any time through a cookies banner or by selecting ‘Cookie Settings’ from the footer or menu on our website.","#Third party groups also enable you to limit how cookies are used for advertising purposes by participating third parties. You can learn more at Network Advertising Initiative, the Digital Advertising Alliance, and for users in the EU, the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance.":"Third-party groups also enable you to limit how cookies are used for advertising purposes by participating third parties. You can learn more at Network Advertising Initiative, the Digital Advertising Alliance and, for users in the EU, the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance.","#We allow third party developers to build certain features or other services and offer them within the Discord services. For example, server administrators can add “bots” created by third party developers that provide features like content moderation and interactive games. Similarly, you may have access to games or activities built by third parties within the services.":"We allow third-party developers to build certain features or other services and offer them within the Discord services. For example, server administrators can add ‘bots’ created by third-party developers that provide features like content moderation and interactive games. Similarly, you may have access to games or activities built by third parties within the services.","#We may collect or share personal data if we think someone’s life is in danger—for example, to help resolve an urgent medical situation.":"We may collect or share personal data if we think someone’s life is in danger – for example, to help resolve an urgent medical situation.","#These third-party services need to follow all policies that apply to them (including often our Developer Terms of Service and Developer Policy). As part of these policies, we require developers to have a privacy policy that makes clear what they do with your information. Please review these privacy policies, as they describe what bots and apps may do with your information. We also require that certain popular bots apply for access to certain data. But because these services are operated by third parties, we don’t control them or what information they collect. It’s up to you whether to participate in a server that uses bots, and whether to engage with third-party services in general.":"These third-party services need to follow all policies that apply to them (including often our Developer Terms of Service and Developer Policy). As part of these policies, we require developers to have a privacy policy that makes clear what they do with your information. Please review these privacy policies, as they describe what bots and apps may do with your information. We also require that certain popular bots apply for access to certain data. But because these services are operated by third parties, we don’t control them or what information they collect. It’s up to you whether to participate in a server that uses bots and whether to engage with third-party services in general.","#If you reside in the United Kingdom, you can also contact VeraSafe, Discord’s appointed representative for data protection matters related to the processing of personal data, using this contact form: https://verasafe.com/public-resources/contact-data-protection-representative or via telephone at +420 228 881 031. VeraSafe’s mailing address is:":"If you reside in the United Kingdom, you can also contact VeraSafe, Discord’s appointed representative for data protection matters related to the processing of personal data, using this contact form: https://verasafe.com/public-resources/contact-data-protection-representative or by telephone on +420 228 881 031. VeraSafe’s postal address is:","#We will update this Privacy Policy from time to time. We always indicate the date the last changes were published, and if changes are significant, we’ll provide a more prominent notice as required by law, such as by emailing you or highlighting the changes within the services.":"We will update this Privacy Policy from time to time. We always indicate the date the last changes were published and, if changes are significant, we’ll provide a more prominent notice as required by law, such as by emailing you or highlighting the changes within the services.","#If you head into the permissions section for the category you will see which permissions the private category option has changed.":"If you head into the permissions section for the category, you will see which permissions the private category option has changed.","#Make sure to select the checkbox to mark your invite as never expiring if you plan on posting it online. Otherwise, the invite will expire automatically and users coming across online posts will not be able to join.":"Make sure to select the tickbox to mark your invite as never expiring if you plan on posting it online. Otherwise, the invite will expire automatically and users coming across online posts will not be able to join.","#You can optionally assign these roles a color to allow members in specific roles to stand out in channels, or hoist them in the member list to make it easy to find users in a group (for example, it’s useful to hoist Moderators so people know who to get in touch with). We’ll create two roles for the United States and Canada.":"You can optionally assign these roles a colour to allow members in specific roles to stand out in channels, or hoist them in the member list to make it easy to find users in a group (for example, it’s useful to hoist Moderators so people know who to get in touch with). We’ll create two roles for the United States and Canada.","#To demonstrate how to utilize these tools, we’re going to build a server focused around a robotics tournament where our community members gain access to a region-specific group of channels.":"To demonstrate how to utilise these tools, we’re going to build a server focused around a robotics tournament where our community members gain access to a region-specific group of channels.","#While bigger servers may be less lenient when it comes to second chances, banning people over minor infractions may not always be the best approach. Your responsibility is not just to execute punishments, but also to weigh out the severity of the infraction. Moderating larger or more active communities can be overwhelming at first, so don’t be afraid to ask fellow moderators for help, and take their advice on improving your methods of moderation. While moderating, always be friendly and ready to help users in public. Find a balance between enforcing the rules, while also fostering a healthy relationship with users. “Aggressive” moderators tend to intimidate or scare off new users, which will harm your community.":"While bigger servers may be less lenient when it comes to second chances, banning people over minor infractions may not always be the best approach. Your responsibility is not just to execute punishments but also to weigh up the severity of the infraction. Moderating larger or more active communities can be overwhelming at first, so don’t be afraid to ask fellow moderators for help and take their advice on improving your methods of moderation. While moderating, always be friendly and ready to help users in public. Find a balance between enforcing the rules, while also fostering a healthy relationship with users. ‘Aggressive’ moderators tend to intimidate or scare off new users, which will harm your community.","#Teamwork is Key":"Teamwork Is Key","#When dealing with moderation issues, seeking help from fellow staff members always seems like optimal assistance. Getting another person’s opinion on a topic may help you to see things from a different angle, or reinforce your judgement. Taking everyone’s perspective into account can help you master even the most difficult problems and it takes weight off your shoulders to let other people know about your concern. You are part of a team, and do not have to act alone.":"When dealing with moderation issues, seeking help from fellow staff members always seems like optimal assistance. Getting another person’s opinion on a topic may help you to see things from a different angle or reinforce your judgement. Taking everyone’s perspective into account can help you master even the most difficult problems and it takes weight off your shoulders to let other people know about your concern. You are part of a team and do not have to act alone.","#Another consideration when it comes to public appearance is respect for your fellow moderators. A successful staff team flourishes when all of its members work together. It is not expected of you to become the best of friends with every single staff member, but one thing you should never do is talk badly about fellow staff in public or do things you know will cause a bad reaction from their part. If you have any issue regarding them, you should address it in private or get your team’s upper management involved if there are more severe issues going on.":"Another consideration when it comes to public appearance is respect for your fellow moderators. A successful staff team flourishes when all of its members work together. It is not expected of you to become the best of friends with every single staff member but one thing you should never do is talk badly about fellow staff in public or do things you know will cause a bad reaction from their part. If you have any issue regarding them, you should address it in private or get your team’s upper management involved if there are more severe issues going on.","#You should never assume that everyone knows how Discord works, or how your server operates. If there is the case that you come across a user who has multiple, seemingly “ridiculous” questions, don’t immediately assume they are a troll. There are many ways to get confused by things that may seem natural to superusers of the platform. Take your time to explain certain parts or functions of both Discord and the server you're moderating while keeping a friendly and inviting tone.":"You should never assume that everyone knows how Discord works or how your server operates. If there is the case that you come across a user who has multiple, seemingly ‘ridiculous’ questions, don’t immediately assume they are a troll. There are many ways to get confused by things that may seem natural to superusers of the platform. Take your time to explain certain parts or functions of both Discord and the server you’re moderating while keeping a friendly and inviting tone.","#Teamwork makes the dream work and it is important to maintain a healthy, communicative, and respectful relationship with your moderation team to ensure easy moderation of your community.":"Teamwork makes the dream work and it is important to maintain a healthy, communicative and respectful relationship with your moderation team to ensure easy moderation of your community.","#A community thrives in a healthy, comfortable and safe environment - and that's where moderation comes into play. Being a moderator means more than just being hoisted at the top of the server and having a fancy color. It is your responsibility to prevent and resolve conflicts between users, ensure the server is safe and free from potential harm, and set an example for the rest of the community to the best of your abilities.":"A community thrives in a healthy, comfortable and safe environment – and that’s where moderation comes into play. Being a moderator means more than just being hoisted to the top of the server and having a fancy colour. It is your responsibility to prevent and resolve conflicts between users, ensure the server is safe and free from potential harm, and set an example for the rest of the community to the best of your abilities.","#When sending messages, there are many ways to convey what you really want to express including emojis or other special symbols such as tonal indicators. Always make sure to read through your messages as a moderator and think “how could that be misunderstood in a way that it upsets someone?”, and adjust based upon that thought process.":"When sending messages, there are many ways to convey what you really want to express including emojis or other special symbols such as tonal indicators. Always make sure to read through your messages as a moderator and think ‘how could that be misunderstood in a way that it upsets someone?’ and adjust based upon that thought process.","#Online communication cannot accurately convey our usual ways of expression: facial cues, emotions, physical gestures, and your vocal tone. This makes it easy for others to misinterpret your messages, and for you to misunderstand theirs. When reading and analyzing a message without those real-life factors, it often happens that our own emotions fill in those blanks and that misunderstanding encourages us to act in the heat of the moment. Before acting on negative emotions, give the other user the benefit of the doubt and calmly ask them for clarification on parts of their messages that upset you without being accusatory.":"Online communication cannot accurately convey our usual ways of expression: facial cues, emotions, physical gestures and your vocal tone. This makes it easy for others to misinterpret your messages and for you to misunderstand theirs. When reading and analysing a message without those real-life factors, it often happens that our own emotions fill in those blanks and that misunderstanding encourages us to act in the heat of the moment. Before acting on negative emotions, give the other user the benefit of the doubt and calmly ask them for clarification on parts of their messages that upset you without being accusatory.","#Taking up the moderation mantle can be a very fulfilling duty. Being in such a position means you can help people in ways others cannot, and even the smallest “thank you” or a nice gesture of appreciation can brighten up your day.":"Taking up the moderation mantle can be a very fulfilling duty. Being in such a position means you can help people in ways others cannot and even the smallest ‘thank you’ or a nice gesture of appreciation can brighten up your day.","#It's worth mentioning that while having a dedicated place for your age-restricted content is permitted, there is still some material that isn't appropriate anywhere on Discord. Content that sexualizes minors is never allowed anywhere on Discord. If you're unsure of what is allowed on Discord, check out our Community Guidelines.":"It's worth mentioning that while having a dedicated place for your age-restricted content is permitted, there is still some material that isn't appropriate anywhere on Discord. Content that sexualises minors is never allowed anywhere on Discord. If you're unsure of what is allowed on Discord, check out our Community Guidelines.","#Labeling age-restricted content properly on Discord":"Labelling age-restricted content properly on Discord","#To help keep age-restricted content in a clearly labeled, dedicated spot, we’ve added a channel setting that allows you to designate one or more text channels in your server as age-restricted.":"To help keep age-restricted content in a clearly labelled, dedicated spot, we’ve added a channel setting that allows you to designate one or more text channels in your server as age-restricted.","#Content and non-content information is preserved for 90 days, from the time of processing, and can only be extended for an additional 90 day period, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 2703. In certain cases, an additional 90 days may be requested.":"Content and non-content information is preserved for 90 days, from the time of processing, and can only be extended for an additional 90-day period, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 2703. In certain cases, an additional 90 days may be requested.","#The vast majority of servers are private, invite-only spaces for groups of friends and communities to stay in touch and spend time together. There are also larger, more open communities, generally centered around specific topics. Users have control over whom they interact with and what their experience on Discord is.":"The vast majority of servers are private, invite-only spaces for groups of friends and communities to stay in touch and spend time together. There are also larger, more open communities, generally centred around specific topics. Users have control over whom they interact with and what their experience on Discord is.","#Discord is a voice, video, and text chat app that's used by tens of millions of people ages 13+ to talk and hang out with their communities and friends.":"Discord is a voice, video and text chat app that's used by tens of millions of people ages 13+ to talk and hang out with their communities and friends.","#If needed for mail service, our physical address is as follows:":"If needed for post service, our physical address is as follows:","#Acknowledgments":"Acknowledgements","#If you or your moderators do need to report a user or any unsafe behavior, here are some helpful links you’ll need to submit a ticket to our Trust & Safety teams.":"If you or your moderators do need to report a user or any unsafe behaviour, here are some helpful links you’ll need to submit a ticket to our Trust & Safety teams.","#Whether through an escalation process or a ban for extreme rule-breaking, content that crosses a line should be moderated and – if necessary – banned. You may also want to report this behavior to our Trust and Safety team so we can take further action.":"Whether through an escalation process or a ban for extreme rule-breaking, content that crosses a line should be moderated and – if necessary – banned. You may also want to report this behaviour to our Trust and Safety team so we can take further action.","#Again, this is where it’s important to be human and engage with the user to try and stop the behavior before you need to ban or kick them.":"Again, this is where it’s important to be human and engage with the user to try and stop the behaviour before you need to ban or kick them.","#If chat is crazy active or going at all hours of the night, great moderators can organize chaos and enforce guidelines to give you more time to manage your community strategy.":"If chat is really active or going at all hours of the night, great moderators can organise chaos and enforce guidelines to give you more time to manage your community strategy.","#Likewise, you’ll want to prevent any conversations that have the reverse effect. If hateful or otherwise harmful content and behaviors aren’t discouraged, users may be confused about your community’s purpose or believe that this is acceptable. It is not.":"Likewise, you’ll want to prevent any conversations that have the reverse effect. If hateful or otherwise harmful content and behaviours aren’t discouraged, users may be confused about your community’s purpose or believe that this is acceptable. It is not.","#Rules don’t just help encourage positive behavior, they also prevent negativity from spreading as your community grows.":"Rules don’t just help encourage positive behaviour, they also prevent negativity from spreading as your community grows.","#Choose from filters made by Discord or customize your own with lists of words or phrases and the actions AutoMod will take when they’re found in your server. This allows you to…":"Choose from filters made by Discord or customise your own with lists of words or phrases and the actions AutoMod will take when they’re found in your server. This allows you to…","#Explore our Help Center article to adopt your AutoMod today.":"Explore our Help Centre article to adopt your AutoMod today.","#There are millions of communities that use Discord as their home base. Because of this diversity, we want to recognize that content or topics that might be okay for some might be unsuitable for others. Age-restricted content on Discord should only be accessible to those over 18 years old, and must be labeled properly to avoid anyone stumbling upon it inadvertently.":"There are millions of communities that use Discord as their home base. Because of this diversity, we want to recognise that content or topics that might be okay for some might be unsuitable for others. Age-restricted content on Discord should only be accessible to those over 18 years old, and must be labelled properly to avoid anyone stumbling upon it inadvertently.","#If you encounter a violation of our Terms of Service or Community Guidelines, we ask that you report this behavior to us.":"If you encounter a violation of our Terms of Service or Community Guidelines, we ask that you report this behaviour to us.","#As a parent, we encourage you to spend some time reviewing and discussing your teen’s settings so that you can customize their Discord experience. More details on all our privacy and security tools can be found here.":"As a parent, we encourage you to spend some time reviewing and discussing your teen’s settings so that you can customise their Discord experience. More details on all our privacy and security tools can be found here.","#May 7th 2020":"7 May 2020","#June 23rd 2020":"23 June 2020","#Services “AS IS”":"Services ‘AS IS’","#When we say “Discord,” “we,” “us,” and “our” in these terms, we mean Discord Inc., its subsidiaries, and its related companies.":"When we say ‘Discord’, ‘we’, ‘us’ and ‘our’ in these terms, we mean Discord Inc., its subsidiaries and its related companies.","#By accessing our services, you confirm that you’re at least 13 years old and meet the minimum age of digital consent in your country. We maintain a list of minimum ages around the world as a resource for you, but we aren’t able to guarantee that it is always accurate.If you are old enough to access our services in your country, but not old enough to have authority to consent to our terms, your parent or guardian must agree to our terms on your behalf. Please ask your parent or guardian to read these terms with you. If you’re a parent or legal guardian, and you allow your teenager to use the services, then these terms also apply to you and you’re responsible for your teenager’s activity on the services.":"By accessing our services, you confirm that you’re at least 13 years old and meet the minimum age of digital consent in your country. We maintain a list of minimum ages around the world as a resource for you, but we aren’t able to guarantee that it is always accurate. If you are old enough to access our services in your country but not old enough to have authority to consent to our terms, your parent or guardian must agree to our terms on your behalf. Please ask your parent or guardian to read these terms with you. If you’re a parent or legal guardian and you allow your teenager to use the services, then these terms also apply to you and you’re responsible for your teenager’s activity on the services.","#When we say “services” in these terms, we mean Discord’s services, apps, websites, and other products.":"When we say ‘services’ in these terms, we mean Discord’s services, apps, websites and other products.","#When we say “you” or “your,” we mean you. If you’re accessing our services on behalf of a legal entity (like your employer), you agree that you have the authority to bind that entity to these terms, and “you” and “your” will refer to that entity.":"When we say ‘you’ or ‘your’, we mean you. If you’re accessing our services on behalf of a legal entity (like your employer), you agree that you have the authority to bind that entity to these terms, and ‘you’ and ‘your’ will refer to that entity.","#Use, copy, store, distribute, and communicate your content in manners consistent with your use of the services. (For example, so we can store and display your content.)":"Use, copy, store, distribute and communicate your content in manners consistent with your use of the services. (For example, so we can store and display your content.)","#This license is worldwide, non-exclusive (which means you can still license your content to others), royalty-free (which means there are no fees for this license), transferable, and perpetual.":"This licence is worldwide, non-exclusive (which means you can still license your content to others), royalty-free (which means there are no fees for this license), transferable and perpetual.","#You are responsible for the security of your account, and you agree to notify us immediately if you believe your account has been compromised. If you use a password, it must be strong, and we (strongly) recommend that you use that password only for your Discord account and that you enable two-factor authentication. If your account is compromised, we may not be able to restore it to you.":"You are responsible for the security of your account and you agree to notify us immediately if you believe your account has been compromised. If you use a password, it must be strong and we (strongly) recommend that you use that password only for your Discord account and that you enable two-factor authentication.","#Monitor, modify, translate, and reformat your content. (For example, so we can resize an image you post to fit on a mobile device.)":"Monitor, modify, translate and reformat your content. (For example, so we can resize an image you post to fit on a mobile device.)","#We reasonably believe termination is necessary to prevent harm to you, us, other users, or third parties.":"We reasonably believe termination is necessary to prevent harm to you, us, other users or third parties.","#We welcome feedback on our services. By sending us feedback, you grant us a non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, transferable license to use the feedback and ideas generated from the feedback without any restrictions, attribution, or compensation to you.":"We welcome feedback on our services. By sending us feedback, you grant us a non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, transferable licence to use the feedback and ideas generated from the feedback without any restrictions, attribution or compensation to you.","#We work hard to offer great services, but there are certain aspects that we can’t guarantee. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, DISCORD, ITS AFFILIATES, AND THEIR RESPECTIVE SUPPLIERS MAKE NO WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ABOUT THE SERVICES. THE SERVICES ARE PROVIDED “AS IS.” WE ALSO DISCLAIM ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT, AND ANY WARRANTIES ARISING OUT OF COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE. THE LAWS OF CERTAIN JURISDICTIONS OR STATES DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON IMPLIED WARRANTIES. TO THE EXTENT SUCH WARRANTIES CANNOT BE DISCLAIMED UNDER THE LAWS OF YOUR JURISDICTION, WE LIMIT THE DURATION AND REMEDIES OF SUCH WARRANTIES TO THE FULL EXTENT PERMISSIBLE UNDER THOSE LAWS.":"We work hard to offer great services, but there are certain aspects that we can’t guarantee. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, DISCORD, ITS AFFILIATES AND THEIR RESPECTIVE SUPPLIERS MAKE NO WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ABOUT THE SERVICES. THE SERVICES ARE PROVIDED ‘AS IS’. WE ALSO DISCLAIM ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT AND NON-INFRINGEMENT, AND ANY WARRANTIES ARISING OUT OF COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE. THE LAWS OF CERTAIN JURISDICTIONS OR STATES DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON IMPLIED WARRANTIES. TO THE EXTENT SUCH WARRANTIES CANNOT BE DISCLAIMED UNDER THE LAWS OF YOUR JURISDICTION, WE LIMIT THE DURATION AND REMEDIES OF SUCH WARRANTIES TO THE FULL EXTENT PERMISSIBLE UNDER THOSE LAWS.","#We respect the intellectual property of others and expect our users to do the same. See our Copyright & IP Policy for information on how to file a copyright complaint.":"We respect the intellectual property of others and expect our users to do the same. See our Copyright & IP Policy for information on how to file a copyright complaint.","#You may not copy, modify, create derivative works based upon, distribute, sell, lease, or sublicense any of our software or services. You also may not reverse engineer or decompile our software or services, attempt to do so, or assist anyone in doing so, unless you have our written consent or applicable law permits it.":"You may not copy, modify, create derivative works based upon, distribute, sell, lease or sublicense any of our software or services. You also may not reverse engineer or decompile our software or services, attempt to do so or assist anyone in doing so, unless you have our written consent or applicable law permits it.","#If you are using the services on behalf of a business or legal entity and not in an individual capacity, then you will indemnify and hold Discord and its officers, directors, employees and agents harmless from and against any claims, liabilities, damages, and costs (including reasonable legal and accounting fees) related to (a) your access to or use of our services, (b) your content, or (c) your violation of these terms.":"If you are using the services on behalf of a business or legal entity and not in an individual capacity, then you will indemnify and hold Discord and its officers, directors, employees and agents harmless from and against any claims, liabilities, damages and costs (including reasonable legal and accounting fees) related to (a) your access to or use of our services, (b) your content, or (c) your violation of these terms.","#Although we are granting you this license, we retain any intellectual property rights we have in our software and services.":"Although we are granting you this licence, we retain any intellectual property rights we have in our software and services.","#You have certain rights that, by law, can’t be limited by these terms, and we in no way intend to restrict those rights in these terms.":"You have certain rights that, by law, can’t be limited by these terms and we in no way intend to restrict those rights in these terms.","#IN COUNTRIES WHERE EXCLUSIONS OR LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY ARE ALLOWED, NEITHER DISCORD, ITS AFFILIATES, NOR OUR SUPPLIERS INVOLVED IN CREATING, PRODUCING, OR DELIVERING THE SERVICES WILL BE LIABLE, TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED UNDER APPLICABLE LAW, FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, OR DAMAGES FOR LOST PROFITS, LOST REVENUES, LOST SAVINGS, LOST BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY, LOSS OF DATA OR GOODWILL, SERVICE INTERRUPTION, COMPUTER DAMAGE OR SYSTEM FAILURE, OR THE COST OF SUBSTITUTE SERVICES OF ANY KIND ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THESE TERMS OR FROM THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SERVICES, WHETHER BASED ON WARRANTY, CONTRACT, STATUTE, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), PRODUCT LIABILITY, OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY, AND WHETHER OR NOT DISCORD OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN INFORMED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE, EVEN IF A LIMITED REMEDY PROVIDED IN THESE TERMS IS FOUND TO HAVE FAILED OF ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE.":"IN COUNTRIES WHERE EXCLUSIONS OR LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY ARE ALLOWED, NEITHER DISCORD, ITS AFFILIATES NOR OUR SUPPLIERS INVOLVED IN CREATING, PRODUCING OR DELIVERING THE SERVICES WILL BE LIABLE, TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED UNDER APPLICABLE LAW, FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR DAMAGES FOR LOST PROFITS, LOST REVENUES, LOST SAVINGS, LOST BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY, LOSS OF DATA OR GOODWILL, SERVICE INTERRUPTION, COMPUTER DAMAGE OR SYSTEM FAILURE OR THE COST OF SUBSTITUTE SERVICES OF ANY KIND ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THESE TERMS OR FROM THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SERVICES, WHETHER BASED ON WARRANTY, CONTRACT, STATUTE, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), PRODUCT LIABILITY OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY, AND WHETHER OR NOT DISCORD OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN INFORMED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE, EVEN IF A LIMITED REMEDY PROVIDED IN THESE TERMS IS FOUND TO HAVE FAILED OF ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE.","#THE INFORMATION PRESENTED ON OR THROUGH THE SERVICES IS MADE AVAILABLE SOLELY FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES. WE DO NOT CONFIRM THE ACCURACY, COMPLETENESS, OR USEFULNESS OF THE INFORMATION. ANY RELIANCE YOU PLACE ON SUCH INFORMATION IS SOLELY AT YOUR OWN RISK.":"THE INFORMATION PRESENTED ON OR THROUGH THE SERVICES IS MADE AVAILABLE SOLELY FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES. WE DO NOT CONFIRM THE ACCURACY, COMPLETENESS OR USEFULNESS OF THE INFORMATION. ANY RELIANCE YOU PLACE ON SUCH INFORMATION IS SOLELY AT YOUR OWN RISK.","#Keep Community Conversations Welcoming: AutoMod detects and acts on messages containing harmful words or phrases before they’re ever posted, reducing immediate harm and exposure for your members and moderators.":"Keep Community Conversations Welcoming: AutoMod detects and acts on messages containing harmful words or phrases before they’re ever posted, reducing immediate harm and exposure for your members and moderators.","#Simplify Your Rules: Keep your language simple, clear, and direct.":"Simplify Your Rules: Keep your language simple, clear, and direct.","#Don't Get Too Specific: The further into the weeds you get, the more people can try to find ways to act around it while still “following the rules.”":"Don't Get Too Specific: The further into the weeds you get, the more people can try to find ways to act around it while still “following the rules.”","#Protect Your Time: You don’t want to be online 24/7 to watch every message for signs of trouble. Setting up automation can handle or streamline harmful situations to prevent burnout. ":"Protect Your Time: You don’t want to be online 24/7 to watch every message for signs of trouble. Setting up automation can handle or streamline harmful situations to prevent burnout. ","#Introduce FAQs: As your community becomes more established, you won’t be able to answer every question individually. Instead, make key information accessible by turning a running list of frequently asked questions into an #FAQs-channel. Keep the channel read-only and direct members there before they ask a question.":"Introduce FAQs: As your community becomes more established, you won’t be able to answer every question individually. Instead, make key information accessible by turning a running list of frequently asked questions into an #FAQs-channel. Keep the channel read-only and direct members there before they ask a question.","#Create Dedicated Spaces for Asking Questions: A support channel will keep questions out of the general chat and make it easier for you or anyone else to answer any questions.":"Create Dedicated Spaces for Asking Questions: A support channel will keep questions out of the general chat and make it easier for you or anyone else to answer any questions.","#Kick: This will remove a member from your server but leave them with the ability to rejoin at a later date. They won’t be notified of the kick.":"Kick: This will remove a member from your server but leave them with the ability to rejoin at a later date. They won’t be notified of the kick.","#Enable Member Reporting: Make sure your community feels they can come to you for help.":"Enable Member Reporting: Make sure your community feels they can come to you for help.","#React Quickly: When your community is still in its early stages, handling moderation is easier. However, as your community grows, you might find that you need help staying on top of everything.":"React Quickly: When your community is still in its early stages, handling moderation is easier. However, as your community grows, you might find that you need help staying on top of everything.","#Use the tools available to you from Discord. Enabling Community allows you to take advantage of automated moderation tools like AutoMod.":"Use the tools available to you from Discord. Enabling Community allows you to take advantage of automated moderation tools like AutoMod.","#Lead by Example: Encourage your team to act in a way that is positive for the community’s health; others will follow.":"Lead by Example: Encourage your team to act in a way that is positive for the community’s health; others will follow.","#Turn on Explicit Media Content Filters: Permit Discord to automatically scan and delete any media in the server that contains explicit content with a filter. You can choose to scan nothing, everything, or only content from members without a role. Don't delay and set a filter today, especially if your server is public!":"Turn on Explicit Media Content Filters: Permit Discord to automatically scan and delete any media in the server that contains explicit content with a filter. You can choose to scan nothing, everything, or only content from members without a role. Don't delay and set a filter today, especially if your server is public!","#Enjoy Peace of Mind: AutoMod alerts your team when members try to use words from your list. Assign actions like Timeout from the alert to diffuse difficult situations and reduce the need for your moderators to be everywhere at once.":"Enjoy Peace of Mind: AutoMod alerts your team when members try to use words from your list. Assign actions like Timeout from the alert to diffuse difficult situations and reduce the need for your moderators to be everywhere at once.","#Emphasize the Spirit: Sometimes, a user won’t break a written rule but the spirit of your rules. It’s important to use your guidelines to promote the right kind of behavior too.":"Emphasise the Spirit: Sometimes, a user won’t break a written rule but the spirit of your rules. It’s important to use your guidelines to promote the right kind of behaviour, too.","#Time Out: This will temporarily prevent a user from interacting in a server—this includes sending or reacting to messages and joining voice channels or video calls.":"Time Out: This will temporarily prevent a user from interacting in a server—this includes sending or reacting to messages and joining voice channels or video calls.","#Fair Judgment: To err is human, after all. As you create cool content for your community, consider assigning more tasks to your auto-moderators and reduce the chance of biased decision-making.":"Fair Judgement: To err is human, after all. As you create cool content for your community, consider assigning more tasks to your auto-moderators and reduce the chance of biased decision-making.","#How to Maintain a Healthy Community":"How to Maintain a Healthy Community","#Do not organize, promote, or coordinate servers around hate speech. It’s unacceptable to attack a person or a community based on attributes such as their race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, or disabilities.":"Do not organise, promote, or coordinate servers around hate speech. It’s unacceptable to attack a person or a community based on attributes such as their race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, or disabilities.","#You may not use Discord for the organization, promotion, or support of violent extremism.":"You may not use Discord for the organisation, promotion, or support of violent extremism.","#You may not sexualize minors in any way. This includes sharing content or links which depict minors in a pornographic, sexually suggestive, or violent manner, and includes illustrated or digitally altered pornography that depicts minors (such as lolicon, shotacon, or cub). We report illegal content to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.":"You may not sexualise minors in any way. This includes sharing content or links which depict minors in a pornographic, sexually suggestive, or violent manner, and includes illustrated or digitally altered pornography that depicts minors (such as lolicon, shotacon, or cub). We report illegal content to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.","#Do not organize, participate in, or encourage harassment of others. Disagreements happen and are normal, but continuous, repetitive, or severe negative comments may cross the line into harassment and are not okay.":"Do not organise, participate in, or encourage harassment of others. Disagreements happen and are normal, but continuous, repetitive, or severe negative comments may cross the line into harassment and are not okay.","#If you have evidence of users participating in this behavior, you should report it. Users impersonating Discord employees may also fall in this category. When submitting a report ticket about an issue, reply to the support ticket to bump it, but do not create a new ticket as you may end up violating this community guideline.":"If you have evidence of users participating in this behaviour, you should report it. Users impersonating Discord employees may also fall in this category. When submitting a report ticket about an issue, reply to the support ticket to bump it, but do not create a new ticket as you may end up violating this community guideline.","#Accountability: A transparent moderation system holds moderators accountable to their own rules. For example, if a moderator were to call someone the same word, other users would know that behavior isn’t acceptable and could report it to an admin.":"Accountability: A transparent moderation system holds moderators accountable to their own rules. For example, if a moderator were to call someone the same word, other users would know that behaviour isn’t acceptable and could report it to an admin.","#For example, giving a couple of examples of NSFW content for a “no NSFW content rule” may help people understand what you interpret as being NSFW, compared to other servers or Discord itself. However, too many examples may make the list seem fully comprehensive, and people will assume that items not on the list are fair game. Disclaiming that examples of rule-breaking content are non-exhaustive and that the moderators have the final say in interpreting if someone is breaking the rules can help to address users that are interested in testing the limits of the rules or being rules lawyers to escape punishment on a technicality.":"For example, giving a couple of examples of NSFW content for a ‘no NSFW content rule’ may help people understand what you interpret as being NSFW, compared to other servers or Discord itself. However, too many examples may make the list seem fully comprehensive and people will assume that items not on the list are fair game. Disclaiming that examples of rule-breaking content are non-exhaustive and that the moderators have the final say in interpreting if someone is breaking the rules can help to address users that are interested in testing the limits of the rules or being rules lawyers to escape punishment on a technicality.","#Compliance: Users can proactively and correctly encourage good behavior themselves without moderator intervention. Once users know that calling someone that word is unacceptable, they can echo that message throughout the server and let others know that that behavior isn’t tolerated.":"Compliance: Users can proactively and correctly encourage good behaviour themselves without moderator intervention. Once users know that calling someone that word is unacceptable, they can echo that message throughout the server and let others know that that behaviour isn’t tolerated.","#Harassment: Moderators taking action or users that were punished may be subject to harassment by server members. Users may also feel harassed if they are publicly warned by a moderator. The person who was warned may carry a stigma with them in future interactions or be made fun of. Even if no one treats them differently in the future, they may feel embarrassed at being publicly criticized for their behavior. Conversely, those who sympathize with the warned user may start harassing the mod for being “too sensitive.”":"Harassment: Moderators taking action or users that were punished may be subject to harassment by server members. Users may also feel harassed if they are publicly warned by a moderator. The person who was warned may carry a stigma with them in future interactions or be made fun of. Even if no one treats them differently in the future, they may feel embarrassed at being publicly criticised for their behaviour. Conversely, those who sympathise with the warned user may start harassing the mod for being ‘too sensitive’.","#Keeping your moderator guidelines visible to the rest of the server will encourage compliance from members, and enable them to defuse incidents without moderator intervention. Furthermore, providing basic standards of moderator conduct will help users know when it’s appropriate to report moderators to the server owner for misconduct and hold them accountable. However, you should avoid putting too much of your moderator guidelines out in the public in order to avoid rules lawyers deliberately misinterpreting the spirit of the guidelines to their advantage. After developing your moderator guidelines, balancing these pros and cons will help you determine how much of your guidelines you should present to the public.":"Keeping your moderator guidelines visible to the rest of the server will encourage compliance from members and enable them to defuse incidents without moderator intervention. Furthermore, providing basic standards of moderator conduct will help users know when it’s appropriate to report moderators to the server owner for misconduct and hold them accountable. However, you should avoid putting too much of your moderator guidelines out in the public in order to avoid rules lawyers deliberately misinterpreting the spirit of the guidelines to their advantage. After developing your moderator guidelines, balancing these pros and cons will help you determine how much of your guidelines you should present to the public.","#Testing the Limits: Malicious users may take advantage of transparency to skirt the rules without punishment, or to manage their infractions to just barely avoid being banned. In the example above, users may try to censor or alter the word to have it slip under the radar of any watching moderators":"Testing the Limits: Malicious users may take advantage of transparency to skirt the rules without punishment or to manage their infractions to just barely avoid being banned. In the example above, users may try to censor or alter the word to have it slip under the radar of any watching moderators","#To help you understand how the pros and cons apply to transparency, consider an example in which a moderator publicly warns another user not to call someone a “retard” because it violates an existing “No Slurs Allowed” rule.":"To help you understand how the pros and cons apply to transparency, consider an example in which a moderator publicly warns another user not to call someone a ‘retard’ because it violates an existing ‘No Slurs Allowed’ rule.","#Rules lawyers: Transparency may encourage “rules lawyers” in which users will attempt to use the letter of the rules without reference to the spirit of the rules to appeal their warnings and punishments in bad faith. Explaining that the slur in question was used to insult those diagnosed with mental disability and is thus prohibited may prompt a bad faith counterargument that “fa****t” should be allowed because it used to mean “a bundle of sticks.”":"Rules Lawyers: Transparency may encourage ‘rules lawyers’ in which users will attempt to use the letter of the rules without reference to the spirit of the rules to appeal their warnings and punishments in bad faith. Explaining that the slur in question was used to insult those diagnosed with mental disability and is thus prohibited may prompt a bad faith counter-argument that ‘fa***t’ should be allowed because it used to mean ‘a bundle of sticks’.","#Everyone makes mistakes, and moderators are no exception. It is important to have a process for users to appeal their warnings and punishments if they feel that they were issued unfairly. If you decide to have a public infractions log, you may receive appeals on behalf of warned users from people who were uninvolved in the situation if they feel the warning was issued unfairly. While this can help with accountability if a user is too nervous to try to appeal their warning, it can also waste the time of your mod team by involving someone that does not have a complete understanding of the situation. In general, it is better to keep the appeal process private between the moderation team and the punished user, primarily via mediums such as direct messages with an administrator or through a mod mail bot. During the appeal process, it is best to ensure that you clearly and calmly walk through the situation with the appealing user to help them better understand the rules while maintaining moderator accountability.":"Everyone makes mistakes and moderators are no exception. It is important to have a process for users to appeal their warnings and punishments if they feel that they were issued unfairly. If you decide to have a public infractions log, you may receive appeals on behalf of warned users from people who were uninvolved in the situation if they feel the warning was issued unfairly. While this can help with accountability if a user is too nervous to try to appeal their warning, it can also waste the time of your mod team by involving someone that does not have a complete understanding of the situation. In general, it is better to keep the appeal process private between the moderation team and the punished user, primarily via mediums such as direct messages with an administrator or through a mod mail bot. During the appeal process, it is best to ensure that you clearly and calmly walk through the situation with the appealing user to help them better understand the rules while maintaining moderator accountability.","#Comprehension: Providing users with practical examples helps them understand the difference between right and wrong. Users that were previously unfamiliar with what an “ableist slur” looks like now have a practical example to reference.":"Comprehension: Providing users with practical examples helps them understand the difference between right and wrong. Users that were previously unfamiliar with what an ‘ableist slur’ looks like now have a practical example to reference.","#Transparency in moderation is the idea that moderator actions and the reasons for those actions should be made publicly visible and clear to the users of the server. Without transparency, users may have difficulty understanding how server rules are enforced and may also find it difficult to trust that the moderation team has their best interests at heart. However, too much transparency may lead to users testing the limits of the rules or harass others, both users and moderators, for their actions. Therefore, balancing the need for users to understand the thought process and actions of moderators with the need to ensure a reasonable level of privacy for each user and deter harassment is vital to a successful moderation system.":"Transparency in moderation is the idea that moderator actions and the reasons for those actions should be made publicly visible and clear to the users of the server. Without transparency, users may have difficulty understanding how server rules are enforced and may also find it difficult to trust that the moderation team has their best interests at heart. However, too much transparency may lead to users testing the limits of the rules or harass others – both users and moderators – for their actions. Therefore, balancing the need for users to understand the thought process and actions of moderators with the need to ensure a reasonable level of privacy for each user and deter harassment is vital to a successful moderation system.","#While there are certain “best practices” when it comes to moderation transparency, there is no single system that is right for everyone. The amount of transparency you need for your moderation system ultimately depends on your server rules, culture, and vision. This article will explain the pros and cons of transparency and ways that you can apply transparency to your moderation system.":"While there are certain ‘best practices’ when it comes to moderation transparency, there is no single system that is right for everyone. The amount of transparency you need for your moderation system ultimately depends on your server rules, culture and vision. This article will explain the pros and cons of transparency and ways that you can apply transparency to your moderation system.","#In the end, there is not a single “correct” way to manage transparency in your moderation system. The appropriate level of transparency will vary based on the size of the server and the rules that you implement. However, walking through the steps of your moderation system one by one and considering the various pros and cons of transparency will help you determine for yourself how to incorporate transparency into your moderation system. This will help you build trust between moderators and non-moderators while preventing abuse on both ends of the system.":"In the end, there is not a single ‘correct’ way to manage transparency in your moderation system. The appropriate level of transparency will vary based on the size of the server and the rules that you implement. However, walking through the steps of your moderation system one by one and considering the various pros and cons of transparency will help you determine for yourself how to incorporate transparency into your moderation system. This will help you build trust between moderators and non-moderators while preventing abuse on both ends of the system.","#Logging user infractions is key to ensuring that the entire moderation team has the same understanding of how often a user has broken the rules. Transparency between the mod team and the user in question is important for the user to understand when they have received a warning that brings them closer to being banned from the server. Informing the user of which moderator warned them is important for holding moderators accountable to the warnings they issue, but may leave moderators open to harassment by warned users. Having a procedure to deal with harassment that stems from this, is one way to achieve accountability while still protecting your moderators from bad actors in your server.":"Logging user infractions is key to ensuring that the entire moderation team has the same understanding of how often a user has broken the rules. Transparency between the mod team and the user in question is important for the user to understand when they have received a warning that brings them closer to being banned from the server. Informing the user of which moderator warned them is important for holding moderators accountable to the warnings they issue but may leave moderators open to harassment by warned users. Having a procedure to deal with harassment that stems from this is one way to achieve accountability while still protecting your moderators from bad actors in your server.","#Privacy: Transparency may cause moderators or users to feel that their privacy is insufficiently protected in relation to moderation issues.The lack of privacy can result in harassment or embarrassment as mentioned above. Furthermore, if the evidence for the case is preserved in public view then additional messages and usernames may be visible even if the original messages are later deleted by their authors.":"Privacy: Transparency may cause moderators or users to feel that their privacy is insufficiently protected in relation to moderation issues. The lack of privacy can result in harassment or embarrassment as mentioned above. Furthermore, if the evidence for the case is preserved in public view, then additional messages and usernames may be visible even if the original messages are later deleted by their authors.","#Although the communication of infractions is vital to ensure understanding among your server members, it may be prudent to withhold information about exactly how close a user is to being banned so that they do not attempt to toe the line by staying just under the threshold for being banned. Furthermore, even though a public infraction log may be a good way to promote cohesion and transparency by showing examples of unacceptable behavior to the rest of the server and fostering discussion between the mod team and community, others may think that such a log infringes on user privacy or that these logs may constitute a “witch hunt.” It may also leave mods and users open to harassment over warnings given or received.":"Although the communication of infractions is vital to ensuring understanding among your server members, it may be prudent to withhold information about exactly how close a user is to being banned so that they do not attempt to toe the line by staying just under the threshold for being banned. Furthermore, even though a public infraction log may be a good way to promote cohesion and transparency by showing examples of unacceptable behaviour to the rest of the server and fostering discussion between the mod team and community, others may think that such a log infringes on user privacy or that these logs may constitute a ‘witch hunt’. It may also leave mods and users open to harassment over warnings given or received.","#Your server rules are the backbone of your moderation system. They describe how your members should conduct themselves and what happens if they don’t meet those expectations. In general though, your rules should be specific enough to ensure comprehension and compliance without being overly wordy or attempting to provide an exhaustive description of prohibited behaviors.":"Your server rules are the backbone of your moderation system. They describe how your members should conduct themselves and what happens if they don’t meet those expectations. In general though, your rules should be specific enough to ensure comprehension and compliance without being overly wordy or attempting to provide an exhaustive description of prohibited behaviours.","#Permitting the discussion of sensitive topics on your server can allow users to feel more at home and engage with their trusted peers on topics they may not feel comfortable discussing with others. This can encompass subjects like politics, mental health, or maybe even their own personal struggles. Having dedicated channels can keep these topics as opt-in and in a dedicated space so that people who do not want to see this content can avoid it. This can also allow you to role gate the channel, making it opt-in, level gated, activity gated, by request only, or some other requirement to keep trolls or irresponsible users out.":"Permitting the discussion of sensitive topics on your server can allow users to feel more at home and engage with their trusted peers on topics they may not feel comfortable discussing with others. This can encompass subjects like politics, mental health or maybe even their own personal struggles. Having dedicated channels can keep these topics as opt-in and in a dedicated space so that people who do not want to see this content can avoid it. This can also allow you to role gate the channel, making it opt-in, level gated, activity gated, by request only or some other requirement to keep trolls or irresponsible users out.","#In short: This document will serve to educate you on how best to discern if you want these different channels, whether it be a channel on venting, serious-topics, or a real world event. Keep in mind- no matter what topics (if any) that you decide to include in your server, remember that all content needs to be within Discord’s Terms of Service and Community Guidelines.":"In short: this document will serve to educate you on how best to discern if you want these different channels, whether it be a channel on venting, serious topics or a real-world event. Keep in mind – no matter what topics (if any) that you decide to include in your server – that all content needs to be within Discord’s Terms of Service and Community Guidelines.","#Channels that have the potential to bring crisis situations into a server or cause distress to other members of the community should have specific rules to minimize the potential harm. These rules could be pinned in the channel, have their own channel within a category that houses sensitive topics channels, or be included in the servers rules. The example list of rules below includes some harm mitigation strategies, as well as the potential downsides of each.":"Channels that have the potential to bring crisis situations into a server or cause distress to other members of the community should have specific rules to minimise the potential harm. These rules could be pinned in the channel, have their own channel within a category that houses sensitive topics channels or be included in the servers rules. The example list of rules below includes some harm mitigation strategies, as well as the potential downsides of each.","#Consider removing permissions for images/link embedding. Sometimes users will post images of self harm or weapons they intend to use on themselves in emotional support channels.":"Consider removing permissions for images/link embedding. Sometimes users will post images of self-harm or weapons they intend to use on themselves in emotional support channels.","#There may be contentious topics for your community in particular, but in general politics, economics, law, current events, and morality are contentious topics for most servers. These topics are likely to cause disagreements as a lot of users will have very varied and very firm opinions on the topics.":"There may be contentious topics for your community in particular, but in general politics, economics, law, current events and morality are contentious topics for most servers. These topics are likely to cause disagreements as a lot of users will have very varied and very firm opinions on the topics.","#Channel names indicate to users the intended purpose of the channel. Carefully choosing your name can have a large impact on what the channel ends up being used for. For example, #personal-questions-and-advice versus #tw-emotional-support-and-venting give users very different impressions of what the channel is for. If you want a channel where someone can ask “What are some ways to distract myself if I feel like hurting myself” or, “my teacher is being homophobic, what should I do?” but not graphic descriptions of the symptoms of trauma or vice versa, make sure the name of the channel reflects that. Including tw (trigger warning) or cw (content warning) in your channel name will give the impression that the latter is allowed and is what the channel is intended to be used for.":"Channel names indicate to users the intended purpose of the channel. Carefully choosing your name can have a large impact on what the channel ends up being used for. For example, #personal-questions-and-advice versus #tw-emotional-support-and-venting give users very different impressions of what the channel is for. If you want a channel where someone can ask ‘What are some ways to distract myself if I feel like hurting myself’ or ‘my teacher is being homophobic, what should I do?’ but not graphic descriptions of the symptoms of trauma or vice versa, make sure the name of the channel reflects that. Including tw (trigger warning) or cw (content warning) in your channel name will give the impression that the latter is allowed and is what the channel is intended to be used for.","#Consider asking that anything extremely upsetting utilize a trigger warning (tw) or content warning (cw). A trigger/content warning gives users a heads up that the content they are about to look at has the potential to invoke mental distress or trauma. This allows the user to decide whether to look at it or avoid it. This can be done through adding spacing to messages to push content off screen so the warning is seen first, or utilizing spoiler tags to hide content from anyone who does not want to see it. Including an emoji with a spoiler tag can also help the message stand out. For example:":"Consider asking that anything extremely upsetting utilise a trigger warning (tw) or content warning (cw). A trigger/content warning gives users a heads-up that the content they are about to look at has the potential to invoke mental distress or trauma. This allows the user to decide whether to look at it or avoid it. This can be done through adding spacing to messages to push content off screen so the warning is seen first or utilising spoiler tags to hide content from anyone who does not want to see it. Including an emoji with a spoiler tag can also help the message stand out. For example:","#Trolls and malicious attention seekers will target this channel. They will come in with extremely upsetting sob stories and fake mental/physical health crises to make users panic, upset people, or just generally disturb the peace. Allowing them a space to soap box makes these sorts of users more difficult to pick out and remove before they can start doing damage.":"Trolls and malicious attention-seekers will target this channel. They will come in with extremely upsetting sob stories and fake mental/physical health crises to make users panic, upset people or just generally disturb the peace. Allowing them a space to soapbox makes these sorts of users more difficult to pick out and remove before they can start doing damage.","#Triggering topics can vary wildly from community to community depending on what the focus of the community is. For instance, in a community for transgender people, in-depth descriptions of a body or the discomfort some people experience because of their body is likely to be a triggering topic. There are some triggers that are very common and should be handled with the assumption that they will cause multiple people in your community to feel uncomfortable or even traumatized regardless of what type of community it is. This would include things like sexual assault, graphic depictions of violence, other traumatic experiences, suicide and self harm, eating disorders, parental abuse or neglect, etc. These more sensitive topics should likely be separated out from more community specific topics that have the potential to invoke trauma such as transitioning or coming out in a server for LGBTQ+ people.":"Triggering topics can vary wildly from community to community, depending on what the focus of the community is. For instance, in a community for transgender people, in-depth descriptions of a body or the discomfort some people experience because of their body is likely to be a triggering topic. There are some triggers that are very common and should be handled with the assumption that they will cause multiple people in your community to feel uncomfortable or even traumatised, regardless of what type of community it is. This would include things like sexual assault, graphic depictions of violence, other traumatic experiences, suicide and self-harm, eating disorders, parental abuse or neglect, etc. These more sensitive topics that have the potential to invoke trauma should likely be separated out from more community-specific topics, such as transitioning or coming out in a server for LGBTQ+ people.","#This can be seen as callous or upsetting to other server members, or the member in crisis. While putting an end to a discussion related to one of your members in a crisis will be uncomfortable, it may still be an effective and safe way to deal with situations that require expertise beyond that of your mod team or other server members.":"This can be seen as callous or upsetting to other server members or the member in crisis. While putting an end to a discussion related to one of your members in a crisis will be uncomfortable, it may still be an effective and safe way to deal with situations that require expertise beyond that of your mod team or other server members.","#The chance for abuse in these channels is higher than the average channel. Users who overuse the channel and are in constant need of support/advice can quickly become a drain on the emotional well being of everyone involved with the channel. Know the red flags for emotional abuse and keep an eye out for users who are constantly in crisis and trying to manipulate users into doing things for them.":"The chance for abuse in these channels is higher than the average channel. Users who overuse the channel and are in constant need of support/advice can quickly become a drain on the emotional well-being of everyone involved with the channel. Know the red flags for emotional abuse and keep an eye out for users who are constantly in crisis and trying to manipulate users into doing things for them.","#Some users will intentionally seek out content that they know will trigger them as a form of emotional self harm. It can be difficult to know whether this is happening in your server unless someone explicitly mentions that they are doing it.":"Some users will intentionally seek out content that they know will trigger them as a form of emotional self-harm. It can be difficult to know whether this is happening in your server unless someone explicitly mentions that they are doing it.","#Channels that have the potential to get heated and cause arguments that lead to negative feedback loops should have specific rules to minimize the potential harm. These rules could be pinned in the channel, have their own channel within a category that houses contentious topics channels, or be included in the servers rules. The list of rules below includes some harm mitigation strategies, as well as the potential downsides of each.":"Channels that have the potential to get heated and cause arguments that lead to negative feedback loops should have specific rules to minimise the potential harm. These rules could be pinned in the channel, have their own channel within a category that houses contentious topics channels or be included in the servers rules. The list of rules below includes some harm mitigation strategies, as well as the potential downsides of each.","#Consider creating a role or using channel permissions to allow you to ban people from the channel entirely if they seem to be incapable of following the channel rules but are otherwise a positive member of the community and follow the server wide rules.":"Consider creating a role or using channel permissions to allow you to ban people from the channel entirely if they seem to be incapable of following the channel rules but are otherwise a positive member of the community and follow the server-wide rules.","#If there is a separate team in charge of moderating or overseeing these channels, they will need to closely communicate with the rest of the moderation team about problem users or concerning behavior.":"If there is a separate team in charge of moderating or overseeing these channels, they will need to communicate closely with the rest of the moderation team about problem users or concerning behaviour.","#Keep a list of resources on hand that can be shared if someone mentions that they are in the midst of a crisis situation, this should include abuse hotlines, self harm/suicide hotlines and hotlines for parental abuse. Be sure to seek out hotlines for the country that a majority of your users are from, or international hotlines that anyone can use.":"Keep a list of resources on hand that can be shared if someone mentions that they are in the midst of a crisis situation. This should include abuse hotlines, self-harm/suicide hotlines and hotlines for parental abuse. Be sure to seek out hotlines for the country that a majority of your users are from or international hotlines that anyone can use.","#Consider banning certain topics. If your moderators and server members aren’t professionally qualified to offer sound advice on a topic, it may be worth disallowing discussion of those topics. Saying the wrong thing to a person in crisis can make the situation worse. If a topic arises, the conversation can be ended at “We’re not qualified, here are ways to contact people who are.”":"Consider banning certain topics. If your moderators and server members aren’t professionally qualified to offer sound advice on a topic, it may be worth disallowing discussion of those topics. Saying the wrong thing to a person in crisis can make the situation worse. If a topic arises, the conversation can be ended at ‘We’re not qualified, here are ways to contact people who are.’","#Channels focused on sensitive topics can provide users with a comfortable space to discuss personal issues of varying severity and build closeness and trust between members of your community. These channels also have very specific risks and required mitigation strategies that will vary depending on the nature of the specific channel. If you are running a channel on transition advice for transgender users, your main concern will likely be fake advice about foods that change hormone levels or dangerous advice regarding illegally acquiring hormones. If you run a channel for sexual assault victims, your main concern will likely be victim blaming and ensuring that users reach out to professionals when needed. You have to consider what the specific risks in your channel are and ensure that you are writing policies that are specific to your needs and finding moderators that are knowledgeable and comfortable with those topics.":"Channels focused on sensitive topics can provide users with a comfortable space to discuss personal issues of varying severity and build closeness and trust between members of your community. These channels also have very specific risks and require mitigation strategies that will vary depending on the nature of the specific channel. If you are running a channel on transition advice for transgender users, your main concern will likely be fake advice about foods that change hormone levels or dangerous advice regarding illegally acquiring hormones. If you run a channel for sexual assault victims, your main concern will likely be victim blaming and ensuring that users reach out to professionals when needed. You have to consider what the specific risks in your channel are and ensure that you are writing policies that are specific to your needs and finding moderators that are knowledgeable and comfortable with those topics.","#Consider requiring that users provide sources to back up claims. This prevents users from trying to make others argue against complete nonsense that is only supported by fringe conspiracy theorists, or is demonstrably false.":"Consider requiring that users provide sources to back up claims. This prevents users from trying to make others argue against complete nonsense that is only supported by fringe conspiracy theorists or is demonstrably false.","#Channels covering current events should have rules that help promote healthy discussion of these topics. While each real world event may be different, there are some baseline rules / guidelines that we believe these channels should have.":"Channels covering current events should have rules that help promote healthy discussion of these topics. While each real-world event may be different, there are some baseline rules/guidelines that we believe these channels should have.","#Trolls and malicious users will target this channel. People will come in to spout stupid or offensive opinions to start arguments. They will also ping pong between extremely contentious topics until someone takes the bait. If the comments they are making and the general behavior of trying to start a debate about anything are allowed on the server, it will be more difficult to remove them before they get the chance to be disruptive.":"Trolls and malicious users will target this channel. People will come in to spout stupid or offensive opinions to start arguments. They will also ping-pong between extremely contentious topics until someone takes the bait. If the comments they are making and the general behaviour of trying to start a debate about anything are allowed on the server, it will be more difficult to remove them before they get the chance to be disruptive.","#Consider banning some topics. Some topics just shouldn’t be allowed to be debated. This could include dangerous conspiracy theories, triggering topics, nsfw topics, or topics that are particularly harmful to debate amongst the membership of your type of community.":"Consider banning some topics. Some topics just shouldn’t be allowed to be debated. This could include dangerous conspiracy theories, triggering topics, nsfw topics or topics that are particularly harmful to debate amongst the membership of your type of community.","#Misinformation can be spread in the channel, moderators must have a good understanding of current events in order to prevent dangerous misinformation or conspiracy theories from being proliferated in their communities.":"Misinformation can be spread in the channel. Moderators must have a good understanding of current events in order to prevent dangerous misinformation or conspiracy theories from being proliferated in their communities.","#Channels focused around contentious topics can provide users with an engaging space to discuss topics with people from varied backgrounds and explore other perspectives. These channels also have very specific risks and required mitigation strategies that will vary depending on the nature of the specific channel. For example, if you are running a channel on COVID19, your main concern will likely be dangerous misinformation and conspiracy theories. If you run a channel for the 2020 US Presidential Election, your main concern may be things getting too heated or insult-flinging. You have to consider what the specific risks in your channel are and ensure that you are writing policies that are specific to your needs and finding moderators that are knowledgeable and comfortable with the topics.":"Channels focused around contentious topics can provide users with an engaging space to discuss topics with people from varied backgrounds and explore other perspectives. These channels also have very specific risks and require mitigation strategies that will vary depending on the nature of the specific channel. For example, if you are running a channel on COVID19, your main concern will likely be dangerous misinformation and conspiracy theories. If you run a channel for the 2020 US Presidential Election, your main concern may be things getting too heated or insult-flinging. You have to consider what the specific risks in your channel are and ensure that you are writing policies that are specific to your needs and finding moderators that are knowledgeable and comfortable with the topics.","#Users may complain about free speech, or claim that they do believe in arguments. There’s no way to confirm whether people believe what they’re saying or not.":"Users may complain about free speech or claim that they do believe in arguments. There’s no way to confirm whether people believe what they’re saying or not.","#Consider setting up permissions to enforce a slower chat. Things like slow mode and temporary channel locks for “cool off” periods can help to keep things calm in the chat.":"Consider setting up permissions to enforce a slower chat. Things like slow mode and temporary channel locks for ‘cool-off’ periods can help to keep things calm in the chat.","#Moderators can be upset by the content of the channel, or the opinions/conduct of another user even if no rules are being broken and respond inappropriately.":"Moderators can be upset by the content of the channel or the opinions/conduct of another user, even if no rules are being broken, and respond inappropriately.","#Consider dis-allowing “devils advocate” style statements. If your channel doesn’t exist for arguing for the sake of arguing, don’t allow people to make arguments that they don’t believe in for the sake of stirring up more discussion.":"Consider disallowing ‘devils advocate’-style statements. If your channel doesn’t exist for arguing for the sake of arguing, don’t allow people to make arguments that they don’t believe in for the sake of stirring up more discussion.","#Explicitly disallow bigotry and hate speech of any form. Remember that this behavior is also against Discord’s Terms of Service and Community Guidelines and shouldn’t be allowed in any situation on your server, sensitive topics or not.":"Explicitly disallow bigotry and hate speech in any form. Remember that this behaviour is also against Discord’s Terms of Service and Community Guidelines and shouldn’t be allowed in any situation on your server, sensitive topics or not.","#Moderation actions can look biased if a moderator is engaging in a conversation, disagrees with a user and then needs to moderate them for behavior in the same channel.":"Moderation actions can look biased if a moderator is engaging in a conversation, disagrees with a user and then needs to moderate them for behaviour in the same channel.","#Current event channels are for a single and specific current event, such as COVID-19 or mourning a beloved server member. Depending on the topic of the channel, it may also be a contentious or sensitive topic, but differs because it is a narrowly focused and usually temporary space. These channels can be useful to have if a topic either isn’t allowed per your servers rules, or is allowed but is overwhelming conversations in other channels (but is otherwise not something you want to outright ban the discussion of).":"Current event channels are for a single and specific current event, such as COVID-19 or mourning a beloved server member. Depending on the topic of the channel, it may also be a contentious or sensitive topic but differs because it is a narrowly focused and usually temporary space. These channels can be useful to have if a topic either isn’t allowed per your servers rules or is allowed but is overwhelming conversations in other channels (but is otherwise not something you want to ban the discussion of outright).","#Channel names for specific current events should be as clear as possible. For instance, making a channel for the COVID-19 Pandemic and then naming the channel “Diseases” makes little sense. Instead, you would want to be specific and name it something like “COVID-19 Pandemic” or “COVID-19”. This ensures that your users will at-a-glance understand what the channel is for. You should also have a topic for the channel that helps inform users of its purpose. You may also want to have something like “Read The Rules” in the topic, so users know to read any additional rules. These rules could be pinned in the channel, have their own channel within a category that houses contentious topics channels, if you have multiple, or be included in the servers rules. Also keep in mind that users may not always read the channel topic or pinned messages.":"Channel names for specific current events should be as clear as possible. For instance, making a channel for the COVID-19 pandemic and then naming the channel ‘Diseases’ makes little sense. Instead, you would want to be specific and name it something like ‘COVID-19 Pandemic’ or ‘COVID-19’. This ensures that your users will understand what the channel is for at a glance. You should also have a topic for the channel that helps inform users of its purpose. You may also want to have something like ‘Read the Rules’ in the topic, so users know to read any additional rules. These rules could be pinned in the channel, have their own channel within a category that houses contentious topics channels, if you have multiple, or be included in the servers rules. Also keep in mind that users may not always read the channel topic or pinned messages.","#Be respectful and try to keep arguments to a minimum. Arguments in these kinds of channels will flair up, but it is important as a moderator to ensure they do not devolve into name-calling or personal attacks. If an argument does flare up, try to ensure that users tackle the arguments and ideas presented and not the user that presented them.":"Be respectful and try to keep arguments to a minimum. Arguments in these kinds of channels will flair up but it is important as a moderator to ensure they do not devolve into name-calling or personal attacks. If an argument does flare up, try to ensure that users tackle the arguments and ideas presented and not the user that presented them.","#Channels like these can be difficult to manage. On one hand, you want things to be contained and on-topic. On the other hand, you may want to allow for other kinds of discussion that relate to the topic at-hand. Ultimately it is up to you to decide how to best implement these channels. Whether the channel is for a global pandemic, a friend passing away, a game releasing, or anything in-between, these channels will require a special finesse that other channels may not. It is our hope that these example rules and channel names can help you create a space that adheres to a specific topic and creates an atmosphere that is both respectful and engaging.":"Channels like these can be difficult to manage. On one hand, you want things to be contained and on-topic. On the other hand, you may want to allow for other kinds of discussion that relate to the topic at hand. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide how best to implement these channels. Whether the channel is for a global pandemic, a friend passing away, a game releasing or anything in-between, these channels will require a special finesse that other channels may not. It is our hope that these example rules and channel names can help you create a space that adheres to a specific topic and creates an atmosphere that is both respectful and engaging.","#Discord Safety Center":"Discord Safety Centre","#Do you offer Nitro and Nitro Basic in localized pricing?":"Do you offer Nitro and Nitro Basic in localised pricing?","#The only official way to receive Nitro is through a gift sent to you in chat, or by receiving a code that can be redeemed under Gift Inventory in User Settings on the desktop and web apps. We strongly encourage not clicking on any links from people you don’t know well. For more tips on staying safe on Discord, visit our Safety page.":"The only official way to receive Nitro is through a gift sent to you in chat or by receiving a code that can be redeemed under Gift Inventory in User Settings on the desktop and web apps. We strongly discourage clicking on any links from people you don’t know well. For more tips on staying safe on Discord, visit our Safety page.","#In general, you should not promote, encourage or engage in any illegal behavior. This is very likely to get you kicked off Discord, and may get you reported to law enforcement.":"In general, you should not promote, encourage or engage in any illegal behaviour. This is very likely to get you kicked off Discord, and may get you reported to law enforcement.","#We are constantly working to expand the availability of localized pricing for Nitro and Nitro Basic. Check this article for information on where localized pricing is currently available.":"We are working constantly to expand the availability of localised pricing for Nitro and Nitro Basic. Check this article for information on where localised pricing is currently available.","#Server Boosts are a way to show support for your favorite communities. Each Boost that you give to a server helps collectively unlock perks for everyone in the server to enjoy. Learn more about Server Boosting here!":"Server Boosts are a way to show support for your favourite communities. Each Boost that you give to a server helps collectively unlock perks for everyone in the server to enjoy. Learn more about Server Boosting here!","#We are constantly working to expand the availability of localized pricing for Nitro and Nitro Basic. Check este artículo for information on where localized pricing is currently available.":"We are constantly working to expand the availability of localised pricing for Nitro and Nitro Basic. Check este artículo for information on where localised pricing is currently available.","#If in the course of your self-evaluation you realize that you cannot positively answer any or all of these questions, it may be necessary for you to more seriously evaluate whether or not you need to make difficult decisions regarding your position as a moderator. If your interpersonal relationship is preventing you from fulfilling your duties as a moderator, you may need to consider either abdicating your role as a moderator or ending the relationship until circumstances improve. Neither option is easy or ideal, but making tough decisions for the health of the community is your primary responsibility as a moderator.":"If in the course of your self-evaluation you realise that you cannot answer any or all of these questions positively, it may be necessary for you to evaluate more seriously whether or not you need to make difficult decisions regarding your position as a moderator. If your interpersonal relationship is preventing you from fulfilling your duties as a moderator, you may need to consider either abdicating your role as a moderator or ending the relationship until circumstances improve. Neither option is easy or ideal, but making tough decisions for the health of the community is your primary responsibility as a moderator.","#“Governance” - The way that organizations or countries are managed at the highest level.":"‘Governance’ – The way that organisations or countries are managed at the highest level.","#To provide the best atmosphere for both the community and your moderators your moderation team needs to be structured appropriately. There is no single correct structure that applies for communities, and it may be necessary to change models over time. The way your community is structured is determined by what it needs. Without a suitable governance structure to your moderation team there can be confusion between staff, inconsistencies, overlaps, and gaps that make themselves apparent once the system is put under any strain.":"To provide the best atmosphere for both the community and your moderators, your moderation team needs to be structured appropriately. There is no single correct structure that applies for communities and it may be necessary to change models over time. The way your community is structured is determined by what it needs. Without a suitable governance structure to your moderation team, there can be confusion between staff, inconsistencies, overlaps and gaps that become apparent once the system is put under any strain.","#If immediate action is required, a concise and direct reference to the rules is usually sufficient to defuse the situation. Use your best judgment, but be aware that the likelihood of “rules lawyering” is higher with someone who trusts you or sees you as a friend in these scenarios because moderation action can be seen as a violation of that trust or relationship. Clearly and fairly indicating the grounds for you speaking up is crucial to prevent further issues from arising.":"If immediate action is required, a concise and direct reference to the rules is usually sufficient to defuse the situation. Use your best judgement, but be aware that the likelihood of ‘rules lawyering’ is higher with someone who trusts you or sees you as a friend in these scenarios because moderation action can be seen as a violation of that trust or relationship. Clearly and fairly indicating the grounds for you speaking up is crucial to prevent further issues from arising.","#“Governance System” - Composed of the server’s mission, vision, and values.":"‘Governance System’ – Composed of the server’s mission, vision and values.","#In this article, we will provide answers for the following questions: What defines an effective governance structure? Who gets to make what decisions and what does the process look like? Which position functions how and who reports to who? Additionally, we will provide you with example governance models which you can modify and implement in your server as well as ideas on how to empower your community into participating in these structures.":"In this article, we will provide answers for the following questions: what defines an effective governance structure? Who gets to make what decisions and what does the process look like? Which position functions how and who reports to whom? Additionally, we will provide you with example governance models which you can modify and implement in your server as well as ideas on how to empower your community to participate in these structures.","#The first step in successfully managing a scenario that involves someone you have an interpersonal relationship with is to take stock of your own investment. How are you feeling? Are you calm and capable of making rational judgment? Is your gut reaction to jump to the defense of the member? Or is the opposite true - do you feel the need to be overly harsh in order to compensate for potential bias? Carefully self-evaluate before proceeding with any action. The wrong type of moderator response in a scenario like this can often exacerbate or distract from the actual issue at hand, and potentially weaken your community’s trust in your capabilities as a moderator.":"The first step in successfully managing a scenario that involves someone you have an interpersonal relationship with is to take stock of your own investment. How are you feeling? Are you calm and capable of making rational judgement? Is your gut reaction to jump to the defence of the member? Or is the opposite true – do you feel the need to be overly harsh in order to compensate for potential bias? Self-evaluate carefully before proceeding with any action. The wrong type of moderator response in a scenario like this can often exacerbate or distract from the actual issue at hand and potentially weaken your community’s trust in your capabilities as a moderator.","#Most servers on Discord function more effectively when certain standards are met. Each standard is essential for effective leadership, organization and growth. If one of these standards are not met, then you may run the risk of the other areas of the server degrading in quality. This degradation will influence the service, sustainability, and community of your server. In this chapter, we will focus on the vital key aspects with a closer look at the decision making process. The most important qualities to maintain are:":"Most servers on Discord function more effectively when certain standards are met. Each standard is essential for effective leadership organisation and growth. If one of these standards are not met, then you may run the risk of the other areas of the server degrading in quality. This degradation will influence the service, sustainability and community of your server. In this chapter, we will focus on the vital key aspects with a closer look at the decision-making process. The most important qualities to maintain are:","#Additionally, be careful about what is discussed in private with the person involved in this scenario following any action. There is a higher likelihood of them contacting you via DM to talk about your decisions because of the level of trust that exists between you. As a best practice, it is usually best to avoid litigating the rules of the server with any member, especially a member with which you have an interpersonal relationship. Politely excuse yourself, or if prudent, redirect the conversation by giving the member a place to productively resolve their own issue.":"Additionally, be careful about what is discussed in private with the person involved in this scenario following any action. There is a higher likelihood of them contacting you via DM to talk about your decisions because of the level of trust that exists between you. As a best practice, it is usually best to avoid litigating the rules of the server with any member, especially a member with which you have an interpersonal relationship. Politely excuse yourself or, if prudent, redirect the conversation by giving the member a place to resolve their own issue productively.","#Once you’ve determined that you’re capable of proceeding with moderation, evaluate the scenario to identify what the problem is and whether it immediately needs to be addressed. If there is no immediate need to step in, as a best practice it is usually better to defer to another moderator whenever your personal relationships are involved. Contact another member of your moderation team to get a second opinion and some backup if necessary.":"Once you’ve determined that you’re capable of proceeding with moderation, evaluate the scenario to identify what the problem is and whether it needs to be addressed immediately. If there is no immediate need to step in, as a best practice it is usually better to defer to another moderator whenever your personal relationships are involved. Contact another member of your moderation team to get a second opinion and some back-up if necessary.","#Taking moderation action when the offending member is one with whom a moderator has an interpersonal relationship can be one of the most difficult scenarios that a moderator can find themselves in. Set yourself up for success as a moderator by tempering the type of relationships you build within your community and cultivating the ability to self-evaluate. The best tool available to a moderator in these scenarios is self-awareness and the ability to recognize when their own biases prevent them from acting fairly. Remember that moderation is a team sport, and that team is your most valuable resource in impartially upholding the rules and values of your community.":"Taking moderation action when the offending member is one with whom a moderator has an interpersonal relationship can be one of the most difficult scenarios that a moderator can find themselves in. Set yourself up for success as a moderator by tempering the type of relationships you build within your community and cultivating the ability to self-evaluate. The best tool available to a moderator in these scenarios is self-awareness and the ability to recognise when their own biases prevent them from acting fairly. Remember that moderation is a team sport and that team is your most valuable resource in upholding the rules and values of your community impartially.","#Structure: A good and easily understood structure is the first step towards an efficient team. It improves clarity, coordination and overall accessibility for everyone involved. It should establish a general design of responsibilities for operations, control, and reporting structures.":"Structure: A good and easy-to-understand structure is the first step towards an efficient team. It improves clarity, coordination and overall accessibility for everyone involved. It should establish a general design of responsibilities for operations, control and reporting structures.","#The reporting structure refers to the chain of command so to speak, i.e. it defines who reports to whom. Ensure that the design is easily understood by staff and potential external partners. It should include functions of the staff roles and position to make sure that everyone is on the same page.":"The reporting structure refers to the chain of command so to speak, i.e., it defines who reports to whom. Ensure that the design is easy for staff and potential external partners to understand. It should include functions of the staff roles and position to make sure that everyone is on the same page.","#Due to how Discord is set up, there will always be a single owner in charge, but other members of your staff can be responsible for different types of decisions. When you want to implement a change or when you open up suggestions, you have to clearly define how decisions will be made. Here are some options to consider:":"Due to how Discord is set up, there will always be a single owner in charge, but other members of your staff can be responsible for different types of decisions. When you want to implement a change or when you open up suggestions, you have to define clearly how decisions will be made. Here are some options to consider:","#At the very top, you have one or very few people who are in charge of everything (this could be the server owner, CEO, or similar). Having a few people at the top will make it easier to aim straight for the goal of the server without much discussion or distraction in the higher ranks.":"At the very top, you have one or very few people who are in charge of everything (this could be the server owner, CEO or similar). Having a few people at the top will make it easier to aim straight for the goal of the server without much discussion or distraction in the higher ranks.","#Following them there will be administrators or some sort of management - usually, they will be in charge of back-end work and they will report to the highest role.":"Following them there will be administrators or some sort of management – usually, they will be in charge of back-end work and they will report to the highest role.","#Having such a settled, structured system will be good for both the server and the staff team. Everyone knows who they report to, and everyone knows their responsibilities and reach. The struggle of a pyramid system comes when staff members feel like they are not valued enough or disapprove of promotions to higher ranks. It can be a source of tension between staff, and higher staff have the potential to become disconnected from the rest of the server.":"Having such a settled, structured system will be good for both the server and the staff team. Everyone knows who they report to and everyone knows their responsibilities and reach. The struggle of a pyramid system comes when staff members feel like they are not valued enough or disapprove of promotions to higher ranks. It can be a source of tension between staff, and higher staff have the potential to become disconnected from the rest of the server.","#The easiest way of empowering the community to participate can be done through public channels such as a #feedback or #suggestion channel. It is the most straightforward way to get feedback of both positive and negative nature from users and get inspired by any new ideas they might propose. Introduce a responsible staff team that answers and discusses the feedback and suggestions with both users and the rest of staff if there is any useful advice. This team should be focusing on making sure that all of the relevant information is disseminated in an appropriate way as to avoid any confusion or incomplete assumptions made on the uninformed community’s behalf.":"The easiest way of empowering the community to participate can be done through public channels such as a #feedback or #suggestion channel. It is the most straightforward way to get feedback of both positive and negative nature from users and be inspired by any new ideas they might propose. Introduce a responsible staff team that answers and discusses the feedback and suggestions with both users and the rest of staff if there is any useful advice. This team should be focusing on making sure that all of the relevant information is disseminated in an appropriate way in order to avoid any confusion or incomplete assumptions made on the uninformed community’s behalf.","#Make sure that your selected influential members are trustworthy and don’t leak any information. They should only receive feedback from the public community when they are asked to and they should not assume that they are staff. Nonetheless, their input and time and efforts should be properly acknowledged and appreciated- they, like you, just want to make the community you share a better place.":"Make sure that your selected influential members are trustworthy and don’t leak any information. They should only receive feedback from the public community when they are asked to and they should not assume that they are staff. Nonetheless, their input and time and efforts should be properly acknowledged and appreciated – they, like you, just want to make the community you share a better place.","#Risk Management: Risk management does not necessarily mean risk avoidance. Every server will have to make hard decisions for the sake of maintaining order and increasing participation. You need to know what impact your potential decisions will make on the community as a whole. Finding a balance between taking risks that can disrupt a server and taking risks that are necessary for the server’s betterment and having a team that is well versed in that makes your community all that more stable and capable.":"Risk Management: Risk management does not necessarily mean risk avoidance. Each server will have to make hard decisions for the sake of maintaining order and increasing participation. You need to know what impact your potential decisions will make on the community as a whole. Finding a balance between taking risks that can disrupt a server and taking risks that are necessary for the server’s betterment, and having a team that is well-versed in that, makes your community all that more stable and capable.","#Voting: You could opt to go the democratic route when making decisions. This can either be a public vote where members are involved or the vote could be amongst members of your staff. You can decide whether or not the vote should be a majority or unanimous decision. You should also be clear if, when, and why someone, such as the server owner, can veto a decision if you choose voting as your decision making process.":"Voting: You could opt to go the democratic route when making decisions. This can either be a public vote where members are involved or the vote could be amongst members of your staff. You can decide whether or not the vote should be a majority or unanimous decision. You should also be clear if, when and why someone, such as the server owner, can veto a decision if you choose voting as your decision-making process.","#When it comes to effective governance structures, it is important to create a process that facilitates decision making. In every aspect of your community, decision making plays a major role. Setting long-term goals and deciding how to advertise the community can be part of that strategy. You also have to think operationally; what punishment is appropriate when a user misbehaves? Decision making is not a static process: it constantly evolves as your community does, it should change to your community’s needs.":"When it comes to effective governance structures, it is important to create a process that facilitates decision-making. In every aspect of your community, decision-making plays a major role. Setting long-term goals and deciding how to advertise the community can be part of that strategy. You also have to think operationally; what punishment is appropriate when a user misbehaves? Decision-making is not a static process: it constantly evolves as your community does; it should change to your community’s needs.","#As mentioned before, when creating a governance structure for your Discord there really isn’t a one size fits all layout. One key aspect of a working governance structure is that it is settled in that it is stable, but also fluid in that it is flexible. There will be the need for constant adjustments and improvements over time, so try to let go of “old systems” and focus on what benefits your Discord server the most.":"As mentioned before, when creating a governance structure for your Discord, there really isn’t a one-size-fits-all layout. One key aspect of a working governance structure is that it is settled, meaning it is stable, but also fluid, meaning it is flexible. There will be the need for constant adjustments and improvements over time, so try to let go of ‘old systems’ and focus on what benefits your Discord server the most.","#Right below them will be senior or head moderators who handle a variety of tasks, ranging from promoting/demoting moderators, introducing new moderators or handling ban appeals. They will also be the connecting link between higher staff and moderators - the latter take care of the well being of the server for the public eye.":"Right below them will be senior or head moderators who handle a variety of tasks, ranging from promoting/demoting moderators, introducing new moderators or handling ban appeals. They will also be the connecting link between higher staff and moderators – the latter take care of the well-being of the server for the public eye.","#Horizontal vs. Vertical Hierarchy":"Horizontal vs Vertical Hierarchy","#If you want to extend the community influence beyond your Discord server, you can use Social Media that represents your server or community on popular platforms like Twitter, Reddit or similar. That, and e-governance have proven themselves as useful tools for creating increased transparency and filtering useful feedback.":"If you want to extend the community influence beyond your Discord server, you can use Social Media that represents your server or community on popular platforms like Twitter, Reddit or similar. That and e-governance have proven themselves as useful tools for creating increased transparency and filtering useful feedback.","#Knowledge and Skills: Your moderators should be both knowledgeable on the technical aspects of moderation as well as possess the proper skills to moderate effectively and efficiently within the structure of your team.":"Knowledge and Skills: Your moderators should both be knowledgeable on the technical aspects of moderation as well as possess the proper skills to moderate effectively and efficiently within the structure of your team.","#Having a well organised and structured governance is the key to a successful server and content staff team. The most crucial components to every working server is communication.If your staff team feels like they are at a crossroads or cannot find the obvious solution to a problem on the server, consider seeking out experienced outsiders or the community itself. Even though you may have the best intentions at heart when making decisions for your server, leaning on your carefully crafted community governance structure can open your eyes to solutions that may not have crossed your mind. While not every mentioned feature has to be part of your server, we hope that these guidelines give you an idea of what your server could implement.":"Having a well-organised and structured governance is the key to a successful server and content staff team. The most crucial components to every working server is communication. If your staff team feels like they are at a crossroads or cannot find the obvious solution to a problem on the server, consider seeking out experienced outsiders or the community itself. Even though you may have the best intentions at heart when making decisions for your server, leaning on your carefully crafted community governance structure can open your eyes to solutions that may not have crossed your mind. While not every feature mentioned has to be part of your server, we hope that these guidelines give you an idea of what your server could implement.","#A major decision you have to make is how much influence your community members will have and how this affects your governance structure. For example: will members of your community be able to vote for moderator positions? Do you want a community vote on major changes to the server? In most communities there will be a feedback or suggestions channel in which members of the community can influence your decision making process by presenting ideas and proposing changes.":"A major decision you have to make is how much influence your community members will have and how this affects your governance structure. For example: will members of your community be able to vote for moderator positions? Do you want a community vote on major changes to the server? In most communities, there will be a feedback or suggestions channel in which members of the community can influence your decision-making process by presenting ideas and proposing changes.","#Staff Accountability: Accountability ensures that the actions that people in power in your server (your staff/mods) are held responsible for the actions that they take.":"Staff Accountability: Accountability ensures that the people in power in your server (your staff/mods) are held responsible for the actions that they take.","#Decision making is a vital part of your community as it affects both your governance as well as your vision of the community as a whole. Having good decision making processes in place ensures a better structure for your community and staff. It translates into better understanding of responsibilities, it improves ownership of the community, and further clarifies your governance structure.":"Decision-making is a vital part of your community as it affects both your governance as well as your vision of the community as a whole. Having good decision-making processes in place ensures a better structure for your community and staff. It translates into better understanding of responsibilities, it improves ownership of the community and further clarifies your governance structure.","#Both systems can coexist and have their own value. In a vertical system, everyone has a clear role with tasks, where the horizontal system introduces more ownership and responsibilities to the team. Members of the team will be more accountable for their responsibilities than in a vertical system. Ownership within a horizontal system translates to being more involved in the server’s mission, vision and values as members of your team will be directly responsible for areas that have an impact on those.":"Both systems can coexist and have their own value. In a vertical system, everyone has a clear role with tasks, while the horizontal system introduces more ownership and responsibilities to the team. Members of the team will be more accountable for their responsibilities than in a vertical system. Ownership within a horizontal system translates to being more involved in the server’s mission, vision and values as members of your team will be directly responsible for areas that have an impact on those.","#To include active and sociable members in your governance, you can give them a special role which can be called something along the lines of “Community Guides”. They won’t quite have the power that normal moderators do - optionally they will have ‘manage messages’ or similar low-level discord permissions - but their main use will be to give feedback on the community’s behalf. They will be the needed link between staff, especially community management, and the Discord users.":"To include active and sociable members in your governance, you can give them a special role which can be called something along the lines of ‘Community Guides’. They won’t quite have the power that normal moderators do – optionally, they will have ‘manage messages’ or similar low-level discord permissions – but their main use will be to provide feedback on the community’s behalf. They will be the needed link between staff, especially community management, and the Discord users.","#Each community will have a different structure. Some communities have major involvement of members of the community, while others are strictly run by a single person. Most communities however have a structure of the owner, admins and moderators. The owner is tasked with strategic decisions in regards to the community and the team. They formulate the vision of the community, set long-term goals, define roles and values and so on. Admins will be in charge of the moderation team, onboard new moderators, handle appeals, manage channels and handle moderator complaints. Moderators will be handling the day-to-day tasks. This is a vertical approach in which each position is higher or lower in a formal hierarchy.":"Each community will have a different structure. Some communities have major involvement of members of the community, while others are strictly run by a single person. Most communities, however, have a structure of the owner, admins and moderators. The owner is tasked with strategic decisions in regards to the community and the team. They formulate the vision of the community, set long-term goals, define roles and values and so on. Admins will be in charge of the moderation team, onboard new moderators, handle appeals, manage channels and handle moderator complaints. Moderators will be handling the day-to-day tasks. This is a vertical approach, in which each position is higher or lower in a formal hierarchy.","#Along with the previously mentioned components and attributes including the community in your governance mechanics can turn out to be quite fruitful in improving said community. Many server owners and higher staff still have the mindset of “keep everything private, hold the server at bay, control and command”, which means that they act on the server’s behalf without having an actual connection to the community. Getting feedback from your members can combat that.":"Along with the previously mentioned components and attributes, including the community in your governance mechanics can turn out to be quite fruitful in improving said community. Many server owners and higher staff still have the mindset of ‘keep everything private, hold the server at bay, control and command’, which means that they act on the server’s behalf without having an actual connection to the community. Getting feedback from your members can combat that.","#As an alternative to using channels in the server itself, you can implement a feedback system by using the ModMail bot. It will allow you to group selected members that can respond while everyone else can see it. Staff can then address the ticket in a closed environment without discussing it in front of the public eye or running the risk of it getting lost in the staff channel. Additionally, it will be easier to contact higher staff and ask for their opinions and finally, it will be easier to archive.":"As an alternative to using channels in the server itself, you can implement a feedback system by using the ModMail bot. It will allow you to group selected members that can respond while everyone else can see it. Staff can then address the ticket in a closed environment without discussing it in the public eye or running the risk of it getting lost in the staff channel. Additionally, it will be easier to contact higher staff and ask for their opinions and, finally, it will be easier to archive.","#While these users don’t need to know everything that’s going on under the hood, you should at least involve them in changes that will impact their and the rest of the community’s experience on the Discord server. That includes things like changes/addition of roles or channels, community events, and other things along those lines. While the staff decisions hold priority, you should not disregard the community guides’ opinions. They may contradict your original plans and vision, but you should weigh how valuable their knowledge is against how badly you want to implement something and see if you can reach a compromise should that contradiction exist.":"While these users don’t need to know everything that’s going on under the bonnet, you should at least involve them in changes that will impact their and the rest of the community’s experience on the Discord server. That includes things like changes/additions of roles or channels, community events and other things along those lines. While staff decisions hold priority, you should not disregard the community guides’ opinions. They may contradict your original plans and vision, but you should weigh how valuable their knowledge is against how badly you want to implement something and see if you can reach a compromise should that contradiction exist.","#A community’s structure can be generally divided in a horizontal and vertical hierarchy. Most communities choose a vertical approach in which they define different roles by assigning them specific tasks. Classically speaking, this will be your owner, admins and moderators, but of course this might be different depending on your community’s needs.":"A community’s structure can be generally divided into a horizontal and vertical hierarchy. Most communities choose a vertical approach, in which they define different roles by assigning them specific tasks. Classically speaking, this will be your owner, admins and moderators, but of course this might be different depending on your community’s needs.","#A way to prevent those problems can be done by introducing a fluid, more horizontally structured hierarchy to the previous system. Fluid being that your government is flexible and allows change when necessary.The drawbacks of too much fluidity could be that it’s easy to lose sight of who does what and who is responsible for what, so make sure that you have properly defined the place and responsibilities of the roles you introduce.":"A way to prevent such problems can be by introducing a fluid, more horizontally structured hierarchy to the previous system. Fluid in that your government is flexible and allows change when necessary. The drawbacks of too much fluidity could be that it’s easy to lose sight of who does what and who is responsible for what, so make sure that you have properly defined the place and responsibilities of the roles you introduce.","#Sometimes you may want to have feedback from people that aren’t part of the staff team, but you also don’t want to solicit it from the whole server just yet. You may want to instead, start with asking for feedback from more influential members or highly visible and active members of your server. They may vary from stakeholders to staff from other communities to the most prolific members in your server. The latter will be especially important if your staff team is missing a connection to the active Discord community while they’re working on running the server from behind the scenes. Occasionally staff might think their plans will be an improvement for the server and community, but the community itself may not agree.":"Sometimes you may want to have feedback from people that aren’t part of the staff team, but you also don’t want to solicit it from the whole server just yet. You may want to start instead by asking for feedback from more influential members or highly visible and active members of your server. They may vary from stakeholders to staff from other communities to the most prolific members in your server. The latter will be especially important if your staff team is missing a connection to the active Discord community while they’re working on running the server from behind the scenes. Occasionally, staff might think their plans will be an improvement for the server and community, but the community itself might not agree.","#The same question should be asked for your moderators. What influence do they have on your decision making process? Are moderators part of decisions regarding major server changes? Do you have guidelines in place for moderators that determine the length of punishments, or is that decision left up to each moderator? Do you take a proactive approach to get feedback from your moderators, or do you wait passively for suggestions to come in?":"The same question should be asked for your moderators. What influence do they have on your decision-making process? Are moderators part of decisions regarding major server changes? Do you have guidelines in place for moderators that determine the length of punishments or is that decision left up to each moderator? Do you take a proactive approach to get feedback from your moderators or do you wait passively for suggestions to come in?","#A horizontal structure consists of tasks or responsibilities shared between members of your staff. Moderators could be responsible for different channels rather than the server as a whole, or some could be tasked to deal with ban appeals while others might be more community-oriented and focus on feedback channels.":"A horizontal structure consists of tasks or responsibilities shared between members of your staff. Moderators could be responsible for different channels rather than the server as a whole, or some could be tasked to deal with ban appeals, while others might be more community-oriented and focus on feedback channels.","#Candidate selection":"Candidate Selection","#One of the most difficult aspects of being a Discord server moderator can be finding new people to help you moderate your community. You need to find individuals that match in personality, mindset, knowledge, availability, and most importantly, trust. While much of this differs between servers and teams, I hope to cover the most important parts as well as giving you an idea of what the common questions are and what to watch out for.":"One of the most difficult aspects of being a Discord server moderator can be finding new people to help you moderate your community. You need to find individuals who match in personality, mindset, knowledge, availability and – most importantly – trust. While much of this differs between servers and teams, I hope to cover the most important parts as well as giving you an idea of what the common questions are and what to watch out for.","#An important consideration when selecting moderators is determining if the candidate is able to do their job effectively. A lot of server owners pick their own friends to mod their servers, which might result in personality clashes, unproductive discussions about rules, or inactive mods that can’t meaningfully contribute to discussions.":"An important consideration when selecting moderators is determining if the candidate is able to do their job effectively. A lot of server owners pick their own friends to mod their servers, which might result in personality clashes, unproductive discussions about rules or inactive mods who can’t make meaningful contributions to discussions.","#The main advantage of this is that it would let you modify the form to find a person for a specific purpose and might include an optional follow-up interview. Be careful about “application floods” and have methods to filter low-quality applications out (like captchas, questions about your server where if you get it wrong it gets automatically rejected, random questions to prevent bots, or small tests like type your timezone in a specific format). You can also provide a basic test of competence, if they can’t manage the simple elements of the form, they won't manage as mod.":"The main advantage of this is that it would let you modify the form to find a person for a specific purpose and might include an optional follow-up interview. Be careful about ‘application floods’ and have methods to filter low-quality applications out (like captchas, questions about your server where if you get it wrong, it gets rejected automatically, random questions to prevent bots or small tests like typing your time zone in a specific format). You can also provide a basic test of competence; if they can’t manage the simple elements of the form, they won’t manage as mod.","#If you decide that you do need to select new mods an important part of recruiting new mods is having a well-defined selection process. Here are a few things that you should consider when establishing this process:":"If you decide that you do need to select new mods, an important part of recruiting new mods is having a well-defined selection process. Here are a few things that you should consider when establishing this process:","#Is it unfeasible to implement additional automoderator measures to reduce the number of incidents?":"Is it unfeasible to implement additional AutoModerator measures to reduce the number of incidents?","#The drawbacks to this process is that it tends to introduce more work in the vetting process, as it’s not as linear as an application form. Additionally, it might result in a more limited scope of candidates.":"The drawback to this process is that it tends to introduce more work in the vetting process as it’s not as linear as an application form. Additionally, it might result in a more limited scope of candidates.","#The second most common is having an application form. While this is effective in obtaining the information that you are looking for, it might attract people that just want to be a moderator for the power or status. It will also change their behavior in the main chat as they know they have eyes on them, which might make it harder for the mod team to evaluate how truthful the responses to the form were.":"The second most common is having an application form. While this is effective in obtaining the information that you are looking for, it might attract people who just want to be a moderator for the power or status. It will also change their behaviour in the main chat as they know they have eyes on them, which might make it harder for the mod team to evaluate how truthful the responses to the form were.","#A good question to ask yourself is: “Do I trust this person?” For example, you might not want to suggest anyone that has not been actively helping for at least a year. During that year you can come to know the person, and it can help you determine if they are more interested in the good of the community as a whole and not just a role. You are looking for experience and willingness to improve the community.":"A good question to ask yourself is: ‘Do I trust this person?’ For example, you might not want to suggest anyone who has not been helping actively for at least a year. During that year, you can come to know the person and it can help you determine if they are more interested in the good of the community as a whole and not just a role. You are looking for experience and willingness to improve the community.","#An example of what this situation might look like is if your moderators might also be the ones handling technical support requests, or contributing to another site. If you need people for a specific task it might make sense to create a separate role for those people.":"An example of what this situation might look like is if your moderators might also be the ones handling technical support requests or contributing to another site. If you need people for a specific task, it might make sense to create a separate role for those people.","#The most common method in smaller servers is the owner selecting new mods. This works in the earlier stages, but as the server grows in number of staff it may discourage healthy discussion about that person that may be relevant (like behavior in other communities that might show who that person really is or things that might hurt the reputation of the mod team as a whole).":"The most common method in smaller servers is the owner selecting new mods. This works in the earlier stages, but as the server grows in number of staff, it may discourage healthy discussion about that person that may be relevant (like behaviour in other communities that might show who that person really is or things that might hurt the reputation of the mod team as a whole).","#Are user reports of bad behavior going unactioned for too long?":"Are user reports of bad behaviour going unactioned for too long?","#There are 3 main ways a candidate might be brought to the mod team for acceptance that can be mixed and matched, but it’s usually recommended to only have 1 official method:":"There are 3 main ways a candidate might be brought to the mod team for acceptance that can be mixed and matched, but it’s usually recommended to have only one official method:","#Selection is a highly subjective topic; some servers accept new members via a vote, some have rules where the decision has to be unanimous, and others are more open. In all cases, it’s important to consider that the person is someone you and your team would be comfortable working with.":"Selection is a highly subjective topic; some servers accept new members via a vote, some have rules where the decision has to be unanimous and others are more open. In all cases, it’s important to consider that the person is someone you and your team would be comfortable working with.","#How do you vet people that might not be a good fit?":"How do you vet people who might not be a good fit?","#You may also have specific duties that you require of your moderators beyond typical server moderation. Be sure to analyze these as well and determine if there is any shortfall between what your mod team needs to do and what it is currently able to do.":"You may also have specific duties that you require of your moderators beyond typical server moderation. Be sure to analyse these as well and determine if there is any shortfall between what your mod team needs to do and what it is currently able to do.","#Finally, you can have the members of your current moderation team recommend users as candidates. As the user is not aware that they are being assessed for staff, it means that their behavior in chat is unchanged from their typical behavior. With time and observation, this allows you to find the answers to the questions that would have been on your form along with extra red or green flags. It also allows you to find people that would never apply for staff in a form due to reluctance or lack of confidence, but that would be a great fit for your moderation team.":"Finally, you can have the members of your current moderation team recommend users as candidates. As the user is not aware that they are being assessed for staff, it means that their behaviour in chat is unchanged from their typical behaviour. With time and observation, this allows you to find the answers to the questions that would have been on your form along with extra red or green flags. It also allows you to find people who would never apply for staff in a form due to reluctance or lack of confidence, but who would be a great fit for your moderation team.","#Be mindful that asking the user for their motives directly or giving any hints about potential promotions might change their behavior. Instead focus on looking for clues on how they interact with the rest of the community in order to determine their reasons.":"Be mindful that asking the user for their motives directly or giving any hints about potential promotions might change their behaviour. Instead, focus on looking for clues on how they interact with the rest of the community in order to determine their reasons.","#The efforts put into the early stages of moderator management pay off in multitudes down the line. Having a deliberate and carefully thought out process for selecting your mods ensures that your moderation team grows in a stable and effective way with your server. The foundation of any good community is a well moderated community, and the foundation for a well moderated community lies in having great moderators.":"The efforts put into the early stages of moderator management pay off in multitudes down the line. Having a deliberate and carefully thought-out process for selecting your mods ensures that your moderation team grows in a stable and effective way with your server. The foundation of any good community is a well-moderated community, and the foundation for a well-moderated community lies in having great moderators.","#That being said, here are some things to keep in mind when deciding to vet a potential mod. While vetting users in this manner may be a better fit for larger communities, it's maybe less applicable to smaller, more intimate servers. It's worth noting this is an example and that the vetting process differs depending upon the size of the server and the servers' needs, but regardless of server size candidates should show a dedicated and long-term invested interest and desire to help in the community.":"That being said, here are some things to keep in mind when deciding to vet a potential mod. While vetting users in this manner may be a better fit for larger communities, it’s maybe less applicable to smaller, more intimate servers. It’s worth noting this is an example and that the vetting process differs depending upon the size of the server and the server’s needs. However, regardless of server size, candidates should show a dedicated and long-term invested interest and desire to help in the community.","#Do they have a history of problems with specific users that might bias their decision making? Is that a deal breaker or do they seem capable of deferring those connections to other moderators who are uninvolved?":"Do they have a history of problems with specific users that might bias their decision-making? Is that a deal-breaker or do they seem capable of deferring those connections to other moderators who are uninvolved?","#One of the most important parts of bringing new people is the onboarding process. A well thought out process can make people effective faster, with minimal misunderstandings and mistakes from the onset. Utilizing the techniques and implementing the tips in 302: Developing Moderator Guidelines can help you create a guideline for your moderation team that makes onboarding easier for all parties involved.":"One of the most important parts of bringing in new people is the onboarding process. A well-thought-out process can make people effective faster, with minimal misunderstandings and mistakes from the onset. Utilising the techniques and implementing the tips in 302: Developing Moderator Guidelines can help you create a guideline for your moderation team that makes onboarding easier for all parties involved.","#To better explain what you’re seeing in this image, we’ll explore exactly how we utilized special formatting to make this visually appealing.":"To better explain what you’re seeing in this image, we’ll explore exactly how we utilised special formatting to make this visually appealing.","#First, it’s important to know what information channels and announcement channels are. Generally speaking an information channel contains reference material provided by the server staff team about the server or its purpose. This information is usually updated infrequently throughout the servers’ life.":"First, it’s important to know what information channels and announcement channels are. Generally speaking, an information channel contains reference material provided by the server staff team about the server or its purpose. This information is usually updated infrequently throughout the servers’ life.","#When it comes to formatting, it’s important to have a basic understanding of how markdown works on Discord. This will let you appropriately bold, underline, italicize, and otherwise add basic formatting to your messages.":"When it comes to formatting, it’s important to have a basic understanding of how markdown works on Discord. This will let you appropriately bold, underline, italicise, and otherwise add basic formatting to your messages.","#One common type of information channel is a #rules channel where members can find a list of behavioral guidelines to follow on the server. This channel may also include a post asking people to react to a message in order to acknowledge that they have read the rules and gain access to the rest of the server. This sort of verification gate can help ensure users read your most important information channels thoroughly. With Community enabled, you can also designate the channel with your server rules as the “Rules Or Guidelines Channel,” which will give it a special icon to help it stand out. You can learn more about how to come up with rules for your community through this article.":"One common type of information channel is a #rules channel where members can find a list of behavioural guidelines to follow on the server. This channel may also include a post asking people to react to a message in order to acknowledge that they have read the rules and gain access to the rest of the server. This sort of verification gate can help ensure users read your most important information channels thoroughly. With Community enabled, you can also designate the channel with your server rules as the “Rules Or Guidelines Channel,” which will give it a special icon to help it stand out. You can learn more about how to come up with rules for your community through this article.","#Mental health awareness is an essential and challenging topic to talk about in moderation. Being in a good mental state has countless benefits. Not only are you more alert, and subsequently feel better, but generally you are better equipped to deal with the stresses of everyday life. Mental health is an integral part of our health; there is no health without mental health.":"Mental health awareness is an essential and challenging topic to talk about in moderation. Being in a good mental state has countless benefits. Not only are you more alert and subsequently feel better, but generally you are better equipped to deal with the stresses of everyday life. Mental health is an integral part of our health; there is no health without mental health.","#Mental health and mental illness are strongly intertwined, but very different. People with good mental health can develop a mental illness, while those with no mental illness can have poor mental health. Mental health reflects our emotional, physiological, and social well-being. Though the topic of mental health is still quite taboo to talk about in certain circles, there is help available for those who wish to seek it. Mental health is a crucial aspect of a person’s existence as it affects our actions, emotions, and thoughts. A healthy mental state enhances effectiveness and productivity in work, education, and interpersonal relationships.":"Mental health and mental illness are strongly intertwined but very different. People with good mental health can develop a mental illness, while those with no mental illness can have poor mental health. Mental health reflects our emotional, physiological and social well-being. Though the topic of mental health is still quite taboo to talk about in certain circles, there is help available for those who wish to seek it. Mental health is a crucial aspect of a person’s existence as it affects our actions, emotions and thoughts. A healthy mental state enhances effectiveness and productivity in work, education and interpersonal relationships.","#A lot goes into developing an excellent community and introducing a mental health channel is not easy as you have to consider how to best moderate it. This includes how you’ll be utilizing auto moderation and text filters in the channel as accidental flags in highly emotional situations can be more harmful than helpful. If you do decide to create a mental health channel or thread, it is important to be aware of all possible situations and to be flexible and prepared for unexpected scenarios.":"A lot goes into developing an excellent community and introducing a mental health channel is not easy as you have to consider how to best moderate it. This includes how you’ll be utilising auto moderation and text filters in the channel as accidental flags in highly emotional situations can be more harmful than helpful. If you do decide to create a mental health channel or thread, it is important to be aware of all possible situations and to be flexible and prepared for unexpected scenarios.","#Do not tolerate harassment of any kind. It is imperative that mental health channels remain safe, positive, and welcoming to all. There should be nothing that causes conversation to make others feel uncomfortable or attacked.":"Do not tolerate harassment of any kind. It is imperative that mental health channels remain safe, positive and welcoming to all. There should be nothing that causes conversation to make others feel uncomfortable or attacked.","#Know when they should go into effect. A user just venting about their day is probably not going to need escalation. While a user that is talking about self harm will need to be escalated.":"Know when they should go into effect. A user just venting about their day is probably not going to need escalation. While a user that is talking about self-harm will need to be escalated.","#Being informed and aware about mental health issues is a great start when you’re considering how it may affect or apply to your community and team. As an illness can manifest in a variety of different ways, it is vital to be ready and have clear guidelines on these complex topics when dealing with online communities both for your staff internally and for your community externally. An often overlooked result of community moderation is how it can affect the mental health of your team. Moderator burnout stems from situations that harm your team’s mental health, and understanding the signs and how to deal with it are essential in building a strong online community led by a moderation team that can act as a strong support system not only to your community, but to each other.":"Being informed and aware about mental health issues is a great start when you’re considering how it may affect or apply to your community and team. As an illness can manifest in a variety of different ways, it is vital to be ready and have clear guidelines on these complex topics when dealing with online communities both for your staff internally and for your community externally. An often overlooked result of community moderation is how it can affect the mental health of your team. Moderator burnout stems from situations that harm your team’s mental health, and understanding the signs and how to deal with it are essential in building a strong online community led by a moderation team that can act as a strong support system not only to your community but also to each other.","#Adding a Mental Health Channel in Your Server":"Adding a Mental Health Channel to Your Server","#Be firm, but fair. The best way to do this would be to have punishments that escalate for each offense in these channels. The first offense may be a warning, while the second or third may be a mute. There could also be a “strike” system, whereby a mute or tempban may be applied by the third strike.":"Be firm but fair. The best way to do this would be to have punishments that escalate for each offense in these channels. The first offense may be a warning, while the second or third may be a mute. There could also be a ‘strike’ system, whereby a mute or tempban may be applied by the third strike.","#Know that de-escalation is also an important step. Reporting problematic things to Discord is important, but reports are not often actioned upon immediately. Having a guideline for de-escalation can help alleviate those situations that are time sensitive.":"Know that de-escalation is also an important step. Reporting problematic things to Discord is important but reports are not often actioned upon immediately. Having a guideline for de-escalation can help alleviate those situations that are time sensitive.","#Have a role that can be pinged for when / if a user is suicidal.":"Have a role that can be pinged for when/if a user is suicidal.","#Moderation of mental health channels can be a touchy subject. On one hand, moderators should be firm in removing harassers and users who are disrespecting others. On the other hand, moderators should try their best not to over-moderate. There must be a balance to ensure that these channels that have very sensitive subject matters within them are moderated with care. Some ways to do this are:":"Moderation of mental health channels can be a touchy subject. On the one hand, moderators should be firm in removing harassers and users who are disrespecting others. On the other hand, moderators should try their best not to over-moderate. There must be a balance to ensure that these channels that have very sensitive subject matters within them are moderated with care. Some ways to do this are:","#Education is key. Try to use moderation not as a tool to make an example, but as a way to educate. Users will respond better to education and it will be an opportunity for growth not just for the user that broke a rule or guideline, but also for other users in the channel. This also humanizes mods as people who want to do the best for their community and not robots that serve to punish users.":"Education is key. Try to use moderation not as a tool to make an example but as a way to educate. Users will respond better to education and it will be an opportunity for growth, not just for the user that broke a rule or guideline but also for other users in the channel. This also humanises mods as people who want to do the best for their community and not robots that serve to punish users.","#Not all communities are prepared to host a mental health channel or thread, and there is a lot to consider before adding one to your server. While allowing talk about mental health can be incredibly beneficial, it is just as important to realize that moderators aren’t professionals and should not be put in those positions if they aren’t comfortable with it. That’s why we advise that you carefully consider your current environment, your community’s purpose, and implications that might occur if you choose to add one.":"Not all communities are prepared to host a mental health channel or thread and there is a lot to consider before adding one to your server. While allowing talk about mental health can be incredibly beneficial, it is just as important to realise that moderators aren’t professionals and should not be put in those positions if they aren’t comfortable with it. That’s why we advise that you carefully consider your current environment, your community’s purpose and implications that might occur if you choose to add one.","#There are an incredible amount of resources available for mental health support–everything from emergency phone numbers to suicide hotlines and LGBTQ+ helplines. The Find a Helpline resource consists of a list of global helplines and hotlines. We also recommend looking at the TWLOHA resource, which is a non-profit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with their mental health.":"There is an incredible amount of resources available for mental health support – everything from emergency phone numbers to suicide hotlines and LGBTQ+ helplines. The Find a Helpline resource consists of a list of global helplines and hotlines. We also recommend looking at the TWLOHA resource, which is a non-profit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with their mental health.","#Consider a situation from all angles, especially within the context of mental health. A person may be lashing out due to poor mental health, and thus it may be a good time to de-escalate the situation before dishing out any punishments. That said, do not let users use mental health as an excuse for bad behavior, especially if it becomes a pattern or other users are suffering.":"Consider a situation from all angles, especially within the context of mental health. A person may be lashing out due to poor mental health and thus it may be a good time to de-escalate the situation before dishing out any punishments. That said, do not let users use mental health as an excuse for bad behaviour, especially if it becomes a pattern or other users are suffering.","#Open Counseling’s International Suicide Hotlines":"OpenCounseling’s International Suicide Hotlines","#Text filter implementation and determining which topics of discussion are appropriate for the server may be more strict than the average community as a result of building a safe space for younger users. There is generally no room for crudeness in any form. This goes beyond using text filters to monitor hate speech, which is against Discord’s Community Guidelines, and going further to include curse words, innuendo, illegal substances and activities, gore, dark humor making light of serious situations, any negative and harmful rhetoric from within the fandom your community supports, and more.":"Text filter implementation and determining which topics of discussion are appropriate for the server may be more strict than the average community as a result of building a safe space for younger users. There is generally no room for crudeness in any form. This goes beyond using text filters to monitor hate speech, which is against Discord’s Community Guidelines, and going further to include curse words, innuendo, illegal substances and activities, gore, dark humour making light of serious situations, any negative and harmful rhetoric from within the fandom your community supports, and more.","#Automoderation can be utilized to mute or ban users who are engaging in problematic discussion around hate speech, and moderators can use their judgment on other blacklisted words as long as your moderation bot is set to log filtered words in moderation channels.":"Automoderation can be utilised to mute or ban users who are engaging in problematic discussion around hate speech, and moderators can use their judgment on other blacklisted words as long as your moderation bot is set to log filtered words in moderation channels.","#As moderators it’s important to help educate young users about how to maintain confidentiality and use discretion when revealing personal information. This starts with recognizing and not clicking malicious links and steers into conversations about reporting things that make them uncomfortable in any way and protecting their private information. Keep an eye out on how others interact with younger users and act accordingly, as a victim may not realize they are a victim in some situations.":"As moderators it’s important to help educate young users about how to maintain confidentiality and use discretion when revealing personal information. This starts with recognising and not clicking malicious links and steers into conversations about reporting things that make them uncomfortable in any way and protecting their private information. Keep an eye out on how others interact with younger users and act accordingly, as a victim may not realise they are a victim in some situations.","#If you are gaining an unexpected or potentially unwelcome boost from being mentioned by a famous person or some other extraordinary situation, it may make sense to take down your regular advertising, remove your cross-linking between platforms, disable certain invites, or take any other actions to generally reduce the flow of new users. This may not help if the vast majority of your new users are coming from one source that, for example, posted a vanity invite link that you don’t want to remove and have potentially stolen by another server.":"If you are gaining an unexpected or potentially unwelcome boost from being mentioned by a famous person or some other extraordinary situation, it may make sense to take down your regular advertising, remove your cross-linking between platforms, disable certain invites or take any other actions to reduce the flow of new users generally. This may not help if the vast majority of your new users are coming from one source that, for example, posted a vanity invite link that you don’t want to remove and potentially have stolen by another server.","#Depending on how large the influx of new users is, and whether this is a new server or an existing one, it may make sense to restrict the ability to send messages to a select group of users or just restrict those permissions only to staff while you wait for the people joining to acclimate. This can give you time to assess how many people joined, and whether your setup is prepared to handle that kind of growth or if you need to do additional preparation before opening things up. This can also give you time to remove any new users that you already know will not be contributing members of the group (ie. people with hateful profile pictures/usernames) before they can get the chance to integrate themselves into the server.":"Depending on how large the influx of new users is and whether this is a new server or an existing one, it may make sense to restrict the ability to send messages to a select group of users or just restrict those permissions only to staff while you wait for the people joining to acclimate. This can give you time to assess how many people have joined and whether your setup is prepared to handle that kind of growth or if you need to do additional preparation before opening things up. This can also give you time to remove any new users that you already know will not be contributing members of the group (i.e. people with hateful profile pictures/usernames) before they can get the chance to integrate themselves into the server.","#Growth can be difficult to manage at normal rates, and explosive growth can be especially difficult. Teams will need to prepare for influxes of users, manage their entry into the space, ensure that they can integrate with and navigate the different parts of the community during a more turbulent or hectic time, and maintain the purpose and mission of the community with minimal disruption. Throughout all of this, moderators will also have to deal with an increase in the volume of bad actors joining and the increase in required moderation actions to keep things running smoothly.":"Growth can be difficult to manage at normal rates and explosive growth can be especially difficult. Teams will need to prepare for influxes of users, manage their entry into the space, ensure that they can integrate with and navigate the different parts of the community during a more turbulent or hectic time and maintain the purpose and mission of the community with minimal disruption. Throughout all of this, moderators will also have to deal with an increase in the volume of bad actors joining and the increase in required moderation actions to keep things running smoothly.","#On the other hand, if you make a server for a brand or company, it is recommended to go by your target audience. Introducing features like internationalization needs carefully planned, but steady steps.":"On the other hand, if you make a server for a brand or company, it is recommended to go by your target audience. Introducing features like internationalisation needs carefully planned but steady steps.","#Utilizing slow mode in certain busier channels":"Utilising slow mode in certain busier channels","#If you want to feature multiple languages with equal amounts, you can effectively combine multiple Discord servers in one. For the first half, it will be the same as before: Have at least one international general-chat before you split the server into each language. That way every user is able to communicate with the entirety of the server instead of just their language-specific section. Let users choose their language via a reaction or verification with the option to opt-out and change regions. You can summarise the most important aspects in a common text-channel, the text being translated into every featured language.":"If you want to feature multiple languages with equal amounts, you can effectively combine multiple Discord servers in one. For the first half, it will be the same as before: have at least one international general chat before you split the server into each language. That way, every user is able to communicate with the entirety of the server instead of just their language-specific section. Let users choose their language via a reaction or verification with the option to opt out and change regions. You can summarise the most important aspects in a common text channel, the text being translated into every featured language.","#Colors: It is advised to have the colors of each moderator role in the same shade with a slight but still visible difference. This helps to differentiate moderators and regular users will be able to tell the difference immediately. Remember that newer users might not check each role and just contact the first seemingly online moderator they see.":"Colours: It is advised to have the colours of each moderator role in the same shade with a slight but still visible difference. This helps to differentiate moderators and regular users will be able to tell the difference immediately. Remember that newer users might not check each role and just contact the first seemingly online moderator they see.","#Making a server internationally available is a big step for a community. What are things to consider? How does one approach it? What will change in the server dynamics and will it be worth the effort? Here is a step by step guide on how to deal with the internationalization of a community in one Discord server.":"Making a server available internationally is a big step for a community. What are things to consider? How does one approach it? What will change in the server dynamics and will it be worth the effort? Here is a step-by-step guide on how to deal with the internationalisation of a community in one Discord server.","#Internationalizing your server may mean that your moderation team grows to be larger than expected, so to make it easy for users to contact the appropriate staff you can separate moderators by nicknames, colors, or role hoist.":"Internationalising your server may mean that your moderation team grows to be larger than expected, so to make it easy for users to contact the appropriate staff you can separate moderators by nicknames, colours or role hoist.","#Creating a Server with One or More Languages From Scratch":"Creating a Server with One or More Languages from Scratch","#You can implement that same line of thinking when organizing server events. Consider alternating between server-wide and international events as demand allows. For the latter, analyze your server’s activity for each region and host it at the time with the most community engagement for those users for the best results. You can apply the same system to the voice channels by creating a few global voice chats and then adding language specific channels. Your staff should only allow one common language to be spoken in the global chats and redirect every other language into their appropriate voice channels.":"You can implement that same line of thinking when organising server events. Consider alternating between server-wide and international events as demand allows. For the latter, analyse your server’s activity for each region and host it at the time with the most community engagement for those users for the best results. You can apply the same system to the voice channels by creating a few global voice chats and then adding language specific channels. Your staff should only allow one common language to be spoken in the global chats and redirect every other language into their appropriate voice channels.","#This page includes descriptions of what each level requires for users to begin interacting. Increasing the verification level can also generally slow down the rate of new users speaking in your server. If you increase the verification level to the highest setting, users who do not have phone verified accounts may just leave the server, and it’s more likely that only high intent users will stick around and wait for the verification level to be lowered.":"This page includes descriptions of what each level requires for users to begin interacting. Increasing the verification level can also generally slow down the rate of new users speaking in your server. If you increase the verification level to the highest setting, users who do not have phone-verified accounts may just leave the server and it’s more likely that only high-intent users will stick around and wait for the verification level to be lowered.","#Moreover, community events can be a lot more diverse. You can host a variety of events for each language as well as let all of them participate in shared events. Take the time to analyze each nation’s activity and also take holidays or national days into account.":"Moreover, community events can be a lot more diverse. You can host a variety of events for each language as well as let all of them participate in shared events. Take the time to analyse each nation’s activity and also take holidays or national days into account.","#While privacy concerns exist on any platform, they are something to be especially aware of when moderating family-friendly spaces. Rules that cover privacy and internet safety may be more strictly enforced to protect younger server members from any harmful actors looking to take advantage of less experienced internet users. Oftentimes, these concerns can culminate in a blanket rule stating that sharing any personally identifying information in the server is not allowed. This goes beyond exact locations and can include full names, ages, and even face reveals.":"Whilst privacy concerns exist on any platform, they are something to be especially aware of when moderating family-friendly spaces. Rules that cover privacy and internet safety may be more strictly enforced to protect younger server members from any harmful actors looking to take advantage of less experienced internet users. Oftentimes, these concerns can culminate in a blanket rule stating that sharing any personally identifying information in the server is not allowed. This goes beyond exact locations and can include full names, ages, and even face reveals.","#Revealing exact locations and full names are generally frowned upon in most online communities because they can be used to find more information about a potential doxxing target. Forbidding users to share their age is an added level of privacy to protect younger members seeking community on the Internet from being taken advantage of by those with malicious intentions. Younger users may not understand how risky age differences can be to navigate. Face reveals can be reverse-image searched to further learn information about users who aren’t protecting their online privacy, or even be stolen and used in various forms of bullying. As a result, many family-friendly servers find it best to limit all personally identifying information outside of first name and country if users aren’t choosing to utilize an online persona to protect themselves.":"Revealing exact locations and full names are generally frowned upon in most online communities because they can be used to find more information about a potential doxxing target. Forbidding users to share their age is an added level of privacy to protect younger members seeking community on the Internet from being taken advantage of by those with malicious intentions. Younger users may not understand how risky age differences can be to navigate. Face reveals can be reverse-image searched to further learn information about users who aren’t protecting their online privacy, or even be stolen and used in various forms of bullying. As a result, many family-friendly servers find it best to limit all personally identifying information outside of first name and country if users aren’t choosing to utilise an online persona to protect themselves.","#Unless you have a very large team with a lot of free time, it may be necessary to reach out for help outside of your moderation team. You can add moderators or explore adding temporary helpers and junior moderators to allow some people with reduced permissions to assist in handling some of the easy to tackle and high volume issues. They can handle incoming trolls and userbots or help manage any new user onboarding process that the server employs while experienced moderators take care of trickier interpersonal situations. It will also be good to reach out to servers that have experience with similar events to ask them for context specific advice about preparing. This could be done by sharing auto moderation settings and configurations, getting bot recommendations, lending and borrowing staff members, or just sharing any particular concerns you may have. Moderation hubs can be a useful place to solicit help and advice. The same can be said for servers within your network if you have any partnerships or even servers you collaborate with in some capacity.":"Unless you have a very large team with a lot of free time, it may be necessary to reach out for help outside of your moderation team. You can add moderators or explore adding temporary helpers and junior moderators to allow some people with reduced permissions to assist in handling some of the easy-to-tackle and high-volume issues. They can handle incoming trolls and userbots or help manage any new user onboarding process that the server employs, while experienced moderators take care of trickier interpersonal situations. It will also be good to reach out to servers that have experience with similar events to ask them for context-specific advice about preparing. This could be done by sharing auto moderation settings and configurations, getting bot recommendations, lending and borrowing staff members or just sharing any particular concerns you may have. Moderation hubs can be a useful place to solicit help and advice. The same can be said for servers within your network if you have any partnerships or even servers you collaborate with in some capacity.","#It is important to note that some of the scenarios being covered by this article, like being featured on the front page of Server Discovery, will cause a marked increase in the rate of new joins, but will not cause hundreds of people to join your server at once. If you are preparing for a content creator to announce a giveaway in their Discord to thousands of people watching their stream, for example, it may make sense to actually decrease your auto moderation settings to prevent anti-raid bots from being triggered by real people joining to participate in a giveaway. If you can, you should ask people who have experience with similar communities or events exactly how they modify their auto-moderation settings to most effectively manage the situation you are in.":"It is important to note that some of the scenarios being covered by this article, like being featured on the front page of Server Discovery, will cause a marked increase in the rate of new joins but will not cause hundreds of people to join your server at once. If you are preparing for a content creator to announce a giveaway in their Discord to thousands of people watching their stream, for example, it may make sense to actually decrease your auto moderation settings to prevent anti-raid bots from being triggered by real people joining to participate in a giveaway. If you can, you should ask people who have experience with similar communities or events exactly how they modify their auto moderation settings to manage the situation you are in most effectively.","#Nicknames: If you want to have the moderation team equally displayed throughout the server, you can arrange the moderators by nicknames. Simply add the language they moderate at the beginning of their nickname so they are alphabetically sorted below each other. Users will have an easier time recognizing the appropriate moderators, but with a large staff, this might end up looking a little busy. Some moderators tend to change their nicknames frequently and may not be big fans of having the tag in front of their name, either.":"Nicknames: If you want to have the moderation team equally displayed throughout the server, you can arrange the moderators by nicknames. Simply add the language they moderate to the beginning of their nickname so they are alphabetically sorted below each other. Users will have an easier time recognising the appropriate moderators, but with a large staff, this might end up looking a little busy. Some moderators tend to change their nicknames frequently and may not be big fans of having the tag in front of their name, either.","#In addition, any servers that are on Discord’s Server Discovery will potentially see a huge increase in their join rates depending on their focus and the keywords they have in Discovery, especially if they are featured on the front page by Discord. Popup event servers that are being set up temporarily or servers that are mentioned by people with large followings will also see a huge influx of users joining very rapidly from whatever avenues the server was advertised through.":"In addition, any servers that are on Discord’s Server Discovery will potentially see a huge increase in their join rates depending on their focus and the keywords they have in Discovery, especially if they are featured on the front page by Discord. Pop-up event servers that are being set up temporarily or servers that are mentioned by people with large followings will also see a huge influx of users joining very rapidly from whatever avenues the server was advertised through.","#If your server does not utilize moderation verification levels or verification gates, it may make sense to temporarily increase your servers security using one or both of these tools. Verification levels can help you prevent some of the lower effort trolls and self bot accounts that are targeting your server from doing any damage. You can access verification levels in the moderation settings of the server.":"If your server does not utilise moderation verification levels or verification gates, it may make sense to increase your servers security temporarily using one or both of these tools. Verification levels can help you prevent some of the lower-effort trolls and self bot accounts that are targeting your server from doing any damage. You can access verification levels in the moderation settings of the server.","#Increasing existing punishment flows (ie. switch to an automatic mute where you would have issued an automatic warning before)":"Increasing existing punishment flows (i.e. switch to an automatic mute where you would have issued an automatic warning before)","#As your server grows, so does Discord. It is vital to keep in mind that your server can get a lot of incoming users who have never really used Discord before- so make sure your server’s design is user-friendly, easily accessible, and has a clear structure. Also, remember that the more languages you feature on your server, the more text-and voice channels will appear for your staff.":"As your server grows, so does Discord. It is vital to keep in mind that your server can get a lot of incoming users who have never really used Discord before – so make sure your server’s design is user-friendly, easily accessible and has a clear structure. Also, remember that the more languages you feature on your server, the more text and voice channels will appear for your staff.","#The simplest way to manage the split server is by having the same channels and categories, but in different languages. This will heavily depend on the type of server you moderate, but recommended channels for every section are the ones you would usually include in a monolingual server. These channels should include things like rules, announcements, general-chat, bot-commands, media, optionally a looking-for-game channel, and more. Take care to ensure you have appropriate translation for each channel.":"The simplest way to manage the split server is by having the same channels and categories but in different languages. This will depend heavily on the type of server you moderate, but recommended channels for every section are the ones you would usually include in a monolingual server. These channels should include things like rules, announcements, general chat, bot commands, media, optionally a looking-for-game channel and more. Take care to ensure you have appropriate translation for each channel.","#While moderating a multilingual server it is crucial to have moderators that are native speakers or at least fluent in each language that you decide to expand to. Having moderators that are native speakers makes it so that they not only understand the textbook definitions of what is being said but understand the cultural contexts that may come with international chats. However, these moderators should also be accomplished and capable with the other responsibilities of being a mod that lie outside of just being fluent.":"While moderating a multilingual server, it is crucial to have moderators that are native speakers or at least fluent in each language that you decide to expand to. Having moderators that are native speakers makes it so that they not only understand the textbook definitions of what is being said but understand the cultural contexts that may come with international chats. However, these moderators should also be accomplished and capable with the other responsibilities of being a mod that lie outside of just being fluent.","#Furthermore, try to integrate every additional language in a way that utilizes it to its utmost potential. You can do so in the form of a feedback and suggestion channel in each language’s category. This lets you hear directly from the users that would benefit from that additional language chat the most. Consider having staff that are dedicated to interacting with each section instead of focusing all their attention on the global chat. Having these additional language chats makes it so that your international users don’t feel less validated only because they don’t want to or can’t communicate in the global chat.":"Furthermore, try to integrate every additional language in a way that utilises it to its utmost potential. You can do so in the form of a feedback and suggestion channel in each language’s category. This lets you hear directly from the users that would benefit from that additional language chat the most. Consider having staff that are dedicated to interacting with each section instead of focusing all their attention on the global chat. Having these additional language chats makes it so that your international users don’t feel less validated only because they don’t want to or can’t communicate in the global chat.","#Family-friendly communities exist to welcome Discord’s youngest users into safe spaces with the protection of moderation teams. Home Servers are SFW communities that limit topics of discussion more than a generalized server would in order to cultivate that safe environment. As a result, there’s special consideration to be taken around user privacy and educating users about their privacy, expanded text filters, appropriate topics of discussion, and rule continuity when building out the rules and structure of such an environment. Make sure your team is prepared to handle older users who may find these rules constricting by explaining their importance to your community’s purpose.":"Family-friendly communities exist to welcome Discord’s youngest users into safe spaces with the protection of moderation teams. Home Servers are SFW communities that limit topics of discussion more than a generalised server would in order to cultivate that safe environment. As a result, there’s special consideration to be taken around user privacy and educating users about their privacy, expanded text filters, appropriate topics of discussion, and rule continuity when building out the rules and structure of such an environment. Make sure your team is prepared to handle older users who may find these rules constricting by explaining their importance to your community’s purpose.","#Auto moderation tools can greatly reduce the workload that your moderation team experiences during a stressful period for your server. It can help in a variety of ways including but not limited to:":"Auto moderation tools can greatly reduce the workload that your moderation team experiences during a stressful period for your server. It can help in a variety of ways, including but not limited to:","#Which languages to choose entirely depend on the type of server you run. For a community server, it is recommended to adjust it to the community’s needs. Usually, the most commonly featured languages outside of English are German, French, Spanish, Turkish and Russian. You can determine your featured language by community analysis, server insights (if your server has them), and demand. What nationalities are represented the most in your server? Which users struggle the most with English upon joining the server and if they’re struggling, what language do they usually communicate in? In addition to that, you can consider starting a survey every time you and your staff feel ready to expand into a new language.":"Which languages to choose depends entirely on the type of server you run. For a community server, it is recommended to adjust it to the community’s needs. Usually, the most commonly featured languages beyond English are German, French, Spanish, Turkish and Russian. You can determine your featured language by community analysis, server insights (if your server has them) and demand. What nationalities are represented the most in your server? Which users struggle the most with English upon joining the server and if they’re struggling, what language do they usually communicate in? In addition to that, you can consider starting a survey every time you and your staff feel ready to expand into a new language.","#It is recommended to hoist the most important text-channels at the top of your server. That may include announcements, server-info, rules, optionally giveaways and more. To ensure global accessibility, translate important parts like the rules and server information in every language you feature alongside your main language.":"It is recommended to hoist the most important text-channels to the top of your server. That may include announcements, server-info, rules, optional giveaways and more. To ensure global accessibility, translate important parts like the rules and server information into every language you feature alongside your main language.","#Role hoist: If you display only the accompanying moderator role for each language, ensure that you have a common, not displayed role for all moderators so one team is not less validated than the other. Users should definitely be able to contact the appropriate staff and ping the correct moderators to help them out with issues in chat. but, when displaying a lot of teams with many members each, some of them might be pushed off the screen. You run the risk that some moderators that are displayed below the other teams seem less “important and validated” to the community, but the shared staff role should fix that problem easily.":"Role hoist: If you display only the accompanying moderator role for each language, ensure that you have a common role for all moderators that isn’t displayed so one team is not less validated than the other. Users should definitely be able to contact the appropriate staff and ping the correct moderators to help them out with issues in chat. But, when displaying a lot of teams with many members each, some of them might be pushed off the screen. You run the risk that some moderators that are displayed below the other teams seem less ‘important and validated’ to the community, but the shared staff role should fix that problem easily.","#It's easy for people to underestimate the impact cultural differences can have. Culture influences values, rules, thought patterns, and perception.":"It’s easy for people to underestimate the impact cultural differences can have. Culture influences values, rules, thought patterns and perception.","#Moderation: Since not all moderators will be able to understand every single language, using bots turn out to be very helpful for auto-moderation. Inform your fellow moderators about inappropriate words or phrases and ensure that you added them into the bot filter for easier moderation. Banned or filtered words should contain common slurs in not only English, but also in commonly banned words for every language that you offer.":"Moderation: Since not all moderators will be able to understand every single language, using bots turns out to be very helpful for auto-moderation. Inform your fellow moderators about inappropriate words or phrases and ensure that you have added them into the bot filter for easier moderation. Banned or filtered words should contain common slurs in not only English, but also commonly banned words for every language that you offer.","#While community moderators should follow the basic tasks (moderate the chat, be accessible for questions, guide users), things in multilingual servers can be a bit more advanced. Moderators need to identify and address inappropriate behavior towards other cultures in an authoritative, but instructive way. Furthermore, they need to free the chat from toxic behavior and control discussions about sensitive topics.":"While community moderators should follow the basic tasks (moderate the chat, be accessible for questions, guide users), things can be a bit more advanced in multilingual servers. Moderators need to identify and address inappropriate behaviour towards other cultures in an authoritative but instructive way. Furthermore, they need to free the chat from toxic behaviour and control discussions about sensitive topics.","#In addition to that, they have to be open for cultural questions of users who chose a language they are not fluent in yet. Both the user and staff need to work their way around language barriers together. They’ll be required to help users, as well as resolve disputes, often at the same time. For that, they’ll have to rely on their communication skills in order to succeed in resolving both situations and any other issue that may require it. Without good communication skills, users won't understand what you're trying to convey to them, which should be assertive but tolerant.":"In addition to that, they have to be open for cultural questions of users who chose a language they are not fluent in yet. Both the user and staff need to work their way around language barriers together. They’ll be required to help users as well as resolve disputes, often at the same time. For that, they’ll have to rely on their communication skills in order to succeed in resolving both situations and any other issue that may require it. Without good communication skills, users won’t understand what you’re trying to convey to them, which should be assertive but tolerant.","#Managing several moderators from all around the world can turn out to be quite tricky. Organizing meetings and waiting for everyone’s approval for one date may be a real challenge to deal with. Getting the majority of the team on board could take days, especially with the difference in time zones.":"Managing several moderators from all around the world can turn out to be quite tricky. Organising meetings and waiting for everyone’s approval for one date may be a real challenge to deal with. Getting the majority of the team on board could take days, especially with the difference in time zones.","#That means that events happening in other countries may be viewed differently in each nation. News and social media don't always portray the truth which lets misinformation spread easily. Make sure to have your staff updated about the current situations so they have it easier to deal with discussions about sensitive topics and trolls. Communication is key and the users of the server will massively benefit from it. While people are entitled to have their own opinion and ask for further information, make sure to let it happen in a calm and civil atmosphere under a moderator’s watch. If you as a moderator find that you’re ill equipped to talk about the topic, you should refrain from publicly voicing your opinion until you’re better informed. Conversely, you may want to refrain from allowing contentious topics like current events or politics to occur in your server at all, which is something you should decide with your moderation team as a whole.":"That means that events happening in other countries may be viewed differently in each nation. News and social media don’t always portray the truth, which allows misinformation to spread easily. Make sure your staff are updated about the current situations so they have it easier when dealing with discussions about sensitive topics and trolls. Communication is key and the users of the server will benefit massively from it. While people are entitled to have their own opinion and ask for further information, make sure to let it happen in a calm and civil atmosphere under a moderator’s watch. If you as a moderator find that you’re ill-equipped to talk about the topic, you should refrain from voicing your opinion publicly until you’re better informed. Conversely, you may want to refrain from allowing discussion of contentious topics like current events or politics to occur in your server at all, which is something you should decide with your moderation team as a whole.","#Making a server internationally available is a great idea and can be a boon to your community’s retention. It can be utilized for both communities and companies alike. But you have to be careful with your approach- Internationalization is a deliberate and complicated process and it should be treated as such. If it’s gone about in the wrong way, left uncompleted or rushed, these international spaces could backfire. It may result in negative feedback, a disappointed community and staff or deserted channels.":"Making a server available internationally is a great idea and can be a boon to your community’s retention. It can be utilised for both communities and companies alike. But you have to be careful with your approach – internationalisation is a deliberate and complicated process and it should be treated as such. If it’s gone about in the wrong way, left incomplete or rushed, these international spaces could backfire. It may result in negative feedback, a disappointed community and staff or deserted channels.","#Make sure to inform your staff and community about every step you’re about to take, and give them a chance to voice their input. Feedback and suggestions from both your mods and your community will be essential to making sure this is the right fit for your server. Internationalization requires a lot of effort and prioritization in order to properly take care of many factors simultaneously, but if done right, it’s an unparalleled way to enrich your community.":"Make sure to inform your staff and community about every step you’re about to take and give them a chance to voice their input. Feedback and suggestions from both your mods and your community will be essential to making sure this is the right fit for your server. Internationalisation requires a lot of effort and prioritisation in order to take care of many factors properly and simultaneously, but if done right, it’s an unparalleled way to enrich your community.","#One simple solution is to delegate some captains or representative moderators for each team. They will gather feedback, opinions and suggestions from the rest of the staff team and discuss them with the rest of staff during the meeting. That way it’s easier to organize staff meetings, but they can also directly inform the rest of their team who could not make it due to time conflicts. Depending on the size of the staff teams, you can appoint more than one moderator for that position.":"One simple solution is to delegate some captains or representative moderators for each team. They will gather feedback, opinions and suggestions from the rest of the staff team and discuss them with the rest of staff during the meeting. That way, it’s easier to organise staff meetings, but they can also directly inform the rest of their team who could not make it due to time conflicts. Depending on the size of the staff teams, you can appoint more than one moderator for that position.","#Global Accessibility: Make sure that you have the bots available for every part of your server. That could either mean that you include them in the global section of your server, or you translate the commands and definitions in every language featured.":"Global Accessibility: Make sure that you have the bots available for every part of your server. That could either mean that you include them in the global section of your server or you translate the commands and definitions into every language featured.","#When creating more than one staff role, make sure that everyone is comfortable with their position and their responsibilities. Misalignment can lead to misunderstanding later on, and it might create needless tension amongst the staff. Consider appointing one representative in each region that your server is branching out to. That will open the possibility to have regional staff meetings where language and culture specific issues and suggestions can be discussed without the need for an international meeting with the whole team.":"When creating more than one staff role, make sure that everyone is comfortable with their position and their responsibilities. Misalignment can lead to misunderstanding later on and it might create needless tension amongst the staff. Consider appointing one representative in each region that your server is branching out to. That will open the possibility of having regional staff meetings where language and culture-specific issues and suggestions can be discussed without the need for an international meeting with the whole team.","#While not every moderator will get the chance to get to know every other moderator from different regions in these larger moderation rosters, it is important that the team feels united regardless. Don’t leave it up to one team to tackle an issue- let them know that they can always ask for help from the rest of the staff.":"While not every moderator will get the chance to get to know every other moderator from different regions in these larger moderation rosters, it is important that the team feels united regardless. Don’t leave it up to one team to tackle an issue – let them know that they can always ask for help from the rest of the staff.","#Language Barriers: It may occur that users message the ModMail in poor English or in their native language. Find out the user's nationality and reply with a message in their native language that lets them know their request is being routed to the appropriately fluent mod. To save these messages, simply create an extra text-channel in the ModMail server and let moderators translate important phrases that might come in handy.":"Language Barriers: It may occur that users message the ModMail in poor English or in their native language. Find out the user's nationality and reply with a message in their native language that lets them know their request is being routed to the appropriately fluent mod. To save these messages, simply create an extra text channel in the ModMail server and let moderators translate important phrases that might come in handy.","#Also be sure to avoid intrusive methods of drawing attention to the channel such as mentioning @everyone or random individual users in the channel. This will ensure that having such a channel does not disrupt your community, and members can engage with the advertising on their own terms.":"Also be sure to avoid intrusive methods of drawing attention to the channel such as mentioning @everyone or random individual users in the channel. This will ensure that having such a channel does not disrupt your community and members can engage with the advertising on their own terms.","#Of course, there are nearly an unlimited number of ways to grow your community, and these options continue to evolve along with Discord as a platform. However creative you may be in growing your server, it’s important that you value not just the growth of your server’s member count, but also the experience of the users who join your server.":"Of course, there are nearly an unlimited number of ways to grow your community and these options continue to evolve along with Discord as a platform. However creative you might be in growing your server, it’s important that you value not just the growth of your server’s member count but also the experience of the users who join your server.","#Relevancy":"Relevance","#Ethical community growth is the concept of attracting users to your community in a way that does not violate the trust users have with Discord, third parties, and your community. Furthermore, this involves attempting to target people who will genuinely be interested in your community’s purpose and want to stay long-term. In other words, you could say that ethical community growth focuses on member quality over member quantity while providing a foundation for members to feel safe and welcome in your server.":"Ethical community growth is the concept of attracting users to your community in a way that does not violate the trust users have with Discord, third parties and your community. Furthermore, this involves attempting to target people who will genuinely be interested in your community’s purpose and want to stay in the long term. In other words, you could say that ethical community growth focuses on member quality over member quantity while providing a foundation for members to feel safe and welcome in your server.","#Another tempting way to grow a server is to have direct messages sent to users to have them join your server. However, invading someone's direct messages for an advertisement is extremely disruptive to a user’s experience. Mass DMing users may even cause you to be reported for spam, and no one wants that. Instead, you should only send a direct message advertisement to someone when they have explicitly consented to receive a direct message about advertising. Don’t interpret someone joining your server as consenting to receive direct messages from everyone and anyone there, especially for advertising purposes.":"Another tempting way to grow a server is to have direct messages sent to users to have them join your server. However, invading someone's direct messages for an advertisement is extremely disruptive to a user’s experience. Mass DMing users may even cause you to be reported for spam and no one wants that. Instead, you should only send a direct message advertisement to someone when they have explicitly consented to receive a direct message about advertising. Don’t interpret someone joining your server as consenting to receive direct messages from everyone and anyone there, especially for advertising purposes.","#It’s logical to think that if you want a lot of people to see an advertisement for your server that you should have the host server mention @everyone, and that is, in fact, true! However, this is something that should be done very sparingly. Although users are understanding of @everyone mentions for important server or topical updates, they will be less likely to feel good about being pinged to join another Discord server, even if it is relevant. Therefore, using @everyone pings or direct messages to ask people to join another Discord server for a non-urgent reason is highly discouraged.":"It’s logical to think that if you want a lot of people to see an advertisement for your server, you should have the host server mention @everyone, and that is, in fact, true! However, this is something that should be done very sparingly. Although users are understanding of @everyone mentions for important server or topical updates, they will be less likely to feel good about being pinged to join another Discord server, even if it is relevant. Therefore, using @everyone pings or direct messages to ask people to join another Discord server for a non-urgent reason is highly discouraged.","#Finally, it is important that users join your community completely of their own free will. Users that feel the need to join to receive some sort of perk on the host server, your own server, or some additional consideration (e.g., free Discord Nitro) are going to be less likely to stay engaged in your server compared to those joining purely of their own interest. Thus, allowing users to make the choice to take action based purely on the advertising message and explanation is vital to keeping your community healthy and its growth sustainable.":"Finally, it is important that users join your community completely of their own free will. Users that feel the need to join to receive some sort of perk on the host server, your own server or some additional consideration (e.g., free Discord Nitro) are going to be less likely to stay engaged in your server compared to those joining purely of their own interest. Thus, allowing users to make the choice to take action based purely on the advertising message and explanation is vital to keeping your community healthy and its growth sustainable.","#Now that we’ve discussed the general principles behind ethical community growth, here are some examples of ways to grow your community directly on Discord, or to help someone else grow theirs!":"Now that we’ve discussed the general principles behind ethical community growth, here are some examples of ways to grow your community directly on Discord or to help someone else grow theirs!","#Imagine a place where you can gather like-minded people together to have a good time. That’s one of the core uses of Discord! People love to build communities about interests from airplanes to zoology, and to do that, they need to find members.":"Imagine a place where you can gather like-minded people together to have a good time. That’s one of the core uses of Discord! People love to build communities about interests from aeroplanes to zoology, and to do that, they need to find members.","#Meeting all of these criteria will contribute to a higher proportion of targeted users joining, participating, and staying in your community. Doing so also contributes to a more pleasant and useful Discord experience for users compared to other advertising methods that may not meet all the above criteria.":"Meeting all of these criteria will contribute to a higher proportion of targeted users joining, participating and staying in your community. Doing so also contributes to a more pleasant and useful Discord experience for users compared to other advertising methods that might not meet all the above criteria.","#When asking to advertise your community in another server, or when considering allowing a community to advertise in your own, a primary consideration should be how relevant the target community is to the members of the host community. For example, a server about cooking advertising in a server about football is not as likely to attract new members compared to an esports server advertising in a League of Legends server.":"When asking to advertise your community in another server or when considering allowing a community to advertise in your own, a primary consideration should be how relevant the target community is to the members of the host community. For example, a server about cooking advertising in a server about football is not as likely to attract new members compared to an esports server advertising in a League of Legends server.","#In practice, this ethical framework must also extend to both the advertisements you as a community owner host for other communities, and the advertisements that you utilize yourself to grow your target community. This article will help you consider how to ethically handle community growth via advertisement by ensuring that it is:":"In practice, this ethical framework must also extend to both the advertisements you as a community owner host for other communities and the advertisements that you utilise yourself to grow your target community. This article will help you consider how to handle community growth ethically via advertisement by ensuring that it is:","#Human creativity is unbound, and the list of ways to grow your community within Discord itself here is not exhaustive. When developing new ways to grow your community, it is absolutely vital that you start from the ethical framework listed here to try new methods instead of picking a method and attempting to justify it into this framework. If you find yourself attempting to justify a new method of community growth with “Well technically this is ok because…,” you should strongly reconsider using that method. In order to be ethical in growing your community, you also have to consider ethics first, not as an afterthought.":"Human creativity is unbound and the list of ways to grow your community within Discord itself here is not exhaustive. When developing new ways to grow your community, it is absolutely vital that you start from the ethical framework listed here to try new methods instead of picking a method and attempting to justify it into this framework. If you find yourself attempting to justify a new method of community growth with ‘Well, technically this is okay because…,’ you should strongly reconsider using that method. In order to be ethical in growing your community, you also have to consider ethics first, not as an afterthought.","#Ethical community growth ties deeply into the way you advertise your server. Getting the word out about your community and convincing others to join is a key component in getting more members. However, in one’s passion to grow your community as fast as possible, it’s easy to overlook the ethics component of advertising.":"Ethical community growth ties deeply into the way you advertise your server. Getting the word out about your community and convincing others to join is a key component in getting more members. However, in your passion to grow your community as fast as possible, it’s easy to overlook the ethics component of advertising.","#A dedicated channel for such pings would further allow for the messages not to disrupt the experience of other members while also allowing for easier backreading in the future. Just remember not to overly incentivize people to join these new servers and let them come to their own, unbiased decision based on the description and purpose of the community.":"A dedicated channel for such pings would further allow for the messages not to disrupt the experience of other members while also allowing for easier backreading in the future. Just remember not to overly incentivise people to join these new servers and let them come to their own, unbiased decision based on the description and purpose of the community.","#Server Discovery: One of the easiest and most ethical ways to advertise on Discord is through Server Discovery! By utilizing a compelling description of your server and applying focused keywords directly related to your community’s topic, you can allow interested users to seek you out simply by searching related words on Discord! They’ll be able to browse your server a bit before joining as well, so they can determine in advance whether or not it’s a space they are interested in. This truly gives control of a user’s experience to the user themselves while also allowing you to showcase your community’s merits to the world. Similarly, you can also host public events via stage channels to entice others to check out your community and see what your server is about!":"Server Discovery: One of the easiest and most ethical ways to advertise on Discord is through Server Discovery! By utilising a compelling description of your server and applying focused keywords directly related to your community’s topic, you can allow interested users to seek you out simply by searching related words on Discord! They’ll be able to browse your server a bit before joining as well, so they can determine in advance whether or not it’s a space they are interested in. This truly gives control of a user’s experience to the user themselves while also allowing you to showcase your community’s merits to the world. Similarly, you can also host public events via stage channels to entice others to check out your community and see what your server is about!","#A moderation team is a group of people from all over the world with diverse backgrounds and different experiences, working together to not only maintain structure inside a community but nurture that community as well. Managing such a team is a straining task but extremely important to the overall health of a community. In this article, you’ll get an in-depth look into what you need to establish and maintain a positive and productive environment within your moderation team.":"A moderation team is a group of people from all over the world with diverse backgrounds and different experiences, working together not only to maintain structure inside a community but to nurture that community as well. Managing such a team is a straining task but extremely important to the overall health of a community. In this article, you’ll get an in-depth look into what you need to establish and maintain a positive and productive environment within your moderation team.","#Decision Making":"Decision-Making","#Above all else, the foundation of a good moderation team is familiarity. By knowing your fellow moderators better, what they do, or where they live, you’ll relate to them better. You’ll get to know people’s strengths and weaknesses, learn to understand them better, and get a feeling for when they need help, and vice versa. Though you all may be in different time zones and have diverse backgrounds you’re all working towards the same goal which is keeping the community you all care for safe. Who knows- you might find that you share a lot of the same interests along the way, make great new friends, or deepen existing friendships during your time together as moderators.":"Above all else, the foundation of a good moderation team is familiarity. By knowing your fellow moderators better, what they do or where they live, you’ll relate to them better. You’ll get to know people’s strengths and weaknesses, learn to understand them better and get a feeling for when they need help, and vice versa. Though you all may be in different time zones and have diverse backgrounds, you’re all working towards the same goal, which is keeping the community you all care for safe. Who knows – you might find that you share a lot of the same interests along the way, make great new friends or deepen existing friendships during your time together as moderators.","#If you do have one of these larger mod teams, consider delegating certain moderators to tasks and responsibilities that they’d be best suited for, rather than having a jack of all trades, master of none situation. This allows to divide the team into smaller sub-teams that talk to each other more frequently in designated channels regarding their specific mod duties.":"If you do have one of these larger mod teams, consider delegating certain moderators to tasks and responsibilities that they’d be best suited for, rather than having a jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none situation. This allows you to divide the team into smaller sub-teams that talk to each other more frequently in designated channels regarding their specific mod duties.","#Hold Voice Chat Sessions. While talking through text is great- especially when trying to get more long form thoughts across- encouraging people to hop into voice to speak more casually can help to keep your mods personable and engaged with one another if they can put a voice to their fellow mods’ usernames.":"Hold Voice Chat Sessions. While talking through text is great – especially when trying to get more long-form thoughts across – encouraging people to hop into voice to speak more casually can help to give your mods the opportunity to show they are real people and keep them engaged with one another if they can put a voice to their fellow mods’ usernames.","#Engage new moderators. Just like in any relationship, talking with each other is a part of the process. Engage new moderators with conversations, and make them feel welcome in the team.":"Engage new moderators. Just like in any relationship, talking with each other is a part of the process. Engage new moderators with conversations and make them feel welcome in the team.","#Offer help to your moderators, or check on them if they haven’t been seen for a while. Sharing positive feedback is also a great way to stay in touch with your moderators! Positive, specific feedback is one of the best ways to recognize all of the hard, often thankless work, that your moderators do.":"Offer help to your moderators or check on them if they haven’t been seen for a while. Sharing positive feedback is also a great way to stay in touch with your moderators! Positive, specific feedback is one of the best ways to recognise all of the hard, often thankless, work that your moderators do.","#Most servers host events, from community run events to events run by staff members. Event Supervisors watch over the community members hosting events, watching out for new events, while being the general point of communication in hosting and announcing them.":"Most servers host events, from community-run events to events run by staff members. Event Supervisors watch over the community members hosting events, watching out for new events, while being the general point of communication in hosting and announcing them.","#These are ways of how moderators can be utilized better by giving them a designated job depending on your team's size, and also giving them the ability to dive into certain topics of moderation more in-depth within your community, which overall makes managing and coordinating a team as a whole easier.":"These are ways of how moderators can be utilised better by giving them a designated job depending on your team’s size and also giving them the ability to dive into certain topics of moderation more in-depth within your community, which overall makes managing and coordinating a team as a whole easier.","#Moderators that are extremely familiar with permissions, bots, programming, etc. Ideally, they aren’t just able to operate bots you’re using, but also maintain them. A custom bot tailored to your community is always something to consider. Having a bot hosted “in-house” by a moderator within your team adds an additional layer of security. The Bot Team is very valuable in making new and creative ideas possible and especially in automating day-to-day processes.":"Moderators that are extremely familiar with permissions, bots, programming, etc. Ideally, they aren’t just able to operate bots you’re using, but also maintain them. A custom bot tailored to your community is always something to consider. Having a bot hosted ‘in-house’ by a moderator within your team adds an additional layer of security. The Bot Team is very valuable in making new and creative ideas possible and especially in automating day-to-day processes.","#Here are a few basic things you should do to familiarize with each other:":"Here are a few basic things you should do to familiarise with each other:","#Maintain a channel for off topic discussions.":"Maintain a channel for off-topic discussions.","#As server size and the number of moderators increases, the harder it becomes to hear every voice and opinion. As a team, decisions need to be made together, they need to be consistent, equitable, and take into account as many different opinions as possible.":"As the server size and number of moderators increases, the harder it becomes to hear every voice and opinion. As a team, decisions need to be made together, they need to be consistent, equitable and take into account as many different opinions as possible.","#Your team should share positivity, engage conversation, show respect for others and maintain a professional look. Make it clear to your moderation team that they are a highly visible and perhaps incredibly scrutinized group within your community- and to conduct themselves appropriately with those aspects in mind.":"Your team should share positivity, engage conversation, show respect for others and maintain a professional look. Make it clear to your moderation team that they are a highly visible and perhaps incredibly scrutinised group within your community – and to conduct themselves appropriately with those aspects in mind.","#Self-control. A moderator will often face the situation of members not agreeing to actions taken against them. In those often heated conversations with an irate member, moderators need to keep self control by staying calm and resolving the issue.":"Self-control. A moderator will often face the situation of members not agreeing to actions taken against them. In those often heated conversations with an irate member, moderators need to keep self-control by staying calm and resolving the issue.","#As a general problem solving process, you should:":"As a general problem-solving process, you should:","#You should let moderators know that they have the potential for growth in their future as a moderator. It can be something like specializing into specific topics of moderation, like introducing them into managing or setting up bots. Perhaps over time they will progress to a senior moderator and focus more on the administrative side of things.":"You should let moderators know that they have the potential for growth in their future as a moderator. It can be something like specialising into specific topics of moderation, like introducing them into managing or setting up bots. Perhaps over time they will progress to a senior moderator and focus more on the administrative side of things.","#Identify the issue a moderator/a group of moderators/or a member has":"Identify the issue a moderator/group of moderators/member has","#Taking a moment to look back at the history and progression of your community and your mod team can be a useful way to evaluate where your team is at and where it needs to be. The time frame can be of your choosing, but some common intervals can be monthly, quarterly, or half year.":"Taking a moment to look back at the history and progression of your community and your mod team can be a useful way to evaluate where your team currently is and where it needs to be. The time frame can be of your choosing, but some common intervals can be monthly, quarterly or half-yearly.","#As with all group efforts, there is a possibility for friction to occur within a moderation team. This is undoubtedly something that you’re all going to have to address at some point in your mod team’s lifespan. It’s very important to deal with these situations as soon as they come up. Many people don't feel comfortable dealing with conflict directly as it can be uncomfortable. However, getting to any potential problems before they become serious can prevent more severe issues from cropping up in the future. The goal of a problem-solving process is to make a moderation team more conflict-friendly.":"As with all group efforts, there is a possibility for friction to occur within a moderation team. This is undoubtedly something that you’re all going to have to address at some point in your mod team’s lifespan. It’s very important to deal with these situations as soon as they come up. Many people don’t feel comfortable dealing with conflict directly as it can be uncomfortable. However, getting to any potential problems before they become serious can prevent more severe issues from cropping up in the future. The goal of a problem-solving process is to make a moderation team more conflict-friendly.","#It can be both uncomfortable and embarrassing to be “called out” for something, so often enough the best option is to speak to someone privately if you think they’ve made a mistake. After the moderator understands the situation and acknowledges the mistake, the problem can be talked about with the rest of the team, mainly to prevent situations like these in the future.":"It can be both uncomfortable and embarrassing to be ‘called out’ for something, so often enough the best option is to speak to someone privately if you think they’ve made a mistake. After the moderator understands the situation and acknowledges the mistake, the problem can be talked about with the rest of the team, mainly to prevent situations like these in the future.","#The presence of a moderator should never make people uncomfortable - there needs to be a fine line between “I can chat with this moderator like with any other member” and “This is a moderator and I need to take what they're saying seriously”.":"The presence of a moderator should never make people uncomfortable – there needs to be a fine line between ‘I can chat with this moderator like with any other member’ and ‘This is a moderator and I need to take what they’re saying seriously’.","#Professional Image. Moderators need to maintain a professional image- this includes things like choosing your profile picture, status, nickname, or any other highly visible identifiers wisely. While typing quirks and a friendly tone can go a long way to engender familiarity among your server members, when engaging in moderator actions it’s also important to say things in a way that are definitive and official. It’s hard to take a moderator seriously when they’re typing with tons of grammar mistakes and sporting a borderline nsfw profile picture.":"Professional Image. Moderators need to maintain a professional image – this includes things like choosing your profile picture, status, nickname or any other highly visible identifiers wisely. While typing quirks and a friendly tone can go a long way to engender familiarity among your server members, when engaging in moderator actions, it’s also important to say things in a way that are definitive and official. It’s hard to take a moderator seriously when they’re typing with tons of grammar mistakes and sporting a borderline NSFW profile picture.","#Reliability. The team should plan ahead of time, and a moderator should commit to what they say they would deliver, and if they can’t, they should take responsibility for it.":"Reliability. The team should plan ahead of time and a moderator should commit to what they say they would deliver, and if they can’t, they should take responsibility for it.","#You don’t always get to talk with your moderators every day - most of us volunteer, moderating as a hobby, having our own lives while living scattered all over the world. With all of that going on it can be hard to find the time or space to discuss things that you might feel are lacking or could be changed regarding the server, and that’s why reviewing is important.":"You don’t always get to talk with your moderators every day – most of us volunteer, moderating as a hobby, having our own lives while living scattered all over the world. With all of that going on, it can be hard to find the time or space to discuss things that you might feel are lacking or could be changed regarding the server, and that’s why reviewing is important.","#The essence of managing a moderation team is to be open-minded, communicate and to listen to each other. Endeavor to manage decisions and confront problems in an understanding, calm, and professional way. Give moderators the opportunity to grow, designated tasks, but also time to review, break and rest. Remember, you’re in this together!":"The essence of managing a moderation team is to be open-minded, communicate and to listen to each other. Endeavour to manage decisions and confront problems in an understanding, calm and professional way. Give moderators designated tasks and the opportunity to grow, but also time to review, break and rest. Remember, you’re in this together!","#A Community Review can be done in many ways. For most, a channel asking a few basic questions, like how the community has developed since the last review, how activity and growth has changed, is a good way to start. Most importantly, you want to hear how the moderation team is doing. Talk about mistakes that have happened recently, how they can be prevented, and review some of the moderator actions that have been taken. A review allows everyone to share their thoughts, see what everyone is up to, and deal with more long term issues. It also allows giving your moderators feedback on their performance.":"A Community Review can be done in many ways. For most, a channel asking a few basic questions, like how the community has developed since the last review, how activity and growth has changed, is a good way to start. Most importantly, you want to hear how the moderation team is doing. Talk about mistakes that have happened recently, how they can be prevented and review some of the moderator actions that have been taken. A review allows everyone to share their thoughts, see what everyone is up to and deal with more long-term issues. It also allows giving your moderators feedback on their performance.","#The first step towards securing the server you moderate is securing your own Discord account. Your first line of defense is a strong and unique password. Some characteristics of strong passwords include:":"The first step towards securing the server you moderate is securing your own Discord account. Your first line of defence is a strong and unique password. Some characteristics of strong passwords include:","#One of the most common and dangerous scams on Discord is a user or a bot sending out a direct message with a QR code saying that you should scan the QR code with Discord’s QR code scanner for free nitro. This will generally be combined with instructions on how to access and use Discord’s QR code scanner. However, it is important to remember that Discord's QR code scanner is only used to log in to Discord. Scanning the given QR code will allow that attacker to directly log into your account, bypassing your password and any 2FA you may have configured. If you accidentally scan a suspicious QR code, you should immediately change your password as this will invalidate your current account token and log you out of all devices.You can also report any such scams directly to Discord Trust and Safety for further action. For more information on making reports, check out this article.":"One of the most common and dangerous scams on Discord is a user or a bot sending out a direct message with a QR code saying that you should scan the QR code with Discord’s QR code scanner for free nitro. This will generally be combined with instructions on how to access and use Discord’s QR code scanner. However, it is important to remember that Discord's QR code scanner is only used to log in to Discord. Scanning the given QR code will allow that attacker to directly log into your account, bypassing your password and any 2FA you may have configured. If you accidentally scan a suspicious QR code, you should immediately change your password as this will invalidate your current account token and log you out of all devices. You can also report any such scams directly to Discord Trust and Safety for further action. For more information on making reports, check out this article.","#To further simplify your channel list, you can also use channel categories. Organizing channels into categories creates natural breaks in the channel list, allowing members to quickly read through it and find the channel they need. Members can also collapse categories as well, further allowing each user to hone in on channels that are important to them. Members of your server, especially new ones, may find it confusing to navigate a long, unbroken list of channels. Channel categories will further help them find the appropriate channel for any conversation they want to have or information they need to find.":"To simplify your channel list further, you can also use channel categories. Organising channels into categories creates natural breaks in the channel list, allowing members to read through it quickly and find the channel they need. Members can also collapse categories as well, allowing each user to hone in further on channels that are important to them. Members of your server, especially new ones, may find it confusing to navigate a long, unbroken list of channels. Channel categories will further help them find the appropriate channel for any conversation they want to have or information they need to find.","#There are many ways to go about it, but keeping your channel names concise, unique, and clear will go a long way towards making them easier for your members to read and understand their purpose at a glance. Some channels, however, may need additional explanation beyond simply their name and category.":"There are many ways to go about it, but keeping your channel names concise, unique and clear will go a long way towards making them easier for your members to read and understand their purpose at a glance. Some channels, however, may need additional explanation beyond simply their name and category.","#Channel topics and pinned messages are two ways to further explain the purpose of a channel, how to use it, and what channel-specific rules may apply.":"Channel topics and pinned messages are two ways to further explain the purpose of a channel, how to use it and what channel-specific rules may apply.","#An example of what a server with important channels outside of channel categories might look like.":"An example of what a server with important channels outside channel categories might look like.","#Once your channel list is easy to scroll through, the next step is making sure your channel and channel category names are easy to understand. Channel names can be as long as you want, but will be cut off after reaching approximately 25 characters, making them difficult to read. For example, the first channel below is just right, but the channel after is really extra super duper long and the full name isn’t displayed in the sidebar.":"Once your channel list is easy to scroll through, the next step is making sure your channel and channel category names are easy to understand. Channel names can be as long as you want, but will be cut off after reaching approximately 25 characters, making them difficult to read. For example, the first channel below is just right, but the channel after is really extra-super-duper-long and the full name isn’t displayed in the sidebar.","#The first thing people will see when they join your server is your channel list. Therefore, it’s important that your channels are clearly named and organized so that new users can easily find necessary information and readily understand how they should use each channel without being overwhelmed. To accomplish this, you should try to have organized channel categories where channels have clear names and topics, with pinned messages supplementing channel topics as needed.":"The first thing people will see when they join your server is your channel list. Therefore, it’s important that your channels are clearly named and organised so that new users can easily find necessary information and readily understand how they should use each channel without being overwhelmed. To accomplish this, you should try to have organised channel categories where channels have clear names and topics, with pinned messages supplementing channel topics as needed.","#Some people also like to add emojis to their channel names and categories. While this can be a good way to add some flair to your channel list, having too many emojis can detract from the names of the channels themselves. Furthermore, different devices render emojis differently, so what looks good on your own computer or phone may not look good on someone else’s device. Using emojis strategically to draw members’ eyes to important channels or using them only in category names instead of in every channel name may be better long-term. Similarly, you should also avoid using non-standard characters (e.g., 𝒻𝑜𝓃𝓉𝓈 ) when naming channels as this can make channel names difficult to read and mention.":"Some people also like to add emojis to their channel names and categories. While this can be a good way to add some flair to your channel list, having too many emojis can detract from the names of the channels themselves. Furthermore, different devices render emojis differently, so what looks good on your own computer or phone might not look good on someone else’s device. Using emojis strategically to draw members’ eyes to important channels or using them only in category names instead of in every channel name might be better long-term. Similarly, you should also avoid using non-standard characters (e.g., 𝒻𝑜𝓃𝓉𝓈) when naming channels as this can make channel names difficult to read and mention.","#However, it’s important not to put too many channels into one category, as this will create another long, unbroken list of channels that becomes difficult to navigate at a glance. Although there are reasons for including many channels in one category, keeping the amount to around four or five is ideal. You can also consider picking two or three of your most important channels and not placing them in categories at all, which will automatically bring them to the top of the channel list and prevent them from being collapsed into a category accidentally.":"However, it’s important not to put too many channels into one category, as this will create another long, unbroken list of channels that becomes difficult to navigate at a glance. Although there are reasons for including many channels in one category, keeping the number to around four or five is ideal. You can also consider picking two or three of your most important channels and not placing them in categories at all, which will automatically bring them to the top of the channel list and prevent them from being collapsed into a category accidentally.","#Channel topics appear next to the channel name on the desktop and web Discord clients and on the members list sidebar on mobile. Long channel topics can be expanded by clicking or tapping on the topic text and support basic markdown formatting. However, if you want to mention another channel, role, or user in a channel topic, you’ll need to type out the raw form of the mention in order for it to show up in the topic properly. These raw forms are as follows:":"Channel topics appear next to the channel name on the desktop and web Discord clients and on the members list sidebar on mobile. Long channel topics can be expanded by clicking or tapping on the topic text and support basic markdown formatting. However, if you want to mention another channel, role or user in a channel topic, you’ll need to type out the raw form of the mention in order for it to show up in the topic properly. These raw forms are as follows:","#One more consideration for channel organization arises if you are utilizing variable channel lists. Simply put, this is any sort of system that allows people to change which channels they have access to. For example, if you implement a verification gate, you’ll need to consider what channels people should see before and after passing verification. You may also want to implement self-assignable roles through a Discord bot that allow people to opt in or opt out of viewing certain channel categories. Keeping the previous organizational tips in mind and using the View as Role tool will help you see what the server looks like before and after verification as well as with opt in or opt out channel roles and help you to organize them in a way that makes sense for your server.":"One more consideration for channel organisation arises if you are using variable channel lists. Simply put, this is any sort of system that allows people to change which channels they have access to. For example, if you implement a verification gate, you’ll need to consider what channels people should see before and after passing verification. You may also want to implement self-assignable roles through a Discord bot that allow people to opt in or opt out of viewing certain channel categories. Keeping the previous organisational tips in mind and using the View as Role tool will help you see what the server looks like before and after verification as well as with opt-in or opt-out channel roles and help you to organise them in a way that makes sense for your server.","#Just as the rules exist to serve the community, so too does the progressive discipline system. The purpose of the progressive discipline system is to allow your members to understand their bad behavior and rectify it in the future without unduly punishing them for occasional small mistakes. Conversely, this means that users that are clearly acting in bad faith on the server may not be afforded the same leniency and should be muted or banned depending on the circumstances especially if the user in question does not have any previously normal chat history. While users that instantly break rules without message history could all be potentially banned, some behavior you may want to consider in particular includes:":"Just as the rules exist to serve the community, so too does the progressive discipline system. The purpose of the progressive discipline system is to allow your members to understand their bad behaviour and rectify it in the future without unduly punishing them for occasional small mistakes. Conversely, this means that users that are clearly acting in bad faith on the server may not be afforded the same leniency and should be muted or banned depending on the circumstances especially if the user in question does not have any previously normal chat history. While users that instantly break rules without message history could all be potentially banned, some behaviour you may want to consider in particular includes:","#There may be instances where the wording or specifics of the rules end up disallowing behavior that, in practice, does not go against the main principle of moderation. In these cases, moderators should refrain from warning the user without consulting the rest of their mod team and also seriously consider modifying the rules to more accurately reflect the expectations of the mod team in regards to server conduct.":"There may be instances where the wording or specifics of the rules end up disallowing behaviour that, in practice, does not go against the main principle of moderation. In these cases, moderators should refrain from warning the user without consulting the rest of their mod team and also seriously consider modifying the rules to more accurately reflect the expectations of the mod team in regards to server conduct.","#For example: let’s say you have a rule that prevents users from cropping images to focus on sexual body parts in order to prevent NSFW conversations from occurring in chat. However, someone ends up cropping an image of an in game character to focus on her skirt from behind, discussing the outfit. In this case, it may not be appropriate to warn the user since they are using this image to start an appropriate conversation, even if it technically breaks the rule about cropping pictures. So, the mod team should discuss ways that the rule can be rewritten to cover scenarios like these, rather than resign themselves to warning the user “because the rules say so.”":"For example: let’s say you have a rule that prevents users from cropping images to focus on sexual body parts in order to prevent NSFW conversations from occurring in chat. However, someone ends up cropping an image of an in-game character to focus on her skirt from behind, discussing the outfit. In this case, it may not be appropriate to warn the user since they are using this image to start an appropriate conversation, even if it technically breaks the rule about cropping pictures. So, the mod team should discuss ways that the rule can be rewritten to cover scenarios like these, rather than resign themselves to warning the user “because the rules say so.”","#Although channel topics can be quite long, it’s important to remember that people will not want to read a wall of text about a channel. It is ideal for you to keep a topic down to one or two sentences long. However, depending on the purpose of the channel, explaining the proper usage and purpose can be difficult. If your channel topic starts to become paragraphs long or even hits the channel topic character limit, it may be better to simplify it and add “check the channel pins for more details” to the end. Pinned messages are more obscure than the channel topic when it comes to providing information about a channel, but have the advantage of giving you more space to explain the intricacies of the channel, use advanced formatting, and take advantage of link embeds and attachments.":"Although channel topics can be quite long, it’s important to remember that people will not want to read a wall of text about a channel. It is ideal for you to keep a topic down to one or two sentences long. However, depending on the purpose of the channel, explaining the proper usage and purpose can be difficult. If your channel topic starts to become paragraphs long or even hits the channel topic character limit, it might be better to simplify it and add ‘check the channel pins for more details’ to the end. Pinned messages are more obscure than the channel topic when it comes to providing information about a channel but have the advantage of giving you more space to explain the intricacies of the channel, use advanced formatting and take advantage of link embeds and attachments.","#You can right click channels, roles, and users with Developer Mode enabled to copy the ID, and for emojis the ID will be the numbers at the end of the URL when you open the emoji in your browser. This will allow you to easily reference other entities as needed without needing to worry about the names of those channels, roles, or users changing in the future.":"You can right click channels, roles and users with Developer Mode enabled to copy the ID, and for emojis the ID will be the numbers at the end of the URL when you open the emoji in your browser. This will allow you to reference other entities easily as needed without having to worry about the names of those channels, roles or users changing in the future.","#Remember that your channel list is more than a series of chat rooms. Each one should serve a purpose in your community and it’s vital that you clearly communicate what channels are available and how people should use them. Organizing them into clear categories, using easy to understand names, and including information in channel topics and/or pins are all ways to achieve this effective form of communication with your members. The quicker members understand your channels, the faster they can start participating in your community and the more likely they’ll be to stick around. Although every server’s situation is unique, these basic methods will serve as a good foundation to make your channels easy to understand and use for all of your members.":"Remember that your channel list is more than a series of chat rooms. Each one should serve a purpose in your community and it’s vital that you clearly communicate what channels are available and how people should use them. Organising them into clear categories, using easy-to-understand names and including information in channel topics and/or pins are all ways to achieve this effective form of communication with your members. The quicker members understand your channels, the faster they can start participating in your community and the more likely they’ll be to stick around. Although every server’s situation is unique, these basic methods will serve as a good foundation to make your channels easy to understand and use for all of your members.","#The moderators are the people that your community members look to, not just for enforcement of server rules and maintaining the peace, but also as role models for what behavior is appropriate for the server. If your users see moderators ignoring or bending certain rules, they will learn that that is ok for them to do so also, and they will call you out if you attempt to hypocritically enforce rules against them. As such, moderators should hold themselves to a higher standard than other users, especially in regards to civility and more subjective rules such as what is considered NSFW content. This also applies also for private interactions among the mod team.":"The moderators are the people that your community members look to, not just for enforcement of server rules and maintaining the peace, but also as role models for what behaviour is appropriate for the server. If your users see moderators ignoring or bending certain rules, they will learn that that is ok for them to do so also, and they will call you out if you attempt to hypocritically enforce rules against them. As such, moderators should hold themselves to a higher standard than other users, especially in regards to civility and more subjective rules such as what is considered NSFW content. This also applies also for private interactions among the mod team.","#For example, if a moderator is talking in chat and shares a suggestive picture, users will understand that other pictures that are equally as suggestive are ok to post. Not only will this encourage borderline rule-breaking behavior, it makes it more difficult for moderators to peacefully moderate NSFW content because users will say “Well, you posted this picture and the picture I posted is basically the same.” The same holds true in the way moderators respond to questions. If someone asks for help on something and moderators respond to them rudely or condescendingly others will treat new users the same way and create a hostile environment.":"For example, if a moderator is talking in chat and shares a suggestive picture, users will understand that other pictures that are equally as suggestive are ok to post. Not only will this encourage borderline rule-breaking behaviour, it makes it more difficult for moderators to peacefully moderate NSFW content because users will say “Well, you posted this picture and the picture I posted is basically the same.” The same holds true in the way moderators respond to questions. If someone asks for help on something and moderators respond to them rudely or condescendingly others will treat new users the same way and create a hostile environment.","#One of the things you may often hear is that the “spirit of the rules” is more important than the “letter.” In other words, it is more important that people follow the intent of the rules, rather than adhering to a literal or technical definition. As a result, moderators should focus on managing the problems of chat, including addressing unhealthy behavior that may not directly break a rule. It is appropriate to moderate people that are deliberately toeing the line to see what they can get away with (i.e., trolling), but what many moderator teams also forget is that the rules are not infallible, and moderators should use their judgment to enforce rules only when it makes sense, and not blindly following the letter of the law.":"One of the things you may often hear is that the “spirit of the rules” is more important than the “letter.” In other words, it is more important that people follow the intent of the rules, rather than adhering to a literal or technical definition. As a result, moderators should focus on managing the problems of chat, including addressing unhealthy behaviour that may not directly break a rule. It is appropriate to moderate people that are deliberately toeing the line to see what they can get away with (i.e., trolling), but what many moderator teams also forget is that the rules are not infallible, and moderators should use their judgement to enforce rules only when it makes sense, and not blindly following the letter of the law.","#Regardless of whether you use channel topics, channel pins, or both, including additional information about a channel beyond the category and name is an important part of ensuring everyone can understand the purpose of a channel and how it fits into the server.":"Regardless of whether you use channel topics, channel pins or both, including additional information about a channel beyond the category and name is an important part of ensuring everyone can understand the purpose of a channel and how it fits into the server.","#It’s important that disruptive users be addressed quickly before they sour the mood of the other server members (which could lead to additional infractions from users that were incited by the original bad behavior in the first place). Just as moderators should not use the rules to punish users that don’t practically deserve it, moderators should also be sure not to allow disruptive users to remain on the principle of following policy.":"It’s important that disruptive users be addressed quickly before they sour the mood of the other server members (which could lead to additional infractions from users that were incited by the original bad behaviour in the first place). Just as moderators should not use the rules to punish users that don’t practically deserve it, moderators should also be sure not to allow disruptive users to remain on the principle of following policy.","#On the subject of “visibility”, a moderator – whether they are consistently conscious of it or not - is someone in the server who has power over other users in that space. It is not always the easiest task balancing the dynamic between being part of a community and cultivating relationships and friendships with being conscious of your role within that community as a moderator and what that imbalance may influence. This difference in responsibility and position can make relationships and connections with other users in the server more complicated. You may not be directly aware of it when you’re chatting with fellow server members, but there will be users in your community who are keenly aware of your status as a moderator. This scrutiny can affect how they approach becoming friends with you as well as affect how they view your own relationships with other server members. Always keep this dynamic in mind and be aware of how your position may affect not just how users interact with you but also how they interpret your relationships and conversations with other members.":"On the subject of ‘visibility’, a moderator – whether they are consistently conscious of it or not – is someone in the server who has power over other users in that space. It is not always the easiest task balancing the dynamic between being part of a community and cultivating relationships and friendships with being conscious of your role within that community as a moderator and what that imbalance may influence. This difference in responsibility and position can make relationships and connections with other users in the server more complicated. You may not be directly aware of it when you’re chatting with fellow server members, but there will be users in your community who are keenly aware of your status as a moderator. This scrutiny can affect how they approach becoming friends with you as well as affect how they view your own relationships with other server members. Always keep this dynamic in mind and be aware of how your position may affect not just how users interact with you but also how they interpret your relationships and conversations with other members.","#One thing to keep in mind when evaluating your relationships in your communities- regardless of the nature of them– is that your relationships and connections if played out in the server are most likely visible to other members of the community. When interacting with your friends, close friends, or even your partner in a space with other people such as your server, members of the community may pick up on the fact that you do have these relationships. As with any kind of community, there may be feelings of exclusion or the perception of “in-groups” that can arise in, especially when it comes to relationships between a “regular” server member and a highly public and visible one like a moderator. A responsibility you have as a moderator is to take this dynamic into account and the effects it can have on your members and how they view you and your friendships. Making sure that your friendships and relationships are not creating an exclusionary atmosphere for other community members, where they feel like it’s unwanted or difficult for them to contribute.":"One thing to keep in mind when evaluating your relationships in your communities – regardless of the nature of them – is that your relationships and connections, if played out in the server, are most likely visible to other members of the community. When interacting with your friends, close friends or even your partner in a space with other people such as your server, members of the community may pick up on the fact that you do have these relationships. As with any kind of community, there may be feelings of exclusion or the perception of ‘in-groups’ that that can arise in, especially when it comes to relationships between a ‘regular’ server member and a highly public and visible one like a moderator. A responsibility you have as a moderator is to take this dynamic into account and the effects it can have on your members and how they view you and your friendships. Making sure that your friendships and relationships are not creating an exclusionary atmosphere for other community members, where they feel like it’s unwanted or difficult for them to contribute.","#Setting Yourself Up For Success":"Setting Yourself Up for Success","#Every kind of relationship, from mere acquaintances to romantic partners, can occur in a Discord community, and every relationship you form as a moderator will carry its own unique challenges and responsibilities in order to ensure you are performing your duties to the best of your ability. Any kind of interpersonal relationship can create difficulty in moderation, but as the nature of the relationship changes, so too does the unconscious bias you may experience.":"Every kind of relationship – from mere acquaintances to romantic partners – can occur in a Discord community, and every relationship you form as a moderator will carry its own unique challenges and responsibilities in order to ensure you are performing your duties to the best of your ability. Any kind of interpersonal relationship can create difficulty in moderation, but as the nature of the relationship changes, so too does the unconscious bias you may experience.","#Any relationship between two members of a community can be described as an interpersonal relationship. These relationships exist on a wide spectrum. As you participate in a community, you are most likely going to develop connections to varying degrees with other members of the community. As a moderator, this may even be expected as part of your duties to promote community engagement and healthy conversations. That’s perfectly normal, as it’s very natural for people who spend a lot of time communicating to develop closer ties to one another.":"Any relationship between two members of a community can be described as an interpersonal relationship. These relationships exist on a wide spectrum. As you participate in a community, you are most likely going to develop connections to varying degrees with other members of the community. As a moderator, this may even be expected as part of your duties to promote community engagement and healthy conversations. That’s perfectly normal as it’s very natural for people who spend a lot of time communicating to develop closer ties to one another.","#In preparing for this scenario, the most important tool in a moderator’s arsenal is self-awareness. It is the burden of a moderator that this commitment comes above any interpersonal relationships that may form during time spent engaging with a community. Being ever-mindful of your responsibility and role in a community can help temper the depth of the relationships that you build.":"In preparing for this scenario, the most important tool in a moderator’s arsenal is self-awareness. It is the burden of a moderator that this commitment comes above any interpersonal relationships that may form during time spent engaging with a community. Being ever mindful of your responsibility and role in a community can help temper the depth of the relationships that you build.","#A friendship between a moderator and a member of the community that persists for a long period can evolve into a closer and more open relationship. These relationships are built on trust or shared experience, and can be more difficult to impartially manage than regular friendships or acquaintances. This kind of relationship could come from the fact that this person is someone you know from another server, in real life, or possibly even a family member. No matter what the scenario, the closeness of this kind of relationship makes it very difficult, sometimes impossible, to remove your own partiality from the equation. Special care must be taken to ensure you engage and listen to other moderators on your team when someone you are closely involved with is in question. When in doubt, it may be best to remove yourself from the situation entirely, which we will discuss in more detail later in the article.":"A friendship between a moderator and a member of the community that persists for a long period can evolve into a closer and more open relationship. These relationships are built on trust or shared experience and can be more difficult to manage impartially than regular friendships or acquaintanceships. This kind of relationship could come from the fact that this person is someone you know from another server, in real life or possibly even a family member. No matter what the scenario, the closeness of this kind of relationship makes it very difficult – sometimes impossible – to remove your own partiality from the equation. Special care must be taken to ensure you engage and listen to other moderators on your team when someone you are closely involved with is in question. When in doubt, it may be best to remove yourself from the situation entirely, which we will discuss in more detail later in the article.","#Discord is a place for all kinds of connections to be made and relationships to form and as a moderator one of your primary responsibilities is managing the relationships of others to ensure that you are promoting a healthy, productive, and inclusive community. But what happens when the interpersonal relationships that you as a moderator have built start to cause problems in the community you moderate? Understanding how to manage your own interpersonal relationships within the communities you moderate is the key to preventing major administrative problems and is a crucial skill for a prospective moderator. This article will explain the dangers of interpersonal relationships gone awry and offer precautions to take when forming close relationships with members of communities you moderate.":"Discord is a place for all kinds of connections to be made and relationships to form, and as a moderator, one of your primary responsibilities is managing the relationships of others to ensure that you are promoting a healthy, productive and inclusive community. But what happens when the interpersonal relationships that you as a moderator have built start to cause problems in the community that you moderate? Understanding how to manage your own interpersonal relationships within the communities that you moderate is the key to preventing major administrative problems and is a crucial skill for a prospective moderator. This article will explain the dangers of interpersonal relationships gone awry and offer precautions to take when forming close relationships with members of communities that you moderate.","#A romantic relationship between a moderator and a member of the community can (and does!) happen. As is natural, if you meet someone who shares common interests and has an attractive personality, over time your relationship may progress into something more profound. Romantic relationships are certainly the most difficult to manage as a moderator. The saying holds true, especially in new romantic relationships, that you will see your significant other through “rose-tinted glasses” which tend to blind you from their potential flaws or wrongdoings.":"A romantic relationship between a moderator and a member of the community can (and does!) happen. As is natural, if you meet someone who shares common interests and has an attractive personality, over time your relationship may progress into something more profound. Romantic relationships are certainly the most difficult to manage as a moderator. The saying holds true, especially in new romantic relationships, that you will see your significant other through ‘rose-tinted glasses’ which tend to blind you from their potential flaws or wrongdoings.","#A friendship between a moderator and a member of the community is the least problematic type of intersocial relationship, but as these friendships form it is still important to take notice and be aware of them. As a moderator it is your duty to be available to everyone in the community, even people who you may not ever see as a friend, so you must resist the temptation to devote more time and attention to the people you more easily connect with. If your biases toward your friends begin to show up in your moderation efforts, many more serious and harder to diagnose problems can arise. Feelings of \"elitism\" or “favoritism” can start to take hold and disgruntled members may take advantage of your friendships to excuse or justify their own behavior, so take care to make sure that you are remaining impartial.":"A friendship between a moderator and a member of the community is the least problematic type of intersocial relationship, but as these friendships form, it is still important to take notice and be aware of them. As a moderator, it is your duty to be available to everyone in the community, even people who you may not ever see as a friend, so you must resist the temptation to devote more time and attention to the people you connect with more easily. If your biases towards your friends begin to show up in your moderation efforts, many more serious and harder-to-diagnose problems can arise. Feelings of ‘elitism’ or ‘favouritism’ can start to take hold and disgruntled members may take advantage of your friendships to excuse or justify their own behaviour, so take care to make sure that you are remaining impartial.","#We all make mistakes in life and your members or moderators are no exception to that rule. Whether it is a user realizing what they did wrong or a moderator making a mistake, an appeal system will provide a clearly documented method for the user to get a review of their case by the server’s moderation team. Without an established system, users may try to direct message a moderator to appeal which may not lead to a fair evaluation, or will try to evade the ban altogether with an alternative account.":"We all make mistakes in life and your members or moderators are no exception to that rule. Whether it is a user realising what they did wrong or a moderator making a mistake, an appeal system will provide a clearly documented method for the user to get a review of their case by the server’s moderation team. Without an established system, users may try to direct message a moderator to appeal which may not lead to a fair evaluation, or will try to evade the ban altogether with an alternative account.","#Your mailbox will always be up & running (as long as your server is), no worries about having outages or downtime in Discord":"Your mailbox will always be up and running (as long as your server is), no worries about having outages or downtime in Discord","#Allows you to take advantage of your mailbox’s sorting, labeling, and prioritization features":"Allows you to take advantage of your mailbox’s sorting, labelling, and prioritisation features","#Read their appeal thoroughly. Carefully read their appeal and identify all the details. Review the logs or history of the user in the server to find the context in which the moderation action against the user happened. You can also use the context and history to ascertain if they were truthful in their appeal or not. Have a look at their history: has this user been punished before, especially in regards to the action that got them banned? The type and frequency of their misbehavior will help you decide whether or not their ban reason is a chronic problem, or a one time mistake. This will make the process easier. If the user lies in their appeal, jump to step 6.":"Read their appeal thoroughly. Carefully read their appeal and identify all the details. Review the logs or history of the user in the server to find the context in which the moderation action against the user happened. You can also use the context and history to ascertain if they were truthful in their appeal or not. Have a look at their history: has this user been punished before, especially in regards to the action that got them banned? The type and frequency of their misbehaviour will help you decide whether or not their ban reason is a chronic problem, or a one time mistake. This will make the process easier. If the user lies in their appeal, jump to step 6.","#No child porn, revenge porn or gore/animal cruelty anywhere in the server, while other NSFW content should be limited to properly marked channels":"No child abuse imagery (aka child porn), image-based sexual abuse (aka revenge porn) or gore/animal cruelty anywhere in the server, while other NSFW content should be limited to properly marked channels","#Discussing Offensive/Controversial Material - This includes topics such as politics, religion, acts of violence, rape, suicide/self harm, school shootings, and other serious topics; as well as hate speech including racial slurs or derivatives thereof, sexist or homophobic statements, and other similar types of behavior.":"Discussing Offensive/Controversial Material - This includes topics such as politics, religion, acts of violence, rape, suicide/self harm, school shootings, and other serious topics; as well as hate speech including racial slurs or derivatives thereof, sexist or homophobic statements, and other similar types of behaviour.","#Normalizing the use of the form may be difficult, as this is an atypical method of handling ban appeals":"Normalising the use of the form may be difficult, as this is an atypical method of handling ban appeals","#For smaller servers, the use of an online survey form (such as Google Forms) is pretty easy & effective. It may be difficult to scale well however, depending on the form platform you’re thinking of using.":"For smaller servers, the use of an online survey form (such as Google Forms) is pretty easy and effective. It may be difficult to scale well however, depending on the form platform you’re thinking of using.","#What are the risks or benefits associated with unbanning the user? On one hand, the user could be demonstrating a concerted effort to change and they may be willing to become a positive force in the community. On the other hand, the user could be appealing just to continue their bad behavior once unbanned, and since that behavior appears to have been forgiven, other users may think that that user’s actions were less severe than they had assumed.":"What are the risks or benefits associated with unbanning the user? On one hand, the user could be demonstrating a concerted effort to change and they may be willing to become a positive force in the community. On the other hand, the user could be appealing just to continue their bad behaviour once unbanned, and since that behaviour appears to have been forgiven, other users may think that that user’s actions were less severe than they had assumed.","#While Discord’s guidelines and terms of use cover more extreme cases of bad behavior, there is still plenty of other behavior that you may want to consider regulating on your server. Your server rules play an important part, not just in determining how your mod team will react to users, but also how your users will interact with each other, and ultimately your server culture. Therefore, your rules should strive to create a fun and welcoming environment for people of all races, genders, and sexualities while balancing community needs with the need for order. In additions to the rules and guidelines set forth by Discord, you may want to consider prohibiting the following behaviors:":"While Discord’s guidelines and terms of use cover more extreme cases of bad behaviour, there is still plenty of other behaviour that you may want to consider regulating on your server. Your server rules play an important part, not just in determining how your mod team will react to users, but also how your users will interact with each other, and ultimately your server culture. Therefore, your rules should strive to create a fun and welcoming environment for people of all races, genders, and sexualities while balancing community needs with the need for order. In additions to the rules and guidelines set forth by Discord, you may want to consider prohibiting the following behaviours:","#The details of how you define this rule can vary depending on the extent to which you feel it is necessary to enforce (for example, if you are following the partner code of conduct you may want to also include “ableist slurs” as being prohibited.":"The details of how you define this rule can vary depending on the extent to which you feel it is necessary to enforce (for example, if you are following the partner code of conduct you may want to also include “ableist slurs” as being prohibited.)","#Role colors can serve a variety of purposes including but not limited to being a fun way to liven up your chat and make your server more colorful, acting as an integral part of your server currency system, or even as a tool to differentiate between different types of members in chat. While the average user may not be aware of the thought processes behind instituting server role colors, it is important to recognize role colors as a potentially important tool in your server depending upon how you choose to use them. Whether your role colors are for an aesthetic or to distinguish certain users, careful consideration needs to be put into the color scheme of your servers’ roles.":"Role colours can serve a variety of purposes including but not limited to being a fun way to liven up your chat and make your server more colourful, acting as an integral part of your server currency system, or even as a tool to differentiate between different types of members in chat. While the average user may not be aware of the thought processes behind instituting server role colours, it is important to recognise role colours as a potentially important tool in your server depending upon how you choose to use them. Whether your role colours are for an aesthetic or to distinguish certain users, careful consideration needs to be put into the colour scheme of your servers’ roles.","#Look at the punishment reason. The severity of the infraction(s) should be considered when evaluating an appeal. For example, being a minor disruptive nuisance is a very different offense to doxxing someone and threatening to murder them.":"Look at the punishment reason. The severity of the infraction(s) should be considered when evaluating an appeal. For example, being a minor disruptive nuisance is a very different offence to doxxing someone and threatening to murder them.","#Types of Color Role Systems":"Types of Colour Role Systems","#When utilizing such a role, It is important to keep an eye out for responses that do not treat moderators as respected members of the server and respond appropriately. Moderators are members first, and should be able to use the server in much the same way they did before becoming moderators, in addition to carrying out their moderation related duties.":"When utilising such a role, It is important to keep an eye out for responses that do not treat moderators as respected members of the server and respond appropriately. Moderators are members first, and should be able to use the server in much the same way they did before becoming moderators, in addition to carrying out their moderation related duties.","#Self-assignable colors have no downside other than increasing the number of roles your server has. They are a way to let users have a bit more control over their profile and how they appear to others, and change things up when they want to. Self-assignable colors are a fun and inclusive way to engage users, especially when part of a serverwide aesthetic.":"Self-assignable colours have no downside other than increasing the number of roles your server has. They are a way to let users have a bit more control over their profile and how they appear to others, and change things up when they want to. Self-assignable colours are a fun and inclusive way to engage users, especially when part of a server-wide aesthetic.","#Level/Server Currency Colors":"Level/Server Currency Colours","#If you are running any sort of support server, whether for a bot, a coding language, a game, or some other external service, it may be important to differentiate between regular users and developers or trusted experts. It will be a lot easier to tell if you are getting credible advice if there is a colored role that indicates that users with this color know what they are talking about. This type of system is useful for proficient users and developers. Such role usage can help prevent issues where misguided or confused users mistake a developer's explanation of their own code for incorrect advice.":"If you are running any sort of support server, whether for a bot, a coding language, a game, or some other external service, it may be important to differentiate between regular users and developers or trusted experts. It will be a lot easier to tell if you are getting credible advice if there is a coloured role that indicates that users with this colour know what they are talking about. This type of system is useful for proficient users and developers. Such role usage can help prevent issues where misguided or confused users mistake a developer's explanation of their own code for incorrect advice.","#Having a separate color for moderators can also lead to some unfortunate social effects since moderators are not always moderating, but their unique role coloration exists to make them stand out in the server. This means if they’re just trying to converse with fellow users, eyes are more quickly drawn to their color for when they need to dispense advice. In heavily active servers, users may be more likely to see most of what a moderator posts since their messages stand out from everything else, but a moderator is unlikely to see most of what any individual user posts; this can lead to a parasocial relationship where users think that they know or are friends with the servers moderators. It can also lead to users paying undue attention to moderators when they are just around to chat, potentially ignoring other users, or drawing attention to the fact that a moderator has entered chat, effectively killing prior conversation topics. In certain servers, this can also be cause for concern if it is attracting the wrong kind of people to moderation based positions who are seeking hoisted roles or incorrect perceived perks of moderation positions. Overall, having a color for moderators is important in communities that are seeking to differentiate who is and isn’t a moderator in chat, but it can also lead to certain situations that may degrade a moderator’s ability to use the server normally as a member.":"Having a separate colour for moderators can also lead to some unfortunate social effects since moderators are not always moderating, but their unique role colouration exists to make them stand out in the server. This means if they’re just trying to converse with fellow users, eyes are more quickly drawn to their colour for when they need to dispense advice. In heavily active servers, users may be more likely to see most of what a moderator posts since their messages stand out from everything else, but a moderator is unlikely to see most of what any individual user posts; this can lead to a parasocial relationship where users think that they know or are friends with the servers moderators. It can also lead to users paying undue attention to moderators when they are just around to chat, potentially ignoring other users, or drawing attention to the fact that a moderator has entered chat, effectively killing prior conversation topics. In certain servers, this can also be cause for concern if it is attracting the wrong kind of people to moderation based positions who are seeking hoisted roles or incorrect perceived perks of moderation positions. Overall, having a colour for moderators is important in communities that are seeking to differentiate who is and isn’t a moderator in chat, but it can also lead to certain situations that may degrade a moderator’s ability to use the server normally as a member.","#Giving patrons, server boosters, or any other sort of member who has made financial contributions to the server a separate color from the rest of the server can be a good way to incentivize or reward the people who are helping keep your server, bot, service, or giveaways afloat. However, it can also contribute to a sense of elitism within the server. This inadvertent hierarchy can be misinterpreted as users being entitled to special treatment above the rules in exchange for their financial support of the server. Thankfully, both of these negative viewpoints are relatively easy to identify and combat, especially if you define what each of these kinds of roles get you clearly in your server rules so there is less assumption and personal interpretation of nonexistent hierarchical perks.":"Giving patrons, server boosters, or any other sort of member who has made financial contributions to the server a separate colour from the rest of the server can be a good way to incentivise or reward the people who are helping keep your server, bot, service, or giveaways afloat. However, it can also contribute to a sense of elitism within the server. This inadvertent hierarchy can be misinterpreted as users being entitled to special treatment above the rules in exchange for their financial support of the server. Thankfully, both of these negative viewpoints are relatively easy to identify and combat, especially if you define what each of these kinds of roles get you clearly in your server rules so there is less assumption and personal interpretation of non-existent hierarchical perks.","#Color roles can be used to signal information depending upon the type of community you run. Some examples include pronoun roles, what games a user plays, the age range they fit into, where they are from, and any other information your community may deem relevant for your users to know. This type of system is beneficial for sharing and collecting info about others. However, users may choose roles that they do not actually align with because they want the chat color associated with it, which is a detriment to more elaborate informational color systems. If you decide to utilize an informational color system it’s important to remember that Discord only shows the color that is highest on the role list and roles should be ordered with this in mind.":"Colour roles can be used to signal information depending upon the type of community you run. Some examples include pronoun roles, what games a user plays, the age range they fit into, where they are from, and any other information your community may deem relevant for your users to know. This type of system is beneficial for sharing and collecting info about others. However, users may choose roles that they do not actually align with because they want the chat colour associated with it, which is a detriment to more elaborate informational colour systems. If you decide to utilise an informational colour system it’s important to remember that Discord only shows the colour that is highest on the role list and roles should be ordered with this in mind.","#Giving moderators a uniquely colored role can help them stand out in chat so that users are aware of when they are receiving an official verbal warning or direction. This can be very helpful in any server, but some structures that this system are most helpful in may include:":"Giving moderators a uniquely coloured role can help them stand out in chat so that users are aware of when they are receiving an official verbal warning or direction. This can be very helpful in any server, but some structures that this system are most helpful in may include:","#Ideally, you want a level or server currency system to be something that is a fun background mechanic in the server, but not people's main reason for participating. These issues are not unique to colored roles, but anything that makes these systems more prominent and visible in chat will draw more attention to them. Level roles in particular can also contribute to the previously discussed accidental hierarchy built within the community by clearly establishing active long-term users from newer users. Climbing a level ladder can be intimidating, after all.":"Ideally, you want a level or server currency system to be something that is a fun background mechanic in the server, but not people's main reason for participating. These issues are not unique to coloured roles, but anything that makes these systems more prominent and visible in chat will draw more attention to them. Level roles in particular can also contribute to the previously discussed accidental hierarchy built within the community by clearly establishing active long-term users from newer users. Climbing a level ladder can be intimidating, after all.","#The words and actions of moderators hold more weight and urgency when geared towards problematic behavior and a colored role differentiation in addition to a hoisted position on the sidebar draws attention to their existence.":"The words and actions of moderators hold more weight and urgency when geared towards problematic behaviour and a coloured role differentiation in addition to a hoisted position on the sidebar draws attention to their existence.","#If your server has some sort of activity based leveling system, or a server currency system, it may be fun to include colored roles as rewards or shop items that can be purchased with the server currency. These systems can help you reward your most active members, and if your server currency has an attendance incentive it can even be used for event participation. It is important to note that these systems are abusable, and can contribute to low-effort contributions that are effectively just spamming for levels or points, or in extreme cases, even self-botting (automating actions on a non-bot, regular user account) and other forms of cheating. They can also contribute to toxic competitive environments and chats that can be unpleasant for users who do not care about the server levels or currency to try to break into. If utilizing such a system, it is important to think of ways to combat spam before implementation. Additionally, remember that self-bots are against Discord’s Terms of Service and should be reported and dealt with accordingly upon discovery.":"If your server has some sort of activity based levelling system, or a server currency system, it may be fun to include coloured roles as rewards or shop items that can be purchased with the server currency. These systems can help you reward your most active members, and if your server currency has an attendance incentive it can even be used for event participation. It is important to note that these systems are abusable, and can contribute to low-effort contributions that are effectively just spamming for levels or points, or in extreme cases, even self-botting (automating actions on a non-bot, regular user account) and other forms of cheating. They can also contribute to toxic competitive environments and chats that can be unpleasant for users who do not care about the server levels or currency to try to break into. If utilising such a system, it is important to think of ways to combat spam before implementation. Additionally, remember that self-bots are against Discord’s Terms of Service and should be reported and dealt with accordingly upon discovery.","#Moderator Colors":"Moderator Colours","#Patreon/Booster Colors":"Patreon/Booster Colours","#The final type of role color discussed in this article is those decided by the server staff for aesthetic, but have no perks attached to them. Seasonally themed roles require a bit more work on the part of whoever is in charge of selecting the colors and naming the color roles, but can be a fun way to mark the passage of time, important events like winter holidays, or just change things up in the appearance of the server every once in a while with minimal effort.":"The final type of role colour discussed in this article is those decided by the server staff for aesthetic, but have no perks attached to them. Seasonally themed roles require a bit more work on the part of whoever is in charge of selecting the colours and naming the colour roles, but can be a fun way to mark the passage of time, important events like winter holidays, or just change things up in the appearance of the server every once in a while with minimal effort.","#An important thing to note about this system is that there are some pitfalls. It can inadvertently lead to a distrust of other users who do not have the proficient helper/developer support role color because they know they can get correct advice from a different source. They might dismiss others trying to help them with the knowledge that they can eventually get a developer’s attention, which can lead to a sense of entitlement to that direct advice. Of course, this can happen without role colors, but the addition of role colors make developer interaction more obvious and place them on a support pedestal that is often desired by those seeking advice.":"An important thing to note about this system is that there are some pitfalls. It can inadvertently lead to a distrust of other users who do not have the proficient helper/developer support role colour because they know they can get correct advice from a different source. They might dismiss others trying to help them with the knowledge that they can eventually get a developer’s attention, which can lead to a sense of entitlement to that direct advice. Of course, this can happen without role colours, but the addition of role colours make developer interaction more obvious and place them on a support pedestal that is often desired by those seeking advice.","#Seasonal/Self-Assignable Colors":"Seasonal/Self-Assignable Colours","#Informational Colors":"Informational Colours","#Expert/Support Colors":"Expert/Support Colours","#It is important to ensure that role colors have sufficient contrast against the variety of background colors that Discord provides. There are many tools out there that can help you compare role colors, mimic the effects of various forms of color blindness, and see how much contrast they have so that you can see whether role colors will appear too similar or be difficult to read for some users. The Dragory Discord Preview Tool is specifically made for Discord and can easily be used to visualize everything you need to make sure you are choosing appropriate role colors all in one place.":"It is important to ensure that role colours have sufficient contrast against the variety of background colours that Discord provides. There are many tools out there that can help you compare role colours, mimic the effects of various forms of colour blindness, and see how much contrast they have so that you can see whether role colours will appear too similar or be difficult to read for some users. The Dragory Discord Preview Tool is specifically made for Discord and can easily be used to visualise everything you need to make sure you are choosing appropriate role colours all in one place.","#Moderation colors should easily stand-out amongst server users to draw attention to them. If your server mostly uses cool colors, make them something warm. If you’re dominated by pastels, go for something with more saturation. Make it so that eyes are drawn to them if you use this system.":"Moderation colours should easily stand-out amongst server users to draw attention to them. If your server mostly uses cool colours, make them something warm. If you’re dominated by pastels, go for something with more saturation. Make it so that eyes are drawn to them if you use this system.","#This article reviewed the many possible role color systems that you can utilize in your server by walking you through the benefits and drawbacks of each. These systems can also all be combined with each other in order to create a system that you believe serves your community best through experimentation. Luckily, the stakes for changing role color systems are pretty low. While role colors can have an impact on the way people interact with your server and with certain members, it will not make or break your server to try out a new seasonal theme and/or return to a previous theme if it is necessary. As long as you understand the risks associated with each kind of setup, keep an eye out for unwanted responses to your color scheme, and remember to utilize accessible colors, you can use whatever kind of system you want. There is no wrong answer here--just have fun with finding your server aesthetic!":"This article reviewed the many possible role colour systems that you can utilise in your server by walking you through the benefits and drawbacks of each. These systems can also all be combined with each other in order to create a system that you believe serves your community best through experimentation. Luckily, the stakes for changing role colour systems are pretty low. While role colours can have an impact on the way people interact with your server and with certain members, it will not make or break your server to try out a new seasonal theme and/or return to a previous theme if it is necessary. As long as you understand the risks associated with each kind of setup, keep an eye out for unwanted responses to your colour scheme, and remember to utilise accessible colours, you can use whatever kind of system you want. There is no wrong answer here--just have fun with finding your server aesthetic!","#When choosing role colors, you should keep accessibility in mind. A role color the same as the Discord background may seem like an entertaining color choice, but it can prove to be unreadable to many, for example. It is most important to remember that role colors need to be legible across all Discord themes including dark, light, and AMOLED themes. Many users may also have a form of color blindness, which should be considered when generating a color theme that is accessible for everyone.":"When choosing role colours, you should keep accessibility in mind. A role colour the same as the Discord background may seem like an entertaining colour choice, but it can prove to be unreadable to many, for example. It is most important to remember that role colours need to be legible across all Discord themes including dark, light, and AMOLED themes. Many users may also have a form of colour blindness, which should be considered when generating a colour theme that is accessible for everyone.","#Last Name *":"Last name *","#First Name *":"First name *","#Some servers utilize a specific channel dedicated to reporting violations of the rules. These can take different shapes depending on the use case. Different approaches include only allowing members to copy and paste message URLs to rule breaking messages or a more open discussion-based channel that provides a public-facing main source of reports. One thing is certain across all implementations of reporting channels: there should be a way to communicate with people that a report has been handled by either removing a message in the channel or reacting to it publicly. Reporting channels are very easy to set up as they use native Discord features. However, these channels can be limiting in functionality. Conversations are barely possible, depending on the permissions members might not be able to upload screenshots, and reports are not private which can deter some people from sharing concerns due to intimidation and fear of retaliation.":"Some servers utilise a specific channel dedicated to reporting violations of the rules. These can take different shapes depending on the use case. Different approaches include only allowing members to copy and paste message URLs to rule breaking messages or a more open discussion-based channel that provides a public-facing main source of reports. One thing is certain across all implementations of reporting channels: there should be a way to communicate with people that a report has been handled by either removing a message in the channel or reacting to it publicly. Reporting channels are very easy to set up as they use native Discord features. However, these channels can be limiting in functionality. Conversations are barely possible, depending on the permissions members might not be able to upload screenshots, and reports are not private which can deter some people from sharing concerns due to intimidation and fear of retaliation.","#As a community grows, there will be a need to allow members of your community to report bad behavior and violations of the rules to your moderation team. There are a wide range of options to choose from, which will be covered in this article. The list of tools is non-exclusive as you might want to combine multiple reporting options for your users to best suit your needs.":"As a community grows, there will be a need to allow members of your community to report bad behaviour and violations of the rules to your moderation team. There are a wide range of options to choose from, which will be covered in this article. The list of tools is non-exclusive as you might want to combine multiple reporting options for your users to best suit your needs.","#Modmail bots can be used for members of your community to report violations to the moderation team as a whole. There are several available options to choose from, all with their own unique viewpoint on support tickets. By using a Modmail bot, you will be able to have conversations with your reporters. Most other reporting tools do not allow you to have private conversations. Furthermore, Modmail bots allow for a lot of customization at the cost of being more time-consuming and difficult to set up. Additional benefits of using such a bot is being able to attach screenshots to a report and maintain privacy for both the mod handling the case and potentially even the user providing feedback, which some of the options do not offer.":"Modmail bots can be used for members of your community to report violations to the moderation team as a whole. There are several available options to choose from, all with their own unique viewpoint on support tickets. By using a Modmail bot, you will be able to have conversations with your reporters. Most other reporting tools do not allow you to have private conversations. Furthermore, Modmail bots allow for a lot of customisation at the cost of being more time-consuming and difficult to set up. Additional benefits of using such a bot is being able to attach screenshots to a report and maintain privacy for both the mod handling the case and potentially even the user providing feedback, which some of the options do not offer.","#Every community can benefit from having different reporting tools in place as this will help you keep your community a safe space for your members. Different reporting options have different benefits and challenges and you should take the time to analyze what option may best fit the needs of your community and moderation staff.":"Every community can benefit from having different reporting tools in place as this will help you keep your community a safe space for your members. Different reporting options have different benefits and challenges and you should take the time to analyse what option may best fit the needs of your community and moderation staff.","#While a lot of popular bots offer auto moderation features that include word, spam, and advertisement filters, these can most often also be used to silently inform moderators. Instead of removing the message automatically and giving a punishment based on predefined rules, an option to create a flagging mechanism without automatic action can be utilized. If there’s a certain word or phrase used on a flag-list, the bot can notify moderators to look into it and decide the best course of action instead of automatically acting the way a blacklist would. This method allows your moderators to go through a channel with flagged messages and issue punishments based on the context of flagged messages and removes certain automatic moderation techniques that can lead to over-moderation.":"While a lot of popular bots offer auto moderation features that include word, spam, and advertisement filters, these can most often also be used to silently inform moderators. Instead of removing the message automatically and giving a punishment based on predefined rules, an option to create a flagging mechanism without automatic action can be utilised. If there’s a certain word or phrase used on a flag-list, the bot can notify moderators to look into it and decide the best course of action instead of automatically acting the way a blacklist would. This method allows your moderators to go through a channel with flagged messages and issue punishments based on the context of flagged messages and removes certain automatic moderation techniques that can lead to over-moderation.","#Utilization of a Modmail bot":"Utilisation of a Modmail bot","#Sometimes you simply want to allow members to ping a moderator role in case of public rule breaking behavior. This will most definitely immediately get the attention of your moderators and is most often the quickest reporting method to use. However, the user being reported will be notified as they can see the ping, and they might be able to remove their messages before a moderator can intervene. A way to help counteract this is to consider utilizing a moderation bot that logs message deletions or edits.":"Sometimes you simply want to allow members to ping a moderator role in case of public rule breaking behaviour. This will most definitely immediately get the attention of your moderators and is most often the quickest reporting method to use. However, the user being reported will be notified as they can see the ping, and they might be able to remove their messages before a moderator can intervene. A way to help counteract this is to consider utilising a moderation bot that logs message deletions or edits.","#Create strong bot filters. Automated moderation of slurs and other forms of hate speech is probably your strongest tool for minimizing the damage bad actors can create in your server. Add variating ways people commonly try to skip over the filter as well (for example, censoring a word with an added or subtracted letter that commonly is used as a slur).":"Create strong bot filters. Automated moderation of slurs and other forms of hate speech is probably your strongest tool for minimising the damage bad actors can create in your server. Add variating ways people commonly try to skip over the filter as well (for example, censoring a word with an added or subtracted letter that commonly is used as a slur).","#Educating your community. Building a community without toxicity takes a lot of time and energy. The core of all moderation efforts should be in educating your communities, rewarding good behavior, and making others aware of the content they are perpetuating.":"Educating your community. Building a community without toxicity takes a lot of time and energy. The core of all moderation efforts should be in educating your communities, rewarding good behaviour, and making others aware of the content they are perpetuating.","#Ideas to Help Prioritize Inclusivity":"Ideas to Help Prioritise Inclusivity","#When users toe the line, they are not acting within good faith. As moderators, you should be directly involved enough to determine what is bad-faith content and remove it. On the other hand, education is important in the community sphere for long term growth. While you can focus on removing bad behavior from bad-faith users, reform in good-faith community members who are uneducated in harmful rhetoric should also be a primary goal when crafting your community. When interacting in your community, if you see harmful rhetoric or a harmful stereotype, step back and meaningfully think about the implications of leaving content up in channels that use this kind of language. Does it:":"When users toe the line, they are not acting within good faith. As moderators, you should be directly involved enough to determine what is bad-faith content and remove it. On the other hand, education is important in the community sphere for long term growth. While you can focus on removing bad behaviour from bad-faith users, reform in good-faith community members who are uneducated in harmful rhetoric should also be a primary goal when crafting your community. When interacting in your community, if you see harmful rhetoric or a harmful stereotype, step back and meaningfully think about the implications of leaving content up in channels that use this kind of language. Does it:","#‘Good-faith’ content is a term that describes user behavior with good intentions. When users are a positive foundation in your community, the members that join and interact with the established community will grow to adapt and speak in a way that continues the positive environment that has been fostered and established. It’s important to note that while ‘good-faith’ users are generally positive people, it is possible for them to state wrong or sometimes even harmful words. The importance of this distinction is that these users can be educated from their mistakes and adapt to the behavior you expect of them.":"‘Good-faith’ content is a term that describes user behaviour with good intentions. When users are a positive foundation in your community, the members that join and interact with the established community will grow to adapt and speak in a way that continues the positive environment that has been fostered and established. It’s important to note that while ‘good-faith’ users are generally positive people, it is possible for them to state wrong or sometimes even harmful words. The importance of this distinction is that these users can be educated from their mistakes and adapt to the behaviour you expect of them.","#Positive engagement can mean a lot of things, but in this article, we will be referring to the way in which moderation can affect the culture of the server you are moderating. As moderators your policies, knowledge of your community, and deductive skills influence the way in which your community engages with each other and with your team.":"Positive engagement can mean a lot of things but, in this article, we will be referring to the way in which moderation can affect the culture of the server you are moderating. As moderators your policies, knowledge of your community, and deductive skills influence the way in which your community engages with each other and with your team.","#When it comes to the content you allow or moderate in your server, it’s important to, again, reflect on what type of community you are. It’s also important that you act quickly and precisely on this type of harmful behavior. Some users will slowly push boundaries on what type of language they can ‘get away with’ before being moderated.":"When it comes to the content you allow or moderate in your server, it’s important to, again, reflect on what type of community you are. It’s also important that you act quickly and precisely on this type of harmful behaviour. Some users will slowly push boundaries on what type of language they can ‘get away with’ before being moderated.","#What topics do I expect users to engage in? Some servers will have the expectation that members will be allowed to discuss more sensitive or controversial and thought provoking topics, while others may feel as if these kinds of heavy debates are out of place. Video game servers tend to have a no-politics rule to avoid negative debates and personal attacks that are beyond the scope of the video game(s) in question. Servers centered around memes, irl, or social communities can be much more topical and have looser rules, while servers centered around mental health or marginalized communities can lean towards a stricter on-topic only community policy.":"What topics do I expect users to engage in? Some servers will have the expectation that members will be allowed to discuss more sensitive or controversial and thought provoking topics, while others may feel as if these kinds of heavy debates are out of place. Video game servers tend to have a no-politics rule to avoid negative debates and personal attacks that are beyond the scope of the video game(s) in question. Servers centred around memes, irl, or social communities can be much more topical and have looser rules, while servers centred around mental health or marginalised communities can lean towards a stricter on-topic only community policy.","#When discussing moderation, a popular theory that circulates is called the broken windows theory. This theory expresses that if there are signs of antisocial behavior, civil unrest and disorder, as well as visible signs of crimes in the area, that it encourages further anti-social behavior and crime. Similarly, if you create an environment in which toxic and hateful behavior is common, the cycle will perpetuate into further toxicity and hatefulness.":"When discussing moderation, a popular theory that circulates is called the broken windows theory. This theory expresses that if there are signs of antisocial behaviour, civil unrest and disorder, as well as visible signs of crimes in the area, that it encourages further anti-social behaviour and crime. Similarly, if you create an environment in which toxic and hateful behaviour is common, the cycle will perpetuate into further toxicity and hatefulness.","#‘Bad-faith’ content is a term that describes behavior done intentionally to cause mischief, drama, or toxicity to a community. They are also commonly referred to as bad actors, and are the type of people that should be swiftly dealt with and addressed directly.":"‘Bad-faith’ content is a term that describes behaviour done intentionally to cause mischief, drama, or toxicity to a community. They are also commonly referred to as bad actors, and are the type of people that should be swiftly dealt with and addressed directly.","#We’ll now begin to outline a variety of channels that are often useful for moderation purposes. The below list is for your consideration when building your own moderation channel category, but by no means should you feel obligated to add every channel discussed below to your server. This is all about recognizing your needs and making sure they are met!":"We’ll now begin to outline a variety of channels that are often useful for moderation purposes. The below list is for your consideration when building your own moderation channel category, but by no means should you feel obligated to add every channel discussed below to your server. This is all about recognising your needs and making sure they are met!","#Anything you say during the explosive growth and attention is likely to get drowned out by other information, and you may have more pressing announcements to make. This can help you retain the high intent members who joined because they only heard about you via the news about your group, but are seriously interested in becoming permanent community members while avoiding the entirety of the second server from joining the first. You can advertise your main server in the secondary server, but it's advisable to wait until the immediate interest has waned in the second server. At this point in time, spammers and other trolls have likely gotten bored, and the event that spurred the growth is largely in the past.":"Anything you say during the explosive growth and attention is likely to get drowned out by other information and you may have more pressing announcements to make. This can help you retain the high-intent members who have joined because they only heard about you via the news about your group but are seriously interested in becoming permanent community members, while avoiding the entirety of the second server from joining the first. You can advertise your main server in the secondary server but it’s advisable to wait until the immediate interest has waned in the second server. At this point in time, spammers and other trolls will have likely got bored and the event that spurred the growth will be largely in the past.","#This article should give you an idea of the main concepts to consider and keep an eye out for while preparing for and working through large increases in your servers membership. These considerations do not all need to be implemented to successfully manage rapid growth, but they should give you a good framework for the types of changes and preparations you may need depending on how extreme the growth you are expecting is. Have fun and good luck taking on this new moderation challenge!":"This article should give you an idea of the main concepts to consider and keep an eye out for while preparing for and working through large increases in your server’s membership. These considerations do not all need to be implemented to manage rapid growth successfully but they should give you a good framework for the types of changes and preparations you may need depending on how extreme the growth you are expecting is. Have fun and good luck taking on this new moderation challenge!","#It’s important to note that the approach of making an overflow server requires a significant increase in the amount of moderator time required to manage the community. It will likely require an entirely new team to manage the chaos of the overflow server and the associated increase in attention for the uptick in discussion in the main server. This is something you should only consider in truly extraordinary circumstances. The team for the overflow server likely will not need as much training, qualification, or people skills since they will mostly be managing spam/advertising/hate speech over a short but busy period of time. They won’t likely need to talk to users about how to improve their behavior or handle tricky situations like long-term harassment or bullying, but it is still important that they be amicable as they may end up being someone's only interaction with your community or the subject of your community in their life. At the end of the event, the server can either be merged with your main community, or deleted; if it is deleted, members who are particularly interested in your community will likely seek your space out after losing touch.":"It’s important to note that the approach of making an overflow server requires a significant increase in the amount of moderator time required to manage the community. It will likely require an entirely new team to manage the chaos of the overflow server and the associated increase in attention for the uptick in discussion in the main server. This is something you should only consider in truly extraordinary circumstances. The team for the overflow server likely will not need as much training, qualification or people skills since they will mostly be managing spam/advertising/hate speech over a short but busy period of time. They won’t likely need to talk to users about how to improve their behaviour or handle tricky situations like long-term harassment or bullying but it is still important that they be amicable as they may end up being someone’s only interaction with your community or the subject of your community in their life. At the end of the event, the server can either be merged with your main community or deleted; if it is deleted, members who are particularly interested in your community will likely seek your space out after losing touch.","#If your community is seeing an influx of new users who are either new to Discord or joining for a very specific reason like event participation or large scale giveaways, it may make sense to set up a new landing page just for these users. It can get exhausting to explain the same basic information repeatedly no matter how many volunteers you have involved. Having an additional FAQ that covers information that new users will be looking for and trims out excess from your regular FAQ that doesn’t pertain to them can make their integration into the server and understanding of the information they need more straightforward and accessible for everyone involved.":"If your community is seeing an influx of new users who are either new to Discord or joining for a very specific reason, like event participation or large-scale giveaways, it may make sense to set up a new landing page just for these users. It can get exhausting explaining the same basic information repeatedly, no matter how many volunteers you have involved. Having an additional FAQ that covers information that new users will be looking for and trims out excess from your regular FAQ that doesn’t pertain to them can make their integration into the server and understanding of the information they need more straightforward and accessible for everyone involved.","#What is best for your server in times of exponential membership growth is up to you. Luckily, even if you decide not to implement something and later realize that you may need it, it can be relatively easy to implement some changes with short notice or scale back changes if you over prepared and over engineered your system. Better to be over prepared than under prepared!":"What is best for your server in times of exponential membership growth is up to you. Luckily, even if you decide not to implement something and later realise that you may need it, it can be relatively easy to implement some changes with short notice or scale back changes if you over-prepared and over-engineered your system. Better to be over-prepared than under-prepared!","#In the most extreme of cases, it may make sense for you to set up channels or even a separate server that is linked to your official accounts/pages on other platforms where the low intent users that are on the hype train will get deposited. This will allow you to prevent new joins from disrupting your existing community, but not require you to prevent all of the people who are excited about it from having a space related to your community to be a bit chaotic. If you choose this approach, whether you are upfront about having set your main community to private and setting up a temporary space for hype or not, you should consider explaining it throughout your typical advertising channels as time goes on.":"In the most extreme of cases, it may make sense for you to set up channels or even a separate server that is linked to your official accounts/pages on other platforms where the low-intent users that are on the hype train will get deposited. This will allow you to prevent new joins from disrupting your existing community but not require you to prevent all of the people who are excited about it from having a space related to your community. If you choose this approach, whether you are upfront about having set your main community to private and setting up a temporary space for hype or not, you should consider explaining it throughout your typical advertising channels as time goes on.","#Every moderation team should have a developed moderation handbook that is easily accessible to all team members and updated regularly. However, some moderation teams like to have an overview channel for rule enforcement for quick referencing. This channel can contain information such as how you categorize punishments, an overview of popular commands for easy referencing after returning from a moderation break, and links to all guidelines and moderation forms for easy coordination.":"Every moderation team should have a developed moderation handbook that is easily accessible to all team members and updated regularly. However, some moderation teams like to have an overview channel for rule enforcement for quick referencing. This channel can contain information such as how you categorise punishments, an overview of popular commands for easy referencing after returning from a moderation break, and links to all guidelines and moderation forms for easy coordination.","#Teams that have a separate Reddit or Twitch moderation team in addition to their Discord moderation team may have designated hangout spaces for all teams to get to know each other casually. But, most importantly, they may have shared moderation spaces to discuss troublemakers that can span multiple platforms to flag problematic users for the other team. Easy and specialized communication across teams will help to keep all facets of your community safe!":"Teams that have a separate Reddit or Twitch moderation team in addition to their Discord moderation team may have designated hangout spaces for all teams to get to know each other casually. But, most importantly, they may have shared moderation spaces to discuss troublemakers that can span multiple platforms to flag problematic users for the other team. Easy and specialised communication across teams will help to keep all facets of your community safe!","#There is no right or wrong way to set up a moderation channel category outside of ensuring you utilize the correct permissions. It’s important to consider the needs of your community and how their needs translate to the needs of your team when creating your moderation space. Having flexibility and a willingness to grow as your server grows and requires change is imperative. While action logs are the most useful kind of moderation channels from a punishment perspective, hangout spaces are important to establishing team cohesion and rapport. Identifying the needs of your team and making sure they are adequately met will help you create the strongest moderation environment as possible.":"There is no right or wrong way to set up a moderation channel category outside of ensuring you utilise the correct permissions. It’s important to consider the needs of your community and how their needs translate to the needs of your team when creating your moderation space. Having flexibility and a willingness to grow as your server grows and requires change is imperative. While action logs are the most useful kind of moderation channels from a punishment perspective, hangout spaces are important to establishing team cohesion and rapport. Identifying the needs of your team and making sure they are adequately met will help you create the strongest moderation environment as possible.","#Partnership Channels - If your community has partnerships of any form it may be worth considering adding spaces for your team to communicate privately with your partners. This type of channel might also be something that you want to restrict from trainees until they graduate to full moderators that know what it means to represent your team. Partnership channels can be used for spaces to coordinate with elevated server members granted special permissions like event managers. They also serve as areas to coordinate with community partners, and even places that your volunteer team can interface with the people that work for the game or organization that you support.":"Partnership Channels - If your community has partnerships of any form it may be worth considering adding spaces for your team to communicate privately with your partners. This type of channel might also be something that you want to restrict from trainees until they graduate to full moderators that know what it means to represent your team. Partnership channels can be used for spaces to coordinate with elevated server members granted special permissions like event managers. They also serve as areas to coordinate with community partners, and even places that your volunteer team can interface with the people that work for the game or organisation that you support.","#If your community is linked to an external community such as Reddit or Twitch, it would be useful to have separate moderation channels dedicated to this external community in addition to your Discord moderation channels. Reddit moderation channels specifically can be created by utilizing webhooks. Reddit moderation spaces housed on Discord often have r/modnews updates feeding into a special update area and channel sets unique to their external community needs. You can also have new posts and comments logged into a designated Reddit action log for easy reference without opening Reddit.":"If your community is linked to an external community such as Reddit or Twitch, it would be useful to have separate moderation channels dedicated to this external community in addition to your Discord moderation channels. Reddit moderation channels specifically can be created by utilising webhooks. Reddit moderation spaces housed on Discord often have r/modnews updates feeding into a special update area and channel sets unique to their external community needs. You can also have new posts and comments logged into a designated Reddit action log for easy reference without opening Reddit.","#Subscribe to Nitro to upgrade your emoji, personalize your profile, share bigger files, and so much more.":"Subscribe to Nitro to upgrade your emoji, personalise your profile, share bigger files, and so much more.","#Use a different avatar, profile theme, banner, and bio in each of your servers.":"Use a different avatar, profile theme, banner and bio in each of your servers.","#A mental illness is a disorder of the mind that affects not just our thinking but also our energy, mood, and occasionally our conduct or behavior. Such a diagnosis may make it difficult to cope with the many obligations of life. Common mental illness diagnoses are anxiety disorders, such as panic attacks, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and specific types of fears. There are also mood disorders like depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. An excellent guide for identifying mental health challenges and pathways to care can be found here.":"A mental illness is a disorder of the mind that affects not just our thinking but also our energy, mood and occasionally our conduct or behaviour. Such a diagnosis may make it difficult to cope with the many obligations of life. Common mental illness diagnoses are anxiety disorders, such as panic attacks, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder and specific types of fears. There are also mood disorders like depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. An excellent guide for identifying mental health challenges and pathways to care can be found here.","#With our related companies. We may share information with our related companies, including parents, affiliates, subsidiaries, and other companies under common control and ownership.":"With our related companies. We may share information with our related companies, including parents, affiliates, subsidiaries and other companies under common control and ownership.","#500MB uploads":"500 MB uploads","#500MB":"500 MB","#Do you already have a Discord Server built?":"Do you already have a Discord Server?","#Now scroll down and check your personalized suggestions.":"Now scroll down and check your personalised suggestions.","#You've done awesome!":"You've done a good job!","#Discord is a place where you and your fans can connect and get to know each other. These lessons will help you customize your space that feels just right for you and your fans.":"Discord is a place where you and your fans can connect and get to know each other. These lessons will help you customise your space that feels just right for you and your fans.","#Exceptions. You or Discord may still pursue claims, if they qualify, in small claims court in San Francisco County, California, or any U.S. county where you live or work. The small claims court, and not any arbitrator or JAMS, shall have the exclusive authority to resolve disputes regarding whether a dispute is properly within the jurisdiction of a small claims court. Additionally, disputes concerning patents, copyrights, moral rights, trademarks, and trade secrets and claims of piracy or unauthorized use of our services will not be subject to arbitration, and the informal notice required by this section won’t apply to these disputes.":"Exceptions. You or Discord may still pursue claims, if they qualify, in small claims court in San Francisco County, California, or any US county where you live or work. The small claims court, and not any arbitrator or JAMS, shall have the exclusive authority to resolve disputes regarding whether a dispute is properly within the jurisdiction of a small claims court. Additionally, disputes concerning patents, copyrights, moral rights, trademarks and trade secrets, and claims of piracy or unauthorized use of our services will not be subject to arbitration and the informal notice required by this section will not apply to these disputes.","#You made it to Discord’s Creator Portal. It’s our space for all things you. Anyway, keep scrolling to find lessons from other creators, see how to make the most out of Discord with the Creator Academy, and come hang out with creators in the Creator Center server.":"You made it to Discord’s Creator Portal. It’s our space for all things you. Anyway, keep scrolling to find lessons from other creators, see how to make the most out of Discord with the Creator Academy, and come hang out with creators in the Creator Centre server.","#This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, store, protect, and share your personal information through our services. If you reside in the European Economic Area (“EEA”) or United Kingdom, Discord Netherlands BV is the “data controller” of your personal information collected through the services (as defined in our Terms of Service). For everyone else, Discord Inc. is the data controller. It’s important that you read this entire policy, but here’s a summary to get you started:":"This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, store, protect and share your personal information through our services. If you reside in the European Economic Area (‘EEA’) or United Kingdom, Discord Netherlands BV is the ‘data controller’ of your personal information collected through the services (as defined in our Terms of Service). For everyone else, Discord Inc. is the data controller. It’s important that you read this entire policy, but here’s a summary to get you started:","#Step 2: Create Customization Questions":"Step 2: Create Customisation Questions","#Now that you have Default Channels and your Customization Questions, it’s time to double check that most of your channels are included in onboarding.":"Now that you have Default Channels and your Customisation Questions, it’s time to double check that most of your channels are included in onboarding.","#December 19, 2022":"19 December 2022","#Giving members the ability to focus on important channels will make it easier for them to engage and find value from your server! Let’s walk through how to set this personalized experience for your new members.":"Giving members the ability to focus on important channels will make it easier for them to engage and find value from your server! Let’s walk through how to set this personalised experience for your new members.","#Next, you’ll build on your Default Channels by creating Customization Questions that let members pick additional channels and their roles. This is a great way to help new members create a more customized experience in your server, so you can help them find the stuff that interests them.":"Next, you’ll build on your Default Channels by creating Customisation Questions that let members pick additional channels and their roles. This is a great way to help new members create a more customised experience in your server, so you can help them find the stuff that interests them.","#Digital Nitro Gift Cards are available in our Merch Store. We have Gift Cards available for 1 month, 3 month, and 1 year subscriptions.":"Digital Nitro Gift Cards are available in our Merch Store. We have Gift Cards available for 1-month, 3-month and 1-year subscriptions.","#To advertise our services on Discord and other platforms. We are proud of the product we've built. We may tell you about our paid services and other features directly in the services and through our own channels, and we spend money advertising Discord on other platforms. As part of that, we use certain information to assist in the delivery of our advertising, to measure the effectiveness of advertisements for our own products, and to improve such advertisements in the future.":"To advertise our services on Discord and other platforms. We are proud of the product we’ve built. We may tell you about our paid services and other features directly in the services and through our own channels, and we spend money advertising Discord on other platforms. As part of that, we use certain information to assist in the delivery of our advertising, to measure the effectiveness of advertisements for our own products and to improve such advertisements in the future.","#As explained in our Terms of Service, we allow users to add content to the services in a number of different ways, including via direct messages and in smaller and larger spaces. If you share content within larger spaces, that content may be accessed by many people, including people you do not know. For example, some servers are available in the Server Discovery section of the app and do not require an invite link to join. Other server owners may publish their server invite link on public websites. Anyone can access these servers, and you should be aware that server owners or admins set these permissions, and like the size of a server, the permissions may change over time.":"As explained in our Terms of Service, we allow users to add content to the services in a number of different ways, including via direct messages and in smaller and larger spaces. If you share content within larger spaces, that content may be accessed by many people, including people you do not know. For example, some servers are available in the Server Discovery section of the app and do not require an invite link to join. Other server owners may publish their server invite link on public websites. Anyone can access these servers and you should be aware that server owners or admins set these permissions and, like the size of a server, the permissions may change over time.","#We take a number of steps to help protect your information. All information sent within our services is encrypted both in transit and at rest. For example, we use Transport Layer Security (“TLS”) to encrypt text and images in transit. We also enforce technical and administrative access controls to limit which of our employees and contractors have access to nonpublic personal information. You can help maintain the security of your account by configuring two-factor authentication.":"We take a number of steps to help protect your information. All information sent within our services is encrypted both in transit and at rest. For example, we use Transport Layer Security (‘TLS’) to encrypt text and images in transit. We also enforce technical and administrative access controls to limit which of our employees and contractors have access to non-public personal information. You can help maintain the security of your account by configuring two-factor authentication.","#We limit what information is required. We require the information that enables us to create your account, provide and maintain our services, meet our commitments to our users, and satisfy our legal requirements. The rest is optional.":"We limit what information is required. We require the information that enables us to create your account, provide and maintain our services, meet our commitments to our users and satisfy our legal requirements. The rest is optional.","#Limit our ability to use your data to improve our services. We offer certain settings that allow you to limit the information we collect to help us understand how users use our services, what features or products they may want, or to otherwise help us improve our business. If you turn off these settings, we will stop collecting and using certain event and log information as described in these settings.":"Limit our ability to use your data to improve our services. We offer certain settings that allow you to limit the information we collect to help us understand how users use our services, what features or products they may want or to otherwise help us improve our business. If you turn off these settings, we will stop collecting and using certain event and log information as described in these settings.","#Information for Users in Certain U.S. States":"Information for Users in Certain US States","#With our related companies. We may provide information to our related companies, including parents, affiliates, subsidiaries, and other companies under common control and ownership.":"With our related companies. We may provide information to our related companies, including parents, affiliates, subsidiaries and other companies under common control and ownership.","#Information about your device. We collect information about the device you are using to access the services. For example, this includes information like your IP address, operating system information, browser information, and information about your device settings, such as your microphone and/or camera.":"Information about your device. We collect information about the device you are using to access the services. For example, this includes information like your IP address, operating system information, browser information and information about your device settings, such as your microphone and/or camera.","#Our “services” has the same meaning as defined in the Terms of Service. They include the Discord app, which can be accessed on mobile, web, desktop, console, or even a connected home appliance—any device with a web browser and internet connection. We also have a website, blog, and support center, and we may collect your information through other means like surveys, emails, and social media. If we build another product, our services include that too.":"Our ‘services’ has the same meaning as defined in the Terms of Service. They include the Discord app, which can be accessed on mobile, web, desktop, console or even a connected home appliance – any device with a web browser and internet connection. We also have a website, blog and support centre, and we may collect your information through other means like surveys, emails and social media. If we build another product, our services include that too.","#You can disable or delete your account via the User Settings menu. Disabling your account stops the processing of new data, but allows you to reactivate your account without interruption to you. Deleting your account permanently deletes identifying information and anonymizes other data as described in our data retention policy. You can learn more about how to delete your account in this Help Center article and how to disable your account in this Help Center article.":"You can disable or delete your account via the User Settings menu. Disabling your account stops the processing of new data, but allows you to reactivate your account without interruption to you. Deleting your account permanently deletes identifying information and anonymises other data as described in our data retention policy. You can learn more about how to delete your account in this Help Centre article and how to disable your account in this Help Centre article.","#We believe that users should be able to tailor their Discord experience to their preferences, including privacy. And while local laws may require different things, we believe that our users should have at least the same basic ability to shape their experience no matter where they are in the world. Here’s how you can control how we process your information, how to delete or correct certain information, and how to request access to your information. Users in certain places may have specific rights under their local laws. You can learn more about these in the relevant sections below.":"We believe that users should be able to tailor their Discord experience to their preferences, including privacy. And while local laws may require different things, we believe that our users should have at least the same basic ability to shape their experience no matter where they are in the world. Here’s how you can control how we process your information, how to delete or correct certain information and how to request access to your information. Users in certain places may have specific rights under their local laws. You can learn more about these in the relevant sections below.","#Limit our ability to personalize Discord for you. We offer certain settings that control whether and how we may personalize Discord for you, such as offering you relevant recommendations for in-app content and features. If these settings are disabled, we will stop collecting and using certain event and log information as described in these settings.":"Limit our ability to personalise Discord for you. We offer certain settings that control whether and how we may personalise Discord for you, such as offering you relevant recommendations for in-app content and features. If these settings are disabled, we will stop collecting and using certain event and log information as described in these settings.","#We retain and use your information in connection with potential legal claims when necessary and for compliance, regulatory, and auditing purposes. For example, we retain information where we are required by law or if we are compelled to do so by a court order or regulatory body. Also, when you exercise any of your applicable legal rights to access, amend, or delete your personal information, we may request additional information from you for the purpose of confirming your identity.":"We retain and use your information in connection with potential legal claims when necessary and for compliance, regulatory and auditing purposes. For example, we retain information where we are required by law or if we are compelled to do so by a court order or regulatory body. Also, when you exercise any of your applicable legal rights to access, amend or delete your personal information, we may request additional information from you for the purpose of confirming your identity.","#In an emergency. We may disclose information if we believe in good faith that it's necessary to prevent serious harm to a person.":"In an emergency. We may disclose information if we believe in good faith that it’s necessary to prevent serious harm to a person.","#When transferring data outside the EEA, we use standard contract clauses (Module 1 and Module 2), and we rely on the European Commission's adequacy decisions about certain countries, as applicable, or other legally compliant mechanisms or conditions for such data transfer.":"When transferring data outside the EEA, we use standard contract clauses (Module 1 and Module 2) and we rely on the European Commission’s adequacy decisions about certain countries, as applicable, or other legally compliant mechanisms or conditions for such data transfer.","#If you want to see what information we have collected about you, you can request a copy of your data in the Privacy & Safety section of your User Settings. You should receive your data packet within 30 days. Data is delivered in common digital formats including CSV, JSON, and any other file format you used when uploading attachments to the services. You can learn more about how to access your information in our Help Center.":"If you want to see what information we have collected about you, you can request a copy of your data in the Privacy & Safety section of your User Settings. You should receive your data packet within 30 days. Data is delivered in common digital formats including CSV, JSON and any other file format you used when uploading attachments to the services. You can learn more about how to access your information in our Help Centre.","#We’ve appointed VeraSafe as Discord’s representative in the United Kingdom for data protection matters, pursuant to Article 27 of the UK General Data Protection Regulation. See the section “Contact Us” below. You can contact VeraSafe only on matters related to the processing of personal data.":"We’ve appointed VeraSafe as Discord’s representative in the United Kingdom for data protection matters, pursuant to Article 27 of the UK General Data Protection Regulation. See the section ‘Contact Us’ below. You can contact VeraSafe only on matters related to the processing of personal data.","#Certain information may be exempt from the requests above under applicable law. For example, we need to retain certain information in order to provide our services to you. We also need to take reasonable steps to verify your identity before responding to a request. If you are an authorized agent submitting a request on a user’s behalf (where permitted), we may require proof of your written authorization before processing the request. Depending on applicable law, you may have the right to appeal our decision to deny your request.":"Certain information may be exempt from the requests above under applicable law. For example, we need to retain certain information in order to provide our services to you. We also need to take reasonable steps to verify your identity before responding to a request. If you are an authorised agent submitting a request on a user’s behalf (where permitted), we may require proof of your written authorisation before processing the request. Depending on applicable law, you may have the right to appeal our decision to deny your request.","#California’s “Shine the Light” law gives residents of California the right under certain circumstances to request information from us regarding the manner in which we share certain categories of personal information (as defined in the Shine the Light law) with third parties, as defined under applicable law, for their direct marketing purposes. We do not share your personal information with third-parties for their own direct marketing purposes.":"California’s ‘Shine the Light’ law gives residents of California the right under certain circumstances to request information from us regarding the manner in which we share certain categories of personal information (as defined in the Shine the Light law) with third parties, as defined under applicable law, for their direct marketing purposes. We do not share your personal information with third parties for their own direct marketing purposes.","#If you have any questions about these rights, wish to exercise them, or request an appeal, please reach out to us at privacy@discord.com.":"If you have any questions about these rights, wish to exercise them or request an appeal, please reach out to us at privacy@discord.com.","#In addition to the rights described above, consumers residing in California are afforded the right to certain additional information with respect to their personal information under the California Consumer Privacy Act or (“CCPA”). If you are a California resident, this section applies to you.":"In addition to the rights described above, consumers residing in California are afforded the right to certain additional information with respect to their personal information under the California Consumer Privacy Act or (‘CCPA’). If you are a California resident, this section applies to you.","#You also have the right to not be discriminated against for exercising your rights. You may also have the right to opt out of “sales” of your information and “sharing/processing of your information for targeted advertising.” We do not sell the personal data of our users or share personal data for targeted advertising purposes.":"You also have the right to not be discriminated against for exercising your rights. You may also have the right to opt out of ‘sales’ of your information and ‘sharing/processing of your information for targeted advertising’. We do not sell the personal data of our users or share personal data for targeted advertising purposes.","#You must always provide accurate information to Discord and maintain the accuracy of the information associated with your account. We may assume that any communications we’ve received from your account or the associated contact information have been made by you, and that any purchases made using your account were made by you.":"You must always provide accurate information to Discord and maintain the accuracy of the information associated with your account. We may assume that any communications we’ve received from your account or the associated contact information have been made by you and that any purchases made using your account were made by you.","#Publish, publicly perform, or publicly display your content if you’ve chosen to make it visible to others. (For example, so we can display your messages if you post them in certain servers or recommend that content to others.)":"Publish, publicly perform or publicly display your content if you’ve chosen to make it visible to others. (For example, so we can display your messages if you post them in certain servers or recommend that content to others.)","#Our services allow users to add content in a number of different ways, including via direct messages, group direct messages, and in small and large servers. Some of these servers may be larger spaces, and if you share content within them, that content may be more likely to be accessed by a lot of people. For example, some servers are available in the Server Discovery section of the app and do not require an invite link to join. Other server owners may publish their server invite link on public websites. Anyone can access these spaces. You should be aware that these permissions are set by server owners or admins, and they may change over time. Please understand where you are posting on Discord, familiarize yourself with the relevant server permissions when joining and posting in a certain space, and choose the right space, features, and settings for you and your content.":"Our services allow users to add content in a number of different ways, including via direct messages, group direct messages and in small and large servers. Some of these servers may be larger spaces and, if you share content within them, that content may be more likely to be accessed by a lot of people. For example, some servers are available in the Server Discovery section of the app and do not require an invite link to join. Other server owners may publish their server invite link on public websites. Anyone can access these spaces. You should be aware that these permissions are set by server owners or admins and they may change over time. Please understand where you are posting on Discord, familiarise yourself with the relevant server permissions when joining and posting in a certain space and choose the right space, features and settings for you and your content.","#When we say “your content” in these terms, we mean all the things you add (upload, post, share, stream, etc.) to our services. This includes text, links, GIFs, emoji, photos, videos, documents, or other media. If we come up with another way for you to add content to the services, it includes that too.":"When we say ‘your content’ in these terms, we mean all the things you add (upload, post, share, stream, etc.) to our services. This includes text, links, GIFs, emojis, photos, videos, documents or other media. If we come up with another way for you to add content to the services, it includes that too.","#Continuing to allow your account to be active, giving you access to some or all services, or hosting your content creates risk for Discord, other users, or third parties.":"Continuing to allow your account to be active, giving you access to some or all services, or hosting your content creates risk for Discord, other users or third parties.","#You are responsible for the security of your account, and you agree to notify us immediately if you believe your account has been compromised. If you use a password, it must be strong, and we (strongly) recommend that you use that password only for your Discord account and that you enable two-factor authentication.":"You are responsible for the security of your account and you agree to notify us immediately if you believe your account has been compromised. If you use a password, it must be strong and we (strongly) recommend that you use that password only for your Discord account and that you enable two-factor authentication.","#Discord’s services may be personalized to each user based on their activity, so that you can see content and communities that may be of interest to you. You can control whether and to what extent Discord personalizes your experience in your Settings.":"Discord’s services may be personalised to each user based on their activity, so that you can see content and communities that may be of interest to you. You can control whether and to what extent Discord personalises your experience in your Settings.","#You don’t have any obligation to add content to the services. If you choose to add content to the services, you are responsible for ensuring that you have the right to do so, that you have the right to grant the licenses in this section of these terms, and that your content is lawful. We take no responsibility for any of your content, and we are not responsible for others’ use of your content.":"You don’t have any obligation to add content to the services. If you choose to add content to the services, you are responsible for ensuring that you have the right to do so, that you have the right to grant the licences in this section of these terms and that your content is lawful. We take no responsibility for any of your content and we are not responsible for others’ use of your content.","#We reserve the right to block, remove, and/or permanently delete your content if it is in breach of these terms, our Community Guidelines, our other policies, or any applicable law or regulation, or if it creates risk for Discord or negatively impacts the experience or interests of other Discord users to continue to make it available.":"We reserve the right to block, remove and/or permanently delete your content if it is in breach of these terms, our Community Guidelines, our other policies or any applicable law or regulation, or if it creates risk for Discord or negatively impacts the experience or interests of other Discord users to continue to make it available.","#You and Discord agree that the U.S. Federal Arbitration Act governs the interpretation and enforcement of these arbitration provisions. Except for the circumstances described below, and only after the parties have engaged in a good-faith, but unsuccessful, effort to resolve the dispute in accordance with the “informal resolution” process (above), you and Discord agree to resolve any dispute, disagreement, or claim relating to these terms or our services through final and binding arbitration in the U.S. county where you reside. This includes claims that arose, were asserted, or involve facts occurring before the existence of this arbitration agreement or any prior agreement as well as claims that may arise after the termination of this arbitration agreement, in accordance with the notice and opt-out provisions set forth in section.":"You and Discord agree that the US Federal Arbitration Act governs the interpretation and enforcement of these arbitration provisions. Except for the circumstances described below, and only after the parties have engaged in a good-faith, but unsuccessful, effort to resolve the dispute in accordance with the ‘informal resolution’ process (above), you and Discord agree to resolve any dispute, disagreement or claim relating to these terms or our services through final and binding arbitration in the US county where you reside. This includes claims that arose, were asserted, or involve facts occurring before the existence of this arbitration agreement or any prior agreement as well as claims that may arise after the termination of this arbitration agreement, in accordance with the notice and opt-out provisions set forth below.","#Together, these rules make Discord possible, and they matter to us. If you believe others aren’t following them, please let us know by reporting it to us.":"Together, these rules make Discord possible and they matter to us. If you believe others aren’t following them, please let us know by reporting it to us.","#We’re actively developing new features and products to improve Discord. As part of these efforts, we may add or remove features, start offering new services, or stop offering some services entirely (or just in some places or for some users) if they no longer make sense from a business perspective or create risk for Discord, our users, or other third parties. While we try to avoid disruptions, we cannot guarantee that there will not be an outage or change to the services, and your content may not be retrievable due to such outages or changes. We are not liable for any such outages or service changes.":"We’re actively developing new features and products to improve Discord. As part of these efforts, we may add or remove features, start offering new services or stop offering some services entirely (or just in some places or for some users) if they no longer make sense from a business perspective or create risk for Discord, our users or other third parties. While we try to avoid disruptions, we cannot guarantee that there will not be an outage or change to the services, and your content may not be retrievable due to such outages or changes. We are not liable for any such outages or service changes.","#Don’t use the services to do harm to yourself or others. Among other things, this includes trying to gain access to another user’s account or any non-public portions of the services, infringing anyone else’s intellectual property rights or any other proprietary rights, exploiting, harassing, bullying, spamming, auto-messaging, or auto-dialing people through our services.":"Don’t use the services to do harm to yourself or others. Among other things, this includes trying to gain access to another user’s account or any non-public portions of the services, infringing anyone else’s intellectual property rights or any other proprietary rights, exploiting, harassing, bullying, spamming, auto-messaging or auto-dialling people through our services.","#In all arbitrations, unless otherwise required by law or the AAA Rules, you’re responsible for all other additional arbitration costs incurred, including attorney’s fees and expert witness costs. The parties agree that AAA has discretion to modify the amount or timing of any administrative or arbitration fees due under AAA’s Rules where it deems appropriate, provided that such modification does not increase the costs to you, and you waive any objection to such fee modification. The parties also agree that a good-faith challenge by either party to the fees imposed by AAA does not constitute a default, waiver, or breach of this Section while such challenge remains pending before AAA, the arbitrator, and/or a court of competent jurisdiction.":"In all arbitrations, unless otherwise required by law or the AAA Rules, you’re responsible for all other additional arbitration costs incurred, including attorney’s fees and expert witness costs. The parties agree that AAA has discretion to modify the amount or timing of any administrative or arbitration fees due under AAA’s Rules where it deems appropriate, provided that such modification does not increase the costs to you and you waive any objection to such fee modification. The parties also agree that a good-faith challenge by either party to the fees imposed by AAA does not constitute a default, waiver or breach of this Section while such challenge remains pending before AAA, the arbitrator and/or a court of competent jurisdiction.","#The results of the Initial Test Cases resolved by a final arbitrator decision will then be given to a mediator who will try to facilitate a resolution of the remaining cases. After the results are provided to the mediator, the mediator and the parties will have 90 days (the “Mediation Period”) to agree on a resolution or substantive methodology for resolving the outstanding cases. If the parties are unable to resolve the outstanding claims during the Mediation Period, either Party may choose to opt out of the arbitration process and proceed in court with its remaining claims. Notice of the opt-out will be provided in writing within 60 days of the close of the Mediation Period. Opt out of arbitration under this section shall not be construed as opt out of the section titled “Class Waiver” below.":"The results of the Initial Test Cases resolved by a final arbitrator decision will then be given to a mediator who will try to facilitate a resolution of the remaining cases. After the results are provided to the mediator, the mediator and the parties will have 90 days (the ‘Mediation Period’) to agree on a resolution or substantive methodology for resolving the outstanding cases. If the parties are unable to resolve the outstanding claims during the Mediation Period, either Party may choose to opt out of the arbitration process and proceed in court with its remaining claims. Notice of the opt-out will be provided in writing within 60 days of the close of the Mediation Period. Opt out of arbitration under this section shall not be construed as opt out of the section titled ‘Class Waiver’ below.","#If your demand for arbitration is included in the Mass Filing, any statute of limitations applicable to your claims will remain tolled until your demand for arbitration is decided, withdrawn, or is settled.":"If your demand for arbitration is included in the Mass Filing, any statute of limitations applicable to your claims will remain tolled until your demand for arbitration is decided, withdrawn or is settled.","#Any disclaimer of warranties such as those under the “Services ‘AS IS’” section;":"Any disclaimer of warranties such as those under the ‘Services “AS IS”’ section;","#Bellwether proceedings are encouraged by courts and arbitration administrators when there are multiple disputes involving similar claims against the same or related parties. You and Discord agree to jointly ask the arbitrator to agree to the following procedures: The arbitrator will randomly assign sequential numbers to each of the claims included in a Mass Filing, after which the claims numbered 1-10 will be designated the “Initial Test Cases” and will proceed to arbitration. The Parties agree to decide on a single arbitrator for all Initial Test Cases and to consolidate the cases for pre-hearing procedures and the pre-hearing conference. Unless the claims are resolved in advance or the schedule is extended, the arbitrator will render final awards for the Initial Test Cases within 120 days of the initial pre-hearing conference. If fewer than 5 Initial Test Cases resolve without a final decision of the arbitrator because they are resolved in advance, cases will be selected in batches of 10 and will proceed to arbitration until at least 5 have been resolved by a final arbitrator decision. The arbitrator’s decisions for the Initial Test Cases shall be in writing and shall contain the essential findings and conclusions of fact and law upon which the arbitrator based the decision.":"Bellwether proceedings are encouraged by courts and arbitration administrators when there are multiple disputes involving similar claims against the same or related parties. You and Discord agree to jointly ask the arbitrator to agree to the following procedures: the arbitrator will randomly assign sequential numbers to each of the claims included in a Mass Filing, after which the claims numbered 1–10 will be designated the ‘Initial Test Cases’ and will proceed to arbitration. The Parties agree to decide on a single arbitrator for all Initial Test Cases and to consolidate the cases for pre-hearing procedures and the pre-hearing conference. Unless the claims are resolved in advance or the schedule is extended, the arbitrator will render final awards for the Initial Test Cases within 120 days of the initial pre-hearing conference. If fewer than 5 Initial Test Cases resolve without a final decision of the arbitrator because they are resolved in advance, cases will be selected in batches of 10 and will proceed to arbitration until at least 5 have been resolved by a final arbitrator decision. The arbitrator’s decisions for the Initial Test Cases shall be in writing and shall contain the essential findings and conclusions of fact and law upon which the arbitrator based the decision.","#Export Control. You agree to comply with all applicable import, export, and re-export control laws and restrictions, including but not limited to those of the European Union and its member states, the U.S. Department of Commerce Export Administration Regulations (“EAR”) and economic sanctions maintained by the U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”), and the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (“ITAR”), and will not use the services to cause a violation of such laws or regulations. You agree to not use our services to store or distribute content that is subject to export controls, unless you have obtained all required government export authorizations. Further, you represent and warrant that you are not on any government list of prohibited or restricted parties, or otherwise subject to equivalent restrictions, as specified in the laws and regulations listed above or in your country’s laws. You may not download or use our services if you are located in a country or region subject to U.S. or E.U. government embargo (including Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria, and the Crimea region) unless that use is authorized by the United States and other relevant authorities.":"Export Control. You agree to comply with all applicable import, export and re-export control laws and restrictions, including but not limited to those of the European Union and its member states, the US Department of Commerce Export Administration Regulations (‘EAR’) and economic sanctions maintained by the US Office of Foreign Assets Control (‘OFAC’), and the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (‘ITAR’), and will not use the services to cause a violation of such laws or regulations. You agree to not use our services to store or distribute content that is subject to export controls, unless you have obtained all required government export authorisations. Further, you represent and warrant that you are not on any government list of prohibited or restricted parties, or otherwise subject to equivalent restrictions, as specified in the laws and regulations listed above or in your country’s laws. You may not download or use our services if you are located in a country or region subject to US or EU government embargo (including Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria and the Crimea region) unless that use is authorised by the United States and other relevant authorities.","#Any indemnification obligations (as applicable) such as those listed under the “Indemnity” section;":"Any indemnification obligations (as applicable) such as those listed under the ‘Indemnity’ section;","#Any applicable limitation of liability such as those under the “Limitation of Liability” section;":"Any applicable limitation of liability such as those under the ‘Limitation of Liability’ section;","#Waiver, severability, and assignment. If you fail to follow these terms and we don’t immediately act, that doesn’t mean we’re giving up any of our legal rights (such as acting in the future). If any part of these terms ends up being invalid or unenforceable based on a decision by any court or competent authority, the rest of these terms will not be affected. You may not assign these terms to anyone else without our written consent. We may assign our rights to any of our affiliates or subsidiaries, or to any successor in interest of any business associated with our services.":"Waiver, severability and assignment. If you fail to follow these terms and we don’t immediately act, that doesn’t mean we’re giving up any of our legal rights (such as acting in the future). If any part of these terms ends up being invalid or unenforceable based on a decision by any court or competent authority, the rest of these terms will not be affected. You may not assign these terms to anyone else without our written consent. We may assign our rights to any of our affiliates or subsidiaries, or to any successor in interest of any business associated with our services.","#These terms grant a non-transferable license to use the Discord App on any Apple/Mac product that you might own or control and as permitted by Apple’s policies. Apple has no obligation to furnish any maintenance and support services with respect to the Discord app. If the app fails to conform to any applicable warranty, you may notify Apple and Apple will refund the app purchase price to you (if applicable) and, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Apple will have no other warranty obligation whatsoever with respect to the Discord app. Apple is not responsible for addressing any claims by you or any third party relating to the Discord app or your possession and use of it, including, but not limited to: (i) product liability claims; (ii) any claim that the Discord app fails to conform to any applicable legal or regulatory requirement; and (iii) claims arising under consumer protection or similar legislation. Apple is not responsible for the investigation, defense, settlement and discharge of any third-party claim that your possession and use of the Discord app infringe that third party’s intellectual property rights. Apple and its subsidiaries are third-party beneficiaries of these terms, and upon acceptance of the terms, Apple will have the right (and will be deemed to have accepted the right) to enforce these terms against you as a third-party beneficiary thereof. You represent and warrant that (i) you are not located in a country that is subject to a U.S. Government embargo, or that has been designated by the U.S. Government as a terrorist-supporting country; and (ii) you are not listed on any U.S. Government list of prohibited or restricted parties. You must also comply with any applicable third-party terms of service when using the Discord app.":"These terms grant a non-transferable licence to use the Discord App on any Apple/Mac product that you might own or control and as permitted by Apple’s policies. Apple has no obligation to furnish any maintenance and support services with respect to the Discord app. If the app fails to conform to any applicable warranty, you may notify Apple and Apple will refund the app purchase price to you (if applicable) and, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Apple will have no other warranty obligation whatsoever with respect to the Discord app. Apple is not responsible for addressing any claims by you or any third party relating to the Discord app or your possession and use of it, including, but not limited to: (i) product liability claims; (ii) any claim that the Discord app fails to conform to any applicable legal or regulatory requirement; and (iii) claims arising under consumer protection or similar legislation. Apple is not responsible for the investigation, defence, settlement and discharge of any third-party claim that your possession and use of the Discord app infringe that third party’s intellectual property rights. Apple and its subsidiaries are third-party beneficiaries of these terms and, upon acceptance of the terms, Apple will have the right (and will be deemed to have accepted the right) to enforce these terms against you as a third-party beneficiary thereof. You represent and warrant that (i) you are not located in a country that is subject to a US Government embargo or that has been designated by the US Government as a terrorist-supporting country; and (ii) you are not listed on any US Government list of prohibited or restricted parties. You must also comply with any applicable third-party terms of service when using the Discord app.","#Any dispute resolution provisions, including the arbitration agreement, such as those under the “Settling disputes between you and Discord” section.":"Any dispute resolution provisions, including the arbitration agreement, such as those under the ‘Settling disputes between you and Discord’ section.","#If you have any questions about these terms, please contact us at privacy@discord.com. We may send you electronic communications related to our services. Where required, we’ll get your consent before sending you direct marketing, and we’ll make it easy for you to opt out.":"If you have any questions about these terms, please contact us at privacy@discord.com. We may send you electronic communications related to our services. Where required, we’ll get your consent before sending you direct marketing and we’ll make it easy for you to opt out.","#Do not mislead Discord’s support teams. Do not make false or malicious reports to our Trust & Safety or other customer support teams, send multiple reports about the same issue, or ask a group of users to report the same content or issue. Repeated violations of this guideline may result in loss of access to our reporting functions.":"Do not mislead Discord’s support teams. Do not make false or malicious reports to our Trust & Safety or other customer support teams, send multiple reports about the same issue, or ask a group of users to report the same content or issue. Repeated violations of this guideline may result in loss of access to our reporting functions.","#Discord is home to (com) passionate people who believe in our mission of creating space for everyone to find belonging.":"Discord is home to (com)passionate people who believe in our mission of creating space for everyone to find belonging.","#Show less perks":"Show fewer perks","#March 28th 2022":"28 March 2022","#IF YOU’RE A U.S. RESIDENT, YOU ALSO AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING MANDATORY ARBITRATION PROVISIONS. PLEASE READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY – IT MAY SIGNIFICANTLY AFFECT YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS, INCLUDING YOUR RIGHT TO FILE A LAWSUIT IN COURT:":"IF YOU’RE A US RESIDENT, YOU ALSO AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING MANDATORY ARBITRATION PROVISIONS. PLEASE READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY – IT MAY SIGNIFICANTLY AFFECT YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS, INCLUDING YOUR RIGHT TO FILE A LAWSUIT IN COURT:","#Customize your personal Discord settings":"Customise your personal Discord settings","#Be aware of the Discord spaces you choose to participate in":"Be aware of the Discord spaces you choose to participate in","#Colors for your Discord Theme":"Colours for your Discord Theme","#Help Center":"Help Centre","#Reporting Abusive Behavior to Discord":"Reporting Abusive Behaviour to Discord","#Additionally, if you are in the United States, you can contact Crisis Text Line to speak with a volunteer crisis counselor to help you or a friend through any mental health crisis by texting DISCORD to 741741. You can learn more about Discord’s partnership with Crisis Text line here.":"Additionally, if you are in the United States, you can contact Crisis Text Line to speak with a volunteer crisis counsellor to help you or a friend through any mental health crisis by texting DISCORD to 741741. You can learn more about Discord’s partnership with Crisis Text line here.","#Select the Message you wish to report. On mobile, hold down on the Message, and on desktop, “right-click.”":"Select the Message you wish to report. On mobile, hold down on the Message, and on desktop, “right-click”","#Color Themes":"Colour Themes","#Add your vibe to Discord with unique theme colors.":"Add your vibe to Discord with unique theme colours.","#Our ongoing work to protect users is conducted in collaboration and partnership with experts who share our mission to create a safer internet. We partner with a number of organizations to jointly confront challenges impacting internet users at large. For example, we partner with the Family Online Safety Institute, an international non-profit that endeavors to make the online world safer for children and families. We also cooperate with the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC), the Tech Coalition, and the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism.":"Our ongoing work to protect users is conducted in collaboration and partnership with experts who share our mission to create a safer internet. We partner with a number of organisations to jointly confront challenges impacting internet users at large. For example, we partner with the Family Online Safety Institute, an international non-profit that endeavours to make the online world safer for children and families. We also cooperate with the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC), the Tech Coalition, and the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism.","#We continue to innovate how we scale safety mechanisms, with a focus on proactive detection. Millions of people around the world use Discord every day, the vast majority are engaged in positive ways, but we take action on multiple fronts to address bad behavior and harmful content. For example, we use PhotoDNA image hashing to identify inappropriate images; we use advanced technology like machine learning models to identify and remedy offending content; and we empower and equip community moderators with tools and training to uphold our policies in their communities. You can read more about our safety initiatives and priorities below.":"We continue to innovate how we scale safety mechanisms, with a focus on proactive detection. Millions of people around the world use Discord every day, the vast majority are engaged in positive ways, but we take action on multiple fronts to address bad behaviour and harmful content. For example, we use PhotoDNA image hashing to identify inappropriate images; we use advanced technology like machine learning models to identify and remedy offending content; and we empower and equip community moderators with tools and training to uphold our policies in their communities. You can read more about our safety initiatives and priorities below.","#Embrace Transparency & Knowledge Sharing: We continue to educate users, join coalitions, build relationships with experts, and publish our safety learnings including our Transparency Reports.":"Embrace Transparency and Knowledge Sharing: We continue to educate users, join coalitions, build relationships with experts, and publish our safety learnings including our Transparency Reports.","#Our product architecture provides each user with fundamental control over their experience on Discord including who they communicate with, what content they see, and what communities they join or create.":"Our product architecture provides each user with fundamental control over their experience on Discord including who they communicate with, what content they see and what communities they join or create.","#Design for Safety: We make our products safe spaces by design and by default. Safety is and will remain part of the core product experience at Discord.":"Design for Safety: We make our products safe spaces by design and by default. Safety is and will remain part of the core product experience at Discord.","#In the field of online safety, we are inspired by the spirit of cooperation across companies and civil society groups. We are proud to engage and learn from a wide range of companies and organizations including:":"In the field of online safety, we are inspired by the spirit of cooperation across companies and civil society groups. We are proud to engage and learn from a wide range of companies and organisations including:","#Prioritize the Highest Harms: We prioritize issues that present the highest harm to our platform and our users. This includes harm to our users and society (e.g. sexual exploitation, violence, sharing of illegal content) and platform integrity harm (e.g. spam, account take-over, malware).":"Prioritise the Highest Harms: We prioritise issues that present the highest harm to our platform and our users. This includes harm to our users and society (e.g. sexual exploitation, violence, sharing of illegal content) and platform integrity harm (e.g. spam, account take-over, malware).","#Safety Rules Engine: The rules engine allows our teams to evaluate user activities such as registrations, server joins, and other metadata. We can then analyze patterns of problematic behavior to make informed decisions and take uniform actions like user challenges or bans.":"Safety Rules Engine: The rules engine allows our teams to evaluate user activities such as registrations, server joins, and other metadata. We can then analyse patterns of problematic behaviour to make informed decisions and take uniform actions like user challenges or bans.","#It’s important that you go through their early comments and messages to understand what prompted this behavior in the first place. This might have been banning them for breaking a rule or not properly punishing another community member that they got into an argument with. They might believe “I feel like you didn’t give me a chance to explain myself” or “I feel like you’re discriminating against me”.":"It’s important that you go through their early comments and messages to understand what prompted this behaviour in the first place. This might have been banning them for breaking a rule or not properly punishing another community member that they got into an argument with. They might believe ‘I feel like you didn’t give me a chance to explain myself’ or ‘I feel like you’re discriminating against me’.","#Chances are, the responses you receive will be filled with aggression, profanity and insults. You must ignore all of this, and continue working to understand their position and the events that resulted in them targeting your community. Negotiations like this are difficult in voice-to-voice communication, and nearly impossible via instant or private messaging. They will be incredibly resistant at first, perhaps thinking that you’re attempting to trick them into a perjury trap for them to admit their guilt or ignorance.":"Chances are that the responses you receive will be filled with aggression, profanity and insults. You must ignore all of this and continue working to understand their position and the events that resulted in them targeting your community. Negotiations like this are difficult in voice-to-voice communication and nearly impossible via instant or private messaging. They will be incredibly resistant at first, perhaps thinking that you’re attempting to trick them into a perjury trap for them to admit their guilt or ignorance.","#As with any moderation action, once taken it is best practice to leave a note for your team about what action was taken and why. Another period of self-evaluation is a good idea after any action is taken. Ask yourself, was the action taken in alignment with the rules of your community? Was it fair to both the offending member, as well as the other members of your community? Was your decision affected by your bias towards the offending member? If necessary or unclear, ask your teammates for their outside perspective.":"As with any moderation action, once taken it is best practice to leave a note for your team about what action was taken and why. Another period of self-evaluation is a good idea after any action is taken. Ask yourself: was the action taken in alignment with the rules of your community? Was it fair to both the offending member as well as the other members of your community? Was your decision affected by your bias towards the offending member? If necessary or unclear, ask your teammates for their outside perspective.","#This type of one-sided interpersonal relationship is rare among moderators because of the connection a moderation team usually has to the content creator or personality that they moderate for. More commonly, a user witnessing a friendly moderator carrying out their daily duties to interact with their server can develop such a relationship. However, this type of relationship requires an extra level of care and awareness, as they can quickly become toxic if not managed appropriately. Always be aware of them, and consider their existence when making certain moderation decisions. The DMA has an article exclusively dedicated to parasocial relationships for further reading.":"This type of one-sided interpersonal relationship is rare among moderators because of the connection a moderation team usually has to the content creator or personality that they moderate for. More commonly, a user witnessing a friendly moderator carrying out their daily duties to interact with their server can develop such a relationship. However, this type of relationship requires an extra level of care and awareness as they can quickly become toxic if not managed appropriately. Always be aware of them and consider their existence when making certain moderation decisions. The DMA has an article dedicated exclusively to parasocial relationships for further reading.","#Just as it is natural for these relationships to form, it is also human nature to unconsciously develop and act on a bias toward the people closest to you. As a moderator, that natural bias is something you must actively resist, and take conscious steps to avoid. What happens when the friend of a moderator has a bad day and doesn’t act in the spirit of the rules of the community? In an ideal scenario, the moderator’s response would be the same reasonable response that would be expected if the offending member were anyone else. Your response to these situations will have a profound impact on your community’s attitude toward you as a moderator, as showing favoritism will quickly evaporate the community’s trust in your ability to be impartial. Moderators are human, and for inexperienced and seasoned moderators alike, this kind of scenario can prove to be one of the most significant tests of their ability to manage conflict.":"Just as it is natural for these relationships to form, it is also human nature to develop and act unconsciously on a bias towards the people closest to you. As a moderator, that natural bias is something you must actively resist and take conscious steps to avoid. What happens when the friend of a moderator has a bad day and doesn’t act in the spirit of the rules of the community? In an ideal scenario, the moderator’s response would be the same reasonable response that would be expected if the offending member were anyone else. Your response to these situations will have a profound impact on your community’s attitude towards you as a moderator, as showing favouritism will quickly evaporate the community’s trust in your ability to be impartial. Moderators are human and, for inexperienced and seasoned moderators alike, this kind of scenario can prove to be one of the most significant tests of their ability to manage conflict.","#Official 3rd Party Merch":"Official Third-Party Merch","#These filters are customizable and you can choose to turn them off. By default, these filters are set to “Filter direct messages from non-friends.” Choose “Filter all direct messages” if you want all direct messages that you receive to be filtered, or select “Do not filter direct messages” to turn these filters off.":"These filters are customisable and you can choose to turn them off. By default, these filters are set to “Filter direct messages from non-friends.” Choose “Filter all direct messages” if you want all direct messages that you receive to be filtered, or select “Do not filter direct messages” to turn these filters off.","#These filters are customizable and you can choose to turn them off. By default, these filters are set to “Filter direct messages from non-friends.” Choose “Filter all direct messages” if you want all direct messages that you receive to be filtered, or select “Do not filter direct messages” to turn these filters off.":"These filters are customisable and you can choose to turn them off. By default, these filters are set to “Filter direct messages from non-friends.” Choose “Filter all direct messages” if you want all direct messages that you receive to be filtered, or select “Do not filter direct messages” to turn these filters off.","#Developer Help Center":"Developer Help Centre","#Include a time limited non-disclosure order (18 U.S.C. § 2705(b)) or similar legal provision with your legal request.":"Include a time-limited non-disclosure order (18 U.S.C. § 2705(b)) or similar legal provision with your legal request.","#Animated avatar, banner, and profile theme":"Animated avatar, banner and profile theme","#Let’s say it’s been just a little over three months since you started moderating a server and things are going really well in your eyes. You’re working diligently on a team with other staff members to help you with the day-to-day moderation tasks that a server demands. You’re feeling really good about your activity levels and direction of the server until today, when two other members of staff have all decided to step down due to not enjoying moderation anymore. You’re confused and frustrated- things seemed to be okay, great even. What’s changed?":"Let’s say it’s been just a little over three months since you started moderating a server and things are going really well in your eyes. You’re working diligently on a team with other staff members to help you with the day-to-day moderation tasks that a server demands. You’re feeling really good about your activity levels and direction of the server until today, when two other members of staff have all decided to step down due to not enjoying moderation anymore. You’re confused and frustrated...things seemed to be okay, great even. What’s changed?","#Make sure you are not taking on too much, but also have enough to do. This can be a tricky balance. Depending on your moderation experience and skills, it can be hard to determine what your work load capabilities are, especially as offline life changes. Be upfront and honest with what your team expects from you, but also let them know that if you are feeling overwhelmed, that they can talk to you. Always have an open line of communication so you can find ways to help yourself, as well as the others you moderate with. Something that has worked on larger servers that you might be able to incorporate to your server is having a summary of the channels. With the summary, you can have moderators on your team sign up for which channels they enjoy moderating, as well as the others, and not feel like you have to be in too many channels at one time. Delegating work makes it seem more manageable and less daunting. Encourage yourself and your fellow moderators to try new channels after a couple weeks to change everyone’s scenery, as well allowing various team members the chance to interact with certain server members that might only hang out in channels that they don’t normally moderate. As a moderator, you might feel yourself wanting to do more and seek to add to your responsibilities. Suggesting community events and helping out organizing and running these events makes for a great change of pace to contrast the normal moderating duties of watching chat. Events are great for bringing regular members together with moderators. It is a fun task that can bring activity levels up and spread some excitement.":"Make sure you are not taking on too much, but also have enough to do. This can be a tricky balance. Depending on your moderation experience and skills, it can be hard to determine what your work load capabilities are, especially as offline life changes. Be upfront and honest with what your team expects from you, but also let them know that if you are feeling overwhelmed, that they can talk to you too. Always have an open line of communication so you can find ways to help yourself, as well as the others you moderate with. Something that has worked on larger servers that you might be able to incorporate to your server is having a summary of the channels. With the summary, you can have moderators on your team sign up for which channels they enjoy moderating, as well as the others, and not feel like you have to be in too many channels at one time. Delegating work makes it seem more manageable and less daunting. Encourage yourself and your fellow moderators to try new channels after a couple weeks to change everyone’s scenery, as well allowing various team members the chance to interact with certain server members that might only hang out in channels that they don’t normally moderate. As a moderator, you might feel yourself wanting to do more and seek to add to your responsibilities. Suggesting community events and helping out organising and running these events makes for a great change of pace to contrast the normal moderating duties of watching chat. Events are great for bringing regular members together with moderators. It is a fun task that can bring activity levels up and spread some excitement.","#To that end, positive specific feedback is one of the best ways to let someone know that they did a good job and what exactly it was that they did well. By being specific about what you’re thanking your moderator for, you’re letting them know that their hard work is recognized and valued and seen. Recognize when they put in a lot of hours on the server and are here on a day-to-day basis. Finding ways to reward them, whether through gifting Nitro or a special recognition in the server, can be really fulfilling to them. It reassures them that they are an important part of the server and are making a difference when helping. Be gracious with your words and remind them that they are here with you. It starts a chain reaction and you will see moderators thanking other moderators for their hard work.":"To that end, positive specific feedback is one of the best ways to let someone know that they did a good job and what exactly it was that they did well. By being specific about what you’re thanking your moderator for, you’re letting them know that their hard work is recognised and valued and seen. Recognise when they put in a lot of hours on the server and are here on a day-to-day basis. Finding ways to reward them, whether through gifting Nitro or a special recognition in the server, can be really fulfilling to them. It reassures them that they are an important part of the server and are making a difference when helping. Be gracious with your words and remind them that they are here with you. It starts a chain reaction and you will see moderators thanking other moderators for their hard work.","#Starting a new job or position or activity will always be exciting. Most moderators are eager to help a community that they love and that they are an active part of to grow and prosper. You spend a lot of time there already, so why would you not want to do your part in helping that community be successful? However as time passes, interests can change and initial enthusiasm can wane. As a moderator, you might find yourself spending time in other communities or you realize your real world schooling and work is a priority over moderating, so there is the potential for anxiety to build as you try to juggle all of your responsibilities. Maybe your mental health is being affected by spending many hours a day on the internet, dealing with trolls and people who simply just want to cause trouble. This can mentally drain you, having to deal with negativity and conflict day in and day out. When moderating begins to feel like a chore, as opposed to a hobby, that’s when you might feel like moderator burnout has set in.":"Starting a new job, position or activity will always be exciting. Most moderators are eager to help a community that they love and that they are an active part of to grow and prosper. You spend a lot of time there already, so why would you not want to do your part in helping that community be successful? However, as time passes, interests can change and initial enthusiasm can wane. As a moderator, you might find yourself spending time in other communities or you realise your real world schooling and work is a priority over moderating, so there is the potential for anxiety to build as you try to juggle all of your responsibilities. Maybe your mental health is being affected by spending many hours a day on the internet, dealing with trolls and people who simply just want to cause trouble. This can mentally drain you, having to deal with negativity and conflict day in and day out. When moderating begins to feel like a chore, as opposed to a hobby, that’s when you might feel like moderator burnout has set in.","#Spam has historically been a problem that plagues all platforms online as it is a simple way to troll as well as easy to change and adapt to suit the spammer’s needs. Discord has begun to implement progressive changes to how they detect spam on the platform, updating, tweaking, and fine-tuning their anti-spam systems daily to catch more and more spammers and spam content.":"Spam has historically been a problem that plagues all platforms online as it is a simple way to troll as well as easy to change and adapt to suit the spammer’s needs. Discord has begun to implement progressive changes to how they detect spam on the platform, updating, tweaking and fine-tuning their anti-spam systems daily to catch more and more spammers and spam content.","#If you do decide to trust the download, take the extra precaution to run it through VirusTotal or similar websites to search for potential dangers. It’s also good to check your anti-malware software to scan these files. To be extra sure you don’t click anything illicit but want to run the message through one of these websites, right-click the message on Discord and choose “Copy Link” from the dropdown.":"If you do decide to trust the download, take the extra precaution to run it through VirusTotal or similar websites to search for potential dangers. It’s also good to check your anti-malware software to scan these files. To be extra sure you don’t click anything illicit but want to run the message through one of these websites, right-click the message on Discord and choose ‘Copy Link’ from the drop-down.","#If you encounter misspelled links and other sketchy-looking links, it might be a good idea to add it to a text filter or to your moderation bots’ banlist. If you are sure that a link sent on your server is malicious or dangerous, be sure to remove that user from your server so they cannot privately try to spread these links to other users, and make sure to report it to Discord using the":"If you encounter misspelt links and other dodgy-looking links, it might be a good idea to add it to a text filter or to your moderation bots’ banlist. If you are sure that a link sent on your server is malicious or dangerous, be sure to remove that user from your server so they cannot try to spread these links privately to other users and make sure to report it to Discord using the","#Although URL shorteners are a convenient way to make links more compact and easier to read, they also hide the final destination of the URL, which could be a malicious website. When dealing with these types of shortened URLs, you should first prioritize determining where it leads. You can use a URL expander such as URLScan or Redirect-Checker to do this. Once you have a better idea of what is on the other side of the URL, you can decide whether it is safe or not to visit the site and remove and/or report the message if need be.":"Although URL shorteners are a convenient way to make links more compact and easier to read, they also hide the final destination of the URL, which could be a malicious website. When dealing with these types of shortened URLs, you should first prioritise determining where it leads. You can use a URL expander such as URLScan or Redirect-Checker to do this. Once you have a better idea of what is on the other side of the URL, you can decide whether it is safe or not to visit the site and remove and/or report the message if need be.","#You should always exercise caution when downloading files from anyone on Discord, whether it’s from a stranger or someone you think you know. One of the most dangerous files is a “.exe” file. These files will execute some sort of function on your computer, leading to leaking information to the sender or having other serious consequences.":"You should always exercise caution when downloading files from anyone on Discord, whether it’s from a stranger or someone you think you know. One of the most dangerous files is a ‘.exe’ file. These files will execute some sort of function on your computer, leading to leaking information to the sender or having other serious consequences.","#Scammers use many different techniques to trick you into giving them your personal information. They may try to steal your Discord login credentials, user token, or private information through carefully crafted scam attempts, thus giving them access to your account for problematic purposes.":"Scammers use many different techniques to trick you into giving them your personal information. They may try to steal your Discord login credentials, user token or private information through carefully crafted scam attempts, thus giving them access to your account for problematic purposes.","#Recognizing Scamming and Phishing Attempts":"Recognising Scamming and Phishing Attempts","#If you do not recognize the domain, try doing a google search to find out more information about the link before clicking on it. Some links try to imitate real websites to trick the users into thinking it is safe to click on when, in fact, it is a malicious link. Be sure to double-check the spelling of common domains so that you aren’t tricked into thinking a link goes to YouTube instead of “YouTbue”, for example. A more subtle way you might encounter malicious links is through embedded messages from bots or webhooks. Unlike normal users, bots and webhooks can hyperlink text in a message. Be sure to double check where a link leads to when clicking on it.":"If you do not recognise the domain, try doing a Google search to find out more information about the link before clicking on it. Some links try to imitate real websites to trick the users into thinking it is safe to click on when, in fact, it is a malicious link. Be sure to double-check the spelling of common domains so that you aren’t tricked into thinking a link goes to YouTube instead of ‘YouTbue’, for example. A more subtle way you might encounter malicious links is through embedded messages from bots or webhooks. Unlike normal users, bots and webhooks can hyperlink text in a message. Be sure to double-check where a link leads to when clicking on it.","#Moderator: the title you give to people who have the responsibility of managing your chat and community. Answering the call to protect your community and its members at all costs, they are integral to any successful Discord server. But it’s important to remember that moderators have to be safe online, just like the users they fight to protect. The first step in doing this is to ensure your account safety is set by having a strong password and setting up backup login methods- all of which you can learn more about in this article that is going to be focusing on the importance of securing your Discord account.":"Moderator: The title you give to people who have the responsibility of managing your chat and community. Answering the call to protect your community and its members at all costs, they are integral to any successful Discord server. But it’s important to remember that moderators have to be safe online, just like the users they fight to protect. The first step in doing this is to ensure your account safety is set by having a strong password and setting up backup login methods – all of which you can learn more about in this article that is going to be focusing on the importance of securing your Discord account.","#In some cases, downloading a malicious file won’t immediately affect your computer until the file or program is run or opened. This is important to keep in mind since downloading a file can cause a false sense of security to think it is safe since “nothing bad happened” until you run whatever you downloaded!":"In some cases, downloading a malicious file won’t immediately affect your computer until the file or program is run or opened. This is important to keep in mind since downloading a file can cause a false sense of security to think it is safe since ‘nothing bad happened’ until you run whatever you downloaded!","#In this article, we’ll explain how moderators can do their job safely and securely, cover how to handle links, scams, and possible doxxing attempts, and introduce some general best practices to keep you and your account safe.":"In this article, we’ll explain how moderators can do their job safely and securely, cover how to handle links, scams and possible doxxing attempts, and introduce some general best practices to keep you and your account safe.","#As a moderator, you might come across malicious content shared in your server in the form of links and files. Malicious links and files come in all shapes and sizes. Some try to get ahold of your account credentials, such as login information or token while others try to have you download malware that can harm your computer.":"As a moderator, you might come across malicious content shared in your server in the form of links and files. Malicious links and files come in all shapes and sizes. Some try to get hold of your account credentials, such as login information or token, while others try to get you to download malware that can harm your computer.","#When you take on the title of community moderator, you become a front-facing member of your server. As a result, you have to be up-to-date on the newest methods on how to moderate safely and securely to not only keep you and your team safe but also to help educate your community. This includes knowing how to spot and handle malicious links, files, scams, and phishing attempts. It helps to also have knowledge in how to deal with threats to your community members and doxxing concerns.":"When you take on the title of community moderator, you become a front-facing member of your server. As a result, you have to be up to date on the latest methods on how to moderate safely and securely not only to keep you and your team safe, but also to help educate your community. This includes knowing how to spot and handle malicious links, files, scams and phishing attempts. It helps to also have knowledge of how to deal with threats to your community members and doxxing concerns.","#Firstly, we’ve implemented the Malicious Link Blocker, which is a system that warns a user similar to what you see with Chrome when visiting specific sites. It is meant to minimize exposure to spam content, but it’s important to remember that it doesn’t catch everything. Keep in mind, just because a link does not trigger the Malicious Link Blocker doesn’t mean that the link is safe! Always be careful when clicking links from unknown users that may seem suspicious.":"Firstly, we’ve implemented the Malicious Link Blocker, which is a system that warns a user similar to what you see with Chrome when visiting specific sites. It is meant to minimise exposure to spam content, but it’s important to remember that it doesn’t catch everything. Keep in mind that just because a link does not trigger the Malicious Link Blocker, this doesn’t mean that the link is safe! Always be careful when clicking links from unknown users that may seem suspicious.","#Steam Scams. Has someone ever sent you a message apologizing for “accidentally reporting you” on Steam? This is yet another way scammers try to infiltrate your accounts. Referring to someone who can fix the issue along with a link that looks like Steam’s website, but in truth, is a phishing link. If you look closely, you can spot typos in their domain name such as “steamcomnmunity,” “sleamcommunity,” and many others.":"Steam Scams. Has someone ever sent you a message apologising for ‘accidentally reporting you’ on Steam? This is yet another way scammers try to infiltrate your accounts. Referring to someone who can fix the issue along with a link that looks like Steam’s website but, in truth, is a phishing link. If you look closely, you can spot typos in their domain name such as ‘steamcomnmunity’, ‘sleamcommunity’ and many others.","#Cybercriminals and trolls can be incredibly inventive in how they doxx you. They might start with a single clue and follow it until your online persona is progressively unraveled and your identity is revealed. You must be hyper-aware of what personal information you share online and be cautious when divulging information about yourself.":"Cybercriminals and trolls can be incredibly inventive in how they doxx you. They might start with a single clue and follow it until your online persona is progressively unravelled and your identity is revealed. You must be hyper-aware of what personal information you share online and be cautious when divulging information about yourself.","#Keeping your Discord login credentials and account token safe and secure is vitally important to ensure your own account safety when moderating an online community. Even with proactive measures such as 2-Factor-Authentication (2FA) in place, scammers can still get access to your account with your account token, so evading common phishing attempts and utilizing the vast amount of resources available to spot scams becomes increasingly important for moderators. Discord released an article about keeping your account safe and sound with 2FA, which is an excellent resource to read or refer to.":"Keeping your Discord login credentials and account token safe and secure is vitally important to ensure your own account safety when moderating an online community. Even with proactive measures such as 2-Factor-Authentication (2FA) in place, scammers can still get access to your account with your account token, so evading common phishing attempts and utilising the vast amount of resources available to spot scams becomes increasingly important for moderators. Discord released an article about keeping your account safe and sound with 2FA, which is an excellent resource to read or refer to.","#Game Scams. Be aware of random users who message you asking if you want to test their new game. This is another attempt to compromise your account and unlock your private information through phishing. Requests from strangers or friends to try their game usually mean that their account has been compromised, and they are now attempting to gain access to yours. If you have other means of contacting this user off-platform, it is good to alert them to the fact that their account has been compromised to see if they can regain control of it or contact Discord Support about the issue.":"Game Scams. Be aware of random users who message you asking if you want to test their new game. This is another attempt to compromise your account and unlock your private information through phishing. Requests from strangers or friends to try their game usually mean that their account has been compromised and they are now attempting to gain access to yours. If you have other means of contacting this user off-platform, it is good to alert them to the fact that their account has been compromised to see if they can regain control of it or contact Discord Support about the issue.","#With the vast array of search tools and information readily available online, almost anyone can be a doxxing victim. If you have ever posted in an online forum, signed an online petition, or purchased a property, your information is publicly available. Through public records, databases, and other repositories, large amounts of data are readily available to anyone who searches for it.":"With the vast array of search tools and information readily available online, almost anyone can be a doxxing victim. If you have ever posted in an online forum, signed an online petition or purchased a property, your information is publicly available. Through public records, databases and other repositories, large amounts of data are readily available to anyone who searches for it.","#Knowing what permissions bots and bot roles are given is essential to developing a safe community, helping ensure the safety of all its members and its moderators. A malicious bot can wreak havoc within servers very quickly by mass-deleting categories, exposing private channels, sending scam messages, and abusing webhooks. We heavily recommend researching any bot before adding it to your server.":"Knowing what permissions bots and bot roles are given is essential to developing a safe community, helping ensure the safety of all its members and its moderators. A malicious bot can wreak havoc within servers very quickly by mass-deleting categories, exposing private channels, sending scam messages and abusing webhooks. We heavily recommend researching any bot before adding it to your server.","#Prize Scams. If it’s too good to be true, it probably is. Scammers might try to get your information through empty promises of fake prizes. A common prize scam is random bots sending you a message that you’ve won a month of Discord Nitro. If these bots are not directly connected to a server giveaway you were a part of, this giveaway is likely fake and and the links they sent are malicious. Discord would never use a bot to send this information to you directly, and even verified bots can be hacked to share these malicious links.":"Prize Scams. If it’s too good to be true, it probably is. Scammers might try to get your information through empty promises of fake prizes. A common prize scam is random bots sending you a message that you’ve won a month of Discord Nitro. If these bots are not directly connected to a server giveaway you were a part of, this giveaway is likely fake and the links they sent are malicious. Discord would never use a bot to send this information to you directly and even verified bots can be hacked to share these malicious links.","#There are a lot of resources to draw from to ensure you moderate safely and securely. Practice good cybersecurity by having good antivirus and malware detection programs and strong passwords. Differentiate between your “real” self and online persona to minimize doxxing opportunities. Check suspicious links and websites through online tools to make sure they aren’t malicious. If you or one of your community members are doxxed online, there are proactive and reactive measures that can be taken to ensure your account security. Figure out what sort of content was leaked, report it to Discord’s Trust & Safety teams, and submit relevant removal requests such as Google’s removal tools.":"There are a lot of resources to draw from to ensure you moderate safely and securely. Practice good cybersecurity by having good antivirus and malware detection programs and strong passwords. Differentiate between your ‘real’ self and online persona to minimise doxxing opportunities. Check suspicious links and websites through online tools to make sure they aren’t malicious. If you or one of your community members are doxxed online, there are proactive and reactive measures that can be taken to ensure your account security. Figure out what sort of content was leaked, report it to Discord’s Trust & Safety teams and submit relevant removal requests such as Google’s removal tools.","#If you are concerned you are at a high risk of being doxxed, you can consider setting up Google Alerts to monitor possible doxxing attempts. If sensitive or private information has been leaked online, you can submit requests to have that content removed by using the following guides: Removing Content From Google or Remove Your Personal Information From Google.":"If you are concerned you are at a high risk of being doxxed, you can consider setting up Google Alerts to monitor possible doxxing attempts. If sensitive or private information has been leaked online, you can submit requests to have that content removed by using the following guides: Removing Content from Google or Remove Your Personal Information from Google.","#Phishing is when a scammer convinces you to do anything that provides them access to your device, accounts, or personal information. They can more easily infect you with malware or steal your personal information by impersonating people or an organization who need this information. An example of this is a scammer claiming to be a Discord Staff Member or claiming to be from official Discord programs such as Partners or HypeSquad Events. Some more ambitious scammers could also include someone claiming to be from local law enforcement.":"Phishing is when a scammer convinces you to do anything that provides them access to your device, accounts or personal information. They can more easily infect you with malware or steal your personal information by impersonating people or an organisation who need this information. An example of this is a scammer claiming to be a Discord Staff Member or claiming to be from official Discord programmes such as Partners or HypeSquad Events. Some more ambitious scammers could also include someone claiming to be from local law enforcement.","#These social engineering tactics \"bait\" you with a trusted looking icon or name to obtain your personal information. These schemes may persuade you to open an attachment, click on a link, complete a form, or respond with personal information to make it easier for them to steal your account.":"These social engineering tactics ‘bait’ you with a trusted-looking icon or name to obtain your personal information. These schemes may persuade you to open an attachment, click on a link, complete a form or respond with personal information to make it easier for them to steal your account.","#Desktop: Right-click on a user’s name anywhere in the server (online list, mention, message, or their voice channel presence)":"Desktop: Right-click on a user’s name anywhere in the server (online list, mention, message or their voice channel presence)","#Integrations: Requires the Manage Webhooks permission. This allows you to manage all of the webhooks in your server, the channels that you are following, the bots in your server, and any platform-specific integrations you can manage such as Twitch or Youtube. Additional information about this page and the types of integration can be found here.":"Integrations: Requires the Manage Webhooks permission. This allows you to manage all of the webhooks in your server, the channels that you are following, the bots in your server and any platform-specific integrations you can manage such as Twitch or Youtube. Additional information about this page and the types of integration can be found here.","#Manage Channels - Allows users to edit channels by mousing over the channel name and clicking the gear, or by tapping the channel name at the top of your mobile device and then tapping settings. You can change the channel name, implement slow mode, manage channel permissions, or delete the channel.":"Manage Channels : Allows users to edit channels by mousing over the channel name and clicking the gear, or by tapping the channel name at the top of your mobile device and then tapping settings. You can change the channel name, implement slow mode, manage channel permissions or delete the channel.","#A lot of moderation on Discord is done using bots. You can find plenty of them by doing some research online. Some options include MEE6, CarlBot, Zeppelin, Dyno, GiselleBot, Gaius, and more.":"A lot of moderation on Discord is done using bots. You can find plenty of them by doing some research online. Some options include MEE6, CarlBot, Zeppelin, Dyno, GiselleBot, Gaius and more.","#If you have the Manage Channel Permissions permission, you can also set channel-level permission overrides for both roles and individual members. By changing one of the permissions to a checkmark or an X, you can define specific permission for that channel for specific members or roles that will be used instead of the permissions that are set on the Roles management screen. The permissions for channel overrides are similar to their role-level counterparts, but the descriptions will provide you with additional information as to exactly what they do. You can learn more about navigating the channel permission interface here.":"If you have the Manage Channel Permissions permission, you can also set channel-level permission overrides for both roles and individual members. By changing one of the permissions to a tick or an X, you can define specific permissions for that channel for specific members or roles that will be used instead of the permissions that are set on the Roles management screen. The permissions for channel overrides are similar to their role-level counterparts, but the descriptions will provide you with additional information as to exactly what they do. You can learn more about navigating the channel permission interface here.","#Kick [user]: Requires the Kick Members' permission. This removes the user from the server. They can rejoin with a valid invite link":"Kick [user]: Requires the Kick Members permission. This removes the user from the server. They can rejoin with a valid invite link","#The goal of this article is to familiarize you with Discord permissions and moderation actions so that you can more effectively moderate or manage your own server. Now that you’ve finished reading this, hopefully, you have a better idea of how to navigate Discord’s menus and manage your members and messages.":"The goal of this article is to familiarise you with Discord permissions and moderation actions so that you can more effectively moderate or manage your own server. Now that you’ve finished reading this, hopefully, you have a better idea of how to navigate Discord’s menus and manage your members and messages.","#Customize video calls with your own video backgrounds.":"Customise video calls with your own video backgrounds.","#Community Moderation: Server owners and volunteer community moderators define and enforce norms of behavior for their communities that can go beyond the Discord Community Guidelines. We enable our community moderators with technology (tools like AutoMod) as well as training and peer support (Discord Admin Community).":"Community Moderation: Server owners and volunteer community moderators define and enforce norms of behaviour for their communities that can go beyond the Discord Community Guidelines. We enable our community moderators with technology (tools like AutoMod) as well as training and peer support (Discord Admin Community).","#Visual Safety Platform: This is a service that can identify hashes of objectionable images such as child sexual abuse material (CSAM), and check all image uploads to Discord against databases of known objectionable images.":"Visual Safety Platform: This is a service that can identify hashes of objectionable images such as child sexual abuse material (CSAM), and check all image uploads to Discord against databases of known objectionable images.","#Family Center":"Family Centre","#Our friends at the NationalPTA, ConnectSafely, and Thorn have leveraged their expertise working with families to create their own parent guides to Discord. Consider checking them out for another view on how your teen uses Discord, our safety tools, and ways to start conversations about online safety.":"Our friends at the NationalPTA, ConnectSafely and Thorn have leveraged their expertise working with families to create their own parent guides to Discord. Consider checking them out for another view on how your teen uses Discord, our safety tools and ways to start conversations about online safety.","#Read our Transparency Report covering our enforcement actions against accounts and servers violating Discord's platform policies as well as our response to legal, emergency, and intellectual property removal requests.":"Read our Transparency Report, covering our enforcement actions against accounts and servers violating Discord's platform policies, as well as our response to legal, emergency and intellectual property removal requests.","#From gaming, to music, to learning, Discord is the home for people wanting to create a community around a special interest or a hobby. Your teen may also join public communities that are built around shared interests from language learning, to origami, to their favorite TV shows, to houseplants.":"From gaming, to music, to learning, Discord is the home for people wanting to create a community around a special interest or a hobby. Your teen may also join public communities that are built around shared interests from language learning, to origami, to their favourite TV shows, to houseplants.","#It's important to have a conversation about what is and isn't considered proper online behavior.. For example, only accept friend requests from people you know. If something doesn’t seem right, tell a trusted adult. Behavior that’s not okay at school is also not okay online. However, if something does come up, please know that you and your teen can easily report it to Discord for our Safety team to investigate and take appropriate action.":"It’s important to have a conversation about what is and isn’t considered proper online behaviour. For example, only accept friend requests from people you know. If something doesn’t seem right, tell a trusted adult. Behaviour that’s not okay at school is also not okay online. However, if something does come up, please know that you and your teen can easily report it to Discord for our Safety team to investigate and take appropriate action.","#Discord is about hanging out with friends in real time. It's a place where people can be themselves and spend time with others who share their interests and hobbies. Keep reading to learn how your teen can use Discord to talk and hang out with their communities and friends.":"Discord is about hanging out with friends in real time. It’s a place where people can be themselves and spend time with others who share their interests and hobbies. Keep reading to learn how your teen can use Discord to talk and hang out with their communities and friends.","#Teens use Discord to talk about all sorts of things, ranging from their favorite artists and sports teams to homework and more. It's a home for communities of any size, but it's most widely used by small and active groups of people. These small groups include group chats or other groups, called servers, made by interest-based communities or friend groups. Discord servers are organized into topic-based channels where you can collaborate, share, and just talk about your day without clogging up a group chat. The vast majority of servers are small and invitation-only, so your teen can choose to be a part of servers they want to be in, and if your teen is a server owner, they control who gets to be part of their community.":"Teens use Discord to talk about all sorts of things, ranging from their favourite artists and sports teams to homework and more. It’s a home for communities of any size, but it’s most widely used by small and active groups of people. These small groups include group chats or other groups, called servers, made by interest-based communities or friend groups. Discord servers are organised into topic-based channels where you can collaborate, share and just talk about your day without clogging up a group chat. The vast majority of servers are small and invitation-only, so your teen can choose to be a part of servers they want to be in and, if your teen is a server owner, they control who gets to be part of their community.","#Communication on Discord isn't just about text! Discord servers are organized into text and voice channels, which are usually dedicated to specific topics. In text channels, users can post messages, upload files, and share images for others to see at any time. Teens hop into a voice channel and connect through a voice or video call in real time, and can share their screen with their friends.":"Communication on Discord isn’t just about text! Discord servers are organised into text and voice channels, which are usually dedicated to specific topics. In text channels, users can post messages, upload files and share images for others to see at any time. Teens hop into a voice channel and connect through a voice or video call in real time and can share their screen with their friends.","#Once turned off, any previously collected data will no longer be directly associated with your account — even if you turn it on in the future, it won't use any data from when it was turned on in the past. Previously collected data will not be used to personalize the product for you.":"Once turned off, any previously collected data will no longer be directly associated with your account — even if you turn it on in the future, it won't use any data from when it was turned on in the past. Previously collected data will not be used to personalise the product for you.","#Your data on Discord can be used to help us make Discord better, customize your Discord experience, and test new features – but only if you want it to. For the long version of what information we collect and how we use it, check out our Privacy Policy.":"Your data on Discord can be used to help us make Discord better, customise your Discord experience, and test new features – but only if you want it to. For the long version of what information we collect and how we use it, check out our Privacy Policy.","#Personalization data is used to make your specific Discord experience better for you. For example, we use this information to update and maintain the Active Now section of the Friends Tab and to power parts of Server Discovery.":"Personalisation data is used to make your specific Discord experience better for you. For example, we use this information to update and maintain the Active Now section of the Friends Tab and to power parts of Server Discovery.","#Personalization data":"Personalisation data","#Turning this off means we’ll no longer track how you use and/or navigate Discord outside of data needed to provide the service, meet our commitments to our users, and satisfy our legal requirements. This data includes, for example, the fact that you joined a server — we need to know that to provide you access to the server!We use usage statistics to improve Discord and to make it more pleasant for you to use.":"Turning this off means we’ll no longer track how you use and/or navigate Discord outside of data needed to provide the service, meet our commitments to our users, and satisfy our legal requirements. This data includes, for example, the fact that you joined a server — we need to know that to provide you access to the server! We use usage statistics to improve Discord and to make it more pleasant for you to use.","#Learn more about what we’re doing to help your teen stay safer on our platform, explore our Family Center tool, and download our Parent's Guide to Discord.":"Learn more about what we’re doing to help your teen stay safer on our platform, explore our Family Centre tool, and download our Parent's Guide to Discord.","#Server owners and volunteer community moderators define and enforce norms of behavior for their communities that can go beyond the Discord Community Guidelines. We enable our community moderators with technology (tools like AutoMod) as well as training and peer support (Discord Admin Community).":"Server owners and volunteer community moderators define and enforce norms of behaviour for their communities that can go beyond the Discord Community Guidelines. We enable our community moderators with technology (tools like AutoMod) as well as training and peer support (Discord Admin Community).","#Discord communities, especially the large and public ones, often have moderators there to help address issues. If the violation happened in a server with a moderator, your teen can also reach out to the server’s moderators, who may be able to respond immediately and help resolve their concerns. In addition, remind your teen that they have the ability to block any users they don’t want to interact with.
":"Discord communities, especially the large and public ones, often have moderators there to help address issues. If the violation happened in a server with a moderator, your teen can also reach out to the server’s moderators, who may be able to respond immediately and help resolve their concerns. In addition, remind your teen that they have the ability to block any users that they don’t want to interact with.
","#Family Center is designed to help you learn more about how your teen spends their time on Discord and learn more about the communities they are a part of.
Our goal is to help families foster productive dialogue about safer internet habits, and to create mutually beneficial ways for parents and teens to connect about experiences online.":"Family Centre is designed to help you learn more about how your teen spends their time on Discord and learn more about the communities they are a part of.
Our goal is to help families foster productive dialogue about safer internet habits and to create mutually beneficial ways for parents and teens to connect about experiences online.","#Once they've hit the \"Report Message\" button, they can choose which category of violation they're seeing. More details can be provided in the next screen, to further allow them to specify what it is they're encountering.
Our Safety team takes action when we become aware of content that violates our Community Guidelines and policies, including disabling accounts, removing servers, and engaging with authorities as appropriate.":"Once they’ve hit the ‘Report Message’ button, they can choose which category of violation that they’re seeing. More details can be provided on the next screen, to further allow them to specify what it is that they’re encountering.
Our Safety team takes action when we become aware of content that violates our Community Guidelines and policies, including disabling accounts, removing servers and engaging with authorities as appropriate.","#If the amount in controversy does not exceed $10,000, and you do not seek injunctive or declaratory relief, then the arbitration will be conducted solely on the basis of documents you and Discord submit to the arbitrator, unless the arbitrator determines that a hearing is necessary. If the amount in controversy exceeds $10,000 or seeks declaratory or injunctive relief, either party may request (or the arbitrator may determine) to hold a hearing, which may be in-person, videoconference, or telephone conference.":"If the amount in controversy does not exceed $10,000 and you do not seek injunctive or declaratory relief, then the arbitration will be conducted solely on the basis of documents you and Discord submit to the arbitrator, unless the arbitrator determines that a hearing is necessary. If the amount in controversy exceeds $10,000 or seeks declaratory or injunctive relief, either party may request (or the arbitrator may determine) to hold a hearing, which may be in person or via videoconference or telephone conference.","#Personalized entrance sounds":"Personalised entrance sounds","#Use custom sounds and personalized entrance sounds across voice channels.":"Use custom sounds and personalised entrance sounds across voice channels.","#GET DISCORD FOR ANY DEVICE":"Get Discord for any device","#macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) or higher":"MacOS 10.13 (High Sierra) or higher","#Download Discord to Talk, Chat, and Hang Out":"Download Discord to talk, chat, and hang out","#Nitro gift cards on Amazon are a great way to gift Nitro to a friend, or have someone gift Nitro to you. Just click this link for a variety of Discord gift options, from 1 to 12-month Nitro subscriptions. Learn more about Discord gift cards on Amazon in this Help Center article.":"Nitro gift cards on Amazon are a great way to gift Nitro to a friend, or have someone gift Nitro to you. Just click this link for a variety of Discord gift options, from 1 to 12-month Nitro subscriptions. Learn more about Discord gift cards on Amazon in this Help Centre article.","#It’s time to promote your Server Subscription Learn the basics of Promo Pages and how to use them to get more paid subscriptions and awareness.":"It’s time to promote your Server Subscription! Learn the basics of Promo Pages and how to use them to get more paid subscriptions and awareness.","#If you see any activity that violates these guidelines, our Terms of Service, or our other policies, please report it to us. You can learn more on how to report to us here. However, please note that we strongly discourage and may take action against vigilantism, as this behavior can put individuals in harm’s way and can also interfere with our investigations and ability to report to law enforcement.":"If you see any activity that violates these guidelines, our Terms of Service, or our other policies, please report it to us. You can learn more on how to report to us here. However, please note that we strongly discourage and may take action against vigilantism, as this behaviour can put individuals in harm’s way and can also interfere with our investigations and ability to report to law enforcement.","#For more information about the Data Privacy Framework principles and to view our certification, please visit the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Data Privacy Framework site.":"For more information about the Data Privacy Framework principles and to view our certification, please visit the US Department of Commerce’s Data Privacy Framework site.","#e. Your Submission must not: (i) violate any applicable law or regulation; (ii) violate any third-party rights, including copyrights, trademark rights, moral rights, or rights of privacy and publicity; (iii) contain disparaging or defamatory statements; (iv) include threats to any person, place, business, or group; (v) be obscene, offensive, or indecent; (vi) depict any risky behavior; (vii) contain material that promotes bigotry, racism, hatred or harm against any group or individual or promotes discrimination based on race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age; and/or (viii) contain unauthorized third-party trademarks or logos.":"e. Your Submission must not: (i) violate any applicable law or regulation; (ii) violate any third-party rights, including copyrights, trademark rights, moral rights, or rights of privacy and publicity; (iii) contain disparaging or defamatory statements; (iv) include threats to any person, place, business, or group; (v) be obscene, offensive, or indecent; (vi) depict any risky behaviour; (vii) contain material that promotes bigotry, racism, hatred or harm against any group or individual or promotes discrimination based on race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age; and/or (viii) contain unauthorised third-party trademarks or logos.","#License to Submission":"Licence to Submission","#h. You, and if applicable any member of your team, will not do anything, or become involved in any situation, that might reflect unfavorably on the Discord’s reputation or products.":"h. You, and if applicable any member of your team, will not do anything, or become involved in any situation, that might reflect unfavourably on the Discord’s reputation or products.","#This Section does not apply to you if you reside in France, Germany or Great Britain. Any Claim must be brought in the respective party’s individual capacity, and not as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class, collective, representative, multiple plaintiff, or similar proceeding (“Class Action”). The parties expressly waive any ability to maintain any Class Action in any forum. Any claim that all or part of this Class Action Waiver is unenforceable, unconscionable, void, or voidable may be determined only by a court of competent jurisdiction. If for any reason a Claim proceeds in court, you and Discord each waive any right to a jury trial.":"This Section does not apply to you if you reside in France, Germany or Great Britain. Any Claim must be brought in the respective party’s individual capacity, and not as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class, collective, representative, multiple plaintiff or similar proceeding (“Class Action”). The parties expressly waive any ability to maintain any Class Action in any forum. Any claim that all or part of this Class Action Waiver is unenforceable, unconscionable, void or voidable may be determined only by a court of competent jurisdiction. If for any reason a Claim proceeds in court, you and Discord each waive any right to a jury trial.","#In the event the operation or integrity of the Program is compromised by an event beyond Discord’s reasonable control and which were unforeseeable before the Program began, Discord may suspend, modify or terminate the Program.":"In the event the operation or integrity of the Program is compromised by an event beyond Discord’s reasonable control and which were unforeseeable before the Program began, Discord may suspend, modify or terminate the Program.","#By entering the Program and providing a Submission, you hereby grant to Discord a perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, worldwide, nonexclusive license to reproduce, display, perform, distribute, and otherwise use your Submission in connection with administering the Program, and to freely sublicense these rights. Discord will have no obligation to publish or use or retain any Submission you submit or to return any such Submission to you. You agree that it is your sole responsibility to obtain all permissions and releases necessary for the grant of the rights contained in this paragraph. You agree to take, at Discord’s expense, any further action (including execution of affidavits, tax forms, and other documents) reasonably requested by Discord to effect, perfect or confirm Discord’s rights as set forth above in this paragraph. You will not be entitled to compensation for any use by Discord, or its agents, licensees or assignees, of your Submission. You recognize that Discord may in the future develop or purchase products or services related to or similar to the subject matter of your Submission(s). Accordingly, Discord may use Residuals for any purpose, including use in the acquisition, development, manufacture, promotion, sale, or maintenance of products and services; provided that this right to Residuals does not represent a license under any intellectual property and/or proprietary rights of Developer. The term “Residuals” means information that is retained in the unaided memories of Discord’s employees or contractors as permitted herein who have had access to your Submission(s). Memory is unaided if the employee or contractor has not intentionally memorized the information for the purpose of retaining and subsequently using or disclosing it.":"By entering the Program and providing a Submission, you hereby grant to Discord a perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, worldwide, nonexclusive licence to reproduce, display, perform, distribute and otherwise use your Submission in connection with administering the Program, and to freely sublicense these rights. Discord will have no obligation to publish or use or retain any Submission you submit or to return any such Submission to you. You agree that it is your sole responsibility to obtain all permissions and releases necessary for the grant of the rights contained in this paragraph. You agree to take, at Discord’s expense, any further action (including execution of affidavits, tax forms, and other documents) reasonably requested by Discord to effect, perfect or confirm Discord’s rights as set forth above in this paragraph. You will not be entitled to compensation for any use by Discord, or its agents, licensees or assignees, of your Submission. You recognise that Discord may in the future develop or purchase products or services related to or similar to the subject matter of your Submission(s). Accordingly, Discord may use Residuals for any purpose, including use in the acquisition, development, manufacture, promotion, sale or maintenance of products and services; provided that this right to Residuals does not represent a licence under any intellectual property and/or proprietary rights of Developer. The term “Residuals” means information that is retained in the unaided memories of Discord’s employees or contractors as permitted herein who have had access to your Submission(s). Memory is unaided if the employee or contractor has not intentionally memorised the information for the purpose of retaining and subsequently using or disclosing it.","#August 18th 2020":"18 August 2020","#August 20th 2017":"20 August 2017","#July 1st 2020":"1 July 2020","#Select the specific elements of the profile you are reporting - you can report multiple aspects of a profile at once
":"Select the specific elements of the profile you are reporting – you can report multiple aspects of a profile at once
","#4. Select the type of abuse you're seeing
":"4. Select the type of abuse you’re seeing
","#Nearly 30% of Gen Zers in both Europe and the US are still hesitant to ask for help, highlighting embarrassment to seek mental health support as a widespread and global barrier of concern.":"Nearly 30% of Gen Zers in both Europe and the US are still hesitant to ask for help, highlighting embarrassment to seek mental health support as a widespread and global barrier of concern.","#The impact of societal pressures on Europe’s Gen Z is a growing unease and uncertainty about their careers, finances, and the future.":"The impact of societal pressures on Europe’s Gen Z is a growing unease and uncertainty about their careers, finances, and the future.","#October 4, 2023":"4 October 2023","#Four in five Gen Zers say that seeking mental health support is brave, not weak, signaling they are open to it. ":"Four in five Gen Zers say that seeking mental health support is brave, not weak, signaling they are open to it. ","#Both Gen Zers and their parents across the UK, Germany and France listed the same issues as their top three concerns: the cost of living crisis, climate change, and social inequity.":"Both Gen Zers and their parents across the UK, Germany and France listed the same issues as their top three concerns: the cost of living crisis, climate change, and social inequity.","#In May 2023, we conducted a study on this topic in the US, which you can read here. To gain insights into the challenges faced across the pond by our users in France, Germany, and the UK, we carried out a similar comprehensive study in partnership with YouGov. This study surveyed over 3,000 members of Gen Z (aged 18 to 25) and more than 1,600 of their parents across these three countries, with the aim of better understanding the context in which our users live and explore how online platforms can contribute to addressing mental health challenges.":"In May 2023, we conducted a study on this topic in the US, which you can read here. To gain insights into the challenges faced across the pond by our users in France, Germany, and the UK, we carried out a similar comprehensive study in partnership with YouGov. This study surveyed over 3,000 members of Gen Z (aged 18 to 25) and more than 1,600 of their parents across these three countries, with the aim of better understanding the context in which our users live and explore how online platforms can contribute to addressing mental health challenges.","#Click below to read the full white paper, “Gen Z Mental Health: Empowering Conversation in an Uncertain World”:":"Click below to read the full white paper, “Gen Z Mental Health: Empowering Conversation in an Uncertain World”.","#Stress and anxiety are the top emotions felt by Gen Zers, outweighing feelings of love, happiness and hope. This was most pronounced in the UK, where 74% felt this way compared with 57% in France and 48% in Germany — a trend echoing what Gen Zers in the US feel.":"Stress and anxiety are the top emotions felt by Gen Zers, outweighing feelings of love, happiness and hope. This was most pronounced in the UK, where 74% felt this way compared with 57% in France and 48% in Germany — a trend echoing what Gen Zers in the US feel.","#Discord and its U.S. entities/subsidiaries (Backgammon Merger Sub II, LLC, Brazos Games, LLC, Discord International, Inc, Flames Sub LLC, and Sentropy Technologies Inc.) also comply with the EU-U.S. and Swiss-U.S. Data Privacy Frameworks, as well as the UK Extension to the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework. If you have questions or complaints regarding our compliance with the Data Privacy Framework principles, please reach out to us at privacy@discord.com. If we do not resolve your complaint, you may submit your complaint free of charge to JAMS. Under certain conditions specified by the Data Privacy Framework principles, you may also be able to invoke binding arbitration to resolve your complaint. We are subject to the investigatory and enforcement powers of the U.S. Federal Trade Commission. In certain circumstances, we may be liable for the transfer of personal data from the EU, Switzerland, or the UK to a third party outside those countries.":"Discord and its US entities/subsidiaries (Backgammon Merger Sub II, LLC, Brazos Games, LLC, Discord International, Inc, Flames Sub LLC and Sentropy Technologies Inc.) also comply with the EU–US and Swiss–US Data Privacy Frameworks, as well as the UK Extension to the EU–US Data Privacy Framework. If you have questions or complaints regarding our compliance with the Data Privacy Framework principles, please reach out to us at privacy@discord.com. If we do not resolve your complaint, you may submit your complaint free of charge to JAMS. Under certain conditions specified by the Data Privacy Framework principles, you may also be able to invoke binding arbitration to resolve your complaint. We are subject to the investigatory and enforcement powers of the US Federal Trade Commission. In certain circumstances, we may be liable for the transfer of personal data from the EU, Switzerland or the UK to a third party outside those countries.","#New & Improved Mobile Experience":"Our New & Improved Mobile Experience","#We keep hearing that users love perks that enable them to customize how they show up on Discord. That’s why last month we launched a brand new in-app Shop, giving Nitro members the opportunity to purchase profile accessories, starting with cool new avatar decorations and now profile effects: animations that appear on your profile whenever you or another Discord user previews it.":"We keep hearing that users love perks that enable them to customise how they show up on Discord. That’s why last month we launched a brand new in-app Shop, giving Nitro members the opportunity to purchase profile accessories, starting with cool new avatar decorations and now profile effects: animations that appear on your profile whenever you or another Discord user previews it.","#Everyone understands the importance of friendship. Hanging out and having fun is one of the most important parts of building relationships and bonding! That’s why we’re always trying to make Discord the best place to spend time with friends. More than 150 million people around the world chill on Discord every month — studying, enjoying clubs, learning languages, building software, talking about your daily lives, and, of course, playing games.":"Everyone understands the importance of friendship. Hanging out and having fun is one of the most important parts of building relationships and bonding! That’s why we’re always trying to make Discord the best place to spend time with friends. More than 150 million people around the world chill on Discord every month — studying, enjoying clubs, learning languages, building software, talking about your daily lives, and, of course, playing games.","#October 19, 2023":"19 October 2023","#Voice & Video UI: We’re updating UI and interactions for voice and video calls to make the space more cozy for you and your friends.":"Voice & Video UI: We’re updating UI and interactions for voice and video calls to make the space more cosy for you and your friends.","#Expanding Customization with the Shop":"Expanding Customisation with the Shop","#We're really proud of everything our developer community has built over the years, and we're looking forward to seeing them earn money for delivering an even more customizable experience to their fans.":"We're really proud of everything our developer community has built over the years, and we're looking forward to seeing them earn money for delivering an even more customisable experience to their fans.","#Around 45 million people worldwide are using third party experiences every month to customize having more fun and hanging out together right on Discord. Some of the most popular apps are shared experiences for playing games, watching videos, listening to music, learning new skills, doing trivia, scheduling study sessions, and tons more.":"Around 45 million people worldwide are using third party experiences every month to customise having more fun and hanging out together right on Discord. Some of the most popular apps are shared experiences for playing games, watching videos, listening to music, learning new skills, doing trivia, scheduling study sessions, and tons more.","#We’ve found that if someone knows exactly how they broke the rules, it gives them a chance to reflect and change their behavior, helping keep Discord safer.":"We’ve found that if someone knows exactly how they broke the rules, it gives them a chance to reflect and change their behaviour, helping keep Discord safer.","#However, some violations are more serious than others, and we’ll take appropriate action depending on the severity of the violation. For example, we have and will continue to have a zero-tolerance policy towards violent extremism and content that sexualizes children.":"However, some violations are more serious than others, and we’ll take appropriate action depending on the severity of the violation. For example, we have and will continue to have a zero-tolerance policy towards violent extremism and content that sexualises children.","#We continue to make Nitro better and more fun than ever, adding new perks to help members express themselves and customize their presence on Discord.":"We continue to make Nitro better and more fun than ever, adding new perks to help members express themselves and customise their presence on Discord.","#As mentioned above, we began experimenting with early access for Nitro members this summer with Remix. Next up was Nitro early access to the Shop in late September and Clips last week. Clips allows users to capture and share the most exciting gaming and voice channel moments with their friends or community, all without leaving the app.":"We began experimenting with early access for Nitro members this summer with Remix. We’ve watched you meme all summer and Remix is finally launching for everyone on mobile this week. Next up was Nitro early access to the Shop in late September and Clips last week. Clips allows users to capture and share the most exciting gaming and voice channel moments with their friends or community, all without leaving the app.","#In the coming weeks, we’re excited to begin rolling out the first two features of the initiative around the world:":"In the coming weeks and rolling out around the world, we’re excited to release the first two features of the initiative:","#Icons: We’re giving our in-app icons a refresh, designed to complement the look and feel of our desktop and mobile platforms.":"Icons: We’re giving our in-app icons a refresh, designed to complement the look and feel of our desktop and mobile platforms.","#It starts with a DM - Users who break the rules will receive an in-app message directly from Discord letting them know they received either a warning or a violation, based on the severity of what happened and whether or not Discord has taken action.":"It starts with a DM - Users who break the rules will receive an in-app message directly from Discord letting them know they received either a warning or a violation, based on the severity of what happened and whether or not Discord has taken action.","#It’s now easier to select multiple pictures and videos to share at once, even high quality ones (up to 25mb for all users). They appear in a nicely-organized grid so users can swipe between uploads while seeing the context of the accompanying message.":"It’s now easier to select multiple pictures and videos to share at once, even high quality ones (up to 25mb for all users). They appear in a nicely-organised grid so users can swipe between uploads while seeing the context of the accompanying message.","#Rebuilt Search Experience: Want to find that restaurant recommendation or giraffe pic from a few months ago? Soon you can. We’re adding tappable search filters for people, media, links and messages so you can find what you need faster.":"Rebuilt Search Experience: Want to find that restaurant recommendation or giraffe pic from a few months ago? Soon you can. We’re adding tappable search filters for people, media, links and messages so you can find what you need faster.","#Improved Notifications Tab: We’re making notifications actionable and they’ll auto-clear as you read them.":"Improved Notifications Tab: We’re making notifications actionable and they’ll auto-clear as you read them.","#Sensitive content filters: For teens, Discord will automatically blur media that may be sensitive in direct messages and group direct messages with friends, as well as in servers. The blur creates an extra step to encourage teens to use caution when viewing the media. This feature will also be available for anyone to opt in.":"Sensitive content filters: For teens, Discord will automatically blur media that may be sensitive in direct messages and group direct messages with friends, as well as in servers. The blur creates an extra step to encourage teens to use caution when viewing the media. This feature will also be available for anyone to opt in.","#Nitro members can now customize their mobile and desktop apps with a Discord icon to match their vibe. They can choose from 19 fresh new styles, including tactical, pastel, prismatic waves and galactic chrome.":"Nitro members can now customise their mobile and desktop apps with a Discord icon to match their vibe. They can choose from 19 fresh new styles, including tactical, pastel, prismatic waves and galactic chrome.","#Nitro members have early access to the Shop and can purchase new, collectible avatar decorations and profile effects. Previously avatar decorations were only available seasonally, but now you can keep them and use them season after season. Soon, the Shop will open up to all users, allowing everyone to browse and deck out their own profiles with decorations and effects. Nitro members will get a sweet discount.":"Nitro members have early access to the Shop and can purchase new, collectible avatar decorations and profile effects. Previously avatar decorations were only available seasonally, but now you can keep them and use them season after season. Soon, the Shop will open up to all users, allowing everyone to browse and deck out their own profiles with decorations and effects. Nitro members will get a sweet discount.","#All info is streamlined in your account standing - In settings, all information about past violations can be seen in the new “Account Standing” tab.":"All info is streamlined in your account standing - In settings, all information about past violations can be seen in the new “Account Standing” tab.","#Speaking of great features coming to our mobile app, an exciting feature we’re debuting this week is Remix! The Remix feature allows users on mobile to remix, create, meme and share with friends. Nitro members are already out there creating memes with this thanks to their early access. We’ve watched you meme all summer and Remix is finally launching to everyone on mobile this week.":"Speaking of great features coming to our mobile app, an exciting feature we’re debuting this week is Remix! Nitro members are already out there creating memes with this thanks to their early access, but we’re expanding availability of the Remix feature, which allows users on mobile to remix, create, meme and share with friends.","#While we’re working hard on this, you can find your next favorite app by visiting the App Directory. You can also try out Activities by hopping into a Voice Channel and hitting the rocket ship icon. For developers, we’ll share more details on when some of these new features will be available for early access.":"While we’re working hard on this, you can find your next favourite app by visiting the App Directory. You can also try out Activities by hopping into a Voice Channel and hitting the rocket ship icon. For developers, we’ll share more details on when some of these new features will be available for early access.","#Add your fav channel (hello #Panda-Facts) to your “Favorites” and it will always be at the top of that server’s channels.":"Add your fav channel (hello #Panda-Facts) to your “Favourites” and it will always be at the top of that server’s channels.","#You can now load and play your favorite YouTube and Spotify videos without ever leaving the Discord app. YOU CAN NEVER LEAVE!":"You can now load and play your favourite YouTube and Spotify videos without ever leaving the Discord app. YOU CAN NEVER LEAVE!","#You’ve Got Favorites":"You’ve Got Favourites","#We gave the in-app icons a refresh and added a ton of new ones, including some that are animated. That’s pretty neat.":"We gave the in-app icons a refresh and added a ton of new ones, including some that are animated. That’s pretty awesome.","#We breathed some new life into our search feature to let you easily find people, media, links, and all of your past DMs in a flash.":"We breathed new life into our search feature to let you easily find people, media, links, and all of your past DMs in a flash.","#Press and hold a G/DM then tap \"Favorite\" and it will always show up at the top of your Messages tab.":"Press and hold a G/DM then tap \"Favourite\" and it will always show up at the top of your Messages tab.","#CUSTOMIZE IT UP":"CUSTOMISE IT UP","#Customize It Up":"Customise It Up","#The You tab is your dedicated space to express yourself and customize how you show up to others on Discord. Another You thing in this tab? Your Settings. Find it here, in the top right.":"The You tab is your dedicated space to express yourself and customise how you show up to others on Discord. Another You thing in this tab? Your Settings. Find it here, in the top right.","#The You tab is your dedicated space to view and customize how you appear to others on Discord.":"The You tab is your dedicated space to view and customise how you appear to others on Discord.","#Favorite Channels":"Favourite Channels","#Favorite g/DMs":"Favourite g/DMs","#Add G/DMs and channels that matter most to you to your Favorites. Simply press and hold a G/DM or channel, then tap \"Favorite\", and it will always show up at the top of your Messages tab for G/DMs or the top of a server for channels.":"Add G/DMs and channels that matter most to you to your Favourites. Simply press and hold a G/DM or channel, then tap \"Favourite\", and it will always show up at the top of your Messages tab for G/DMs or the top of a server for channels.","#Select even more pics/videos at once, even the high-quality ones (up to 25 MB), and upload away. Uploaded content will show up in a sweet grid where you can swipe between uploads while still being able to see your message.":"Select even more pics/videos at once, even the high-quality ones (up to 25mb), and upload away. Uploaded content will show up in a sweet grid where you can swipe between uploads while still being able to see your message.","#See what your friends are up to in real time and hop in to join them. Maybe they're listening to music, playing a game, or just chilling in a voice channel.":"Ready to hang out? See what your friends are up to in real time and hop in to join them. Maybe they're listening to music, playing a game, or just chilling in a voice channel.","#Alllll the way back in October, we brought back Avatar Decorations and introduced Profile Effects to help get your Discord profile lookin’ as good as your stylish self via early access to the Shop. Like a new neighborhood restaurant exiting its soft opening phase, we’re opening up the Shop to all!":"All the way back in October, we brought back Avatar Decorations and introduced Profile Effects to help get your Discord profile looking as good as your stylish self via early access to the Shop. Like a new neighbourhood restaurant exiting its soft opening phase, we’re opening up the Shop to all!","#Ready to shop around? Read on to see how to see what sorts of items are available in the shop and how to grab ‘em below:":"Ready to shop around? Read on to see how to see what sorts of items are available in the shop and how to grab them below:","#Regardless of whether you're into anime emotes, magical effects, or just breakfast food - we have items in the Shop that will resonate with you. We'll also be releasing our newest items - Winter Wonderland! Surround your avatar with snowy pinecones or cover your profile in a set of string lights to bring a bit of winter wonder! And we’re always stockin’ the Shop with new styles, so be sure to poke your head in once in a while and see what’s new. 👀":"Regardless of whether you are into anime emotes, magical effects, or just breakfast food - we have items in the Shop that will resonate with you. We’ll also be releasing our newest items - Winter Wonderland! Surround your avatar with snowy pinecones or cover your profile in a set of string lights to bring a bit of winter wonder! And we’re always stocking the Shop with new styles, so be sure to poke your head in once in a while and see what’s new. 👀","#If you’ve never worn an Avatar Decoration or Profile Effect before, don’t fret! Scoot on over here to learn how to use them on your profile.":"If you have never worn an Avatar Decoration or Profile Effect before, do not fret! Scoot on over here to learn how to use them on your profile.","#Alternatively, you can also find the Shop at the same place you edit your Discord profile: directly within Profile Settings. On either desktop or web, just head into User Settings > Profiles. In this menu, you’ll see a banner that says “Go to Shop.” Select that to explore what’s available for purchase in the Shop!":"Alternatively, you can also find the Shop at the same place you edit your Discord profile: directly within Profile Settings. On either desktop or web, just head into User Settings > Profiles. In this menu, you’ll see a banner that says “Go to Shop.” Select that to explore what’s available for purchase in the Shop!","#Think your friend would look good inside a potion jar, or have their icon stuck in a piece of bread? The ability to gift items from the Shop is coming soon, so keep an eye out for when you’ll be able to help your buddies all match with the same decoration and chat as the Team of Toasty Talkers.":"Think your friend would look good inside a potion jar, or have their icon stuck in a piece of bread? The ability to gift items from the Shop is coming soon, so keep an eye out for when you will be able to help your buddies all match with the same decoration and chat as the Team of Toasty Talkers.","#The next time your friend goes “have you SEEN that new froggy profile effect??” and you desperately need to drop everything you’re doing and see that frog NOW, use the dedicated “Shop” tab located right under the Nitro tab when you click on the Discord icon on the top-left of the app:":"The next time your friend goes “have you SEEN that new froggy profile effect??” and you desperately need to drop everything you are doing and see that frog NOW, use the dedicated “Shop” tab located right under the Nitro tab when you click on the Discord icon on the top-left of the app:","#The Shop is where you’ll find a wide array of items that help you level up your profile, such as Avatar Decorations and Profile Effects. Once you purchase something from the Shop, it’s yours to keep and use whenever you want, including any limited-time seasonal items. Who says Halloween is only during October, anyway??":"The Shop is where you will find a wide array of items that help you level up your profile, such as Avatar Decorations and Profile Effects. Once you purchase something from the Shop, it is yours to keep and use whenever you want, including any limited-time seasonal items. Who says Halloween is only during October, anyway?","#Where’s the Shop?":"Where is the Shop?","#In the Shop, being a Nitro member is like having a loyalty card at your nearby cafe. Nitro members can purchase items from the Shop at a discounted price, and they get a head start to their collection with an exclusive set of five DISXCORE-themed items to use while they’re an active member.":"In the Shop, being a Nitro member is like having a loyalty card at your nearby cafe. Nitro members can purchase items from the Shop at a discounted price, and they get a head start to their collection with an exclusive set of five DISXCORE-themed items to use while they are an active member.","#If you want to learn more about how we approach safety and privacy here at Discord, we have plenty of more resources and articles throughout our Safety Center.":"If you want to learn more about how we approach safety and privacy here at Discord, we have plenty of more resources and articles throughout our Safety Centre.","#Today is the 21st annual Safer Internet Day. That means at the prime age of 21, the annual online celebration that helps raise awareness around internet safety is older than many folks who hang out online with their friends on a daily basis! A lot has changed about how the internet impacts our daily lives in all those years — let’s talk about how we’re celebrating the work being done around the globe to make a difference.":"Today is the 21st annual Safer Internet Day. That means at the prime age of 21, the annual online celebration that helps raise awareness around internet safety is older than many folks who hang out online with their friends on a daily basis! A lot has changed about how the internet impacts our daily lives in all those years—let’s talk about how we’re celebrating the work being done around the globe to make a difference.","#Working together with organizations to make the internet a better, safer place is something we’re committed to doing on Safer Internet Day, and every other day of the year. Discord should be a place where everyone has a home to talk, have fun, and just be themselves — we’re here for you every step of the way.":"Working together with organisations to make the internet a better, safer place is something we’re committed to doing on Safer Internet Day, and every other day of the year. Discord should be a place where everyone has a home to talk, have fun, and just be themselves — we’re here for you every step of the way.","#In the spirit of trust and transparency that teens yearn for, we’ll continue to share our processes of developing this charter openly on our Safety Center.":"In the spirit of trust and transparency that teens yearn for, we’ll continue to share our processes of developing this charter openly on our Safety Centre.","#If we want to do this right, we need to ensure people’s voices are heard, especially those of our younger users. We have to engage with youth directly to hear their firsthand experiences and perspectives on how to shape features to meet their needs. That’s why we’re working closely with organizations and teens from around the world to develop an aspirational charter that helps us understand how they want to feel on Discord, while informing the ways we build new products and features to keep them safe on the platform.":"If we want to do this right, we need to ensure people’s voices are heard, especially those of our younger users. We have to engage with youth directly to hear their firsthand experiences and perspectives on how to shape features to meet their needs. That’s why we’re working closely with organisations and teens from around the world to develop an aspirational charter that helps us understand how they want to feel on Discord, and inform the ways we build new products and features to keep them safe on the platform.","#Along with our work on the charter, we’re also partnering with technology non-profit Thorn to build a set of product features to protect and empower teens. Last fall, we announced our Teen Safety Assist initiative with safety alerts on senders and sensitive content filters, and we’re about to release our next feature: safety alerts in chat.":"Along with our work on the charter, we’re also partnering with technology non-profit Thorn to build a set of product features to protect and empower teens. Last autumn, we announced our Teen Safety Assist initiative with safety alerts on senders and sensitive content filters, and we’re about to release our next feature: safety alerts in chat.","#We’re working with organizations–and directly with teens–to make the internet a better, safer place on Safer Internet Day, and every other day of the year.":"We’re working with organisations–and directly with teens–to make the internet a better, safer place on Safer Internet Day, and every other day of the year.","#Recent focus groups have shown us that teens navigate privacy, safety, and authenticity in nuanced and sophisticated ways – and they expect online platforms to do the same. While our research is only getting started, our teen participants have already emphasized the importance of both transparency and respect on platforms in order to feel safe to be authentically themselves.
“Without privacy, the potential for trust is compromised, preventing the free exchange of ideas and hindering the development of a vibrant and supportive online community.” - NoFiltr’s Youth Innovation Council Member, 14":"Recent focus groups have shown us that teens navigate privacy, safety, and authenticity in nuanced and sophisticated ways. They expect online platforms to do the same. Whilst our research is only getting started, our teen participants have already emphasised the importance of both transparency and respect on platforms in order to feel safe to be authentically themselves.
“Without privacy, the potential for trust is compromised, preventing the free exchange of ideas and hindering the development of a vibrant and supportive online community.” - NoFiltr’s Youth Innovation Council Member, 14","#We work to center youth voices in our product design and policies. Now we're collaborating with teens around the world on a charter to make Discord a better place to hang out.":"We work to centre youth voices in our product design and policies. Now we're collaborating with teens around the world on a charter to make Discord a better place to hang out.","#Embedding a widget on your guild/free company site allows you to quickly see who is online without needing to log on to the game. Widgets also help streamline your recruitment process. Potential recruits visiting your site can instantly see how active your group is and even join a recruitment channel on your server without needing an invite.":"Embedding a widget on your guild/free company site allows you to quickly see who is online without needing to log in to the game. Widgets also help streamline your recruitment process. Potential recruits visiting your site can instantly see how active your group is and even join a recruitment channel on your server without needing an invite.","#June 12, 2015":"12 June, 2015","#Discord has never been afraid of embracing new technologies that look promising. For example, we were early adopters of Elixir, React, React Native, and Scylla. If a piece of technology is promising and gives us an advantage, we do not mind dealing with the inherent difficulties and instability of the bleeding edge. This is one of the ways we’ve quickly reached 250+ million users with less than 50 engineers.":"Discord has never been afraid of embracing new technologies that look promising. For example, we were early adopters of Elixir, React, React Native and Scylla. If a piece of technology is promising and gives us an advantage, we do not mind dealing with the inherent difficulties and instability of the bleeding edge. This is one of the ways we’ve quickly reached 250+ million users with less than 50 engineers.","#Rust is becoming a first class language in a variety of domains. At Discord, we’ve seen success with Rust on the client side and server side. For example, we use it on the client side for our video encoding pipeline for Go Live and on the server side for Elixir NIFs. Most recently, we drastically improved the performance of a service by switching its implementation from Go to Rust. This post explains why it made sense for us to reimplement the service, how it was done, and the resulting performance improvements.":"Rust is becoming a first class language in a variety of domains. At Discord, we’ve seen success with Rust on the client side and server side. For example, we use it on the client side for our video encoding pipeline for Go Live and on the server side for Elixir NIFs. Most recently, we have drastically improved the performance of a service by switching its implementation from Go to Rust. This post explains why it made sense for us to reimplement the service, how it was done and the resulting performance improvements.","#After digging through the Go source code, we learned that Go will force a garbage collection run every 2 minutes at minimum. In other words, if garbage collection has not run for 2 minutes, regardless of heap growth, go will still force a garbage collection.":"After digging through the Go source code, we learned that Go will force a garbage collection run every 2 minutes at minimum. In other words, if garbage collection has not run for 2 minutes, regardless of heap growth, Go will still force a garbage collection.","#At this point, Discord is using Rust in many places across its software stack. We use it for the game SDK, video capturing and encoding for Go Live, Elixir NIFs, several backend services, and more.":"At this point, Discord is using Rust in many places across its software stack. We use it for the game SDK, video capturing and encoding for Go Live, Elixir NIFs, several backend services and more.","#February 4, 2020":"4 February, 2020","#Changing to a BTreeMap instead of a HashMap in the LRU cache to optimize memory usage.":"Changing to a BTreeMap instead of a HashMap in the LRU cache to optimise memory usage.","#[1] Go version 1.9.2. Edit: Graphs are from 1.9.2. We tried versions 1.8, 1.9, and 1.10 without any improvement. The initial port from Go to Rust was completed in May 2019.":"[1] Go version 1.9.2. Edit: Graphs are from 1.9.2. We tried versions 1.8, 1.9 and 1.10 without any improvement. The initial port from Go to Rust was completed in May 2019.","#The Rust performance optimizations included:":"The Rust performance optimisations included:","#After the service ran successfully for a few days, we decided it was time to re-raise the LRU cache capacity. In the Go version, as mentioned above, raising the cap of the LRU cache resulted in longer garbage collections. We no longer had to deal with garbage collection, so we figured we could raise the cap of the cache and get even better performance. We increased the memory capacity for the boxes, optimized the data structure to use even less memory (for fun), and increased the cache capacity to 8 million Read States.":"After the service ran successfully for a few days, we decided it was time to re-raise the LRU cache capacity. In the Go version, as mentioned above, raising the cap of the LRU cache resulted in longer garbage collections. We no longer had to deal with garbage collection, so we figured we could raise the cap of the cache and get even better performance. We increased the memory capacity for the boxes, optimised the data structure to use even less memory (for fun), and increased the cache capacity to 8 million Read States.","#But we weren’t satisfied with simply matching Go’s performance. After a bit of profiling and performance optimizations, we were able to beat Go on every single performance metric. Latency, CPU, and memory were all better in the Rust version.":"But we weren’t satisfied with simply matching Go’s performance. After a bit of profiling and performance optimisations, we were able to beat Go on every single performance metric. Latency, CPU and memory were all better in the Rust version.","#To explain why Go wasn’t meeting our performance targets, we first need to discuss the data structures, scale, access patterns, and architecture of the service.":"To explain why Go wasn’t meeting our performance targets, we first need to discuss the data structures, scale, access patterns and architecture of the service.","#Remarkably, we had only put very basic thought into optimization as the Rust version was written. Even with just basic optimization, Rust was able to outperform the hyper hand-tuned Go version. This is a huge testament to how easy it is to write efficient programs with Rust compared to the deep dive we had to do with Go.":"Remarkably, we had only put very basic thought into optimisation as the Rust version was written. Even with just basic optimisation, Rust was able to outperform the hyper hand-tuned Go version. This is a huge testament to how easy it is to write efficient programs with Rust compared to the deep dive we had to do with Go.","#Implementation, load testing, and launch":"Implementation, load testing and launch","#If you come across a message that appears to break these rules, please report it to your server moderator or to us. If the content or behavior violates our Guidelines we may take a number of enforcement actions including but not limited to issuing warnings; removing content; disabling or removing the accounts and/or servers responsible; and reporting them to law enforcement.":"If you come across a message that appears to break these rules, please report it to your server moderator or to us. If the content or behaviour violates our Guidelines we may take a number of enforcement actions including but not limited to issuing warnings; removing content; disabling or removing the accounts and/or servers responsible; and reporting them to law enforcement.","#Hundreds of Thousands of Communities are using stages to host events":"Hundreds of thousands of Communities are using stages to host events","#MM/DD/YYYY":"DD/MM/YYYY","#Note: Usernames have changed on Discord. Usernames are now lowercase, alphanumeric, limited to certain special characters, and do not have discriminators. During the transition from old usernames to new usernames, some users will still have old usernames with discriminators (#0000) while other users will have new usernames. For more information see our Help Center article here. You can also read the blog post about this change from our co-founder here.":"Note: Usernames have changed on Discord. Usernames are now lowercase, alphanumeric, limited to certain special characters and do not have discriminators. During the transition from old usernames to new usernames, some users will still have old usernames with discriminators (#0000) while other users will have new usernames. For more information see our Help Center article here. You can also read the blog post about this change from our co-founder here.","#These guidelines are intended for law enforcement and other authorized government entities seeking information/records about Discord users. Discord provides user information to these entities when we are in receipt of enforceable legal process. Discord works with law enforcement agencies in cases of immediate danger and/or self-harm, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 2702. We swiftly report child abuse material and the users responsible to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.":"These guidelines are intended for law enforcement and other authorised government entities seeking information/records about Discord users. Discord provides user information to these entities when we are in receipt of enforceable legal process. Discord works with law enforcement agencies in cases of immediate danger and/or self-harm, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 2702. We swiftly report child abuse material and the users responsible to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.","#Please submit your inquiry in our Government Request Portal at: https://app.kodex.us/discord/signin.":"Please submit your inquiry in our Government Request Portal at: https://app.kodex.us/discord/signin.","#If international legal process includes reports of child exploitation, Discord will investigate and take steps to archive these materials, remove them from our platform, and report any exploitative content.":"If international legal process includes reports of child exploitation, Discord will investigate and take steps to archive these materials, remove them from our platform and report any exploitative content.","#For requests of user data other than EEA or UK user data: Discord Inc. is headquartered in the U.S. and subject to U.S. law which may prevent the production of certain information. Requests should be addressed to Discord Inc. Discord Inc. will respond to valid legal process issued by a U.S. court and properly served on it in the U.S. To achieve this, you will need to work through the applicable process for international legal assistance. See 28 U.S.C. § 1782. For more information, you may wish to contact the Office of International Judicial Assistance at the U.S. Department of Justice. https://www.justice.gov/civil/evidence-requests.":"For requests of user data other than EEA or UK user data: Discord Inc. is headquartered in the U.S. and subject to U.S. law which may prevent the production of certain information. Requests should be addressed to Discord Inc. Discord Inc. will respond to valid legal process issued by a U.S. court and properly served on it in the U.S. To achieve this, you will need to work through the applicable process for international legal assistance. See 28 U.S.C. § 1782. For more information, you may wish to contact the Office of International Judicial Assistance at the U.S. Department of Justice. https://www.justice.gov/civil/evidence-requests.","#If serving process by mail, please direct the mail to the attention of the Legal Department.":"If serving process by post, please direct the post to the attention of the Legal Department.","#EU Contact Points":"EU Contact Points","#How We're Evolving Our Safety Architecture For The Digital Services Act":"How We’re Evolving Our Safety Architecture for the Digital Services Act","#You may appeal the decision directly in the Discord app by going to User Settings > Privacy & Safety > selecting the violation you want to appeal > pressing on Let us know to begin submitting a review of your violation and account. For users in the EU, you may also choose an alternative resolution option when applicable.":"You may appeal the decision directly in the Discord app by going to User Settings > Privacy & Safety > selecting the violation you want to appeal > pressing on Let us know to begin submitting a review of your violation and account. For users in the EU, you may also choose an alternative resolution option when applicable.","#Every user can appeal actions taken against their account. While we do our best to ensure that we’re only taking action when it’s warranted, we’re not perfect and mistakes might happen. We recognize appeals are an important part of the process.":"Every user can appeal actions taken against their account. While we do our best to ensure that we’re only taking action when it’s warranted, we’re not perfect and mistakes might happen. We recognise appeals are an important part of the process.","#Navigate to the message that you would like to report.":"Navigate to the message that you would like to report","#Right-click on the message or press on the ellipses icon when hovering over the message.":"Right-click on the message or press on the ellipses icon when hovering over the message","#Transparency has always been one of our core values at Discord. In October 2023, we announced our new Warning System, which is an in-app hub where users can easily review their account status. We want users to be able to easily understand what rule(s) they broke, what restrictions may have been placed on their account, and how they can do better in the future.":"Transparency has always been one of our core values at Discord. In October 2023, we announced our new Warning System, which is an in-app hub where users can easily review their account status. We want users to be able to easily understand what rule(s) they broke, what restrictions may have been placed on their account and how they can do better in the future.","#We also want people to understand how to exercise their rights under the DSA. To that end, we have made updates to our Safety Center and other articles to provide context on how to submit DSA reports, appeal decisions, and more, and we will be updating our user policies (including our Terms of Service) to account for DSA requirements.":"We also want people to understand how to exercise their rights under the DSA. To that end, we have made updates to our Safety Center and other articles to provide context on how to submit DSA reports, appeal decisions and more, and we will be updating our user policies (including our Terms of Service) to account for DSA requirements.","#Hold down on the message to reveal a pull-up menu.":"Hold down on the message to reveal a pull-up menu","#This information lives in a user’s Privacy & Safety settings, under the Account Standing tab, and is the centralized place where users can see what actions we have taken. For EU users, we are rolling out an experience that lets users login and view their account standing, even when the account is suspended. This will enable better transparency, so that users can understand why their account was suspended and submit an appeal, if appropriate. We’re also adding more context to our action notices, including the content that violated our policies (as long as providing that additional context does not harm Discord or others). And for every report actioned under the DSA, we will be sending notices by email so users are alerted outside the app as well.":"This information lives in a user’s Privacy & Safety settings, under the Account Standing tab, and is the centralised place where users can see what actions we have taken. For EU users, we are rolling out an experience that lets users log in and view their account standing, even when the account is suspended. This will enable better transparency, so that users can understand why their account was suspended and submit an appeal, if appropriate. We’re also adding more context to our action notices, including the content that violated our policies (as long as providing that additional context does not harm Discord or others). And for every report actioned under the DSA, we will be sending notices by email so users are alerted outside the app as well.","#Select Copy Message Link.":"Select “Copy Message Link”","#The message URL will be copied to your device’s clipboard.":"The message URL will be copied to your device’s clipboard","#Law enforcement and Trusted Flaggers are important partners in keeping our platform safe. We have a dedicated Government Request Portal, and we have established a specific pathway within this portal to receive reports from Trusted Flaggers under the DSA. This will facilitate efficient and accurate communication between Discord, law enforcement, and Trusted Flaggers. Organizations designated as Trusted Flaggers can register via the portal. Once their account is validated, reports will be directed to a prioritized queue for resolution. More information about the Government Request Portal can be found in our Safety Center.":"Law enforcement and Trusted Flaggers are important partners in keeping our platform safe. We have a dedicated Government Request Portal, and we have established a specific pathway within this portal to receive reports from Trusted Flaggers under the DSA. This will facilitate efficient and accurate communication between Discord, law enforcement, and Trusted Flaggers. Organisations designated as Trusted Flaggers can register via the portal. Once their account is validated, reports will be directed to a prioritised queue for resolution. More information about the Government Request Portal can be found in our Safety Center.","#Keeping our users safe is central to everything we do at Discord, and we will continue our work with industry, parents, law enforcement, safety experts, non-profits, and regulators worldwide to do so. For more information on these changes under the Digital Services Act, please visit our Help Center.":"Keeping our users safe is central to everything we do at Discord, and we will continue our work with industry, parents, law enforcement, safety experts, non-profits and regulators worldwide to do so. For more information on these changes under the Digital Services Act, please visit our Help Center.","#*If you are submitting on behalf of a team, you must: have authorization to submit on behalf of the entire team; your entire team must meet the eligibility requirements.
If the same entry is submitted by more than one member of your team, we will accept only the first entry. Please see terms and conditions for how prizing is handled with regard to teams.
Up to four team members can be added.":"*If you are submitting on behalf of a team, you must: have authorisation to submit on behalf of the entire team; your entire team must meet the eligibility requirements.
If the same entry is submitted by more than one member of your team, we will accept only the first entry. Please see terms and conditions for how prizing is handled with regard to teams.
Up to four team members can be added.","#Your submission has been recived":"Your submission has been received","#Tik Tok":"TikTok","#Games that provide the tools to invent, design, and share what you imagine":"Games that provide the tools to invent, design and share what you imagine","#If you reside in France, Germany, or Great Britain, the laws of the country you reside in will govern these Terms and Conditions and any dispute, claim or cause of action (“Claim”) that arises between you and Discord, and you may initiate Claims before the courts of your country of residence. If you do not reside in France, Germany or Great Britain, the following clauses shall apply to you. The laws of the State of California, excluding its choice of law provisions, will govern these Terms and Conditions and any Claim that arises between you and Discord.":"If you reside in France, Germany, or Great Britain, the laws of the country you reside in will govern these Terms and Conditions and any dispute, claim or cause of action (“Claim”) that arises between you and Discord, and you may initiate Claims before the courts of your country of residence. If you do not reside in France, Germany or Great Britain, the following clauses shall apply to you. The laws of the State of California, excluding its choice of law provisions, will govern these Terms and Conditions and any Claim that arises between you and Discord.","#Discord is a trademark of Discord Inc. The Program and all accompanying materials are copyright © 2023 by Discord Inc. All rights reserved.":"Discord is a trademark of Discord Inc. The Program and all accompanying materials are copyright © 2023 by Discord Inc. All rights reserved.","#Discord will award the following prizes for the Category Winners (including the Grand Prize Winner) and a separate prize for the Grand Prize Winner:":"Discord will award the following prizes for the Category Winners (including the Grand Prize Winner) and a separate prize for the Grand Prize Winner:","#Sandbox games that allow free-building and customization":"Sandbox games that allow free-building and customisation","#5% Innovation: App proposals for Discord App Pitches 2024 should creatively address user needs and desires. Apps pioneering new uses for existing or early stage technology (such as machine learning, AI, or other cutting-edge solutions) in the context of building activities will receive a higher score.":"5% Innovation: App proposals for Discord App Pitches 2024 should creatively address user needs and desires. Apps pioneering new uses for existing or early stage technology (such as machine learning, AI or other cutting-edge solutions) in the context of building Activities will receive a higher score.","#Story-building or rich lore":"Story-building or rich lore","#As the Program includes some portion of user voting in selection of the Grand Prize Winner, Entrants are prohibited from (or encouraging others to) manipulate or game the voting system, for example creation of new accounts for the purpose of voting, encouraging users to vote without acknowledging the public voting criteria or any fraudulent or disruptive behaviors. Discord reserves the right to reject votes it does not believe were valid and to disqualify Entrants it suspects of violating this Section 6.":"As the Program includes some portion of user voting in selection of the Grand Prize Winner, Entrants are prohibited from (or encouraging others to) manipulate or game the voting system, for example creation of new accounts for the purpose of voting, encouraging users to vote without acknowledging the public voting criteria or any fraudulent or disruptive behaviours. Discord reserves the right to reject votes it does not believe were valid and to disqualify Entrants it suspects of violating this Section 6.","#This Section does not apply to you if you reside in France, Germany or Great Britain. You agree that Discord Parties and their respective affiliates, suppliers, employees and agents (collectively, the “Released Parties”), shall not be responsible or liable for any losses, damages or injuries of any kind resulting from your participation in the Program or any Program-related activity, unless occasioned by their gross negligence or willful misconduct.":"This Section does not apply to you if you reside in France, Germany or Great Britain. You agree that Discord Parties and their respective affiliates, suppliers, employees and agents (collectively, the “Released Parties”), shall not be responsible or liable for any losses, damages or injuries of any kind resulting from your participation in the Program or any Program-related activity, unless occasioned by their gross negligence or wilful misconduct.","#10% Representation: The \"Representation\" score values how well developers understand and cater to their intended app users, especially those from underserved communities. High scores will be given to developers who use their insights to create Activities and that meaningfully serve people of unique backgrounds. Teams composed of individuals from diverse backgrounds will also be awarded high scores, recognizing the value of varied perspectives and experiences in creating inclusive applications.":"10% Representation: The \"Representation\" score values how well developers understand and cater to their intended app users, especially those from underserved communities. High scores will be given to developers who use their insights to create Activities and that meaningfully serve people of unique backgrounds. Teams composed of individuals from diverse backgrounds will also be awarded high scores, recognising the value of varied perspectives and experiences in creating inclusive applications.","#Category Winners:":"Category Winners","#In addition, if a Category Winner (and if applicable any team members): (i) develops a fully functioning version of the app included in their Submission, provided such app continues to comply with these Terms; (ii) remains eligible under the Terms; and (iii) resubmits it to Discord within three (3) months (via sending it through the private Discord Developer Partners Server Discord will create with each winner), there will be an additional grant of USD $10,000 per Category Winner.":"In addition, if a Category Winner (and if applicable any team members): (i) develops a fully functioning version of the app included in their Submission, provided such app continues to comply with these Terms; (iii) remains eligible under the Terms; and (iii) resubmits it to Discord within three (3) months (via sending it through the private Discord Developer Partners Server Discord will create with each winner), there will be an additional grant of USD $10,000 per Category Winner.","#For a copy of the winner list, send a stamped, self-addressed, business-size envelope for arrival after July 31, 2024 and before July 31, 2025 to the address listed in Section 18 below, Attn: Discord App Pitches 2024.":"For a copy of the winner list, send a stamped, self-addressed, business-size envelope for arrival after July 31, 2024 and before July 31, 2025 to the address listed in Section 18 below, Attn: Discord App Pitches 2024.","#Description: \"Discord is a hub for all kinds of play styles, including competitive spirits. We're looking for game experiences that ignite (friendly) rivalries, test skills against individuals or teams, and bring true pride in leaderboard status. Ideal for those who revel in competition and enjoy pitting their skills against others.\"":"Description: \"Discord is a hub for all kinds of play styles, including competitive spirits. We're looking for game experiences that ignite (friendly) rivalries, test skills against individuals or teams and bring true pride in leaderboard status. Ideal for those who revel in competition and enjoy pitting their skills against others.\"","#World-building exploration and RPG fosters connection":"World-building exploration and RPG fosters connection","#This Section does not apply to you if you reside in France, Germany or Great Britain. By participating in the Program and/or accepting any prize that may be awarded, to the maximum extent permitted by law, you agree to fully indemnify each Released Party from and against any liability, claims, demands, losses, damages, costs and expenses resulting from any breach by you of these Terms and Conditions or any misrepresentation made by you in connection with the Program.":"This Section does not apply to you if you reside in France, Germany or Great Britain. By participating in the Program and/or accepting any prize that may be awarded, to the maximum extent permitted by law, you agree to fully indemnify each Released Party from and against any liability, claims, demands, losses, damages, costs and expenses resulting from any breach by you of these Terms and Conditions or any misrepresentation made by you in connection with the Program.","#40% Value: App concepts for Discord App Pitches 2024 should be experiences that an average Discord user would find frequent or repeated use out of and are experiences best had with friends. A high score would be awarded to an app that is used daily for these Activities. The game should retain its novelty after all features are explored and most importantly, it should enhance the experience of Discord users and friends hanging out on Discord.":"40% Value: App concepts for Discord App Pitches 2024 should be experiences that an average Discord user would find frequent or repeated use out of and are experiences best had with friends. A high score would be awarded to an app that is used daily for these Activities. The game should retain its novelty after all features are explored and most importantly, it should enhance the experience of Discord users and friends hanging out on Discord.","#On or about May 17, 2024 and continuing through the end of May, a panel of judges selected at Discord’s discretion and based in the U.S. will score each Submission based on the following criteria (“Judging Criteria”) to select five (5) category winners (each a “Category Winner”), with up to one (1) submission per category. Each Submission may only win once.":"On or about May 17, 2024 and continuing through the end of May, a panel of judges selected at Discord’s discretion and based in the U.S. will score each Submission based on the following criteria (“Judging Criteria”) to select five (5) category winners (each a “Category Winner”), with up to one (1) Submission per category. Each Submission may only win once.","#15% Uniqueness: App concepts for Discord App Pitches 2024 should not already be an existing Discord Activity. If a similar Activity exists, the proposed app should provide a more robust offering, such as more user benefits, more languages supported, or better design. Activities unique from other submissions are encouraged, so get creative with your building Activity!":"15% Uniqueness: App concepts for Discord App Pitches 2024 should not already be an existing Discord Activity. If a similar Activity exists, the proposed app should provide a more robust offering, such as more user benefits, more languages supported or better design. Activities unique from other submissions are encouraged, so get creative with your building Activity!","#comply with Discord’s terms and policies, including the Discord Terms of Service (discord.com/terms), the Community Guidelines (discord.com/guidelines), Discord Developer Policy (https://discord.com/developers/docs/policies-and-agreements/developer-policy), the Embedded App SDK terms guidelines and terms (as provided by Discord and updated from time to time), and Discord Developer Terms of Service (https://discord.com/developers/docs/policies-and-agreements/developer-terms-of-service);":"comply with Discord’s terms and policies, including the Discord Terms of Service (discord.com/terms), the Community Guidelines (discord.com/guidelines), Discord Developer Policy (https://discord.com/developers/docs/policies-and-agreements/developer-policy), the Embedded App SDK terms guidelines and terms (as provided by Discord and updated from time to time) and Discord Developer Terms of Service ();","#The Program starts at 9:00a.m. Pacific Time (PT) on April 1, 2024 and ends at 11:59p.m. PT on May 1, 2024 (the “Program Period”).":"The Program starts at 9:00a.m. Pacific Time (PT) on April 1, 2024 and ends at 11:59p.m. PT on May 1, 2024 (the “Program Period”).","#Each potential winner may be required to provide Discord with proof that the potential winner is the authorized account holder of the account associated with the winning Submission. Multiple participants are not permitted to share the same account.":"Each potential winner may be required to provide Discord with proof that the potential winner is the authorised account holder of the account associated with the winning Submission. Multiple participants are not permitted to share the same account.","#d. Your Submission must be your (and if applicable, your team’s) original creation and you must have the full rights to grant the license and other rights that you grant to Discord in Section 10 below.":"d. Your Submission must be your (and if applicable, your team’s) original creation and you must have the full rights to grant the licence and other rights that you grant to Discord in Section 10 below.","#30% Professionalism: App proposals for Discord App Pitches 2024 should be polished, succinct, well-articulated, easy to follow, and crisp. Proposals should demonstrate qualities typical of a professional development team, such as deep customer understanding and strong grasp of required resources and timeline for building Activities. Proposals should exemplify professional work styles and attitude, such as a developer who is ready to be contracted for a paying client.":"30% Professionalism: App proposals for Discord App Pitches 2024 should be polished, succinct, well-articulated, easy to follow and crisp. Proposals should demonstrate qualities typical of a professional development team, such as deep customer understanding and strong grasp of required resources and timeline for building Activities. Proposals should exemplify professional work styles and attitude, such as a developer who is ready to be contracted for a paying client.","#To enter, complete the webform available at https://discord.com/build/app-pitches-2024 and provide all required information and materials (“Submission”). Each Submission will include the following:":"To enter, complete the webform available at https://discord.com/build/app-pitches-2024 and provide all required information and materials (“Submission”). Each Submission will include the following:","#Your content is yours, but you give us a license to it when you use Discord. Your content may be protected by certain intellectual property rights. We don’t own those. But by using our services, you grant us a license—which is a form of permission—to do the following with your content, in accordance with applicable legal requirements, in connection with operating, developing, and improving our services:":"Your content is yours, but you give us a licence to it when you use Discord. Your content may be protected by certain intellectual property rights. We don’t own those. But by using our services, you grant us a licence – which is a form of permission – to do the following with your content, in accordance with applicable legal requirements, in connection with operating, developing and improving our services:","#We value transparency and work hard to give you context for the decisions we make. You can appeal any enforcement action we take under these terms or other policies, including terminations, suspensions, or content removals through this form or available in-app options. If you reside in the European Economic Area, your appeal must be submitted within six months of the relevant decision.":"We value transparency and work hard to give you context for the decisions we make. You can appeal any enforcement action we take under these terms or other policies, including terminations, suspensions or content removals through this form or available in-app options. If you reside in the European Economic Area, your appeal must be submitted within six months of the relevant decision.","#Arbitration costs. AAA sets forth fees for its services, which are available at www.adr.org/sites/default/files/Consumer-Fee_Schedule.pdf. If Discord is the party initiating an arbitration against you, Discord will pay all costs associated with the arbitration, including the entire filing fee. If you initiate an arbitration against Discord, you will be responsible for the first $100 toward the nonrefundable Initial Filing Fee, unless the arbitrator determines that you are unable to pay, in which case Discord will pay the entire filing fee. For cases seeking less than $75K, Discord will pay the remainder of the Initial Filing Fee and both parties’ Administrative fees (unless the arbitrator finds your claims, defenses, or other fee-generating activity to be conducted for an improper purpose or frivolous (under the standard set forth in Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11). For cases seeking more than $75K, fees and costs will be determined in accordance with AAA Rules.":"Arbitration costs. AAA sets forth fees for its services, which are available at www.adr.org/sites/default/files/Consumer-Fee_Schedule.pdf. If Discord is the party initiating an arbitration against you, Discord will pay all costs associated with the arbitration, including the entire filing fee. If you initiate an arbitration against Discord, you will be responsible for the first $100 towards the non-refundable Initial Filing Fee, unless the arbitrator determines that you are unable to pay, in which case Discord will pay the entire filing fee. For cases seeking less than $75K, Discord will pay the remainder of the Initial Filing Fee and both parties’ Administrative fees (unless the arbitrator finds your claims, defences or other fee-generating activity to be conducted for an improper purpose or frivolous (under the standard set forth in Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11). For cases seeking more than $75K, fees and costs will be determined in accordance with AAA Rules.","#Effective: April 15, 2024":"Effective: 15 April 2024","#IMPORTANT NOTE: The section titled “Settling Disputes Between You and Discord” contains an arbitration clause and class-action waiver that applies to all U.S.-based Discord users. Please read this section carefully as it may significantly affect your legal rights, including your right to file a lawsuit in court.":"IMPORTANT NOTE: The section titled ‘Settling Disputes Between You and Discord’ contains an arbitration clause and class-action waiver that applies to all US-based Discord users. Please read this section carefully as it may significantly affect your legal rights, including your right to file a lawsuit in court.","#Other people’s content. Our services might also provide you with access to other people’s content. You may not use this content without that person’s consent, or as allowed by law. Other people’s content is theirs and doesn’t necessarily reflect Discord’s own views. Discord doesn’t endorse or verify the accuracy or reliability of content shared by Discord users. We work hard to try to make Discord a safe, positive, and inclusive place, but cannot always prevent you from encountering content that you may find objectionable or offensive. You agree we will not be liable for any harm caused by that content. You may report content that you think violates any of our policies. We have the right, but not the obligation, to review such reports and block or remove content at our discretion.":"Other people’s content. Our services might also provide you with access to other people’s content. You may not use this content without that person’s consent or as allowed by law. Other people’s content is theirs and doesn’t necessarily reflect Discord’s own views. Discord doesn’t endorse or verify the accuracy or reliability of content shared by Discord users. We work hard to try to make Discord a safe, positive and inclusive place, but cannot always prevent you from encountering content that you may find objectionable or offensive. You agree we will not be liable for any harm caused by that content. You may report content that you think violates any of our policies. We have the right, but not the obligation, to review such reports and block or remove content at our discretion.","#Class waiver. IF YOU’RE A U.S. RESIDENT, EXCEPT AS PROVIDED HEREIN, YOU AND DISCORD AGREE THAT EACH MAY BRING CLAIMS AGAINST THE OTHER ONLY IN OUR INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY, AND NOT AS A PLAINTIFF OR CLASS MEMBER IN ANY PURPORTED CLASS OR REPRESENTATIVE PROCEEDING, UNLESS DISCORD PROVIDES ITS CONSENT TO CONSOLIDATE IN WRITING. If this specific paragraph is found unenforceable, then the “Agreement to arbitrate” section will be null and void. If there is a final judicial determination that applicable law precludes enforcement of this paragraph’s limitations as to a particular remedy, then that remedy (and only that remedy) must be severed from the arbitration and may be sought in court. The parties agree, however, that any adjudication of remedies not subject to arbitration shall be stayed pending the outcome of any arbitrable claims and remedies. This subsection does not prevent you or Discord from participating in a class-wide settlement of claims.":"Class waiver. IF YOU’RE A US RESIDENT, EXCEPT AS PROVIDED HEREIN, YOU AND DISCORD AGREE THAT EACH MAY BRING CLAIMS AGAINST THE OTHER ONLY IN OUR INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY AND NOT AS A PLAINTIFF OR CLASS MEMBER IN ANY PURPORTED CLASS OR REPRESENTATIVE PROCEEDING, UNLESS DISCORD PROVIDES ITS CONSENT TO CONSOLIDATE IN WRITING. If this specific paragraph is found unenforceable, then the ‘Agreement to arbitrate’ section will be null and void. If there is a final judicial determination that applicable law precludes enforcement of this paragraph’s limitations as to a particular remedy, then that remedy (and only that remedy) must be severed from the arbitration and may be sought in court. The parties agree, however, that any adjudication of remedies not subject to arbitration shall be stayed pending the outcome of any arbitrable claims and remedies. This subsection does not prevent you or Discord from participating in a class-wide settlement of claims.","#By accessing our services, you confirm that you’re at least 13 years old and meet the minimum age required by the laws in your country. We maintain a list of minimum ages around the world as a resource for you, but we aren’t able to guarantee that it is always accurate. If you are old enough to access our services in your country, but not old enough to have authority to consent to our terms, your parent or legal guardian must agree to our terms on your behalf. Please ask your parent or legal guardian to read these terms with you. If you’re a parent or legal guardian, and you allow your child (who must meet the minimum age for your country) to use the services, then these terms also apply to you and you’re responsible for your child’s activity on the services, including purchases made by them. For more information on purchases, see “Discord’s Paid Services” below.":"By accessing our services, you confirm that you’re at least 13 years old and meet the minimum age required by the laws in your country. We maintain a list of minimum ages around the world as a resource for you, but we aren’t able to guarantee that it is always accurate. If you are old enough to access our services in your country, but not old enough to have authority to consent to our terms, your parent or legal guardian must agree to our terms on your behalf. Please ask your parent or legal guardian to read these terms with you. If you’re a parent or legal guardian and you allow your child (who must meet the minimum age for your country) to use the services, then these terms also apply to you and you’re responsible for your child’s activity on the services, including purchases made by them. For more information on purchases, see ‘Discord’s Paid Services’ below.","#You are responsible for any mobile charges that you may incur for using our services. This includes data charges and charges for messaging, such as SMS, MMS, or other messaging protocols or technologies. If you are not sure what you may be charged, you should ask your mobile service provider before using our services.":"You are responsible for any mobile charges that you may incur for using our services. This includes data charges and charges for messaging, such as SMS, MMS or other messaging protocols or technologies. If you are not sure what you may be charged, you should ask your mobile service provider before using our services.","#Informal resolution. Most disputes can be resolved informally, so if you have an issue with the services, you agree to reach out to us before initiating a lawsuit or arbitration. This requires emailing disputes@discordapp.com a written notice (“Written Notice”), which must include: (1) your name; (2) the email address or phone number associated with your Discord account; (3) a detailed description of the issue; and (4) how you’d like to resolve it. If the dispute is not resolved within sixty (60) days after receipt of the Written Notice, you and Discord agree to resolve any remaining dispute through further informal discussions or one of the formal dispute resolution provisions below. You must engage in this informal resolution process before starting any formal dispute resolution unless exempted by law. Applicable statutes of limitations and due dates for arbitration filing fees or other deadlines will be tolled upon receipt of the Written Notice to disputes@discordapp.com, while the parties attempt informal resolution.":"Informal resolution. Most disputes can be resolved informally, so if you have an issue with the services, you agree to reach out to us before initiating a lawsuit or arbitration. This requires emailing disputes@discordapp.com a written notice (‘Written Notice’), which must include: (1) your name; (2) the email address or phone number associated with your Discord account; (3) a detailed description of the issue; and (4) how you’d like to resolve it. If the dispute is not resolved within sixty (60) days after receipt of the Written Notice, you and Discord agree to resolve any remaining dispute through further informal discussions or one of the formal dispute resolution provisions below. You must engage in this informal resolution process before starting any formal dispute resolution unless exempted by law. Applicable statutes of limitations and due dates for arbitration filing fees or other deadlines will be tolled upon receipt of the Written Notice to disputes@discordapp.com, while the parties attempt informal resolution.","#Third party features and content. Our services may also allow you to access third-party websites, features, apps, or other content. We provide you access only as a convenience to you, and are not responsible for the content or services available from these websites or resources.":"Third-party features and content. Our services may also allow you to access third-party websites, features, apps or other content. We provide you access only as a convenience to you and are not responsible for the content or services available from these websites or resources.","#We encourage you to report content or conduct that you believe violates these restrictions. You can learn more about our approach to safety and content moderation in our Safety Center.":"We encourage you to report content or conduct that you believe violates these restrictions. You can learn more about our approach to safety and content moderation in our Safety Centre.","#You breach these terms, our Community Guidelines, our other policies, or additional terms that apply to specific products.":"You breach these terms, our Community Guidelines, our other policies or additional terms that apply to specific products.","#Offer of Judgment. At least 14 days before the date set for an arbitration hearing, any party may serve an offer in writing upon the other party to allow judgment on specified terms. If the offer made by the offering party is not accepted by the other party, and the other party fails to obtain a more favorable award, the other party will not recover its post-offer costs and will pay the offering party’s costs from the time of the offer.":"Offer of Judgment. At least 14 days before the date set for an arbitration hearing, any party may serve an offer in writing upon the other party to allow judgment on specified terms. If the offer made by the offering party is not accepted by the other party, and the other party fails to obtain a more favourable award, the other party will not recover its post-offer costs and will pay the offering party’s costs from the time of the offer.","#Arbitration Decision. The decision of the arbitrator will be in writing and binding on you and Discord, and judgment to enforce the decision may be entered by any court of competent jurisdiction. You and Discord agree that dispositive motions will be allowed in the arbitration. Except as explicitly set forth in this arbitration section, the arbitrator, and not any federal, state or local court or agency, shall have exclusive authority to resolve all disputes arising out of or relating to the interpretation, applicability, enforceability or formation of these terms of service, including, but not limited to any claim that all or any part of these terms of service are void or voidable, whether a claim is subject to arbitration, and any dispute regarding the payment of AAA or arbitrator fees (including the timing of such payments and remedies for nonpayment). The arbitrator must follow these terms and can award the same damages and relief as a court. The arbitrator has the right to impose sanctions in accordance with the AAA Rules and procedures for any frivolous claims, improper claims, or submissions the arbitrator determines have not been filed in good faith, as well as for a party's failure to comply with this Section or claims filed on behalf of a claimant who is not party to this agreement. No arbitration award or decision will have any preclusive effect as to issues or claims in any dispute with anyone who is not a named party to the arbitration.":"Arbitration Decision. The decision of the arbitrator will be in writing and binding on you and Discord, and judgement to enforce the decision may be entered by any court of competent jurisdiction. You and Discord agree that dispositive motions will be allowed in the arbitration. Except as explicitly set forth in this arbitration section, the arbitrator, and not any federal, state or local court or agency, shall have exclusive authority to resolve all disputes arising out of or relating to the interpretation, applicability, enforceability or formation of these terms of service, including, but not limited to any claim that all or any part of these terms of service are void or voidable, whether a claim is subject to arbitration, and any dispute regarding the payment of AAA or arbitrator fees (including the timing of such payments and remedies for nonpayment). The arbitrator must follow these terms and can award the same damages and relief as a court. The arbitrator has the right to impose sanctions in accordance with the AAA Rules and procedures for any frivolous claims, improper claims or submissions the arbitrator determines have not been filed in good faith, as well as for a party’s failure to comply with this Section or claims filed on behalf of a claimant who is not party to this agreement. No arbitration award or decision will have any preclusive effect as to issues or claims in any dispute with anyone who is not a named party to the arbitration.","#Updates to these terms. We may decide to update these terms: (1) to reflect changes to our services or our business, (2) for legal or regulatory reasons, (3) to prevent abuse on or of our services, or (4) to better protect or serve users of our services. If these changes materially affect your Discord use or your legal rights, we’ll give you reasonable advance notice (unless the updates are urgent). If you continue to use our services after the changes have taken effect, it means that you agree to the changes. If you don’t agree, you must stop using our services.":"Updates to these terms. We may decide to update these terms: (1) to reflect changes to our services or our business, (2) for legal or regulatory reasons, (3) to prevent abuse on or of our services, or (4) to protect or serve users of our services better. If these changes materially affect your Discord use or your legal rights, we’ll give you reasonable advance notice (unless the updates are urgent). If you continue to use our services after the changes have taken effect, it means that you agree to the changes. If you don’t agree, you must stop using our services.","#Governing law and jurisdiction. The Federal Arbitration Act, federal arbitration law, and California law will apply to these terms and any disputes related to these terms or our services, regardless of conflict of laws rules. Any dispute that is not subject to arbitration will be resolved exclusively in the state or federal courts in San Francisco County, California, and you and Discord both consent to venue and personal jurisdiction in these courts.":"Governing law and jurisdiction. The Federal Arbitration Act, federal arbitration law and California law will apply to these terms and any disputes related to these terms or our services, regardless of conflict of laws rules. Any dispute that is not subject to arbitration will be resolved exclusively in the state or federal courts in San Francisco County, California, and you and Discord both consent to venue and personal jurisdiction in these courts.","#Last Updated: March 15, 2024":"Last Updated: 15 March 2024","#We won’t charge you a fee to use the basic functionality of our services, but you may be able to pay for additional features and products. Discord’s Paid Services Terms also apply to any purchase you make using Discord’s supported purchase flows, and you may also be asked to agree to separate terms such as our Monetization Terms before purchasing or selling new offerings through Discord.":"We won’t charge you a fee to use the basic functionality of our services, but you may be able to pay for additional features and products. Discord’s Paid Services Terms also apply to any purchase you make using Discord’s supported purchase flows and you may also be asked to agree to separate terms, such as our Monetisation Terms, before purchasing or selling new offerings through Discord.","#Changes to this Dispute Section: Discord will provide 30 days’ notice of the date of any material changes to this clause. Changes will become effective on the 30th day and apply to all claims not yet filed. If you continue to use the site after the 30th day, you agree that any unfiled claims of which Discord does not have actual notice are subject to the revised clause. If you reject any such changes by opting out of the arbitration agreement, you may exercise your right to a trial by jury or judge, as permitted by applicable law, but any prior existing agreement to arbitrate disputes under a prior version of the arbitration agreement will not apply to claims not yet filed. If Discord changes this “Dispute Resolution” section after the date you first accepted this agreement (or accepted any subsequent changes to this agreement), you agree that your continued use of the Discord product(s) or services 30 days after such change will be deemed acceptance of those changes. If you do not agree to such change, you may opt out by providing notice as described in this section.":"Changes to this Dispute Section: Discord will provide 30 days’ notice of the date of any material changes to this clause. Changes will become effective on the 30th day and apply to all claims not yet filed. If you continue to use the site after the 30th day, you agree that any unfiled claims of which Discord does not have actual notice are subject to the revised clause. If you reject any such changes by opting out of the arbitration agreement, you may exercise your right to a trial by jury or judge, as permitted by applicable law, but any prior existing agreement to arbitrate disputes under a prior version of the arbitration agreement will not apply to claims not yet filed. If Discord changes this ‘Dispute Resolution’ section after the date you first accepted this agreement (or accepted any subsequent changes to this agreement), you agree that your continued use of the Discord product(s) or services 30 days after such change will be deemed acceptance of those changes. If you do not agree to such change, you may opt out by providing notice as described in this section.","#We also have a Privacy Policy, Community Guidelines, and these other policies that apply to your use of our services and are incorporated into these terms. You should read these policies—we’ve worked hard to make them simple and clear, and they contain important information about your use of our services. If you use our API, Discord’s Developer Terms of Service and Developer Policy apply to that use. Discord’s Paid Services Terms apply to any purchase you make through Discord, and Discord’s Monetization Terms apply to any sales you make through Discord.":"We also have a Privacy Policy, Community Guidelines and these other policies that apply to your use of our services and are incorporated into these terms. You should read these policies – we’ve worked hard to make them simple and clear, and they contain important information about your use of our services. If you use our API, Discord’s Developer Terms of Service and Developer Policy apply to that use. Discord’s Paid Services Terms apply to any purchase you make through Discord, and Discord’s Monetisation Terms apply to any sales you make through Discord.","#Discord is designed to make communicating with the people you want to speak to as easy as possible. Posts appear in text channels in the order in which they’re made. Voice and video communication happens in real time. We may build features that help you create content and communicate with others, join conversations more easily, or may highlight content and activity available to you on Discord that might be of interest. Discord was also designed to make it easy to share what you’re up to. You can stream what you’re doing on your device, or you can share your status, including what game you're playing, what song you’re listening to (if you link a music account), and more. Sharing gameplay is fundamental to the Discord experience, so it’s turned on by default. You can turn it off in your Settings at any time, and you’re in control of whether or not you connect other accounts to Discord.":"Discord is designed to make communicating with the people you want to speak to as easy as possible. Posts appear in text channels in the order in which they’re made. Voice and video communication happens in real time. We may build features that help you create content and communicate with others, join conversations more easily or may highlight content and activity available to you on Discord that might be of interest. Discord was also designed to make it easy to share what you’re up to. You can stream what you’re doing on your device or you can share your status, including what game you’re playing, what song you’re listening to (if you link a music account) and more. Sharing gameplay is fundamental to the Discord experience, so it’s turned on by default. You can turn it off in your Settings at any time and you’re in control of whether or not you connect other accounts to Discord.","#Third-Party Services. Discord may allow you to access apps, bots, or other products, features, or services developed by third parties (“third-party services”). It’s your choice whether to use these third-party services and whether to participate in Discord servers that incorporate them. You should review any terms and policies provided by the third parties before doing so as they govern your use of their services. While these third parties do need to follow all policies that apply to them (which may include these Terms, our Community Guidelines, Developer Terms of Service, and Developer Policy), Discord is not responsible for any third-party services.":"Third-Party Services. Discord may allow you to access apps, bots or other products, features or services developed by third parties (‘third-party services’). It’s your choice whether to use these third-party services and whether to participate in Discord servers that incorporate them. You should review any terms and policies provided by the third parties before doing so as they govern your use of their services. While these third parties do need to follow all policies that apply to them (which may include these Terms, our Community Guidelines, Developer Terms of Service and Developer Policy), Discord is not responsible for any third-party services.","#Your right to terminate. You’re free to stop using Discord’s services at any time and for any reason. To terminate this agreement, you may delete your Discord account through the Settings page in the Discord app (the gear icon next to your username) and discontinue use of the services. Certain provisions of these terms will survive termination as outlined below in the “Survival” section.
Disabling your account limits the processing of your personal information as described in our Privacy Policy. Disabling your account does not terminate this agreement.":"Your right to terminate. You’re free to stop using Discord’s services at any time and for any reason. To terminate this agreement, you may delete your Discord account through the Settings page in the Discord app (the gear icon next to your username) and discontinue use of the services. Certain provisions of these terms will survive termination as outlined below in the ‘Survival’ section.
Disabling your account limits the processing of your personal information as described in our Privacy Policy. Disabling your account does not terminate this agreement.","#Arbitration rules. The arbitration will be conducted by a single arbitrator, governed by these terms and the American Arbitration Association Rules, excluding any rules or procedures governing or permitting class or representative actions (the “AAA Rules”), available at https://www.adr.org/active-rules. These terms will govern if there’s a conflict between these terms and the AAA Rules. To begin the arbitration proceeding, either party must submit a written Demand for Arbitration (available at www.adr.org) with the AAA and provide a copy to the other party as specified in the AAA Rules. To provide notice to Discord, please send an email with the subject line “Arbitration Demand” to disputes@discordapp.com.":"Arbitration rules. The arbitration will be conducted by a single arbitrator, governed by these terms and the American Arbitration Association Rules, excluding any rules or procedures governing or permitting class or representative actions (the ‘AAA Rules’), available at https://www.adr.org/active-rules. These terms will govern if there’s a conflict between these terms and the AAA Rules. To begin the arbitration proceeding, either party must submit a written Demand for Arbitration (available at www.adr.org) with the AAA and provide a copy to the other party as specified in the AAA Rules. To provide notice to Discord, please send an email with the subject line ‘Arbitration Demand’ to disputes@discordapp.com.","#Open source. Some of Discord’s services include software subject to separate open source license terms, and your use of those services are subject to your compliance with those license terms, when applicable. We encourage you to review them, as some licenses may explicitly override these terms.":"Open source. Some of Discord’s services include software subject to separate open source licence terms and your use of those services is subject to your compliance with those licence terms, when applicable. We encourage you to review them, as some licences may explicitly override these terms.","#We provide services that allow you to interact with other Discord users (such as through direct messages and group direct messages) and participate in large and small spaces (or “servers”). Our services may also include access to certain software, features, and content, including items that you can purchase from us or others. Additional terms may apply to those purchases.":"We provide services that allow you to interact with other Discord users (such as through direct messages and group direct messages) and participate in large and small spaces (or ‘servers’). Our services may also include access to certain software, features and content, including items that you can purchase from us or others. Additional terms may apply to those purchases.","#License to our software. Some of our services allow you to download client software. So long as you comply with these terms, we grant you a worldwide, non-exclusive, personal, and non-assignable license to download, install, and run that software, solely to access our services.":"Licence to our software. Some of our services allow you to download client software. So long as you comply with these terms, we grant you a worldwide, non-exclusive, personal and non-assignable licence to download, install and run that software, solely to access our services.","#Our right to terminate. Subject to applicable law, we reserve the right to suspend or terminate your account and/or your access to some or all of our services with or without notice, at our discretion for any reason, or for the following reasons:":"Our right to terminate. Subject to applicable law, we reserve the right to suspend or terminate your account and/or your access to some or all of our services with or without notice, at our discretion for any reason or for the following reasons:","#Mass filings. If, at any time, 30 or more similar demands for arbitration are asserted against Discord or related parties by the same or coordinated counsel or entities (“Mass Filing”), these additional rules will apply:":"Mass filings. If, at any time, 30 or more similar demands for arbitration are asserted against Discord or related parties by the same or coordinated counsel or entities (‘Mass Filing’), these additional rules will apply:","#Survival. Any part of these terms that by their nature should survive after termination of these terms will survive. As permitted under applicable law, this includes but may not be limited to the following:":"Survival. Any part of these terms that by their nature should survive after termination of these terms will survive. As permitted under applicable law, this includes but may not be limited to the following:","#When using our services, you must comply with these terms and all applicable laws, rules, and regulations, and you must only use the services for authorized and acceptable purposes. You must also adhere to our Community Guidelines and other policies, which contain more detailed rules about your content and behavior when using Discord and how we enforce them on Discord. Fundamentally, do not do, try to do, or encourage or help others to do any of the following:":"When using our services, you must comply with these terms and all applicable laws, rules and regulations, and you must only use the services for authorised and acceptable purposes. You must also adhere to our Community Guidelines and other policies, which contain more detailed rules about your content and behaviour when using Discord and how we enforce them on Discord. Fundamentally, do not do, try to do or encourage or help others to do any of the following:","#If you reside in the European Union, you may also be entitled to submit your complaint to the European Commission’s Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) Platform or the Out-of-Court Dispute Settlement (“OCDS”) mechanism under DSA Article 21. ODR allows EU consumers to resolve disputes related to the online purchases of goods and services without going to court. Note that a submission to the ODR or via the OCDS mechanism alone, without submitting a Written Notice to disputes@discordapp.com, will not toll the applicable statutes of limitations or other deadlines.":"If you reside in the European Union, you may also be entitled to submit your complaint to the European Commission’s Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) Platform or the Out-of-Court Dispute Settlement (‘OCDS’) mechanism under DSA Article 21. ODR allows EU consumers to resolve disputes related to the online purchases of goods and services without going to court. Note that a submission to the ODR or via the OCDS mechanism alone, without submitting a Written Notice to disputes@discordapp.com, will not toll the applicable statutes of limitations or other deadlines.","#You agree not to license, sell, lend, or transfer your account, Discord username, vanity URL, or other unique identifier without our prior written approval. We also reserve the right to delete, change, or reclaim your username, URL, or other identifier.":"You agree not to license, sell, lend or transfer your account, Discord username, vanity URL or other unique identifier without our prior written approval. We also reserve the right to delete, change or reclaim your username, URL or other identifier.","#Don’t use the services to do harm to Discord. Among other things, this includes trying to gain access to or attacking our systems, scraping our services without our written consent, transmitting viruses or other malicious code to our services, abusing or defrauding us or our payment systems, copying our product or using our intellectual property without permission, and misusing our reporting or customer service mechanisms.":"Don’t use the services to do harm to Discord. Among other things, this includes trying to gain access to or attacking our systems, scraping our services without our written consent, transmitting viruses or other malicious code to our services, abusing or defrauding us or our payment systems, copying our product or using our intellectual property without permission and misusing our reporting or customer service mechanisms.","#Users create servers, and users choose which servers to join and who their “friends” are. All users must follow our Community Guidelines and other policies, but in Servers, the server owners and server admins control the server permissions and additional rules, including establishing membership requirements and creating custom roles and what those roles can do within the server. Server owners and admins also control whether to make their server available in Server Discovery, whether to publish their server invite link on public websites, whether to enable community growth and safety features, and whether to add bots or other apps. These permissions, like the size of a server, may change over time.":"Users create servers, and users choose which servers to join and who their ‘friends’ are. All users must follow our Community Guidelines and other policies, but in Servers, the server owners and server admins control the server permissions and additional rules, including establishing membership requirements and creating custom roles and what those roles can do within the server. Server owners and admins also control whether to make their server available in Server Discovery, whether to publish their server invite link on public websites, whether to enable community growth and safety features and whether to add bots or other apps. These permissions, like the size of a server, may change over time.","#Opt-out. You can decline this agreement to arbitrate by emailing an opt-out notice to arbitration-opt-out@discord.com within 30 days of April 15, 2024 or when you first register your Discord account, whichever is later; otherwise, you shall be bound to arbitrate disputes in accordance with the terms of these paragraphs. If you opt out of these arbitration provisions, Discord also will not be bound by them.":"Opt-out. You can decline this agreement to arbitrate by emailing an opt-out notice to arbitration-opt-out@discord.com within 30 days of 15 April 2024 or when you first register your Discord account, whichever is later; otherwise, you shall be bound to arbitrate disputes in accordance with the terms of these paragraphs. If you opt out of these arbitration provisions, Discord also will not be bound by them.","#Exceptions. You or Discord may still pursue claims, if they qualify, exclusively in small claims court in San Francisco County, California, and you and Discord both consent to venue and personal jurisdiction in that court. The small claims court, and not any arbitrator or AAA, shall have the exclusive authority to resolve disputes regarding whether a dispute is properly within the jurisdiction of a small claims court. Additionally, disputes concerning patents, copyrights, moral rights, trademarks, and trade secrets and claims of piracy or unauthorized use of our services will not be subject to arbitration. Either party may also seek a declaratory judgment or other equitable relief in a court of competent jurisdiction regarding whether a party’s claims are time-barred or may be brought in small claims court. Seeking such relief shall not waive a party’s right to arbitration under this agreement, and any filed arbitrations related to any action filed pursuant to this paragraph shall automatically be stayed (and any applicable statute of limitations tolled) pending the outcome of such action.":"Exceptions. You or Discord may still pursue claims, if they qualify, exclusively in small claims court in San Francisco County, California, and you and Discord both consent to venue and personal jurisdiction in that court. The small claims court, and not any arbitrator or AAA, shall have the exclusive authority to resolve disputes regarding whether a dispute is properly within the jurisdiction of a small claims court. Additionally, disputes concerning patents, copyrights, moral rights, trademarks and trade secrets and claims of piracy or unauthorised use of our services will not be subject to arbitration. Either party may also seek a declaratory judgment or other equitable relief in a court of competent jurisdiction regarding whether a party’s claims are time-barred or may be brought in small claims court. Seeking such relief shall not waive a party’s right to arbitration under this agreement, and any filed arbitrations related to any action filed pursuant to this paragraph shall automatically be stayed (and any applicable statute of limitations tolled) pending the outcome of such action.","#Payment information. If you buy any paid services through Discord, you may need to submit a valid payment method and associated billing information, including your full name and billing address. Our payment processors, like Stripe and PayPal, receive and process your payment information. Depending on the processor, we may also receive and store certain billing information, including the last four digits of the credit card number associated with the transaction. If you sell something through Discord, you may be required to provide additional information to Discord or to our payment processors, such as bank account information to facilitate payments, tax identification information, and copies of government issued identification required to identify users in accordance with regulatory obligations. If we decide to process our own payments in the future, we would receive and process this information ourselves.":"Payment information. If you buy any paid services through Discord, you may need to submit a valid payment method and associated billing information, including your full name and billing address. Our payment processors, like Stripe and PayPal, receive and process your payment information. Depending on the processor, we may also receive and store certain billing information, including the last four digits of the credit card number associated with the transaction. If you sell something through Discord, you may be required to provide additional information to Discord or to our payment processors, such as bank account information to facilitate payments, tax identification information and copies of government-issued identification required to identify users in accordance with regulatory obligations. If we decide to process our own payments in the future, we will receive and process this information ourselves.","#To personalize the product. We use your information to personalize our services. This information is used to customize your experience on Discord such as what you see on our discovery surfaces (so that you see relevant communities, activities, applications, or content first) or features that highlight activity on Discord that may interest you. This information also helps us surface Discord features and promotions from us and our partners that may be of interest to you. As discussed in the “How to control your privacy” section below, you can choose to what extent we will use your personal information to personalize your Discord experience.":"To personalise the product. We use your information to personalise our services. This information is used to customise your experience on Discord such as what you see on our discovery surfaces (so that you see relevant communities, activities, applications or content first) or features that highlight activity on Discord that may interest you. This information also helps us surface Discord features and promotions from us and our partners that may be of interest to you. As discussed in the ‘How to control your privacy’ section below, you can choose to what extent we will use your personal information to personalise your Discord experience.","#Exercising your rights: As described in the “How to control your privacy” section above, all our users have control over their information and can directly edit or delete information from their account and limit what data we process. If you are located in certain regions, including the European Union, you may have additional rights such as those listed below, and as outlined in the state and region specific information and disclosures that you can exercise through the Discord app directly or by contacting us:":"Exercising your rights: As described in the ‘How to control your privacy’ section above, all our users have control over their information and can edit or delete information directly from their account and limit what data we process. If you are located in certain regions, including the European Union, you may have additional rights such as those listed below and as outlined in the state- and region-specific information and disclosures that you can exercise through the Discord app directly or by contacting us:","#Information about your use of the apps or websites. For example, we collect log and event information related to how and when you use our services (such as the pages, servers, and channels you visit, the activities you engage in, the features you use, and the surfaces or embedded content you interact with).":"Information about your use of the apps or websites. For example, we collect log and event information related to how and when you use our services (such as the pages, servers and channels you visit, the activities you engage in, the features you use and the surfaces or embedded content you interact with).","#To protect someone’s vital interests":"To protect someone’s vital interests","#To protect our services. We use your information to keep our services secure, to prevent misuse, and to enforce our Terms of Service and other policies against users who violate them.":"To protect our services. We use your information to keep our services secure, to prevent misuse and to enforce our Terms of Service and other policies against users who violate them.","#You can learn more about these and other privacy-related settings in our Help Center. The default and availability of some of these settings may be different depending on factors like your age or location.":"You can learn more about these and other privacy-related settings in our Help Centre. The default and availability of some of these settings may be different depending on factors like your age or location.","#Information from optional features. Certain features, like contact syncing, may require that you provide additional information (or grant us access to such information) to make them work. This also includes third-party integrations you choose to enable and the data you authorize those third-party services to share with us. For example, when you link a music streaming account, we may collect information about that account such as the song you are listening to in order to display that information on your profile or as your status (if you have chosen to do so).":"Information from optional features. Certain features, like contact syncing, may require that you provide additional information (or grant us access to such information) to make them work. This also includes third-party integrations you choose to enable and the data you authorise those third-party services to share with us. For example, when you link a music streaming account, we may collect information about that account such as the song you are listening to in order to display that information on your profile or as your status (if you have chosen to do so).","#When you tell us to. When you add your content to the services, you are telling us to make that content available to certain people or communities. Who can access that information is determined by who can access a particular space. For servers, those permissions are set by server owners or admins. They control whether a server requires an invite link or is open and accessible to anyone. And these permissions, like the size of the server, may change over time. Similarly, if you link your Discord account with a third-party service (like a music-streaming service or gaming platform), embed content, interact with third party content posted on Discord, or participate in a server that has third-party features like bots enabled, we may provide certain information to that service or to other Discord users to operate that service or feature. Additionally, if you purchase goods or services from other users on Discord, we may disclose certain information to these users in order to facilitate the delivery of the goods or services purchased or help them understand and improve their business. We may also disclose your information as you otherwise instruct us or provide us your consent to do so.":"When you tell us to. When you add your content to the services, you are telling us to make that content available to certain people or communities. Who can access that information is determined by who can access a particular space. For servers, those permissions are set by server owners or admins. They control whether a server requires an invite link or is open and accessible to anyone. And these permissions, like the size of the server, may change over time. Similarly, if you link your Discord account with a third-party service (like a music-streaming service or gaming platform), embed content, interact with third-party content posted on Discord or participate in a server that has third-party features like bots enabled, we may provide certain information to that service or to other Discord users to operate that service or feature. Additionally, if you purchase goods or services from other users on Discord, we may disclose certain information to these users in order to facilitate the delivery of the goods or services purchased or help them understand and improve their business. We may also disclose your information as you otherwise instruct us or provide us your consent to do so.","#Aggregated or de-identified information. We may disclose information that has been aggregated or anonymized such that it cannot reasonably be used to identify you. For example, we may share aggregated user statistics in order to describe our business, features, or promotions to partners or the public.":"Aggregated or de-identified information. We may disclose information that has been aggregated or anonymised such that it cannot reasonably be used to identify you. For example, we may share aggregated user statistics in order to describe our business, features or promotions to partners or the public.","#Other information you provide directly to us. You may have the option to submit additional information as you use Discord. For example, you may participate in surveys where you can provide feedback on the services, or submit information to our Discord Support teams.":"Other information you provide directly to us. You may have the option to submit additional information as you use Discord. For example, you may participate in surveys where you can provide feedback on the services or submit information to our Discord Support teams.","#Under certain data protection laws like GDPR, companies must have a “legal basis”—a valid reason—to process personal information. Discord relies on different legal bases to process your information for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. We use the Information We Collect—Account information, Content you create, Payment information, Information from actions you take, Information used to enable optional features, Other information you provide directly to us, Information about your device, Information about your use of the apps or websites, other information that we collect automatically, and Information we receive from other sources—for the following reasons and according to these legal bases. For each reason, we describe why we process your information and how we process your information to achieve each purpose.":"Under certain data protection laws like GDPR, companies must have a ‘legal basis’ – a valid reason – to process personal information. Discord relies on different legal bases to process your information for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. We use the Information We Collect – Account information, Content you create, Payment information, Information from actions you take, Information used to enable optional features, Other information you provide directly to us, Information about your device, Information about your use of the apps or websites, other information that we collect automatically and Information we receive from other sources – for the following reasons and according to these legal bases. For each reason, we describe why we process your information and how we process your information to achieve each purpose.","#To improve our services. We use your information to help us understand how users interact with our services, what features or products users may want, to develop features that make Discord safer and better to use, or to otherwise understand and improve our services. This includes information about how you use our services and how servers are structured. We may also use certain content that is widely available to better understand, for example, what topics servers cover and what content is most interesting within those servers. Similarly, you can limit to what extent we use your personal information for these purposes.":"To improve our services. We use your information to help us understand how users interact with our services, what features or products users may want, to develop features that make Discord safer and better to use, or to otherwise understand and improve our services. This includes information about how you use our services and how servers are structured. We may also use certain content that is widely available to understand better, for example, what topics servers cover and what content is most interesting within those servers. Similarly, you can limit to what extent we use your personal information for these purposes.","#With your consent":"With your consent","#To enforce our policies and rights. We may disclose information if needed to enforce our Terms of Service, Community Guidelines, any of our other policies, or to protect the rights, property, and safety of ourselves and others.":"To enforce our policies and rights. We may disclose information if needed to enforce our Terms of Service, Community Guidelines, any of our other policies or to protect the rights, property and safety of ourselves and others.","#To contact you. We may use your information to let you know about new products or features we think you’ll like, to ask you for feedback about our services, or to tell you about experiments that might interest you. You may opt-out of receiving such marketing communications. Where local law requires, we will obtain your consent before sending such communications.":"To contact you. We may use your information to let you know about new products or features we think you’ll like, to ask you for feedback about our services or to tell you about experiments that might interest you. You may opt out of receiving such marketing communications. Where local law requires, we will obtain your consent before sending such communications.","#You can choose what spaces to participate in and what information you add to our services. You can choose what messages to send or post, who to engage with (e.g., one or more particular users or a potentially unlimited group of users), what information to include in your profile, whether to connect any third party services to your Discord account, and more. For example, if you share content in certain spaces, such as servers listed in Server Discovery or with public invite links, your content may be accessed by anyone.":"You can choose what spaces to participate in and what information you add to our services. You can choose what messages to send or post, who to engage with (e.g., one or more particular users or a potentially unlimited group of users), what information to include in your profile, whether to connect any third-party services to your Discord account and more. For example, if you share content in certain spaces, such as servers listed in Server Discovery or with public invite links, your content may be accessed by anyone.","#We created Discord to be the best place to talk, hang out and have fun with friends online. Whether you’re part of a club, gaming group, or just a handful of friends that want to spend time together, Discord makes it easy to connect with friends.":"We created Discord to be the best place to talk, hang out and have fun with friends online. Whether you’re part of a club, gaming group or just a handful of friends that want to spend time together, Discord makes it easy to connect with friends.","#To fulfill our contract with you":"To fulfil our contract with you","#You can also access other privacy-related settings in your User Settings. For example, you can decide whether to filter potentially explicit content, who can add you as a friend, and more. This is also where you can limit certain types of processing of your information:":"You can also access other privacy-related settings in your User Settings. For example, you can decide whether to filter potentially explicit content, who can add you as a friend and more. This is also where you can limit certain types of processing of your information:","#To meet our commitments to the Discord community. We work hard to try to make Discord a safe, positive, and inclusive place. To do so, we use your information to monitor for and take action against users and content that violate our Terms of Service, Community Guidelines, and other policies. This includes responding to user reports, generating transcriptions of content as part of our investigation, detecting fraud and malware, and proactively scanning attachments and other content for illegal or harmful activity. We also use certain information, which may include content reported to us, content that violates our Terms of Service, and certain other content widely available on the service (such as public posts, usernames, avatars, banners, user profiles, server names, server icons, and server banners), to create systems and models that can be automated to more swiftly detect, categorize, and take action against prohibited content or conduct.":"To meet our commitments to the Discord community. We work hard to try to make Discord a safe, positive and inclusive place. To do so, we use your information to monitor for and take action against users and content that violate our Terms of Service, Community Guidelines and other policies. This includes responding to user reports, generating transcriptions of content as part of our investigation, detecting fraud and malware, and proactively scanning attachments and other content for illegal or harmful activity. We also use certain information, which may include content reported to us, content that violates our Terms of Service and certain other content widely available on the service (such as public posts, usernames, avatars, banners, user profiles, server names, server icons and server banners), to create systems and models that can be automated to detect, categorise and take action more swiftly against prohibited content or conduct.","#Information from actions you take. We collect information about your use of Discord and your activities on the services. This includes information such as the friends you add, the users, bots, and apps you engage with, the games you play on your device, the servers or other communities you join and participate in, your roles in servers, content moderation decisions you make, information about purchases or sales you make on or through Discord including what you purchased or sold, and other related actions. You can control the extent to which we collect, use, and display this information as described in the “How to control your privacy” section below.":"Information from actions you take. We collect information about your use of Discord and your activities on the services. This includes information such as the friends you add, the users, bots and apps you engage with, the games you play on your device, the servers or other communities you join and participate in, your roles in servers, content moderation decisions you make, information about purchases or sales you make on or through Discord including what you purchased or sold and other related actions. You can control the extent to which we collect, use and display this information as described in the ‘How to control your privacy’ section below.","#We may receive information from cookies (small text files placed on your computer or device) and similar technologies. First-party cookies are placed by us (and our third-party service providers) and allow you to use the services and help us analyze and improve your experience and the services. You can control cookies as described in the “How to control your privacy” section of Discord’s Privacy Policy. The services use the following types of cookies:":"We may receive information from cookies (small text files placed on your computer or device) and similar technologies. First-party cookies are placed by us (and our third-party service providers) and allow you to use the services and help us analyse and improve your experience and the services. You can control cookies as described in the ‘How to control your privacy’ section of Discord’s Privacy Policy. The services use the following types of cookies:","#Overview: As described in the “How to control your privacy\" section of Discord’s Privacy Policy, all our users have control over their information and can directly edit or delete information from their account and limit what data we process. In addition to these rights, users residing in Canada are afforded the right to certain additional information with respect to their personal information under the Personal Information and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). If you are a Canadian resident, this section applies to you.":"Overview: As described in the ‘How to control your privacy’ section of Discord’s Privacy Policy, all our users have control over their information and can edit or delete information directly from their account and limit what data we process. In addition to these rights, users residing in Canada are afforded the right to certain additional information with respect to their personal information under the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). If you are a Canadian resident, this section applies to you.","#Overview: As described in the “How to control your privacy\" section of Discord’s Privacy Policy, all our users have control over their information and can directly edit or delete information from their account and limit what data we process. In addition to these rights, users residing in the Republic of Korea are afforded the right to certain additional information with respect to their personal information under the Personal Information Protection Act. If you are a Republic of Korea resident, this section applies to you.":"Overview: As described in the ‘How to control your privacy’ section of Discord’s Privacy Policy, all our users have control over their information and can edit or delete information directly from their account and limit what data we process. In addition to these rights, users residing in the Republic of Korea are afforded the right to certain additional information with respect to their personal information under the Personal Information Protection Act. If you are a Republic of Korea resident, this section applies to you.","#Our collection and use of personal information: We collect the following categories of personal information: identifiers (such as your username, the email address you used to sign up, and your phone number if you’ve chosen to provide it); commercial information (a record of what you’ve bought from Discord, if anything); financial data (payment information and your history of purchases from Discord); internet or other network information (how you interact with the application); location information (because your IP address may indicate your general location); inference data about you (for example, what content you may be interested in); and other information that identifies or can be reasonably associated with you. For more information about what we collect and the sources of such collection, please see the “The information we collect” section of Discord’s Privacy Policy. To the extent we collect or use sensitive personal information as defined by law (such as the CCPA), we do so in accordance with applicable legal requirements, and we do not use or disclose it other than for purposes for which there is not a right to limit under the CCPA.":"Our collection and use of personal information: We collect the following categories of personal information: identifiers (such as your username, the email address you used to sign up and your phone number if you’ve chosen to provide it); commercial information (a record of what you’ve bought from Discord, if anything); financial data (payment information and your history of purchases from Discord); internet or other network information (how you interact with the application); location information (because your IP address may indicate your general location); inference data about you (for example, what content you may be interested in); and other information that identifies or can be reasonably associated with you. For more information about what we collect and the sources of such collection, please see the ‘The information we collect’ section of Discord’s Privacy Policy. To the extent we collect or use sensitive personal information as defined by law (such as the CCPA), we do so in accordance with applicable legal requirements and we do not use or disclose it other than for purposes for which there is not a right to limit under the CCPA.","#Exercising your rights: All our users have control over their information and can directly edit or delete information from their account and limit what data we process. Users in Brazil have additional rights that you can exercise through the Discord app directly or by contacting us. Those rights include:":"Exercising your rights: All our users have control over their information and can edit or delete information directly from their account and limit what data we process. Users in Brazil have additional rights that you can exercise through the Discord app directly or by contacting us. Those rights include:","#We retain personal information as described in the “Data retention” section of Discord’s Privacy Policy and in our data retention policy.":"We retain personal information as described in the ‘Data retention’ section of Discord’s Privacy Policy and in our data retention policy.","#Exercising your rights: All our users have control over their information and can directly edit or delete information from their account and limit what data we process. Users in Canada have additional rights that you can exercise through the Discord app directly or by contacting us. Those rights include:":"Exercising your rights: All our users have control over their information and can edit or delete information directly from their account and limit what data we process. Users in Canada have additional rights that you can exercise through the Discord app directly or by contacting us. Those rights include:","#No sale or “share” of personal information: The CCPA sets forth certain obligations for businesses that sell or “share” personal information. We do not sell or share the personal information of our users as those terms are defined in the CCPA. We do disclose certain information as outlined in the “How we disclose your information” section of Discord’s Privacy Policy and you can make choices with respect to your information as outlined in that policy.
":"No sale or ‘share’ of personal information: The CCPA sets forth certain obligations for businesses that sell or ‘share’ personal information. We do not sell or share the personal information of our users as those terms are defined in the CCPA. We do disclose certain information as outlined in the ‘How we disclose your information’ section of Discord’s Privacy Policy and you can make choices with respect to your information as outlined in that policy.
","#Data retention and destruction: We retain personal information until we determine it is no longer needed for the processing purposes for which we collected or retain it or for legal compliance. You can learn more about data retention periods and the deletion process in our data retention policy.
Exercising your rights: All our users have control over their information and can directly edit or delete information from their account and limit what data we process. Users in the Republic of Korea have additional rights that you can exercise through the Discord app directly or by contacting us. Those rights include:":"Data retention and destruction: We retain personal information until we determine it is no longer needed for the processing purposes for which we collected or retain it or for legal compliance. You can learn more about data retention periods and the deletion process in our data retention policy.
Exercising your rights: All our users have control over their information and can edit or delete information directly from their account and limit what data we process. Users in the Republic of Korea have additional rights that you can exercise through the Discord app directly or by contacting us. Those rights include:","#Overview: As described in the “How to control your privacy\" section of Discord’s Privacy Policy, all our users have control over their information and can directly edit or delete information from their account and limit what data we process. In addition to these rights, users residing in Brazil are afforded the right to certain additional information with respect to their personal information under the Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (LGPD). If you are a Brazilian resident, this section applies to you.":"Overview: As described in the ‘How to control your privacy’ section of Discord’s Privacy Policy, all our users have control over their information and can edit or delete information directly from their account and limit what data we process. In addition to these rights, users residing in Brazil are afforded the right to certain additional information with respect to their personal information under the Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais (LGPD). If you are a Brazilian resident, this section applies to you.","#March 27th 2023":"27 March 2023","#We may allow you to purchase subscriptions or other things offered by other sellers on Discord. Depending on the offering you are purchasing, you may transact directly with the seller via an accepted payment method, or with Discord in its capacity as payment collection agent for the purpose of accepting payments from you on behalf of the seller. In all cases, these sellers are responsible for describing and providing these offerings, not Discord. We do not control the quality of these offerings, and we cannot guarantee the identity of the people providing them or the validity of any claims they make. If you identify subscriptions or other offerings on our services that violate our policies, please report them to us. Sellers may have their own terms that apply to the products or services powering the offering that you purchase, such as rules applicable to their Discord app or server. In order to maintain access to the offerings that you’ve purchased from another user on Discord, you are responsible for complying with these applicable terms. If you lose access for violating these terms, any active subscription will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund.":"We may allow you to purchase subscriptions or other things offered by other sellers on Discord. Depending on the offering you are purchasing, you may transact directly with the seller via an accepted payment method or with Discord in its capacity as payment collection agent for the purpose of accepting payments from you on behalf of the seller. In all cases, these sellers are responsible for describing and providing these offerings, not Discord. We do not control the quality of these offerings and we cannot guarantee the identity of the people providing them or the validity of any claims they make. If you identify subscriptions or other offerings on our services that violate our policies, please report them to us. Sellers may have their own terms that apply to the products or services powering the offering that you purchase, such as rules applicable to their Discord app or server. In order to maintain access to the offerings that you’ve purchased from another user on Discord, you are responsible for complying with these applicable terms. If you lose access for violating these terms, any active subscription will be cancelled and you will not be entitled to a refund.","#We use third-party payment processors to transmit payments to us. By providing a payment method to us, you agree that (i) you are authorized to use the payment method you provide; (ii) you will in fact pay for the paid service by the date on which payment is due; (iii) the payment information you provide is true and accurate; (iv) we may retain the payment information and method that you and the issuer of your payment method or the applicable payment network submit to us; and (v) we are authorized to charge you for the paid service using the payment method you present. This includes any obligation you may have to pay any taxes applicable to the service you are buying. You also agree that we have permission to retain and/or share with financial institutions and our payment processors (including any institutions or processors we retain in the future) information regarding your purchase and your submitted payment information in order to process your purchase and to use the contact information (such as an email address or phone number) submitted by you to provide you with notices and disclosures relating to renewals, recurring charges, and changes affecting your purchase.":"We use third-party payment processors to transmit payments to us. By providing a payment method to us, you agree that (i) you are authorised to use the payment method you provide; (ii) you will in fact pay for the paid service by the date on which payment is due; (iii) the payment information you provide is true and accurate; (iv) we may retain the payment information and method that you and the issuer of your payment method or the applicable payment network submit to us; and (v) we are authorised to charge you for the paid service using the payment method you present. This includes any obligation you may have to pay any taxes applicable to the service you are buying. You also agree that we have permission to retain and/or share with financial institutions and our payment processors (including any institutions or processors we retain in the future) information regarding your purchase and your submitted payment information in order to process your purchase and to use the contact information (such as an email address or phone number) submitted by you to provide you with notices and disclosures relating to renewals, recurring charges and changes affecting your purchase.","#Cancellation. You may cancel your subscriptions at any time by going to the “Subscriptions” or “Server Boosts” section of your Settings page. In-app subscription purchases made on iOS or Android devices can be canceled directly through the iOS App Store or Google Play. Following cancellation, you’ll continue to have access to premium features through the end of the current subscription period. For more information on cancellation, please visit How to Cancel Your Nitro, Server Boosting, or Other Discord Subscriptions.":"Cancellation. You may cancel your subscriptions at any time by going to the ‘Subscriptions’ or ‘Server Boosts’ section of your Settings page. In-app subscription purchases made on iOS or Android devices can be cancelled directly through the iOS App Store or Google Play. Following cancellation, you’ll continue to have access to premium features until the end of the current subscription period. For more information on cancellation, please visit How to Cancel Your Nitro, Server Boosting or Other Discord Subscriptions.","#Additionally, We may decide to stop offering paid services, including subscriptions at any time, including in response to unforeseen circumstances beyond our control, or to comply with a legal requirement. In this case, we’ll cancel your subscription and refund the prorated portion of any prepaid subscription fee equal to the remaining unused term of the subscription.":"Additionally, we may decide to stop offering paid services, including subscriptions at any time, including in response to unforeseen circumstances beyond our control or to comply with a legal requirement. In this case, we’ll cancel your subscription and refund the prorated portion of any prepaid subscription fee equal to the remaining unused term of the subscription.","#Termination. We may cancel or suspend any subscription you have purchased if you fail to pay the applicable subscription fees and any applicable taxes in full and in a timely manner according to these Terms. If your payment is not successful (for example, if your payment method expired or has insufficient funds), we may attempt to re-run your payment method. We will also try to provide you notice of the failed payment and the opportunity to make a valid, on time payment to us, but we are not obligated to do so. We may, in our sole discretion, choose not to cancel a subscription immediately for non-payment, in which case you will continue to be responsible for the fees due for the duration of the applicable subscription. In addition, if you fail to pay for a subscription, we may suspend your rights to use that premium service or we may change the type of privileges you have to a non-paid version of the service.":"Termination. We may cancel or suspend any subscription you have purchased if you fail to pay the applicable subscription fees and any applicable taxes in full and in a timely manner according to these Terms. If your payment is not successful (for example, if your payment method expired or has insufficient funds), we may attempt to re-run your payment method. We will also try to provide you notice of the failed payment and the opportunity to make a valid, on-time payment to us, but we are not obligated to do so. We may, in our sole discretion, choose not to cancel a subscription immediately for non-payment, in which case you will continue to be responsible for the fees due for the duration of the applicable subscription. In addition, if you fail to pay for a subscription, we may suspend your rights to use that premium service or we may change the type of privileges you have to a non-paid version of the service.","#You may be able to purchase and “gift” various products to other users, including subscription trials. Gifts may only be redeemed through Discord by clicking the gift link shared with you or by entering the gift code in the “Gift Inventory” section of the Settings page. There are no fees to access or utilize a gift. To redeem a gifted subscription trial, you may be required to enter a payment method and the subscription will automatically renew for full price at the end of the gifted subscription period. Once redeemed and activated, the code is void and cannot be transferred or assigned to any other user. A gift subscription trial is good for the particular service and term set forth in the redemption flow when you enter the code. At the end of that term, your subscription will automatically be renewed using the payment method provided when you redeemed the gift. Recipients of gift subscriptions may cancel their subscription at any time following activation, but the recipient is not entitled to a refund or credit of any kind in the event of such cancellation. Gift subscriptions may not be redeemed for cash or combined with other promotional offers, free trial offers, or incentives, except as required by law. Gift subscription codes do not expire, so please keep your gift subscription code in a safe location. We are not responsible for lost or stolen redemption codes or the unauthorized redemption of gift subscriptions, except as required by law.":"You may be able to purchase and ‘gift’ various products to other users, including subscription trials. Gifts may only be redeemed through Discord by clicking the gift link shared with you or by entering the gift code in the ‘Gift Inventory’ section of the Settings page. There are no fees to access or make use of a gift. To redeem a gifted subscription trial, you may be required to enter a payment method and the subscription will renew automatically for full price at the end of the gifted subscription period. Once redeemed and activated, the code is void and cannot be transferred or assigned to any other user. A gift subscription trial is good for the particular service and term set forth in the redemption flow when you enter the code. At the end of that term, your subscription will be renewed automatically using the payment method provided when you redeemed the gift. Recipients of gift subscriptions may cancel their subscription at any time following activation, but the recipient is not entitled to a refund or credit of any kind in the event of such cancellation. Gift subscriptions may not be redeemed for cash or combined with other promotional offers, free trial offers or incentives, except as required by law. Gift subscription codes do not expire, so please keep your gift subscription code in a safe location. We are not responsible for lost or stolen redemption codes or the unauthorised redemption of gift subscriptions, except as required by law.","#Discord accepts certain payment methods. These may vary by country or paid service and may change from time to time. You can update your payment methods in the “Billing” section of the Settings page in your Discord account. Please note that Discord is not responsible for any fees or charges applied by your financial institution or payment method issuer related to our processing of your payment. In some cases, we may allow you to pay against an invoice. Invoices will be sent to the email address associated with your account, and we will invoice you no more than forty-five (45) days after the purchase of the relevant service. All amounts invoiced are due and payable within thirty (30) days from the date of the invoice, unless otherwise specified on the invoice itself. All amounts are payable in United States dollars unless otherwise specified.":"Discord accepts certain payment methods. These may vary by country or paid service and may change from time to time. You can update your payment methods in the ‘Billing’ section of the Settings page in your Discord account. Please note that Discord is not responsible for any fees or charges applied by your financial institution or payment method issuer related to our processing of your payment. In some cases, we may allow you to pay against an invoice. Invoices will be sent to the email address associated with your account and we will invoice you no more than forty-five (45) days after the purchase of the relevant service. All amounts invoiced are due and payable within thirty (30) days from the date of the invoice, unless otherwise specified on the invoice itself. All amounts are payable in United States dollars unless otherwise specified.","#Experimental features. We may, from time to time, test experimental features to help us improve Discord. Some of these features may be exclusively available for subscribers for a limited period of time. When we do this, we’ll label these features as beta features or similarly indicate that they are experimental features that may be subject to change or removal. You should not rely on these experimental features when deciding to purchase a premium subscription from Discord, as we may modify or remove them at our discretion.":"Experimental features. We may, from time to time, test experimental features to help us improve Discord. Some of these features may be exclusively available for subscribers for a limited period of time. When we do this, we’ll label these features as beta features or similarly indicate that they are experimental features that may be subject to change or removal. You should not rely on these experimental features when deciding to purchase a premium subscription from Discord, as we may modify or remove them at our discretion.","#We may change our paid services, in whole or in part, without notice to you if such changes are necessary, minor in nature, or required for legal or regulatory reasons. Necessary changes may include changes required to ensure the ongoing operation of our paid services, to prevent fraud or abuse, or to enhance existing features or to add additional features to the paid services, or to maintain the security of the services. If we make changes that will have a material negative impact on your use of the paid services or will remove existing paid features (except as described in Experimental Features above), we will provide you with reasonable advance notice.":"We may change our paid services, in whole or in part, without notice to you if such changes are necessary, minor in nature or required for legal or regulatory reasons. Necessary changes may include changes required to ensure the ongoing operation of our paid services, to prevent fraud or abuse, or to enhance existing features or to add additional features to the paid services, or to maintain the security of the services. If we make changes that will have a material negative impact on your use of the paid services or will remove existing paid features (except as described in Experimental Features above), we will provide you with reasonable advance notice.","#Price changes. We may, from time to time, change the price for subscriptions, but we’ll give you advance notice of such changes and their effective date either via our services (such as a Discord system direct message) or to the contact information associated with your Discord account (or both). Subject to applicable law, you accept the new price by continuing to use or otherwise receive the benefits of the subscription service after the price change effective date. You may also reject the price change by canceling your subscription.":"Price changes. We may, from time to time, change the price for subscriptions, but we’ll give you advance notice of such changes and their effective date either via our services (such as a Discord system direct message) or to the contact information associated with your Discord account (or both). Subject to applicable law, you accept the new price by continuing to use or otherwise receive the benefits of the subscription service after the price change effective date. You may also reject the price change by cancelling your subscription.","#Billing Cycle & Automatic Subscription Renewal. We’ll automatically bill you starting on the date you first purchase your subscription (or whenever your payment method is successfully charged), and on each periodic renewal date (monthly, annually, or other renewal period) until cancellation (see “Cancellation” below for more information on how to cancel a subscription). By initiating your first subscription fee payment, you authorize us to charge your payment method for recurring subscription fees on an ongoing basis. For annual subscriptions, we’ll send you a reminder of the then-current subscription fee at least 30 days, and at most 60 days, in advance of your automatic renewal, or as otherwise required by applicable law. Some states and countries have mandatory laws regarding your cancellation rights, and this paragraph does not override those laws. UNLESS YOU NOTIFY US OF YOUR DESIRE TO CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION (IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE “CANCELLATION” SECTION BELOW), YOU UNDERSTAND THAT YOUR SUBSCRIPTION WILL AUTOMATICALLY CONTINUE AND YOU AUTHORIZE US TO AUTOMATICALLY CHARGE YOUR PAYMENT METHOD FOR THE AMOUNT OF YOUR SUBSCRIPTION FEE AND ANY APPLICABLE TAXES ON EACH PERIODIC RENEWAL DATE.":"Billing Cycle & Automatic Subscription Renewal. We’ll automatically bill you starting on the date you first purchase your subscription (or whenever your payment method is successfully charged) and on each periodic renewal date (monthly, annually or other renewal period) until cancellation (see ‘Cancellation’ below for more information on how to cancel a subscription). By initiating your first subscription fee payment, you authorise us to charge your payment method for recurring subscription fees on an ongoing basis. For annual subscriptions, we’ll send you a reminder of the then-current subscription fee at least 30 days, and at most 60 days, in advance of your automatic renewal or as otherwise required by applicable law. Some states and countries have mandatory laws regarding your cancellation rights and this paragraph does not override those laws. UNLESS YOU NOTIFY US OF YOUR DESIRE TO CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION (IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ‘CANCELLATION’ SECTION BELOW), YOU UNDERSTAND THAT YOUR SUBSCRIPTION WILL CONTINUE AUTOMATICALLY AND YOU AUTHORISE US TO CHARGE YOUR PAYMENT METHOD AUTOMATICALLY FOR THE AMOUNT OF YOUR SUBSCRIPTION FEE AND ANY APPLICABLE TAXES ON EACH PERIODIC RENEWAL DATE.","#Changes to services":"Changes to services:","#Your subscription may also be terminated, in Discord’s sole discretion, if you violate the Discord Terms of Service or other published policies. If your Discord account is terminated, Discord will cancel your subscription where possible. If your subscription was purchased via mobile app stores (i.e. Apple iOS or Google Play), you are responsible for ensuring any active subscriptions are canceled. If your Discord account is terminated, you will not be entitled to a refund for any unused portion of your subscription.":"Your subscription may also be terminated, in Discord’s sole discretion, if you violate the Discord Terms of Service or other published policies. If your Discord account is terminated, Discord will cancel your subscription where possible. If your subscription was purchased via mobile app stores (i.e. Apple iOS or Google Play), you are responsible for ensuring any active subscriptions are cancelled. If your Discord account is terminated, you will not be entitled to a refund for any unused portion of your subscription.","#You may be able to purchase virtual goods from Discord through our services. If you do so, you’ll have a limited, personal, non-transferable and non-sublicensable license to use your purchased virtual goods, solely within our services and solely in conjunction with the Discord account through which you purchased them. Your license to use virtual goods cannot be sold, traded, transferred, exchanged, or used outside of your Discord account. You do not own, or have any other right, title, or other proprietary interest in these virtual goods, regardless of any consideration offered or paid in exchange. The license to those virtual goods is a software license to access and use the software that enables your access to the virtual goods. Virtual goods are not property and have no cash value. We reserve the right to control, regulate, change or remove any virtual goods, or terminate provision of virtual goods at any time, in our sole discretion, without any liability to you. The license you receive to use virtual goods terminates when your Discord account is deleted or terminated. This license may be terminated, in Discord’s sole discretion, if you violate the Discord Terms of Service or any other applicable policy. Additionally, if your account is suspended, your access to virtual goods may be suspended or terminated. We will not compensate you for this loss or make any refund to you, and we have no liability to you or to any third party associated with the loss of such virtual goods.":"You may be able to purchase virtual goods from Discord through our services. If you do so, you’ll have a limited, personal, non-transferable and non-sublicensable licence to use your purchased virtual goods, solely within our services and solely in conjunction with the Discord account through which you purchased them. Your licence to use virtual goods cannot be sold, traded, transferred, exchanged or used outside of your Discord account. You do not own or have any other right, title or other proprietary interest in these virtual goods, regardless of any consideration offered or paid in exchange. The licence to those virtual goods is a software licence to access and use the software that enables your access to the virtual goods. Virtual goods are not property and have no cash value. We reserve the right to control, regulate, change or remove any virtual goods, or terminate provision of virtual goods at any time, in our sole discretion, without any liability to you. The licence you receive to use virtual goods terminates when your Discord account is deleted or terminated. This licence may be terminated, in Discord’s sole discretion, if you violate the Discord Terms of Service or any other applicable policy. Additionally, if your account is suspended, your access to virtual goods may be suspended or terminated. We will not compensate you for this loss or make any refund to you, and we have no liability to you or to any third party associated with the loss of such virtual goods.","#We may occasionally offer promotions on paid services. The specific terms of each promotion will be stated at the time the promotion is offered. If you receive a discount, use a coupon code, or subscribe during a free trial or other promotion, your subscription will automatically renew for the full price of the subscription at the end of the promotional period. You must cancel the subscription prior to the end of the promotional period in order to avoid incurring further charges. After renewal, you may cancel your subscription at any time as described in the “Cancellation” section above.":"We may occasionally offer promotions on paid services. The specific terms of each promotion will be stated at the time the promotion is offered. If you receive a discount, use a voucher code or subscribe during a free trial or other promotion, your subscription will renew automatically for the full price of the subscription at the end of the promotional period. You must cancel the subscription prior to the end of the promotional period in order to avoid incurring further charges. After renewal, you may cancel your subscription at any time as described in the ‘Cancellation’ section above.","#We may allow you to purchase subscriptions to premium features and content. These subscriptions may be sold by Discord or others (see the section on “Stuff sold by others” below for more). Subscriptions purchased through Discord and associated subscription fees are available on the “Subscriptions” section of the Settings page in your Discord account. You will find details about the subscriptions you’ve purchased from Discord, the applicable subscription fee, and the next payment due date there as well.":"We may allow you to purchase subscriptions to premium features and content. These subscriptions may be sold by Discord or others (see the section on ‘Stuff sold by others’ below for more). Subscriptions purchased through Discord and associated subscription fees are available on the ‘Subscriptions’ section of the Settings page in your Discord account. You will find details about the subscriptions you’ve purchased from Discord, the applicable subscription fee and the next payment due date there as well.","#You’re responsible for all applicable taxes, data plans, internet fees, and other fees associated with your use of the services, and we’ll charge tax as required by applicable law":"You’re responsible for all applicable taxes, data plans, internet fees and other fees associated with your use of the services, and we’ll charge tax as required by applicable law.","#7. If you are under the age of 18, do not engage in sexual conduct or any conduct that puts your online or physical safety at risk. This includes consensual sexual interactions between teens, as well as any encouragement or coordination of potentially risky behaviors, such as vigilantism.":"7. If you are under the age of 18, do not engage in sexual conduct or any conduct that puts your online or physical safety at risk. This includes consensual sexual interactions between teens, as well as any encouragement or coordination of potentially risky behaviours, such as vigilantism.","#We created Discord to be the best place to talk, hang out, and have fun with friends online. Our Community Guidelines ensure everyone can express themselves and find community — but not at the expense of anyone else.":"We created Discord to be the best place to talk, hang out and have fun with friends online. Our Community Guidelines ensure everyone can express themselves and find community – but not at the expense of anyone else.","#5. Do not organize, promote, or support violent extremism. This also includes coordinating violent acts; glorifying or promoting violence or the perpetrators of violent acts; and promoting conspiracy theories that could encourage or incite violence against others. (See our Violent Extremism and Violence and Graphic Content Policy Explainers for more.)":"5. Do not organise, promote or support violent extremism. This also includes coordinating violent acts; glorifying or promoting violence or the perpetrators of violent acts; and promoting conspiracy theories that could encourage or incite violence against others. (See our Violent Extremism and Violence and Graphic Content Policy Explainers for more.)","#6. Do not solicit, share, or make any attempt to distribute content that depicts, promotes, or attempts to normalize child sexual abuse. Also, do not post content or engage in conduct that in any way sexualizes children. This includes real as well as manipulated media, animation (such as lolicon), and any type of digital creation (note that this includes AI-generated media).":"6. Do not solicit, share or make any attempt to distribute content that depicts, promotes or attempts to normalise child sexual abuse. Also, do not post content or engage in conduct that in any way sexualises children. This includes real as well as manipulated media, animation (such as lolicon) and any type of digital creation (note that this includes AI-generated media).","#Our Trust & Safety team reviews reports by users, moderators, trusted third-party partners, or where required by law. When we reactively or proactively discover a violation of these Guidelines, we may take a number of enforcement steps against them, including issuing warnings, removing content, suspending or removing the violative accounts and/or servers, and potentially reporting them to law enforcement. We may consider relevant off-platform behavior when making assessments for violations of specific Community Guidelines.
":"Our Trust and Safety Team reviews reports by users, moderators, trusted third-party partners or where required by law. When we reactively or proactively discover a violation of these Guidelines, we may take a number of enforcement steps against them, including issuing warnings, removing content, suspending or removing the violative accounts and/or servers, and potentially reporting them to law enforcement. We may consider relevant off-platform behaviour when making assessments for violations of specific Community Guidelines.
","#These Guidelines explain what isn’t allowed on Discord. Everyone on Discord must follow these rules, and they apply to all parts of our platform, including your content, behaviors, servers, and Apps. To learn more about the requirements for developing a bot or other App, please refer to our Discord Developer Terms of Service and our Discord Developer Policy.
":"These Guidelines explain what isn’t allowed on Discord. Everyone on Discord must follow these rules and they apply to all parts of our platform, including your content, behaviours, servers and Apps. To learn more about the requirements for developing a bot or other App, please refer to our Discord Developer Terms of Service and our Discord Developer Policy.
","#If you plan to monetize your content, please review the additional rules outlined in our Monetization Policy and Monetization Terms.
":"If you plan to monetise your content, please review the additional rules outlined in our Monetisation Policy and Monetisation Terms.
","#2. Do not threaten to harm another individual or group of people. This includes direct, indirect, and suggestive threats. (See our Bullying, Harassment, and Threats Policy Explainer for more.)":"2. Do not threaten to harm another individual or group of people. This includes direct, indirect and suggestive threats. (See our Bullying, Harassment and Threats Policy Explainer for more.)","#8. Do not solicit sexual content from or engage in any sexual conduct with anyone under the age of 18. We report child sexual abuse material (CSAM) and grooming to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, which may subsequently work with local law enforcement. (See our Teen and Child Safety Policy Explainer for more.)":"8. Do not solicit sexual content from or engage in any sexual conduct with anyone under the age of 18. We report child sexual abuse material (CSAM) and grooming to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, which may subsequently work with local law enforcement. (See our Teen and Child Safety Policy Explainer for more.)","#3. Do not share or threaten to share the personally identifiable information (PII) of an individual without consent. This includes providing services that facilitate doxxing, such as buying or selling doxxes or compiling doxxes for others. (See our Doxxing Policy Explainer for more.)":"3. Do not share or threaten to share the personally identifiable information (PII) of an individual without consent. This includes providing services that facilitate doxxing, such as buying or selling doxxes or compiling doxxes for others. (See our Doxxing Policy Explainer for more.)","#9. Do not make sexually explicit content available to anyone under the age of 18. You must be age 18 or older to engage with adult content on Discord.":"9. Do not make sexually explicit content available to anyone under the age of 18. You must be aged 18 or older to engage with adult content on Discord.","#If you come across an account, server, or content that appears to break these Guidelines, please report it to us.
":"If you come across an account, server or content that appears to break these Guidelines, please report it to us.
","#4. Do not use hate speech or engage in other hateful conduct. This includes the use of hate symbols, imagery, and claims that deny the history of mass human atrocities.":"4. Do not use hate speech or engage in other hateful conduct. This includes the use of hate symbols, imagery and claims that deny the history of mass human atrocities.","#1. Do not promote, coordinate, or engage in harassment. We do not allow any type of harassing behavior, including sustained bullying, sexual harassment, ban or block evasion, or coordinating server joins for the purpose of harassing server members (“server raiding”). (See our Bullying, Harassment, and Threats Policy Explainer for more.)":"1. Do not promote, coordinate or engage in harassment. We do not allow any type of harassing behaviour, including sustained bullying, sexual harassment, ban or block evasion, or coordinating server joins for the purpose of harassing server members (‘server raiding’). (See our Bullying, Harassment and Threats Policy Explainer for more.)","#20. Do not engage in activities that could damage or compromise the security of an account, network, or system. This includes using deceptive techniques to trick others into revealing sensitive information (phishing), using malicious software (malware), and flooding a target with traffic in order to make a resource unavailable (denial-of-service attacks). (See our Deceptive Practices Policy Explainer for more.)":"20. Do not engage in activities that could damage or compromise the security of an account, network or system. This includes using deceptive techniques to trick others into revealing sensitive information (phishing), using malicious software (malware) and flooding a target with traffic in order to make a resource unavailable (denial-of-service attacks). (See our Deceptive Practices Policy Explainer for more.)","#25. Do not organize, promote, or engage in the selling or facilitation of sales of regulated or potentially dangerous goods. Regulated goods have laws in place that restrict the purchase, sale, trade, or ownership of the goods. Dangerous goods have a reasonable potential to cause real-world, physical harm to individuals. (See our Dangerous and Regulated Goods Policy Explainer for more.)":"25. Do not organise, promote or engage in the selling or facilitation of sales of regulated or potentially dangerous goods. Regulated goods have laws in place that restrict the purchase, sale, trade or ownership of the goods. Dangerous goods have a reasonable potential to cause real-world, physical harm to individuals. (See our Dangerous and Regulated Goods Policy Explainer for more.)","#Abuse of Discord's paid features or monetization opportunities are covered under our Paid Service Terms.":"Abuse of Discord’s paid features or monetisation opportunities are covered under our Paid Service Terms.","#16. Do not sell or purchase Discord assets, including accounts, usernames, servers, server permissions, or custom server invite links. (See our Platform Manipulation Policy Explainer for more.)":"16. Do not sell or purchase Discord assets, including accounts, usernames, servers, server permissions or custom server invite links. (See our Platform Manipulation Policy Explainer for more.)","#18. Do not misrepresent your identity on Discord in a deceptive or harmful way. This includes creating fake profiles and attempts to impersonate an individual, group, or organization. (See our Identity and Authenticity Policy Explainer for more.)":"18. Do not misrepresent your identity on Discord in a deceptive or harmful way. This includes creating fake profiles and attempts to impersonate an individual, group or organisation. (See our Identity and Authenticity Policy Explainer for more.)","#21. Do not use or attempt to use Discord to promote, coordinate, or execute financial scams. A financial scam is any intentionally deceptive act taken with the intent to receive an illegal, unethical, or otherwise dishonest gain. (See our Deceptive Practices Policy Explainer for more.)":"21. Do not use or attempt to use Discord to promote, coordinate or execute financial scams. A financial scam is any intentionally deceptive act taken with the intent to receive an illegal, unethical or otherwise dishonest gain. (See our Deceptive Practices Policy Explainer for more.)","#13. Do not send unsolicited bulk messages (or spam) to others. Also, do not facilitate this activity, such as by selling spambots, server “raid” tools, account-creation tools, token generators, CAPTCHA-solving services, or other spam tools. (See our Platform Manipulation Policy Explainer for more.)":"13. Do not send unsolicited bulk messages (or spam) to others. Also, do not facilitate this activity, such as by selling spambots, server ‘raid’ tools, account-creation tools, token generators, CAPTCHA-solving services or other spam tools. (See our Platform Manipulation Policy Explainer for more.)","#24. Do not share content that violates anyone's intellectual property or other rights. This includes sharing or selling game cheats or hacks. (See our Unauthorized Copyright Access Policy for more.)":"24. Do not share content that violates anyone’s intellectual property or other rights. This includes sharing or selling game cheats or hacks. (See our Unauthorised Copyright Access Policy for more.)","#12. Do not share real media depicting gore, excessive violence, or animal harm, especially with the intention to harass or shock others. (See our Violence and Graphic Content Policy Explainer for more.)":"12. Do not share real media depicting gore, excessive violence or animal harm, especially with the intention to harass or shock others. (See our Violence and Graphic Content Policy Explainer for more.)","#17. Do not share false or misleading information (otherwise known as misinformation). Content that is false, misleading, and can lead to significant risk of physical or societal harm may not be shared on Discord. We may remove content if we reasonably believe its spread could result in damage to physical infrastructure, injury of others, obstruction of participation in civic processes, or the endangerment of public health. (See our Misinformation Policy Explainer for more.)":"17. Do not share false or misleading information (otherwise known as misinformation). Content that is false, misleading and can lead to significant risk of physical or societal harm may not be shared on Discord. We may remove content if we reasonably believe its spread could result in damage to physical infrastructure, injury of others, obstruction of participation in civic processes or the endangerment of public health. (See our Misinformation Policy Explainer for more.)","#11. Do not share content that glorifies, promotes, or normalizes suicide or other acts of physical self-harm. This includes content that encourages others to cut, burn, or starve themselves, as well as content that normalizes eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia. Self-harm acts or threats used as a form of emotional manipulation or coercion are also prohibited. (See our Suicide and Self-Harm Policy Explainer for more.)":"11. Do not share content that glorifies, promotes or normalises suicide or other acts of physical self-harm. This includes content that encourages others to cut, burn or starve themselves, as well as content that normalises eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia. Self-harm acts or threats used as a form of emotional manipulation or coercion are also prohibited. (See our Suicide and Self-Harm Policy Explainer for more.)","#22. Do not engage in activities that fraudulently generate a profit at the expense of others. This includes facilitating, providing instructions for, and participating in fraud. We do not allow coordinated efforts to defraud businesses, price gouging, forgery, money laundering, counterfeit goods, or tools that facilitate illegal behavior. (See our Deceptive Practices Policy Explainer for more.)":"22. Do not engage in activities that fraudulently generate a profit at the expense of others. This includes facilitating, providing instructions for and participating in fraud. We do not allow coordinated efforts to defraud businesses, price gouging, forgery, money laundering, counterfeit goods or tools that facilitate illegal behaviour. (See our Deceptive Practices Policy Explainer for more.)","#26. Do not coordinate or participate in illegal gambling. Users are responsible for complying with applicable gambling laws and regulation. (See our Gambling Policy Explainer for more.)":"26. Do not coordinate or participate in illegal gambling. Users are responsible for complying with applicable gambling laws and regulation. (See our Gambling Policy Explainer for more.)","#15. Do not engage with our service in an inauthentic way. This includes artificially inflating server membership, manipulating engagement metrics, and selling artificial engagement services. (See our Platform Manipulation Policy Explainer for more.)":"15. Do not engage with our service in an inauthentic way. This includes artificially inflating server membership, manipulating engagement metrics and selling artificial engagement services. (See our Platform Manipulation Policy Explainer for more.)","#Users may not post sexually explicit content in any space that cannot be age-restricted, including in avatars, custom statuses or bios, server banners, server icons, invite splashes, emoji, and stickers. (See our Sexual Content Policy Explainer for more.)":"Users may not post sexually explicit content in any space that cannot be age-restricted, including in avatars, custom statuses or bios, server banners, server icons, invite splashes, emojis and stickers. (See our Sexual Content Policy Explainer for more.)","#10. Do not share, distribute, or create sexually explicit or sexually suggestive content of other people without the subject’s consent. This includes the non-consensual distribution of intimate media that was created either with or without an individual’s consent. (See our Non-Consensual Adult Intimate Media Policy Explainer for more.)":"10. Do not share, distribute or create sexually explicit or sexually suggestive content of other people without the subject’s consent. This includes the non-consensual distribution of intimate media that was created either with or without an individual’s consent. (See our Non-Consensual Adult Intimate Media Policy Explainer for more.)","#23. Do not submit false, misleading, or abusive reports or requests to Discord’s support teams. A report or request will be considered false or misleading if it contains demonstrably untrue information submitted with the intent to manipulate staff into taking a desired action. (See our Discord Support Abuse Policy Explainer for more.)":"23. Do not submit false, misleading or abusive reports or requests to Discord’s support teams. A report or request will be considered false or misleading if it contains demonstrably untrue information submitted with the intent to manipulate staff into taking a desired action. (See our Discord Support Abuse Policy Explainer for more.)","#27. Do not organize, promote, or engage in any other illegal activity, such as human trafficking or sexual solicitation. (See our Human Trafficking and Sexual Solicitation Policy Explainers for more.)
":"27. Do not organise, promote or engage in any other illegal activity, such as human trafficking or sexual solicitation. (See our Human Trafficking and Sexual Solicitation Policy Explainers for more.)
","#We will always make our best effort to notify you when we update these Guidelines, but it is up to you to follow the spirit of them: Keep Discord safe and help us continue to make it the best place to talk, hang out and have fun with friends online. Thanks for doing your part.":"We will always make our best effort to notify you when we update these Guidelines, but it is up to you to follow the spirit of them: keep Discord safe and help us continue to make it the best place to talk, hang out and have fun with friends online. Thanks for doing your part.","#If you see any content or activity that violates these Guidelines, our Terms of Service, or our other policies, please report it to us. You can learn more on how to report to us here. However, please note that we strongly discourage and may take action against vigilantism, as this behavior can put individuals in harm’s way and can also interfere with our investigations and ability to report to law enforcement.":"If you see any content or activity that violates these Guidelines, our Terms of Service or our other policies, please report it to us. You can learn more on how to report to us here. However, please note that we strongly discourage and may take action against vigilantism, as this behaviour can put individuals in harm’s way and can also interfere with our investigations and ability to report to law enforcement.","#These Guidelines will continue to evolve over time. This means we may take action against an account, server, or content that violates the spirit of these Guidelines when we encounter a new threat or harm that is not explicitly covered in the current version.":"These Guidelines will continue to evolve over time. This means we may take action against an account, server or content that violates the spirit of these Guidelines when we encounter a new threat or harm that is not explicitly covered in the current version.","#Content you create. This includes any content that you upload to the service. For example, you may write messages or posts (including drafts), send voice messages, create custom emojis, or post other content that you create with features that we develop. You may also upload and share files through the services. This also includes your profile information and the information you provide when you create servers. We generally do not store the contents of video or voice calls or channels. If we were to change that in the future (for example, to facilitate content moderation), we would disclose that to you in advance. We also don’t store streaming content when you share your screen, but we do retain the thumbnail cover image for the stream for a short period of time. We may build features that help users engage with voice and video content, like create or send short recordings.":"Content you create. This includes any content that you upload to the service. For example, you may write messages or posts (including drafts), send voice messages, create custom emojis or post other content that you create with features that we develop. You may also upload and share files through the services. This also includes your profile information and the information you provide when you create servers. We generally do not store the contents of video or voice calls or channels. If we were to change that in the future (for example, to facilitate content moderation), we would disclose that to you in advance. We also don’t store streaming content when you share your screen, but we do retain the thumbnail cover image for the stream for a short period of time. We may build features that help users engage with voice and video content, like create or send short recordings.","#Sale, Acquisition, or Transfer of Assets. We may disclose information if Discord is evaluating and/or engaging in a merger, acquisition, reorganization, bankruptcy, or sale, transfer, or change in ownership of Discord or any of its assets.":"Sale, Acquisition or Transfer of Assets. We may disclose information if Discord is evaluating and/or engaging in a merger, acquisition, reorganisation, bankruptcy, or sale, transfer or change in ownership of Discord or any of its assets.","#Discord is the best place to talk, hang out and have fun with friends online. To do that, we provide different digital spaces where you can connect with other Discord users and communities. Discord users communicate primarily via “servers,” which are digital spaces made up of different types of channels. Text channels allow users to interact via text-based messages, as well as images, GIFs, emoji, and other uploadable media. Voice channels allow users to communicate by voice and/or streaming video. Users can also communicate one-to-one using direct messages, or communicate with a limited number of users via group direct messages. We’re always evolving our services, and we may create other types of spaces in the future!":"Discord is the best place to talk, hang out and have fun with friends online. To do that, we provide different digital spaces where you can connect with other Discord users and communities. Discord users communicate primarily via ‘servers’, which are digital spaces made up of different types of channels. Text channels allow users to interact via text-based messages, as well as images, GIFs, emojis and other uploadable media. Voice channels allow users to communicate by voice and/or streaming video. Users can also communicate one-to-one using direct messages or communicate with a limited number of users via group direct messages. We’re always evolving our services and we may create other types of spaces in the future!","#Windows 7/8/8.1 users can download an official, but unsupported client here until June 15, 2024.":"Windows 7/8/8.1 users can download an official – but unsupported – client here until 15 June 2024.","#The Discord Developer Platform is a playground for innovation and unique ideas. For ideas that defy categorization, the Wildcard category is open. There are no rules, no guidelines, no restrictions (except these Official Rules of course) - the potential is limitless!":"The Discord Developer Platform is a playground for innovation and unique ideas. For ideas that defy categorisation, the Wildcard category is open. There are no rules, no guidelines, no restrictions (except these Official Rules of course) - the potential is limitless!","#Company Name":"Company name","#Discord is working toward building true connections around play and shared experiences, where genuine human connection is a click, text chat, or voice call away. A place where everyone can find belonging.
So if this strikes a chord, come build belonging with us!":"Discord is working towards building true connections around play and shared experiences, where genuine human connection is a click, text chat, or voice call away. A place where everyone can find belonging.
So if this strikes a chord, come build belonging with us!","#Discord is working toward building true connections around play and shared experiences, where genuine human connection is a click, text chat, or voice call away. A place where everyone can find belonging.":"Discord is working towards building true connections around play and shared experiences, where genuine human connection is a click, text chat, or voice call away. A place where everyone can find belonging.","#Just as you deserve a chance to be heard when some action is taken against you offline, you should have such a chance to be heard when action is taken against your Discord account by us. The process reflects Discord's commitment to internationally recognized human rights set out in the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), privacy, and free expression.":"Just as you deserve a chance to be heard when some action is taken against you offline, you should have such a chance to be heard when action is taken against your Discord account by us. The process reflects Discord's commitment to internationally recognised human rights set out in the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), privacy, and free expression.","#Discord Update: April 3, 2024 Changelog":"Discord Update: 3 April 2024 Changelog","#stream like you’re in the same room":"Stream like you’re in the same room","#Windows 32-bit (Available until July 15, 2024)":"Windows 32-bit (Available until 15 July 2024)","#Windows 7/8/8.1 (Available until June 15, 2024)":"Windows 7/8/8.1 (Available until 15 June 2024)","#Submissions Closed May 1, 2024":"Submissions Closed 1 May 2024","#Thank you for your interest in submitting a pitch! Discord App Pitches 2024 submissions have closed. Please check https://discord.com/build/app-pitches-2024 on June 27 to see the category winners and join us in our official Discord Developer server to join our next event, learn more about how to build apps, and meet fellow devs.":"Thank you for your interest in submitting a pitch! Discord App Pitches 2024 submissions have closed. Please check https://discord.com/build/app-pitches-2024 on 27 June to see the category winners and join us in our official Discord Developer server to participate in our next event, learn more about how to build apps, and meet fellow devs.","#Discord is great for playing games and chilling with friends, or even building a worldwide community. Customize your own space to talk, play, and hang out.":"Discord is great for playing games and chilling with friends, or even building a worldwide community. Customise your own space to talk, play, and hang out.","#Employment information, such as your resume/CV, education, job history, and professional qualifications":"Employment information, such as your resume/CV, education, job history and professional qualifications","#Other information you may share with us, such as your social media profiles, or details of how you heard about the position for which you are applying":"Other information you may share with us, such as your social media profiles, or details of how you heard about the position for which you are applying","#We will only retain your information for as long as it is needed to fulfill the purposes outlined in the How we use your information section of this policy, and as permitted by law. If you become employed at Discord, your application information will become part of your employment record and will be processed and retained in accordance with the Discord Employee Privacy Policy.":"We will only retain your information for as long as it is needed to fulfil the purposes outlined in the How we use your information section of this policy, and as permitted by law. If you become employed at Discord, your application information will become part of your employment record and will be processed and retained in accordance with the Discord Employee Privacy Policy.","#Sensitive demographic information: We may collect information such as your race/ethnicity, gender, and disability status. We do not use this information to make decisions about your employment":"Sensitive demographic information: We may collect information such as your race/ethnicity, gender and disability status. We do not use this information to make decisions about your employment","#Background check information: This includes the results of any background checks we may conduct over the course of your candidacy, as well as any information needed to facilitate the background check process, such as your government identification number":"Background check information: This includes the results of any background checks we may conduct over the course of your candidacy, as well as any information needed to facilitate the background check process, such as your government identification number","#For requests of EEA or UK user data: Discord Netherlands BV is the data controller for users in the European Economic Area and the United Kingdom. Requests for information should be addressed to Discord Netherlands BV and requested via the European Investigation Order under Directive 2014/41/EU where possible. Where not possible, requests for information should be directed through the appropriate Dutch authorities by way of other mutual legal assistance agreements.":"For requests of EEA or UK user data: Discord Netherlands BV is the data controller for users in the European Economic Area and the United Kingdom. Requests for information should be addressed to Discord Netherlands BV and requested via the European Investigation Order under Directive 2014/41/EU where possible. Where not possible, requests for information should be directed through the appropriate Dutch authorities by way of other mutual legal assistance agreements.","#Some users reported that they struggled due to the increased contrast and saturation in mobile’s new themes, so we added Saturation and Contrast controls in our Accessibility settings. These sliders affect not only the theme itself but also elements such as button colors and in-app notification dots.":"Some users reported that they struggled due to the increased contrast and saturation in mobile’s new themes, so we added Saturation and Contrast controls in our Accessibility settings. These sliders affect not only the theme itself but also elements such as button colours and in-app notification dots.","#Choose your favorite theme and use the new Contrast & Saturation sliders to make Discord work best for your eyes.":"Choose your favourite theme and use the new Contrast & Saturation sliders to make Discord work best for your eyes.","#May 22, 2024":"22 May 2024","#We’ve decided to fuse the Servers and Messages tabs back together into one, letting you see which of your friends are DMing you while you’re exploring the channels of your favorite servers. We know some of you may have gotten used to DMs and Servers split out — lots of us internally got used to it, too!":"We’ve decided to fuse the Servers and Messages tabs back together into one, letting you see which of your friends are DMing you while you’re exploring the channels of your favourite servers. We know some of you may have gotten used to DMs and Servers split out — lots of us internally got used to it, too!","#You asked, we listened! We merged the Servers and Messages tabs together for consistent navigation across platforms. Now you can seamlessly check between your server pings and DMs on mobile the same way you would for desktop.
Updated May 22, 2024: See our Blog Post for more details!
":"You asked, we listened! We merged the Servers and Messages tabs together for consistent navigation across platforms. Now you can seamlessly check between your server pings and DMs on mobile the same way you would for desktop.
Updated 22nd May, 2024: See our Blog Post for more details!
","#A message from our CEO about the next chapter of Discord, how we’re building an even faster, more powerful app to take us there, and a new look to match where we’re headed.
Discord just turned nine this month and we’ve had a lot of fun celebrating with many of you. Now, as we begin our tenth trip around the sun, I want to share what we’re focused on as we look to the next decade — but first, let’s travel back in time to when my cofounder Stan and I started this crazy journey.":"A message from our CEO about the next chapter of Discord, how we’re building an even faster, more powerful app to take us there, and a new look to match where we’re headed
Discord just turned nine this month and we’ve had a lot of fun celebrating with many of you. Now, as we begin our tenth trip around the sun, I want to share what we’re focused on as we look to the next decade — but first, let’s travel back in time to when my cofounder Stan and I started this crazy journey.","#Finally, I’m excited to share with everyone a refreshed look and visual identity to reflect the future of people playing games together. This new look celebrates the fun friends have together while talking, playing, and hanging out on Discord. You’ll see this in different places starting today, and we hope you dig it.":"Finally, I’m excited to share with everyone a refreshed look and visual identity to reflect the future of people playing games together. This new look celebrates the fun friends have together while talking, playing and hanging out on Discord. You’ll see this in different places starting today, and we hope you dig it.","#The games we play bring us together, give us something to do with one another, and as a result, help us deepen our friendships. They provide us with a way to have fun with our favorite people, whether we want to relax and farm turnips or grind in competitive matches for diamond rank.":"The games we play bring us together, give us something to do with one another, and as a result, help us deepen our friendships. They provide us with a way to have fun with our favourite people, whether we want to relax and farm turnips or grind in competitive matches for diamond rank.","#We announced Quests as a way to help game publishers bring their games to market and reach their players on Discord. THE FINALS, Genshin Impact, and PUBG: Battlegrounds players got to enjoy some of these quests, and we've heard great feedback from many of you.":"We announced Quests as a way to help game publishers bring their games to market and reach their players on Discord. THE FINALS, Genshin Impact and PUBG: Battlegrounds players have gotten to enjoy some of these quests, and we've heard great feedback from many of you.","#Doubling down on the speed, power, and reliability of our app: In the last few weeks, we improved video latency and reduced your Go Live stream lag, began to roll out an updated 64-bit desktop client, and more. We also heard you on the mobile app and just last week, merged servers and DMs back to one spot and added contrast and saturation controls, among other updates.":"Doubling down on the speed, power and reliability of our app: In the last few weeks, we improved video latency and reduced your Go Live stream lag, began to roll out an updated 64-bit desktop client and more. We also heard you on the mobile app and just last week, merged servers and DMs back to one spot and added contrast and saturation controls, among other updates.","#Over the next decade, we believe another billion people will be playing multiplayer games and enjoying the kinds of deep, rich experiences that we all have come to love. It’ll be more important than ever for us to provide a fast, seamless, and powerful service to talk with your friends before, during, and after playing those games, no matter what device you play on.":"Over the next decade, we believe another billion people will be playing multiplayer games and enjoying the kinds of deep, rich experiences that we all have come to love. It’ll be more important than ever for us to provide a fast, seamless and powerful service to talk with your friends before, during, and after playing those games, no matter what device you play on.","#When I was a kid, that's why I got into video games. It was a way to spend time with my friends and family. It was kind of a niche thing back then, but I loved it. When Stan and I met, we realized we had this in common. Whether it was an endless “just one more round” of Street Fighter 2, microing Zerglings, or idling for hours in town in Final Fantasy XI, games have always been about deepening friendships.":"When I was a kid, that's why I got into video games. It was a way to spend time with my friends and family. It was kind of a niche thing back then, but I loved it. When Stan and I met, we realised we had this in common. Whether it was an endless “just one more round” of Street Fighter 2, microing Zerglings, or idling for hours in town in Final Fantasy XI, games have always been about deepening friendships.","#May 29, 2024":"29 May 2024","#After taking stock of the world now that the pandemic is largely behind us, and learning directly from you about how Discord can be even more useful, we’ve recognized the need to narrow our focus from broadly being a community-centric chat app to being a place that helps people deepen their friendships around games and shared interests.":"After taking stock of the world now that the pandemic is largely behind us, and learning directly from you about how Discord can be even more useful, we’ve recognised the need to narrow our focus from broadly being a community-centric chat app to being a place that helps people deepen their friendships around games and shared interests.","#Ensuring you can talk and hang out reliably – especially while you’re playing – means we’ll continue prioritizing the power of our voice, video, and streaming technology. This includes expanding more of Discord’s capabilities to more devices for cross-platform experiences.":"Ensuring you can talk and hang out reliably – especially while you’re playing – means we’ll continue prioritising the power of our voice, video and streaming technology. This includes expanding more of Discord’s capabilities to more devices for cross-platform experiences.","#Making Discord a place for cross-platform play: Discord is on Xbox and PlayStation 5. Along with showing what you’re playing to your Discord friends, we’ve added even more features to consoles, including the ability to chat in voice directly on console and stream your game on Xbox to Discord.":"Making Discord a place for cross-platform play: Discord is on Xbox and PlayStation 5. Along with showing what you’re playing to your Discord friends, we’ve added even more features to consoles, including the ability to chat in voice directly on console and stream your game on Xbox to Discord.","#If you discover a bug of your own, check out our Bimonthly Bug Megathread on the community-ran r/DiscordApp subreddit. Tell us what’s been bothering you and our Engineering team will be more than happy to check it out.":"If you discover a bug of your own, check out our Bimonthly Bug Megathread on the community-run r/DiscordApp subreddit. Tell us what’s been bothering you, and our Engineering team will be more than happy to check it out.","#… oh hey, you read everything! If you’re itching for the latest updates to Discord, you can find our previous Patch Notes articles here, or check out our archive of past Changelogs if you’re more into the fun stuff.":"...Oh hey, you read everything! If you’re itching for the latest updates to Discord, you can find our previous Patch Notes articles here, or check out our archive of past Changelogs if you’re more into the fun stuff.","#October 1st 2022":"1 October 2022","#June 18, 2024":"18 June 2024","#Share your Nitro with friends. Use one of four new App Icons and a new color Theme. Use Shop items on Server Profiles. Nitro keeps getting better!":"Share your Nitro with friends. Use one of four new App Icons and a new colour Theme. Use Shop items on Server Profiles. Nitro keeps getting better!","#Now, we’ve got four new app icons and a new color theme! “Color Wave,” “Midnight Prism,” and “In Rainbows” join the list of available app icons, while “Blurple Twilight” gets to be both an app icon AND a new color theme, inspired by the new looks we’re sporting on our website. (Did you see it yet!?)":"Now, we’ve got four new app icons and a new colour theme! “Colour Wave,” “Midnight Prism,” and “In Rainbows” join the list of available app icons, while “Blurple Twilight” gets to be both an app icon AND a new colour theme, inspired by the new looks we’re sporting on our website. (Did you see it yet!?)","#Try Four New App Icons and a New Color Theme":"Try Four New App Icons and a New Colour Theme","#Today, we’re giving the lowdown on three of the newest Nitro benefits: the ability to share Nitro with friends, adding four new App Icons and a new color Theme, and the power to assign Shop items to a particular Server Profile.":"Today, we’re giving the lowdown on three of the newest Nitro benefits: the ability to share Nitro with friends, adding four new App Icons and a new colour Theme, and the power to assign Shop items to a particular Server Profile.","#But the meaning still stands! With these new additions, Discord Nitro now has over a dozen unique features to check out, unlocking a world of perks to customize, socialize, and be your true self… ize.":"But the meaning still stands! With these new additions, Discord Nitro now has over a dozen unique features to check out, unlocking a world of perks to customise, socialise, and be your true self… ise.","#unlocks a TON of premium perks and powers to your Discord experience. Express yourself better, share better, show what you’re up to better… if you’ve tried something on Discord, there’s a good chance Nitro enhances it in some way.":"unlocks a TON of premium perks and powers to your Discord experience. Express yourself better, share better, show what you’re up to better… If you’ve tried something on Discord, there’s a good chance Nitro enhances it in some way.","#Your metaphorical face isn’t the only thing that can sport a new style when you’re a Nitro member! Custom app icons and color app themes make Discord look the way you feel, both while you use Discord AND when you receive a notification on your phone.":"Your metaphorical face isn’t the only thing that can sport a new style when you’re a Nitro member! Custom app icons and colour app themes make Discord look the way you feel, both while you use Discord AND when you receive a notification on your phone.","#A preview of the new “Blurple Twilight” color Theme on the desktop Discord client.":"A preview of the new “Blurple Twilight” colour Theme on the desktop Discord client.","#For two whole weeks, your buddy can try everything Nitro has to offer. Show ‘em how to use those custom emojis, sounds, and stickers you saved on your server. Or, pair your colorful profiles together like wine and questionably edible cheese!":"For two whole weeks, your buddy can try everything Nitro has to offer. Show ‘em how to use those custom emojis, sounds, and stickers you saved on your server. Or, pair your colourful profiles together like wine and questionably edible cheese!","#Nitro members (and their friends currently using a friend pass) can use these new customization options in User Settings > Appearance on both desktop and mobile.":"Nitro members (and their friends currently using a friend pass) can use these new customisation options in User Settings > Appearance on both desktop and mobile.","#After you’ve given out those friend passes, don’t fret: watch for future refills of Nitro friend passes to dish out to more buddies. For the lowdown on how sharing Nitro with your friends works, including details on who qualifies to send and receive Nitro passes, *pass* by our Help Center here.":"After you’ve given out those friend passes, don’t fret: watch for future refills of Nitro friend passes to dish out to more buddies. For the lowdown on how sharing Nitro with your friends works, including details on who qualifies to send and receive Nitro passes, *pass* by our Help Centre here.","#Discord Update: June 20, 2024 Changelog":"Discord Update: 20 June 2024 Changelog","#June 20, 2024":"20 June 2024","#Nowadays, you can connect to a Discord call directly from your gaming console, including PlayStation 5®, Xbox Series X|S, and Xbox One consoles! Read on to learn how to best stay connected on voice chat while playing your favorite cross-platform games.":"Nowadays, you can connect to a Discord call directly from your gaming console, including PlayStation 5®, Xbox Series X|S, and Xbox One consoles! Read on to learn how to best stay connected on voice chat while playing your favourite cross-platform games.","#If you’re tired of stacking your headset over your phone’s earbuds to chat with your Discord friends or having your phone permanently in a call while you play, listen up: there’s a better way to talk on voice with your friends while playing your favorite games.":"If you’re tired of stacking your headset over your phone’s earbuds to chat with your Discord friends or having your phone permanently in a call while you play, listen up: there’s a better way to talk on voice with your friends while playing your favourite games.","#Click on either PlayStation Network or Xbox and go through its respective sign-in process to authorize the account connection. If you have an account for both services, you can click the other one right after and connect that one as well!":"Click on either PlayStation Network or Xbox and go through its respective sign-in process to authorise the account connection. If you have an account for both services, you can click the other one right after and connect that one as well!","#While you’re here, you can also customize how the data from your newly connected account on Discord is displayed, letting your friends easily add you on Xbox or PlayStation!":"While you’re here, you can also customise how the data from your newly connected account on Discord is displayed, letting your friends easily add you on Xbox or PlayStation!","#And juuust in case, we also have a Help Center article you can reference when using Discord Voice chat on your Xbox: Discord and Xbox Connection FAQ.":"And juuust in case, we also have a Help Centre article you can reference when using Discord Voice chat on your Xbox: Discord and Xbox Connection FAQ.","#Press the “PlayStation” button to open the Control Center.":"Press the “PlayStation” button to open the Control Centre.","#Run into an issue along the way? Peek at our Discord and PlayStation® Network Connection Help Center article for step-by-step instructions.":"Run into an issue along the way? Peek at our Discord and PlayStation® Network Connection Help Centre article for step-by-step instructions.","#June 27, 2024":"27 June 2024","#Sometimes attackers try to impersonate Discord staff to gather information. To use this tactic, they hack into Discord accounts, then convince an account’s friends list that they've “accidentally reported them.” They encourage them to reach out to \"Discord Employees\" to resolve the issue.":"Sometimes attackers try to impersonate Discord staff to gather information. To use this tactic, they hack into Discord accounts, then convince an account’s friends list that they’ve ‘accidentally reported them’. They encourage them to reach out to ‘Discord Employees’ to resolve the issue.","#These impersonators often copy social media profiles onto Discord accounts, produce fake resumes, and may even claim their staff badges are hidden for safety reasons. The end goal is to trick you into surrendering your account information, paying for their fraudulent services to “undo the report,” and acquiring your financial assets.":"These impersonators often copy social media profiles onto Discord accounts, produce fake CVs and may even claim that their staff badges are hidden for safety reasons. The end goal is to trick you into surrendering your account information, paying for their fraudulent services to ‘undo the report’ and acquiring your financial assets.","#Discord Staff will never directly message users on the app for support or account-related inquiries. If someone claiming to be staff asks for personal information, payment, or changes to your login credentials, we recommend that you do not engage further. All Discord users can report policy violations in the app by following the instructions here.":"Discord Staff will never message users directly on the app for support or account-related inquiries. If someone claiming to be staff asks for personal information, payment or changes to your login credentials, we recommend that you do not engage further. All Discord users can report policy violations in the app by following the instructions here.","#Discord Staff are one of many groups that may be impersonated. Similar actions may occur for other companies as well, so be wary of accounts that may impersonate Support or Safety related questions in other companies too. In general, if you need support at any company, it is wise to go the official source instead.":"Discord Staff are one of many groups that may be impersonated. Similar actions may occur for other companies as well, so be wary of accounts that may impersonate Support or Safety-related questions in other companies too. In general, if you need support at any company, it is wise to go the official source instead.","#You can always verify your account standing directly from Discord by going into User Settings > Privacy & Safety > Standing. Learn more about account standing here.":"You can always verify your account standing directly from Discord by going into User Settings > Privacy & Safety > Standing. Learn more about account standing here.","#Attackers may also resort to impersonating official Discord responses through user accounts or bots. Typically, these messages include threats to your account standing if you do not comply with their demands. An official Discord DM will never ask for your password or account token, and will always display a staff badge on the profile, as well a system badge which says “Official.’":"Attackers may also resort to impersonating official Discord responses through user accounts or bots. Typically, these messages include threats to your account standing if you do not comply with their demands. An official Discord DM will never ask for your password or account token and will always display a staff badge on the profile, as well a system badge which says ‘Official’.","#Malware often finds its way onto a device through downloads of malicious files. These files may appear harmless or even enticing—like a game from a friend. But once downloaded and run, they can give bad actors access to your login credentials, email addresses, and even your entire device.":"Malware often finds its way onto a device through downloads of malicious files. These files may appear harmless or even enticing – like a game from a friend. But once downloaded and run, they can give bad actors access to your login credentials, email addresses and even your entire device.","#Always exercise caution when clicking on links that will take you off of Discord, even when they appear to come from friends or promise rewards like free Nitro.":"Always exercise caution when clicking on links that will take you off Discord, even when they appear to come from friends or promise rewards like free Nitro.","#When you click on a link given to you, a pop up will show that you are leaving Discord and it will display the website you are being redirected to. It is advised to check the link to make sure you are going to the place that is intended.":"When you click on a link given to you, a pop-up will show that you are leaving Discord and it will display the website you are being redirected to. It is advised to check the link to make sure you are going to the place that is intended.","#Scams go against Discord’s Community Guidelines, and when we see this kind of activity, we take action, which can include banning users, shutting down servers and engaging with authorities. We are committed to reducing scams through technical interventions and continuously invest in safety enhancements and partner with third parties to accelerate our work.":"Scams go against Discord’s Community Guidelines and when we see this kind of activity, we take action, which can include banning users, shutting down servers and engaging with authorities. We are committed to reducing scams through technical interventions and continuously invest in safety enhancements and partner with third parties to accelerate our work.","#For more information you can read our Deceptive Practices Policy Explainer as well as our Identity and Authenticity Policy Explainer.":"For more information, you can read our Deceptive Practices Policy Explainer as well as our Identity and Authenticity Policy Explainer.","#Editor's Note: Check out our latest article for the most up to date information on common scams and how to protect yourself here.":"Editor’s Note: Check out our latest article for the most up-to-date information on common scams and how to protect yourself here.","#Welcome to Patch Notes! In this series, we comb through the newest changes in performance, reliability, responsiveness, usability, and general bug-squishing we’ve done to make Discord better.":"Welcome to Patch Notes! In this series, we comb through the newest changes in performance, reliability, responsiveness, usability and general bug-squishing we’ve done to make Discord better.","#July 18, 2024":"18 July 2024","#A preview of the seven SpongeBob SquarePants-themed Avatar Decorations.":"A preview of the seven SpongeBob SquarePants-themed Avatar Decorations","#July 17th is the 25th anniversary of SpongeBob SquarePants! You’ve most definitely heard of him. There’s a good chance you have a favorite SpongeBob quote memorized. Or if neither of those are you, you’ve at least been replied to with a GIF or meme from SpongeBob once in your life. SpongeBob has absorbed the world’s hearts over the last 25 years!":"July 17th is the 25th anniversary of SpongeBob SquarePants! You’ve most definitely heard of him. There’s a good chance you have a favourite SpongeBob quote memorised. Or if neither of those are you, you’ve at least been replied to with a GIF or meme from SpongeBob once in your life. SpongeBob has absorbed the world’s hearts over the last 25 years!","#Teens should feel that they can express their thoughts and Opinions and support other teens to do the same. On Discord, you should be able to express yourself freely as long as it doesn’t end up harming someone else.":"Teens should feel that they can express their thoughts and opinions, and support other teens to do the same. On Discord, you should be able to express yourself freely, as long as it doesn’t end up harming someone else.","#We want you to have a clear understanding of how Discord collects, and uses, and protects your information, how content moderation decisions are made, and how your account status can be impacted. It’s on us to make sure you continually feel like you know what’s going on.":"We want you to have a clear understanding of how Discord collects, uses and protects your information, how content moderation decisions are made and how your account status can be impacted. It’s on us to make sure you continually feel like you know what’s going on.","#We heard from teens that some of you have developed skills to make an assessment and take action to keep yourself safe. Know that you don’t have to do it alone - we have your back and work endlessly to keep you safe while protecting your privacy.
":"We have heard from teens that some of you have developed skills to make an assessment and take action to keep yourself safe. Know that you don’t have to do it alone – we’ve got your back and work endlessly to keep you safe while protecting your privacy.
","#recognizing poor form":"Recognising poor form","#Hoges message is UNACCEPTABLE":"Hoge’s message is UNACCEPTABLE","#Jesu's message is
UNACCEPTABLE":"Jesu’s message is
UNACCEPTABLE","#NoFiltr is a leading digital safety initiative, powered by Thorn – a nonprofit organization that builds technology to defend children from sexual abuse. NoFiltr aims to empower youth with knowledge and resources to safely navigate the complex dynamic of online spaces and shares real experiences and advice, for youth, with the help of youth perspectives. For more information, visit nofiltr.org.
":"NoFiltr is a leading digital safety initiative, powered by Thorn – a non-profit organisation that builds technology to defend children from sexual abuse. NoFiltr aims to empower youth with knowledge and resources to safely navigate the complex dynamic of online spaces and shares real experiences and advice, for youth, with the help of youth perspectives. For more information, visit nofiltr.org.
","#So while we’re not experts in what it feels like to be a teen right now, we are experts in building digital spaces where you and your friends can play and chill.":"So, while we’re not experts in what it feels like to be a teen right now, we are experts in building digital spaces where you and your friends can play and chill.","#And because you’re great at knowing what it’s like to be you, a teen, we have worked closely with teen users globally (30+ focus groups!) to understand what matters most to make your experiences safe.":"And because you’re great at knowing what it’s like to be you – a teen – we have worked closely with teen users globally (30+ focus groups!) to understand what matters most to make your experiences safe.","#This set of principles represent the expectations teens have of each other and of Discord. Whether you’re new to Discord or a long time user, this charter is key to keep in mind and hold each other and us accountable to - so everyone can have a safe experience. These principles will help inform product and policy improvements that make Discord a better place to play and chill.":"This set of principles represent the expectations teens have of each other and of Discord. Whether you’re new to Discord or a long-time user, this charter is key to keep in mind and hold each other and us accountable to – so everyone can have a safe experience. These principles will help inform product and policy improvements that make Discord a better place to play and chill.","#We strongly recommend to only accept friend requests from users you recognize. At any time, you can change your Friend Requests settings to adjust who is allowed to send you a friend request.
":"We strongly recommend that you only accept friend requests from users you recognise. At any time, you can change your Friend Requests settings to adjust who is allowed to send you a friend request.
","#If you’re a parent or guardian seeking a Discord overview, you’re in luck! The Guardian’s Guide is a centralized asset that helps adults who are raising teens understand the latest highlights of how Discord works, information on how their teen might spend time on Discord, and shares tips and resources to talk to teens about keeping their online experiences comfortable.":"If you’re a parent or guardian seeking a Discord overview, you’re in luck! The Guardian’s Guide is a centralised asset that helps adults who are raising teens understand the latest highlights of how Discord works, provides information on how their teen might spend time on Discord and shares tips and resources to talk to teens about keeping their online experiences comfortable.","#The Totally Uncategorizable":"The Totally Uncategorisable","#Connect players with their favorite games. Leaderboards, stats, and shareable moments keep the fun going outside the game.":"Connect players with their favourite games. Leaderboards, stats, and shareable moments keep the fun going outside the game.","#How FRVR Scaled and Monetized Krunker Strike on Discord":"How FRVR Scaled and Monetised Krunker Strike on Discord","#“Activities are a brilliant way to meet your audience where they are already congregating – on Discord. Their API simplifies the process of connecting with groups of players and utilizes established web standards to facilitate the building of rich and immersive experiences.”":"“Activities are a brilliant way to meet your audience where they are already congregating – on Discord. Their API simplifies the process of connecting with groups of players and utilises established web standards to facilitate the building of rich and immersive experiences.”","#How FRVR Scaled and Monetized Krunker Strike
on Discord":"How FRVR Scaled and Monetised Krunker Strike
on Discord","#The Digital Wellness Lab at Boston Children's Hospital is a nonprofit research institution seeking to understand and promote positive and healthy digital media experiences for young people, from birth through young adulthood. Their vision is an empathetic and respectful world in which our kids can grow up healthy, smart, and kind.
":"The Digital Wellness Lab at Boston Children’s Hospital is a non-profit research institution seeking to understand and promote positive and healthy digital media experiences for young people, from birth through to young adulthood. Their vision is an empathetic and respectful world in which our kids can grow up healthy, smart and kind.
","#ThinkYoung is a not-for-profit organization, aiming to make the world a better place for young people by involving them in decision-making processes and providing decision-makers with high-quality research on youth conditions. ThinkYoung conducts studies and surveys, makes advocacy campaigns, writes policy proposals, and develops education programmes: up to date, ThinkYoung projects have reached over 800,000 young people.
":"ThinkYoung is a not-for-profit organisation, aiming to make the world a better place for young people by involving them in decision-making processes and providing decision-makers with high-quality research on youth conditions. ThinkYoung conducts studies and surveys, makes advocacy campaigns, writes policy proposals and develops education programmes: to date, ThinkYoung projects have reached over 800,000 young people.","#We’re excited to announce the launch of our Guardian’s Guide to help guardians and parents better understand Discord, how the platform works, and equip them with the tools needed to check in with teens and start conversations about building positive online behaviors.
":"We’re excited to announce the launch of our Guardian’s Guide to help guardians and parents better understand Discord, how the platform works and equip them with the tools needed to check in with teens and start conversations about building positive online behaviours.","#
We know guardians have a lot of great resources to help their teens navigate the online world, but we wanted to provide a resource about Discord, from Discord. The Guardian’s Guide is a centralized asset that helps adults who are raising teens understand the latest highlights of how Discord works, information on how their teen might spend time on Discord, and shares tips and resources to talk to teens about keeping their online experiences comfortable. We consistently offer updated info on our Safety Center, but this resource helps streamline these topics.":"We know guardians have a lot of great resources to help their teens navigate the online world, but we wanted to provide a resource about Discord, from Discord. The Guardian’s Guide is a centralised asset that helps adults who are raising teens understand the latest highlights of how Discord works, provides information on how their teen might spend time on Discord and shares tips and resources to talk to teens about keeping their online experiences comfortable. We consistently offer updated info on our Safety Centre, but this resource helps streamline these topics.","#We’re excited about the resources we shared today. Like, really excited. In fact, we’re so excited that we’re doing a giveaway!":"We’re excited about the resources we have shared today. Like, really excited. In fact, we’re so excited that we’re doing a giveaway!","#Today, guardians and teens based in the United States can enter to win our giveaway on TikTok, X or Instagram for a chance to win a back-to-school pack, including exclusive items such as a Teen Charter pickleball paddle and a Guardian’s Guide brochure. Start the new school year with some Discord flare!
":"Today, guardians and teens based in the United States can enter to win our giveaway on TikTok, X or Instagram for a chance to win a back-to-school pack, including exclusive items such as a Teen Charter pickleball paddle and a Guardian’s Guide brochure. Start the new school year with some Discord flare!","#
To learn more about how we approach safety and privacy here at Discord, we have plenty of more resources in our regularly-updated Safety Center.":"To learn more about how we approach safety and privacy here at Discord, we have plenty more resources in our regularly updated Safety Centre.","#At Discord, we’re constantly working to make our platform the best place for our users, including teens, to hang out with their friends online. An important part of doing this the right way is listening to teen users' concerns and ideas directly.":"At Discord, we’re constantly working to make our platform the best place for our users, including teens, to hang out with their friends online. An important part of doing this the right way is listening to teen users’ concerns and ideas directly.","#Since the end of 2023, we’ve conducted 30 focus groups globally to speak with teens about their firsthand experiences and perspectives on how to shape Discord’s features to meet their needs. We collected ideas from teens and global organizations specializing in teen safety — like Digital Wellness Lab, NoFiltr’s Youth Innovation Council, and ThinkYoung — to create an aspirational charter that helps us understand how teens want to feel on Discord.":"Since the end of 2023, we’ve conducted 30 focus groups globally to speak with teens about their first-hand experiences and perspectives on how to shape Discord’s features to meet their needs. We’ve collected ideas from teens and global organisations specialising in teen safety – like Digital Wellness Lab, NoFiltr’s Youth Innovation Council and ThinkYoung – to create an aspirational charter that helps us understand how teens want to feel on Discord.","#We learned about what tools — like muting a conversation or tailoring who can send you a friend request — are most helpful for teens to remediate uncomfortable situations. We also heard new ideas for additional safety and privacy features that have helped shape our product focus.":"We’ve learnt about what tools – like muting a conversation or tailoring who can send you a friend request – are most helpful for teens to remediate uncomfortable situations. We’ve also heard new ideas for additional safety and privacy features that have helped shape our product focus.","#Teens have spoken, and we have taken what they said to heart. We learned a ton when speaking with our teen users, and we’re excited to reveal our co-created Teen Charter.":"Teens have spoken and we have taken what they said to heart. We’ve learnt a ton when speaking with our teen users and we’re excited to reveal our co-created Teen Charter.","#The Teen Charter outlines the principles that matter most to them: authenticity, inclusivity, privacy, and transparency. This set of principles represents the expectations teens have of each other and of Discord.
":"The Teen Charter outlines the principles that matter most to them: authenticity, inclusivity, privacy and transparency. This set of principles represents the expectations teens have of each other and of Discord.","#
While our Community Guidelines explain what is and what isn’t allowed on Discord, we hope the Teen Charter principles will ultimately guide users to take on a shared responsibility in creating a fun and comfortable space to play and chill with their friends. These principles will also help inform product and policy improvements on Discord, serving as a guiding beacon for us to help teen users thrive.":"While our Community Guidelines explain what is and what isn’t allowed on Discord, we hope that the Teen Charter principles will ultimately guide users to take on a shared responsibility in creating a fun and comfortable space to play and chill with their friends. These principles will also help inform product and policy improvements on Discord, serving as a guiding beacon for us to help teen users thrive.","#ConnectSafely Parents Guide to Discord":"ConnectSafely Parent’s Guide to Discord","#See if you can guess which examples are acceptable and in line with our Community Guidelines, Terms of Service, or other policies. Click the thumbs up if you think the example is acceptable or thumbs down if you think the example is unacceptable.
":"See if you can guess which examples are acceptable and in line with our Community Guidelines, Terms of Service or other policies. Click the thumbs up if you think the example is acceptable or thumbs down if you think the example is unacceptable.","#On Any Device":"On any Device","#Help Center Frequently Asked Questions":"Help Centre Frequently Asked Questions","#Exercising your rights: As described in the “How to control your privacy\" section of Discord’s Privacy Policy, all our users have control over their information and can directly edit or delete information from their account and limit what data we process. If you are a resident of California, Colorado, Connecticut, Oregon, Texas, Utah, or Virginia, you have additional rights that you (or, in certain states as set forth below, an authorized agent acting on your behalf) can exercise through the Discord app directly or by contacting us, including the right to:":"Exercising your rights: As described in the “How to control your privacy\" section of Discord’s Privacy Policy, all our users have control over their information and can directly edit or delete information from their account and limit what data we process. If you are a resident of California, Colorado, Connecticut, Oregon, Texas, Utah, or Virginia, you have additional rights that you (or, in certain states as set forth below, an authorised agent acting on your behalf) can exercise through the Discord app directly or by contacting us, including the right to:","#Certain information may be exempt from the requests above under applicable law. For example, we need to retain certain information in order to provide our services to you. We also need to take reasonable steps to verify your identity before responding to a request. If you are an authorized agent submitting a request on a user’s behalf (where permitted), we may require proof of your written authorization before processing the request. Residents of Colorado, Connecticut, Oregon, Texas, and Virginia have the right to appeal our decision to deny your request.":"Certain information may be exempt from the requests above under applicable law. For example, we need to retain certain information in order to provide our services to you. We also need to take reasonable steps to verify your identity before responding to a request. If you are an authorised agent submitting a request on a user’s behalf (where permitted), we may require proof of your written authorisation before processing the request. Residents of Colorado, Connecticut, Oregon, Texas, and Virginia have the right to appeal our decision to deny your request.","#How to Italicize Your Text on Discord":"How to Italic Your Text on Discord","#Sometimes you need to emphasize something in your message, without YELLING it. Or whisper…":"Sometimes you need to emphasise something in your message, without YELLING it. Or whisper…","#Plus, your teacher who happens to have a Discord server will be impressed that you’re using proper MLA format in your normal messages by italicizing your favorite movie’s title. Nerd.":"Plus, your teacher who happens to have a Discord server will be impressed that you’re using proper MLA format in your normal messages by making your favourite movie’s title italic. Nerd.","#Just like bolding and italicizing, underlining is another way you can add emphasis to a particular set of words in your message. You can use it to point out a few words, or you can add it to the top of a long message to give your post a “title” of sorts! At least, my boss always uses it like that on me…":"Just like bolding and italics, underlining is another way you can add emphasis to a particular set of words in your message. You can use it to point out a few words, or you can add it to the top of a long message to give your post a “title” of sorts! At least, my boss always uses it like that on me…","#If you’re looking for a nice way to format and organize a longer message, or bolding your message simply isn’t enough, try using headers! They’ll make your words either REALLY BIG, kinda big, sorta big, or itty bitty.":"If you’re looking for a nice way to format and organise a longer message, or bolding your message simply isn’t enough, try using headers! They’ll make your words either REALLY BIG, kinda big, sorta big, or itty bitty.","#Now that you have this cheat sheet to start with, get practicing! It may look like there’s a lot to memorize, but don’t fret… it’ll all be second nature to you in no time! ":"Now that you have this cheat sheet to start with, get practicing! It may look like there’s a lot to memorise, but don’t fret… it’ll all be second nature to you in no time! ","#A screenshot of a Discord message that says “Very demure. Very mindful.” The words “very” and “mindful” are italicized.":"A screenshot of a Discord message that says “Very demure. Very mindful.” The words “very” and “mindful” are italic.","#You can also easily italicize any text by highlighting it and pressing “CTRL/CMD + I.”":"You can also easily italic any text by highlighting it and pressing “CTRL/CMD + I.”","#September 17, 2024":"September 17th, 2024","#Today, we’ll start automatically migrating audio and video calls in DMs, Group DMs, voice channels, and Go Live streams to a new system that utilizes E2EE A/V. You’ll also be able to verify your end-to-end encrypted call and the identity of the other members in it, giving you peace of mind no one else can listen in.":"Today, we’ll start automatically migrating audio and video calls in DMs, Group DMs, voice channels, and Go Live streams to a new system that utilises E2EE A/V. You’ll also be able to verify your end-to-end encrypted call and the identity of the other members in it, giving you peace of mind no one else can listen in.","#E2EE A/V is on by default for up-to-date Discord clients on desktop and mobile, and support for other clients such as web and consoles will roll out next year. You can head here to learn how to verify your E2EE A/V calls are truly end-to-end encrypted.":"E2EE A/V is on by default for up-to-date Discord clients on desktop and mobile, and support for other clients such as web and consoles will roll out next year. You can head here to learn how to verify your E2EE A/V calls are truly end-to-end encrypted.","#Obsessed with security and privacy? So are we —we’ll continue to prioritize and build products that respect both.":"Obsessed with security and privacy? So are we —we’ll continue to prioritise and build products that respect both.","#Passwords are annoying to remember and are not the most secure (yes, that includes “wumpu2-1s-c00l”). We provide various forms of multi-factor authentication (MFA) to protect your account, but we wanted to continue to prioritize security with a more seamless experience.":"Passwords are annoying to remember and are not the most secure (yes, that includes “wumpu2-1s-c00l”). We provide various forms of multi-factor authentication (MFA) to protect your account, but we wanted to continue to prioritise security with a more seamless experience.","#Discord can’t access your biometric data, and helps ensure that nobody but you can use your passkey to sign into your account. Your passkey lives on your device, allowing you to seamlessly sign into Discord on any device that has access to that passkey. That’s a win-win-win for privacy, security, and a seamless user experience.":"Discord can’t access your biometric data, and helps ensure that nobody but you can use your passkey to sign into your account. Your passkey lives on your device, allowing you to seamlessly sign into Discord on any device that has access to that passkey. That’s a win-win-win for privacy, security, and a seamless user experience.","#We may tell you about Quests that we think will interest you based on the games you play or other information associated with your Discord account. If you’re not interested in receiving personalized Discord Quest promotions, you can opt out of the use of your data for Quest targeting.
You may still see Quest promotions, but they won’t be personalized based on your activity on Discord.":"We may tell you about Quests that we think will interest you based on the games you play or other information associated with your Discord account. If you’re not interested in receiving personalised Discord Quest promotions, you can opt out of the use of your data for Quest targeting.
You may still see Quest promotions, but they won’t be personalised based on your activity on Discord.","#10. License to Submission.":"10. Licence to Submission.","#Discord Update: September 26, 2024 Changelog":"Discord Update: 26 September 2024 Changelog","#Here's the Discord Changelog from September 26, 2024, so you can stay informed on what’s new in recent app updates!":"Here's the Discord Changelog from 26 September 2024, so you can stay informed on what’s new in recent app updates!","#To cap off the travel season, we’re catching up with Tracie, Matt, Emi, Cody, and NEW friend Armando about the games they’ve played lately and their favorite games to play while on the go.":"To cap off the travel season, we’re catching up with Tracie, Matt, Emi, Cody, and NEW friend Armando about the games they’ve played lately and their favourite games to play while on the go.","#If the Grand Prize Winner: (i) develops a fully functioning version of the app included in their Submission, provided such app continues to comply with these Terms; (ii) remains eligible under the Terms; and (iii) resubmits it to Discord within three (3) months (via sending it through the private Discord Developer Partners Server Discord will create with each winner), there will be an additional grant of USD $25,000. For clarity, the Grand Prize Winner is eligible to receive both the Category Winner prize and the Grand Prize Winner prize, for up to a total of USD $30,000 across both prizes.":"If the Grand Prize Winner: (i) develops a fully functioning version of the app included in their Submission, provided such app continues to comply with these Terms; (ii) remains eligible under the Terms; and (iii) resubmits it to Discord within three (3) months (via sending it through the private Discord Developer Partners Server Discord we will create with each winner), there will be an additional grant of USD $25,000. For clarity, the Grand Prize Winner is eligible to receive both the Category Winner prize and the Grand Prize Winner prize, for up to a total of USD $30,000 across both prizes.","#Discord Patch Notes: October 1, 2024":"Discord Patch Notes: 1 October 2024","#October 1, 2024":"1st October, 2024","#Fixed an issue with braille screen input where it failed to function properly when creating a description for an event.":"Fixed an issue with Braille screen input where it failed to function properly when creating a description for an event.","#Profile customizations now load in the Shop on the first attempt.":"Profile customisations now load in the Shop on the first attempt.","#We recently shipped a change that virtualizes the server list on mobile platforms. This change primarily helps users in large numbers of servers by only allowing visible servers in the list to remain loaded in the app at any given time. For users in a large number of servers, we’ve measured improvements of 14% in memory usage and 25% in CPU usage. If you’re one of these users, you may notice a difference in general performance of the app following this change.":"We recently shipped a change that virtualises the server list on mobile platforms. This change primarily helps users in large numbers of servers by only allowing visible servers in the list to remain loaded in the app at any given time. For users in a large number of servers, we’ve measured improvements of 14% in memory usage and 25% in CPU usage. If you’re one of these users, you may notice a difference in general performance of the app following this change.","#Fixed a bug that caused the “You can’t use this sticker right now” pop-up to render behind the sticker menu.":"Fixed a bug that caused the “You can’t use this sticker right now” popup to render behind the sticker menu.","#We resolved an issue that caused activities to sometimes prompt users too often for authorization.":"We resolved an issue that caused activities to sometimes prompt users too often for authorisation.","#Fixed a bug that caused the mute icon in calls to be the incorrect color.":"Fixed a bug that caused the mute icon in calls to be the incorrect colour.","#Avatars in voice PiPs on Android should now be properly centered.":"Avatars in voice PiPs on Android should now be properly centred.","#Resolved an issue that allowed clients to enter a state where they’d repeatedly send a previously-sent media file to a channel every time the channel was opened. PLEASE stop sending that picture of your cat, Kyle.":"Resolved an issue that allowed clients to enter a state where they’d repeatedly send a previously sent media file to a channel every time the channel was opened. PLEASE stop sending that picture of your cat, Kyle.","#Resolved an older mobile issue that could cause an additional “Sending message…” entry to show in the client after sending media that would not properly clear. This issue happened predominantly on cellular connections and when the app was backgrounded quickly after sending the initial message.":"Resolved an older mobile issue that could cause an additional “Sending message...” entry to show in the client after sending media that would not properly clear. This issue happened predominantly on cellular connections and when the app was backgrounded quickly after sending the initial message.","#User-facing developer settings are now localized.":"User-facing developer settings are now localised.","#Users that utilize TalkBack should now be able to focus on Polls and Files buttons in text chat.":"Users that utilise TalkBack should now be able to focus on Polls and Files buttons in text chat.","#Keyboard navigation can now properly access the “Copy Username”, “Edit Profile”, “Switch Account” buttons in user profiles.":"Keyboard navigation can now properly access the “Copy Username”, “Edit Profile” and “Switch Account” buttons in user profiles.","#Video Quests offer players even more ways to engage with their favorite games and explore new ones while earning rewards. Developers can showcase their games on Discord at every stage of development, whether it’s a new trailer, season launch, gameplay reveal, or anything in between. Like Game Quests, Video Quests offer a premium experience where content is delivered seamlessly through the Quest Bar. Users have control over how and when they engage, allowing them to watch the video without disrupting their experience on Discord.":"Video Quests offer players even more ways to engage with their favourite games and explore new ones while earning rewards. Developers can showcase their games on Discord at every stage of development, whether it’s a new trailer, season launch, gameplay reveal or anything in between. Like Game Quests, Video Quests offer a premium experience where content is delivered seamlessly through the Quest Bar. Users have control over how and when they engage, allowing them to watch the video without disrupting their experience on Discord.","#I can’t wait to hear what y’all think of it.":"I can’t wait to hear what you all think of it.","#October 3, 2024":"3rd October, 2024","#Quests launched earlier this year as a way to help game developers reach current and potential players. Our goal was to create an advertising format where everyone wins: Players discover new games and earn rewards for playing their favorite games, and developers authentically engage their audience.":"Quests launched earlier this year as a way to help game developers reach current and potential players. Our goal was to create an advertising format where everyone wins: players discover new games and earn rewards for playing their favourite games and developers authentically engage their audience.","#It’s still early, but the positive feedback from the millions of players who have completed a Quest has exceeded our expectations. We’ve run dozens of Quests campaigns for some of the biggest titles, including Fortnite, Genshin Impact, and World of Warcraft. These campaigns have delivered strong results, driving a 16% lift in average playtime and 9% lift in average player counts. To see results like this — consistently — so early in our journey, is encouraging.":"It’s still early, but the positive feedback from the millions of players who have completed a Quest has exceeded our expectations. We’ve run dozens of Quests campaigns for some of the biggest titles, including Fortnite, Genshin Impact and World of Warcraft. These campaigns have delivered strong results, driving a 16% lift in average playtime and 9% lift in average player counts. To see results like this — consistently — so early in our journey, is encouraging.","#Venture on for a deeper dive into some of the early Quests results, which fuel our ambition to deliver the world’s most player-centric ads. Plus, you’ll learn details on a new type of Quest coming to Discord later this year.":"Venture on for a deeper dive into some of the early Quests results which fuel our ambition to deliver the world’s most player-centric ads. Plus, you’ll learn details on a new type of Quest coming to Discord later this year.","#Genshin Impact’s first Quest drove an 80% increase in gameplay hours and a 3x increase in friend to friend streams. Our World of Warcraft: The War Within Quest had more than one million participants, and as part of WoW’s PR and marketing efforts it contributed to a 63% increase in the number of people playing the game on Discord. Simply put: when players streamed the game to their friends, more of their friends joined in.":"Genshin Impact’s first Quest drove an 80% increase in gameplay hours and a 3x increase in friend-to-friend streams. Our World of Warcraft: The War Within Quest had more than one million participants, and as part of WoW’s PR and marketing efforts it contributed to a 63% increase in the number of people playing the game on Discord. Simply put: when players streamed the game to their friends, more of their friends joined in.","#October 7, 2024":"7th October, 2024","#Those minions weren’t the only ones to crawl their way to profiles around the world…":"Those minions weren’t the only ones to crawl their way to profiles around the world...","#Wicked witches and dastardly creatures from beyond the grave have broken through the cemetery gates and made their way to the Shop! Throughout October, the Shop will be home to the Spooky Nights collection: an assortment of macabre costumes for your Avatar in celebration of the Halloween season.":"Wicked witches and dastardly creatures from beyond the grave have broken through the graveyard gates and made their way to the Shop! Throughout October, the Shop will be home to the Spooky Nights collection: an assortment of macabre costumes for your Avatar in celebration of the Halloween season.","#Wait… do you hear that? Something else is shambling them… oh… OOOHHH… it’s the Spooky Night Collection!! THEY’RE ALIVE!! THEY RISE FROM THE GRAVE ONCE AGAIN!!! ":"Wait... Do you hear that? Something spooky this way shambles... Oh... OOOHHH... It’s the Spooky Night Collection!! THEY’RE ALIVE!! THEY RISE FROM THE GRAVE ONCE AGAIN!!!","#A creepy collection of new Avatar Decorations, accompanied by last Hallow’s Eve's most popular Profile Effects, shamble their way to the Shop. They’re lurking in the dark corners, waiting for you… find ‘em using this big button below:":"A creepy collection of new Avatar Decorations, accompanied by last Hallow’s Eve's most popular Profile Effects, shamble their way to the Shop. They’re lurking in the dark corners, waiting for you... Find them using this big button below:","#You know what’s happening. You know how to prepare. Grab onto your garlic, prepare your silver keyboard, and make your way through Discord to join in on the Halloween spirit! But always keep watch, for there may be even more planned throughout October…":"You know what’s happening. You know how to prepare. Grab your garlic, prepare your silver keyboard, and make your way through Discord to join in on the Halloween revelry! But always keep watch, for more wicked may come this October...","#Whoooosh…. rattlerattlerattle… CAW CAW!! The Halloween season looms upon us again, and the moon’s ominous light makes way for the monsters who bump in the night. And some may even cause… a fright…":"Whoooosh... rattlerattlerattle... CAW CAW!! The Halloween season looms upon us again, and the moon’s ominous light makes way for the monsters who bump in the night. And some may even cause...a fright...","#Your opportunity to gift Nitro and receive a Minions Avatar Decoration is available until November 3, 2024, but the Spooky Nights collection will be available from today onwards! Plus, once you receive your Minions Avatar Decoration, it’s yours to keep — Halloween is a year-long celebration as far as we’re concerned.":"Your opportunity to gift Nitro and receive a Minions Avatar Decoration is available until 3rd November, 2024, but the Spooky Nights collection will be available from today onwards! Plus, once you receive your Minions Avatar Decoration, it’s yours to keep — Halloween is a year-long celebration as far as we’re concerned.","#To stay vigilant during the Halloween season, keep close attention to our X account, where we’ll let you know if something else mysterious happens during October… we hear something scaly may emerge from deep within the dungeons…":"To stay vigilant during the Halloween season, keep close attention to our X account, where we’ll let you know if something else mysterious happens during October... We hear something scaly may emerge from deep within the dungeons...","#This year, it’s all treats, no tricks: from now until November 3, 2024, if you gift Nitro to a friend, you’ll receive an eerie Avatar Decoration to add to your collection!":"This year, it’s all treats, no tricks: from now until 3rd November, 2024, if you gift Nitro to a friend, you’ll receive an eerie Avatar Decoration to add to your collection!","#We emerge from decrepit graveyard crypts to deliver important news on fell winds — a warning of two ways in which Hallow’s Eve monsters can make their way to your profile: gift Nitro to a friend during October and you’ll receive a haunting Avatar Decoration to keep! Or, explore even more Halloween costumes for your profile with the Spooky Nights Shop collection. ":"We emerge from decrepit graveyard crypts to deliver important news on fell winds — a warning of two ways in which Hallow’s Eve monsters can make their way to your profile: gift Nitro to a friend during October and you’ll receive a haunting Avatar Decoration to keep! Or, explore even more Halloween costumes for your profile with the Spooky Nights Shop collection.","#This mysterious gifting opportunity is only available for a limited time… continue reading this mysterious scroll to learn how to partake in these spooky celebrations.":"This mysterious gifting opportunity is only available for a limited time... Continue reading this mysterious scroll to learn how to partake in these spooky celebrations.","#A devious reward is within your reach — no tricks this time… it’s all treats! To obtain such a mysterious treasure, you must do something so astonishingly brave in the face of nightmarish adversity that your home will be considered the best place for Trick or Treaters around the neighborhood to visit.":"A devious reward is within your reach — no tricks this time...it’s all treats! To obtain such a mysterious treasure, you must do something so astonishingly brave in the face of nightmarish adversity that your home will be considered the best place for Trick-or-Treaters around the neighbourhood to visit.","#You’ll have to…….. be a GREAT FRIEND.":"You’ll have to........be a GREAT FRIEND.","#Heed our warning: this, what the Discord-nomicon calls a “Nitro promotion,” is only around until a little while. You have until November 3, 2024 to treat a friend to Nitro, and after that, the Minions Avatar Decoration returns whence it came. ":"Heed our warning: this, what the Discord-nomicon calls a “Nitro promotion”, is only around for a little while. You have until 3rd November, 2024 to treat a friend to Nitro, and after that, the Minions Avatar Decoration returns whence it came.","#Mental health work is innovative and iterative, which holds true for Discord’s Mental Health team. For the past five months, we’ve worked with BSG, a leading research organization, to better understand our users' mental health sentiment, which features in Discord currently best support their mental health, and where we can improve. Our research included over 1200 participants ages 13-35+ in the United States, with sentiment captured through qualitative and quantitative methods.
Participants in our surveys shared the following with us about their perceptions and beliefs:":"Mental health work is innovative and iterative, which holds true for Discord’s Mental Health team. For the past five months, we’ve worked with BSG, a leading research organisation, to better understand our users' mental health sentiment, which features in Discord currently best support their mental health, and where we can improve. Our research included over 1200 participants ages 13-35+ in the United States, with sentiment captured through qualitative and quantitative methods.
Participants in our surveys shared the following with us about their perceptions and beliefs:","#Participants see “playing games online” and “social media” as two different things, and they believe playing games online is more favorable for mental health.":"Participants see “playing games online” and “social media” as two different things, and they believe playing games online is more favourable to mental health.","#The highest-chosen activity for supporting the mental health of participants is “playing games online.” This is followed by “playing sports or exercising,” “face-to-face connection with family & friends,” “creative outlets,” and “connecting with family & friends online.”":"The highest-chosen activity for supporting the mental health of participants is “playing games online”. This is followed by “playing sports or exercising”, “face-to-face connection with family and friends”, “creative outlets”, and “connecting with family and friends online”.","#Survey participants view Discord’s unique tools and features, such as moderators, blocking, muting, and reporting, as positively supporting their mental health.":"Survey participants view Discord’s unique tools and features, such as moderators, blocking, muting and reporting, as positively supporting their mental health.","#This research helps us better understand our users and their well-being. We intend to use the findings to inform our policies, product design, and development, and to guide us as we establish new, meaningful partnerships in the space.
You can view the full report on our findings here.":"This research helps us better understand our users and their well-being. We intend to use the findings to inform our policies, product design and development, and to guide us as we establish new, meaningful partnerships in the space.
You can view the full report on our findings here.","#With a directory of crisis support in over 100+ countries, users can go to discord.findahelpline.com to find free, confidential support in their country via chat, text, or phone. Available in 11 different languages, users can search for available helplines catered to specific topics, see their operating hours and contact information, and be connected directly depending on their device’s capabilities.":"With a directory of crisis support in over 100+ countries, users can go to discord.findahelpline.com to find free, confidential support in their country via chat, text or phone. Available in 11 different languages, users can search for available helplines catered to specific topics, see their operating hours and contact information and be connected directly depending on their device’s capabilities.","#In addition to ThroughLine Care, users in the United States can text DISCORD to 741741 to be connected with a live volunteer Crisis Counselor at Crisis Text Line: a free, 24/7, confidential text-based mental health support service in both English and Spanish. Check out last year’s post on our partnership with Crisis Text Line here.":"In addition to ThroughLine Care, users in the United States can text DISCORD to 741741 to be connected with a live volunteer Crisis Counsellor at Crisis Text Line: a free, 24/7, confidential text-based mental health support service in both English and Spanish. Check out last year’s post on our partnership with Crisis Text Line here.","#We know the word “crisis” can cause some alarm. But to us, a crisis is not limited to life-threatening situations. It can be any difficulty you or someone you care about may be going through, whether that’s challenges at school, being in a tough relationship, or due to general anxiety or stress. Our goal through these partnerships is to provide support in any aspect of our users’ lives that’s causing them stress or discomfort.":"We know the word “crisis” can cause some alarm. But to us, a crisis is not limited to life-threatening situations; it can be any difficulty you or someone you care about may be going through, whether that’s challenges at school, being in a tough relationship or due to general anxiety or stress. Our goal through these partnerships is to provide support in any aspect of our users’ lives that’s causing them stress or discomfort.","#In addition to our research above, industry research shows playing video games in-person and online has a positive effect on mental health. It can help people lift their moods, build social connections and community, provide them with a healthy outlet, and accompany them as they navigate difficult times.":"In addition to our research above, industry research shows playing video games in-person and online has a positive effect on mental health. It can help people lift their moods, build social connections and community, provide them with a healthy outlet and accompany them as they navigate difficult times.","#As you probably know, we’re big fans of gaming. (Big surprise, huh?) As part of our advocacy to support efforts centered on the intersection of mental health and games, we’re excited to sponsor Safe In Our World’s inaugural Mental Health Game Dev Champions event!":"As you probably know, we’re big fans of gaming. (Big surprise, huh?) As part of our advocacy to support efforts centred on the intersection of mental health and games, we’re excited to sponsor Safe In Our World’s inaugural Mental Health Game Dev Champions event!","#Safe In Our World is a global organization whose mission is to foster positive mental health and well-being for those within the video games industry, including players, developers, publishers, and more. The Mental Health Game Dev Champions event aims to empower gamers and developers to create intimate and personal video games based on their lived experiences surrounding mental health. During the event, our team will host a master class on building healthy communities in the Safe in our World Discord server on Oct. 17, 2024.":"Safe In Our World is a global organisation whose mission is to foster positive mental health and well-being for those within the video games industry, including players, developers, publishers and more. The Mental Health Game Dev Champions event aims to empower gamers and developers to create intimate and personal video games based on their lived experiences surrounding mental health. During the event, our team will host a masterclass on building healthy communities in the Safe In Our World Discord server on 17th October, 2024.","#If you’re a regular on our blog, you might remember we recently spotlighted Hero Journey Club, a service that provides emotional support through games on Discord. In conversation with Brian Chhor, CEO and Co-Founder, and Derrick Hull, Chief Clinical Officer, we learned of the ways Hero Journey Club uses games like Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing, and Final Fantasy to help facilitate conversation or use in-game activities to help track emotions.":"If you’re a regular on our blog, you might remember we recently spotlighted Hero Journey Club, a service that provides emotional support through games on Discord. In conversation with Brian Chhor, CEO and Co-Founder, and Derrick Hull, Chief Clinical Officer, we learned of the ways Hero Journey Club uses games like Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing and Final Fantasy to help facilitate conversation or use in-game activities to help track emotions.","#Last month, we partnered with Xbox Game Studios’ Gears of War to support their Never Fight Alone Initiative for Suicide Prevention Month. This year’s efforts raised money for both Crisis Text Line and Aqui Estoy Chat, an international organization dedicated that provides peer-to-peer mental health support through a live chat with trained and supervised volunteers, tailored for Spanish-speaking communities. The campaign runs through the end of October, and those interested in donating may donate here.":"Last month, we partnered with Xbox Game Studios’ Gears of War to support their Never Fight Alone Initiative for Suicide Prevention Month. This year’s efforts raised money for both Crisis Text Line and Aqui Estoy Chat, an international organisation dedicated to providing peer-to-peer mental health support through a live chat using trained and supervised volunteers and tailored to Spanish-speaking communities. The campaign runs through the end of October, and those interested in donating may donate here.","#Discord’s mission is to be the best place for players to talk and hang out before, during, and after gaming. People deserve a safe and welcoming online space to explore their interests and connect with friends. We’re deeply committed to helping bridge the gap between our users and the mental health resources they deserve by meeting them where they are.":"Discord’s mission is to be the best place for players to talk and hang out before, during and after gaming. People deserve a safe and welcoming online space to explore their interests and connect with friends. We’re deeply committed to helping bridge the gap between our users and the mental health resources they deserve by meeting them where they are.","#From the start, we aim to design our products to allow Discord users to be in control of their experience: they decide with whom they interact and what communities they join. Discord is not a platform designed to maximize engagement. We try to ensure that our platform emphasizes real-time interaction and connection among friends. In addition to our platform’s design, we are committed to continuing to evolve and improve so that we can better support our users.":"From the start, we aim to design our products to allow Discord users to be in control of their experience: they decide with whom they interact and what communities they join. Discord is not a platform designed to maximise engagement. We try to ensure that our platform emphasizes real-time interaction and connection among friends. In addition to our platform’s design, we are committed to continuing to evolve and improve so that we can better support our users.","#First observed by the World Federation for Mental Health on Oct. 10, 1992, World Mental Health Day raises awareness on a global scale, mobilizes efforts, and champions those efforts to foster mental health and well-being.":"First observed by the World Federation for Mental Health on 10th October, 1992, World Mental Health Day raises awareness on a global scale, mobilises efforts, and champions those efforts to foster mental health and well-being.","#Over the past year, our team has focused on conducting research, offering more resources for users, and supporting activities centered on the intersection of mental health and games. This World Mental Health Day, we’re excited to share what we’ve been working on!":"Over the past year, our team has focused on conducting research, offering more resources for users and supporting activities centred on the intersection of mental health and games. This World Mental Health Day, we’re excited to share what we’ve been working on!","#For safety resources available year-round, visit the Discord Safety Center or share it with someone who may be interested.":"For safety resources available year-round, visit the Discord Safety Centre or share it with someone who may be interested.","#October 16, 2024":"16th October, 2024","#Since it all takes place in Roll20, there’s no need to track physical maps, paint any miniatures, or worry about your first time being a good story-telling Dungeon Master. But don’t stop us if you eventually want to obtain some trinkets and miniatures to remember your adventure with. :)":"Since it all takes place in Roll20, there’s no need to track physical maps, paint any miniatures or worry about your first time being a good story-telling Dungeon Master. But don’t stop us if you eventually want to obtain some trinkets and miniatures to remember your adventure with. :)","#In celebration of Dungeons & Dragons’ 50th anniversary, we’re releasing seven Avatar Decorations and four Profile Effects, with iconic D&D creatures like the mischievous mimic, an adorable owlbear, and that Gelatinous Cube that single-handedly defeated your entire party in your last campaign. They’re sure to add +2 to Charisma… or -2, depending on whether or not it’s on your side.":"In celebration of Dungeons & Dragons’ 50th anniversary, we’re releasing seven Avatar Decorations and four Profile Effects, with iconic D&D creatures like the mischievous mimic, an adorable owlbear, and that Gelatinous Cube that single-handedly defeated your entire party in your last campaign. They’re sure to add +2 to Charisma...or -2, depending on whether or not it’s on your side.","#Among the four Profile Effects, we’ve got a special D20 Roll profile effect with a unique twist: every time someone checks out your profile, your D20 will randomly roll one of two possible outcomes! Sometimes, you’ll roll a 20. Other times, you’ll roll a 1, in which case… oops. Each time you need to flip a coin, just look at your profile! (Or have your friend look at it so you can show off your sick profile effect.)":"Among the four Profile Effects, we’ve got a special D20 Roll profile effect with a unique twist: every time someone checks out your profile, your D20 will randomly roll one of two possible outcomes! Sometimes, you’ll roll a 20. Other times, you’ll roll a 1, in which case…oops. Each time you need to flip a coin, just look at your profile! (Or have your friend look at it so you can show off your sick profile effect.)","#The Dungeons & Dragons collection is available in the Shop right now! Press the big ol’ button here to see the selection:":"The Dungeons & Dragons collection is available in the Shop right now! Press the big button here to see the selection:","#With Halloween on the horizon, it’s the perfect time to decorate your Discord profile with your favorite D&D creature! Then, set sail for Discord-themed tabletop escapades with your friends with our free campaign, playable directly in Roll20.":"With Halloween on the horizon, it’s the perfect time to decorate your Discord profile with your favourite D&D creature! Then, set sail for Discord-themed tabletop escapades with your friends with our free campaign, playable directly in Roll20.","#Never tried the Shop before? Read the Shop’s rulebook here, or ask our Discord DMs (aka, our support team) to cast a Light cantrip and help to guide your way.":"Never tried the Shop before? Read the Shop’s rulebook here, or ask our Discord DMs (aka, our support team) to cast a Light cantrip to help guide your way.","#But, ALSO… have you tried the App Launcher before? If not, we’ll let ya slide on that one — it’s pretty new! Read our blog about it and you’ll be on your Roll20 adventures in no time.":"But, ALSO...have you tried the App Launcher before? Not to worry if you haven't — it’s pretty new after all! Read our blog about it and you’ll be on your Roll20 adventures in no time.","#Discord has become a core component for many D&D adventurers across the world. Some play the game completely digitally with apps like Roll20, while others use their cameras in a Discord voice chat to show off huuuge, custom-made terrain, and meticulously crafted figures that represent their fantasy selves.":"Discord has become a core component for many D&D adventurers across the world. Some play the game completely digitally with apps like Roll20, while others use their cameras in a Discord voice chat to show off huuuge custom-made terrain and meticulously crafted figures that represent their fantasy selves.","#We also LOVE D&D at Discord, so in honor of Dungeons & Dragons’ 50th anniversary, we’re celebrating in two stylish ways: bringing you some brand new tabletop adventures — directly in Discord — to you and your party, and offering more ways to look the part when you’re playing your next campaign in chat.":"We also LOVE D&D at Discord, so in honour of Dungeons & Dragons’ 50th anniversary, we’re celebrating in two stylish ways: bringing you some brand-new tabletop adventures — directly in Discord — to you and your party, and offering more ways to look the part when you’re playing your next campaign in chat.","#This Halloween season, we’re bringing a Discord twist to your adventures into worlds unknown. How? Well, adventurer... you’ll have to discover that for yourself when you gather your party and play our haunting new Discord-themed One Shot adventure: Voyage Into Discord! ":"This Halloween season, we’re bringing a Discord twist to your adventures into worlds unknown. How? Well, adventurer...you’ll have to discover that for yourself when you gather your party and play our haunting new Discord-themed One Shot adventure: Voyage Into Discord!","#Playstation":"PlayStation","#Feel free to use our logo in color, black or white.":"Feel free to use our logo in colour, black or white.","#Incorporate the Discord Marks or any mark that is confusingly similar to the Discord Marks into the name of a Discord server, or your brand, company or organization name, URL or domain name, event, product name (including any bots developed for the Discord platform), logo, social media account, or trademark.":"Incorporate the Discord Marks or any mark that is confusingly similar to the Discord Marks into the name of a Discord server, or your brand, company or organisation name, URL or domain name, event, product name (including any bots developed for the Discord platform), logo, social media account, or trademark.","#Copy or imitate the look and feel of the Discord website, desktop app or mobile app or Discord marketing, including, but not limited to, characters, color combinations, graphics, sounds, imagery, presence icons, typefaces, or stylization used by Discord (or anything similar thereto).":"Copy or imitate the look and feel of the Discord website, desktop app or mobile app or Discord marketing, including, but not limited to, characters, colour combinations, graphics, sounds, imagery, presence icons, typefaces, or stylisation used by Discord (or anything similar thereto).","#Press
centre","#Although most of our roles are remote friendly, a majority require someone to be US based. We are also able to hire folks in Canada, but only in Ontario, Quebec, and British Columbia at the moment. We also have a few specialized roles in the Netherlands! Each job posting will state the location requirement, so be sure to review all the details in the description.":"Although most of our roles are remote friendly, a majority require someone to be US based. We are also able to hire folks in Canada, but only in Ontario, Quebec, and British Columbia at the moment. We also have a few specialised roles in the Netherlands! Each job posting will state the location requirement, so be sure to review all the details in the description.","#Discord Patch Notes: November 1, 2024":"Discord Patch Notes: 1st November, 2024","#With the Embedded App SDK, developers have the power to reach millions of users by creating rich, immersive, and interactive experiences that live directly within Discord.":"With the Embedded App SDK, developers have the power to reach millions of users by creating rich, immersive and interactive experiences that live directly within Discord.","#Last Updated: November 22, 2024":"Last Updated: 22nd November, 2024","#Editor's Note: This article was last updated December 18, 2024 to include in-app alert information.":"Editor's Note: This article was last updated 18th December, 2024 to include in-app alert information.","#Did you get here from an in-app alert? In some instances, when we detect potentially suspicious account behavior from users you interact with, we’ll display an alert with account safety tips to help keep your account secure.":"Did you get here from an in-app alert? In some instances, when we detect potentially suspicious account behaviour from users you interact with, we’ll display an alert with account safety tips to help keep your account secure.","#Read Message History: Allows users to read messages sent in the channel while they were away. With this permission off, user's clients will not display messages received while they are not focused on a channel. If users are offline they will not be able to scroll back in the channel history to view messages they missed.":"Read Message History: Allows users to read messages sent in the channel while they were away. With this permission off, users' clients will not display messages received while they are not focused on a channel. If users are offline they will not be able to scroll back in the channel history to view messages they've missed.","#FRVR launched the first ever “in-game” Quest which required players to complete in-game objectives to unlock an in-game reward.":"FRVR launched the first ever \"in-game\" Quest, which required players to complete in-game objectives to unlock an in-game reward.","#Last Updated: February 6, 2025":"Last Updated: 6th February, 2025","#Today, Discord and other founding partners – including OpenAI, Google, Roblox, Eric Schmidt, John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, AI Collaborative, Patrick J. McGovern Foundation, and Project Liberty Institute - unveiled a new cross-industry non-profit foundation called ROOST.":"Today, Discord and other founding partners – including OpenAI, Google, Roblox, Eric Schmidt, John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, AI Collaborative, Patrick J. McGovern Foundation and Project Liberty Institute – unveiled a new cross-industry non-profit foundation called ROOST.","#ROOST - or Robust Open Online Safety Tools - addresses a critical gap in child safety and digital safety by providing free, open-source safety tools to organizations of all sizes. This will alleviate the need for organizations to reinvent the wheel in building tools that already exist, empowering them - especially smaller companies and public interest organizations - to focus on growing their platforms or services while promoting safety for online users.":"ROOST – or Robust Open Online Safety Tools – addresses a critical gap in child safety and digital safety by providing free, open-source safety tools to organisations of all sizes. This will alleviate the need for organisations to reinvent the wheel in building tools that already exist, empowering them – especially smaller companies and public interest organisations – to focus on growing their platforms or services while promoting safety for online users.","#ROOST will offer free, open source and easy-to-use tools to detect, review, and report child sexual abuse material (CSAM), leverage large language models to power safety infrastructure, and make core safety technologies more accessible and more user friendly.":"ROOST will offer free, open source and easy-to-use tools to detect, review and report child sexual abuse material (CSAM), leverage large language models to power safety infrastructure, and make core safety technologies more accessible and more user friendly.","#With dedicated technical teams providing hands-on support, ROOST meets organizations where they are, helping them integrate robust safety measures while continuing to innovate.":"With dedicated technical teams providing hands-on support, ROOST meets organisations where they are, helping them integrate robust safety measures while continuing to innovate.","#In addition to being a founding partner, Discord’s Chief Legal Officer Clint Smith will serve as Board Chair of ROOST and Discord is contributing funding, technology, and employee expertise to the foundation.":"In addition to being a founding partner, Discord’s Chief Legal Officer, Clint Smith, will serve as Board Chair of ROOST, and Discord is contributing funding, technology and employee expertise to the coalition.","#This builds on the progress and momentum we’ve seen over the past year in industry collaboration - signal sharing on bad actors via the Tech Coalitions' Lantern initiative, codifying safety best practices via the Digital Trust & Safety Partnership, training thousands of career professionals from around the world through Trust & Safety Professional Association and TrustCon. Discord is proud to be a part of this effort, helping to foster innovation, and urgently bring new safety tools to market. We’re hopeful that together we’ll protect even more users, children, and families to make the internet an even better place.":"This builds on the progress and momentum we’ve seen over the past year in industry collaboration – signal sharing on bad actors via the Tech Coalitions' Lantern initiative, codifying safety best practices via the Digital Trust & Safety Partnership and training thousands of career professionals from around the world through Trust & Safety Professional Association and TrustCon. Discord is proud to be a part of this coalition, helping to foster innovation, and urgently bring new safety tools to market. We’re hopeful that together we’ll protect even more users, children, and families to make the internet an even better place.","#With Ignore, you can take space from specific people without them knowing, so you can stay focused on the fun. Whether you just need some time away or want to take a more discreet route, Ignore lets you personalize your approach.":"With Ignore, you can take space from specific people without them knowing, so you can stay focused on the fun. Whether you just need some time away or want to take a more discreet route, Ignore lets you personalise your approach.","#Currently, you can block a user to prevent interactions with them, but we’ve heard from our users that this can sometimes feel confrontational and scary. This is particularly the case for teen users who often want to take space without the person knowing - we built this tool for you!":"Currently, you can block a user to prevent interactions with them, but we’ve heard from our users that this can sometimes feel confrontational and scary. This is particularly the case for teen users who often want to take space without the person knowing – we built this tool for you!","#Customize who gets your attention: When you choose to ignore a person, any new messages, DM and server message notifications, profiles, and activities from them are hidden.":"Customise who gets your attention: When you choose to ignore a person, any new messages, DM and server message notifications, profiles and activities from them are hidden.","#Effortlessly protect your peace: You can easily ignore a person in all the places that you can usually block them and you can manage your ignore list at any time.":"Effortlessly protect your peace: You can easily ignore a person in all the places that you can usually block them, and you can manage your ignore list at any time.","#Power-up your defenses: reminders on how to protect your account from scams":"Power up your defences: Reminders on how to protect your account from scams","#Online scams can be serious, but with the right strategies, you can power-up your defenses and stay safe across the internet. Below are some tips to keep in mind while you’re using Discord or chilling anywhere online. Stay alert and keep your guard up to outsmart those sneaky scammers!":"Online scams can be serious, but with the right strategies, you can power up your defences and stay safe across the internet. Below are some tips to keep in mind while you’re using Discord or chilling anywhere online. Stay alert and keep your guard up to outsmart those sneaky scammers!","#Master Your Command Center: Take charge of your account settings, including privacy setups, friend requests, and authorized apps. Make sure everything is set just the way you want.":"Master Your Command Centre: Take charge of your account settings, including privacy setups, friend requests and authorised apps. Make sure everything is set just the way you want.","#Avoid Temptations: If something seems way too perfect, take a pause. It might not be the real deal.":"Avoid Temptations: If something seems too perfect, take a pause. It might not be the real deal.","#Guard Your Secret Codes: Your password is your secret weapon—don't share it with anyone.":"Guard Your Secret Codes: Your password is your secret weapon – don't share it with anyone.","#Trust the True Players Only: Share personal info only with people you actually know and trust. This means people you have met in person or online and whose identity you can verify. Consider restricting who can DM with you. You can learn how to do this here.":"Trust the True Players Only: Share personal info only with people you actually know and trust. This means people you have met in person or online and whose identity you can verify. Consider restricting who can DM with you. You can learn how to do this here.","#Lock Down Your Loot: Never share or show your authorization tokens. They're the keys to your kingdom.":"Lock Down Your Loot: Never share or show your authorisation tokens. They're the keys to your kingdom.","#QR Code Quest: Don’t scan mysterious QR codes from faces you can't truly recognize.":"QR Code Quest: Don’t scan mysterious QR codes from faces you can't truly recognise.","#Double-Up Your Defense: Activate 2-Factor Authentication, just like equipping extra armor. Check out our 2FA blog for more details to set this up.":"Double Up Your Defence: Activate 2-Factor Authentication, just like equipping extra armour. Check out our 2FA blog for more details to set this up.","#This Safer Internet Day and beyond, Discord is committed to making the internet as a whole a better, safer place and we are proud to continue to offer additional tools for our users to make informed choices that work best for them. We look forward to sharing more ways we’re continuing this important work! Additionally, we’re proud to collaborate with industry leading organizations. Check out these resources from a few of our partners below:":"This Safer Internet Day and beyond, Discord is committed to making the internet as a whole a better, safer place and we are proud to continue to offer additional tools for our users to make informed choices that work best for them. We look forward to sharing more ways we’re continuing this important work! Additionally, we’re proud to collaborate with industry leading organisations. Check out these resources from a few of our partners below:","#Sextortion: What to do if someone is blackmailing you with nudes - Thorn (USA)":"Sextortion: What to do if someone is blackmailing you with nudes – Thorn (USA)","#Cybersecurity A Quick Guide for Parents & Teens - National PTA and ConnectSafely (USA)":"Cybersecurity A Quick Guide for Parents & Teens – National PTA and ConnectSafely (USA)","#February 10, 2025":"10th February, 2025","#How to Watch Out for Bots, Hackers, and Scams - Digital Wellness Lab (USA)":"How to Watch Out for Bots, Hackers and Scams – Digital Wellness Lab (USA)","#Finally, for users outside the US, Discord partners with ThroughLine Care, a global network for vetted helplines. The directory includes crisis support lines in over 100+ countries and is available in 11 languages. Users in the United States can text DISCORD to 741741 to connect with a live volunteer Crisis Counselor at Crisis Text Line: a free, 24/7, confidential text-based mental health service available in both English and Spanish.":"Finally, for users outside the US, Discord partners with ThroughLine Care, a global network for vetted helplines. The directory includes crisis support lines in over 100+ countries and is available in 11 languages. Users in the United States can text DISCORD to 741741 to connect with a live volunteer Crisis Counsellor at Crisis Text Line, a free, 24/7, confidential text-based mental health service available in both English and Spanish.","#On Safer Internet Day 2025, we have two exciting announcements - Discord’s founding role in Robust Open Online Safety Tools (ROOST) and the launch of our new safety tool, Ignore.":"On Safer Internet Day 2025, we have two exciting announcements: Discord’s founding role in Robust Open Online Safety Tools (ROOST) and the launch of our new safety tool, Ignore.","#Internet safety is an industry-wide issue that requires a collaborative approach. Discord is deeply committed to helping to tackle this issue, both through our own interventions and with our partners. For Discord, safety is a common good. We want to make the entire internet - not just Discord - a better and safer place, especially for young people.":"Internet safety is an industry-wide issue that requires a collaborative approach. Discord is deeply committed to helping to tackle this issue, both through our own interventions and with our partners. For Discord, safety is a common good. We want to make the entire internet – not just Discord – a better and safer place, especially for young people.","#We have two exciting announcements today - Discord’s founding role in a new cross-industry non-profit foundation called ROOST (Robust Open Online Safety Tools) and the global launch of our new safety tool, Ignore.":"We have two exciting announcements today: Discord’s founding role in a new cross-industry non-profit foundation called ROOST (Robust Open Online Safety Tools) and the global launch of our new safety tool, Ignore."},"version":20016},{"_id":"en","source":"en","pluralFn":"return n != 1 ? 1 : 0;","pluralForm":2,"dictionary":{},"version":20016},{"_id":"outdated","outdated":{"#dass Schaltflächen Dinge einfacher":1,"#dass Schaltflächen Dinge":1,"#dass Schaltflächen Dinge einfacher machen, ist die":1,"#Was gibt es Neues zu":1,"#dass Schaltflächen Dinge einfacher machen, ist":1,"#dass Schaltflächen Dinge einfacher machen,":1,"#dass Schaltflächen Dinge einfacher machen, ist die Verwendung von Reaktions-Emojis":1,"#dass Schaltflächen Dinge einfacher machen, ist die Verwendung von":1,"#dass Schaltflächen":1,"#Was gibt es Neues":1,"#dass Schaltflächen Dinge einfacher machen, ist die Verwendung":1,"#ein Menü mit den verfügbaren Befehlen auf dem Server aufzurufen,":1,"#ein Menü mit den verfügbaren Befehlen auf dem":1,"#ein Menü mit den verfügbaren Befehlen auf dem Server aufzurufen, aus dem du":1,"#ein Menü mit den verfügbaren Befehlen auf":1,"#ein Menü mit den verfügbaren Befehlen auf dem Server aufzurufen, aus":1,"#ein Menü mit den verfügbaren Befehlen auf dem Server aufzurufen, aus dem":1,"#ein Menü mit den verfügbaren Befehlen auf dem Server":1,"#W przypadku jakichkolwiek pytań dotyczących tych praw lub chęci uzyskania kontroli nad własnymi danymi osobowymi, prosimy o kontakt pod adresem":1,"#sviluppatore":1,"#The Teen Charter outlines the principles that matter most to them: authenticity, inclusivity, privacy, and transparency. This set of principles represents the expectations teens have of each other and of Discord.":1,"#mongodb":1,"#einem Bot (z. B. wenn er dir eine Rolle zuweisen soll). Auf den ersten Blick":1,"#einem Bot (z. B. wenn er":1,"#er dir eine Rolle zuweisen soll). Auf den ersten Blick scheint es nicht":1,"#So lustig, so bunt, so ... selbsterklärend. Ein großartiges Beispiel":1,"#So lustig, so bunt, so ... selbsterklärend.":1,"#So lustig, so bunt, so ... selbsterklärend. Ein großartiges":1,"#bunt, so ... selbsterklärend. Ein großartiges Beispiel dafür,":1,"#mit den verfügbaren Slash-Befehlen. Ganz oben siehst du die Befehle,":1,"#1. Wir stellen die Befehlsauswahl":1,"#sind jetzt alle verfügbar, und wir sehen jeden Tag mehr und":1,"#einem Bot (z. B. wenn er dir":1,"#einem Bot (z. B.":1,"#einem Bot (":1,"#mit den verfügbaren Slash-Befehlen. Ganz oben siehst du die Befehle, die du":1,"#du am häufigsten":1,"#du die Befehle, die du am häufigsten":1,"#Wenn du „/“ eingibst, erscheint":1,"#tolle Beispiele!":1,"#diese Funktionen nutzt, hängt davon ab, ob sich der Entwickler dafür":1,"#einem Bot (z. B. wenn er dir eine Rolle zuweisen soll). Auf den":1,"#viel anders zu sein, aber im Hintergrund ist das Klicken auf eine Schaltfläche":1,"#Bot (z. B. wenn er dir eine Rolle zuweisen soll). Auf den ersten Blick scheint es nicht":1,"#Reaktions-Emojis":1,"#die Verwendung von Reaktions-Emojis mit":1,"#Beispiel dafür,":1,"#... selbsterklärend. Ein großartiges Beispiel dafür,":1,"#mit den verfügbaren Slash-Befehlen.":1,"#mehr tolle Beispiele!":1,"#alle verfügbar, und wir sehen jeden Tag mehr und mehr tolle Beispiele!":1,"#dass Schaltflächen Dinge einfacher machen, ist die Verwendung von Reaktions-Emojis mit einem Bot (z. B. wenn er dir eine Rolle zuweisen soll). Auf den ersten Blick scheint es nicht viel anders zu sein, aber im Hintergrund ist das Klicken auf eine Schaltfläche":1,"#am häufigsten":1,"#mit den verfügbaren":1,"#Befehlsauswahl vor!":1,"#sind jetzt alle verfügbar, und wir sehen jeden Tag":1,"#sehen jeden Tag mehr und mehr tolle Beispiele!":1,"#was sie tut – aber sie":1,"#entscheidet, sie zu":1,"#Blick scheint es nicht":1,"#einem Bot (z. B. wenn":1,"#Verwendung von Reaktions-Emojis mit":1,"#, so ... selbsterklärend. Ein großartiges Beispiel dafür,":1,"#, erscheint ein praktisches Menü":1,"#„/“ eingibst, erscheint ein praktisches Menü":1,"#Befehlsauswahl":1,"#mehr und mehr tolle Beispiele!":1,"#den ersten Blick scheint es nicht":1,"#. Ein großartiges Beispiel dafür,":1,"#besser für die Entwickler, weil es dem Bot hilft, effizienter zu sein – und schneller zu laufen.":1,"#mit den verfügbaren Slash-Befehlen. Ganz oben siehst du die":1,"#oben siehst du die Befehle, die du am häufigsten":1,"#Wenn du „/“ eingibst, erscheint ein praktisches":1,"#sind jetzt alle verfügbar, und wir":1,"#wir sehen jeden Tag mehr und mehr tolle Beispiele!":1,"#einem Bot (z. B. wenn er dir eine Rolle":1,"#großartiges Beispiel dafür,":1,"#So lustig, so bunt, so ... selbsterklärend. Ein großartiges Beispiel dafür,":1,"#mit den verfügbaren Slash-Befehlen. Ganz oben":1,"#eingibst":1,"#sind jetzt alle verfügbar, und wir sehen jeden Tag mehr und mehr":1,"#sind jetzt alle verfügbar, und wir sehen jeden":1,"#, und wir sehen jeden Tag mehr und mehr tolle Beispiele!":1,"#jetzt alle verfügbar, und wir sehen jeden Tag mehr und mehr tolle Beispiele!":1,"#es ist und was sie tut – aber sie":1,"#entscheidet, sie zu implementieren –":1,"#einem Bot (z. B. wenn er dir eine":1,"#eine Rolle zuweisen soll). Auf den ersten Blick scheint es nicht":1,"#, ist die Verwendung von Reaktions-Emojis mit":1,"#So lustig, so bunt, so ... selbsterklärend. Ein":1,"#Wenn du „/“ eingibst, erscheint ein praktisches Menü mit den verfügbaren Slash-Befehlen. Ganz oben siehst du die Befehle, die du am häufigsten":1,"#mit den verfügbaren Slash-Befehlen. Ganz oben siehst du die Befehle, die":1,"#mit den verfügbaren Slash-Befehlen. Ganz oben siehst":1,"#siehst du die Befehle, die du am häufigsten":1,"#verfügbaren Slash-Befehlen. Ganz oben siehst du die Befehle, die du am häufigsten":1,"#App es ist und was sie tut – aber sie":1,"#welche Art von App es ist und was sie tut – aber sie":1,"#App diese Funktionen nutzt, hängt davon ab, ob sich der Entwickler dafür":1,"#machen, ist die Verwendung von Reaktions-Emojis mit":1,"#einfacher machen, ist die Verwendung von Reaktions-Emojis mit":1,"#einem Bot (z. B. wenn er dir eine Rolle zuweisen soll). Auf den ersten Blick scheint es nicht viel anders zu sein, aber im Hintergrund ist das Klicken auf eine Schaltfläche":1,"#mit den verfügbaren Slash-Befehlen. Ganz":1,"#jeden Tag mehr und mehr tolle Beispiele!":1,"#verfügbar, und wir sehen jeden Tag mehr und mehr tolle Beispiele!":1,"#sich der Entwickler dafür":1,"#, hängt davon ab, ob sich der Entwickler dafür":1,"#nutzt, hängt davon ab, ob sich der Entwickler dafür":1,"#entscheidet, sie zu implementieren – und welche Art von App es ist und was sie tut – aber sie sind jetzt alle verfügbar, und wir sehen jeden Tag mehr und mehr tolle Beispiele!":1,"#einem Bot (z. B. wenn er dir eine Rolle zuweisen":1,"#selbsterklärend":1,"#, so bunt, so ... selbsterklärend. Ein großartiges Beispiel dafür,":1,"#den verfügbaren Slash-Befehlen. Ganz oben siehst du die Befehle, die du am häufigsten":1,"#du „/“ eingibst, erscheint ein praktisches Menü":1,"#und mehr tolle Beispiele!":1,"#Tag mehr und mehr tolle Beispiele!":1,"#). Auf den ersten Blick scheint es nicht":1,"#(z. B. wenn er dir eine Rolle zuweisen soll). Auf den ersten Blick scheint es nicht":1,"#Schaltflächen Dinge einfacher machen, ist die Verwendung von Reaktions-Emojis mit":1,"#es Neues zu tun?":1,"#. Ganz oben siehst du die Befehle, die du am häufigsten":1,"#Wenn du „/“ eingibst,":1,"#sind jetzt alle verfügbar, und wir sehen jeden Tag mehr":1,"#entscheidet, sie":1,"#zu implementieren – und welche Art von App es ist und was sie tut – aber sie":1,"#eine App diese Funktionen nutzt, hängt davon ab, ob sich der Entwickler dafür":1,"#einem Bot (z. B. wenn er dir eine Rolle zuweisen soll). Auf den ersten":1,"#soll). Auf den ersten Blick scheint es nicht":1,"#zuweisen soll). Auf den ersten Blick scheint es nicht":1,"#Reaktions-Emojis mit":1,"#die Befehle, die du am häufigsten":1,"#Wenn du „/“ eingibst, erscheint ein praktisches Menü":1,"#ist und was sie tut – aber sie":1,"#ersten Blick scheint es nicht":1,"#einem Bot (z. B. wenn er dir eine Rolle zuweisen soll).":1,"#von Reaktions-Emojis mit":1,"#gibt es Neues zu tun?":1,"#mit den verfügbaren Slash-Befehlen. Ganz oben siehst du":1,"#Slash-Befehlen":1,"#sind jetzt alle verfügbar, und":1,"#sind jetzt":1,"#von App es ist und was sie tut – aber sie":1,"#Funktionen nutzt, hängt davon ab, ob sich der Entwickler dafür":1,"#Rolle zuweisen soll). Auf den ersten Blick scheint es nicht":1,"#dir eine Rolle zuweisen soll). Auf den ersten Blick scheint es nicht":1,"#großartiges":1,"#einem Bot (z. B. wenn er dir eine Rolle zuweisen soll). Auf":1,"#So lustig, so bunt, so ... selbsterklärend. Ein großartiges Beispiel dafür, dass Schaltflächen Dinge einfacher machen, ist die Verwendung von Reaktions-Emojis mit":1,"#lustig, so bunt, so ... selbsterklärend. Ein großartiges Beispiel dafür,":1,"#, die du am häufigsten":1,"#mit den verfügbaren Slash-Befehlen. Ganz oben siehst du die Befehle, die du am häufigsten verwendest.":1,"#sind jetzt alle":1,"#Ob eine App diese Funktionen nutzt, hängt davon ab, ob sich der Entwickler dafür entscheidet, sie zu implementieren – und welche Art von App es ist und was sie tut – aber sie":1,"#und was sie tut – aber sie":1,"#einem Bot (z. B. wenn er dir eine Rolle zuweisen soll). Auf den ersten Blick scheint":1,"#Dinge einfacher machen, ist die Verwendung von Reaktions-Emojis mit":1,"#Neues zu tun?":1,"#Befehle, die du am häufigsten":1,"#Slash-Befehlen. Ganz oben siehst du die Befehle, die du am häufigsten":1,"#praktisches":1,"#Wenn du „/“ eingibst, erscheint ein":1,"#sind jetzt alle verfügbar, und wir sehen":1,"#sie tut – aber sie":1,"#– und welche Art von App es ist und was sie tut – aber sie":1,"#implementieren – und welche Art von App es ist und was sie tut – aber sie":1,"#, dass Millionen von euch, die sie bereits nutzen, es auch":1,"#Befehle werden":1,"#sie bereits nutzen, es auch":1,"#, die sie bereits nutzen, es auch":1,"#gewünschten Befehl auswählen":1,"#Befehl auswählen kannst. Diese Befehle werden":1,"#einzugeben, um ein Menü mit den verfügbaren Befehlen auf dem Server aufzurufen, aus dem du den":1,"#aufzurufen, aus dem du den":1,"#ein Menü mit":1,"#was er tun sollte. Die „neue Methode“ besteht darin, einen Schrägstrich":1,"#Zum anderen haben wir auch die Funktionsweise der App-Befehle standardisiert, damit sie einfacher und sicherer zu verwenden sind. Kurz gesagt: Die „alte Methode“ bestand darin,":1,"#„alte Methode“ bestand darin,":1,"#sicherer zu verwenden sind. Kurz gesagt: Die „alte Methode“ bestand darin,":1,"#, damit sie":1,"#wir auch die Funktionsweise der App-Befehle standardisiert, damit sie":1,"#darin, einen Schrägstrich":1,"#Zum anderen haben wir auch die":1,"#sie ihre Apps zugänglicher und unterhaltsamer":1,"#euch, die sie bereits nutzen, es auch":1,"#dem du den":1,"#ein Menü mit den verfügbaren":1,"#Menü mit den verfügbaren Befehlen auf dem Server aufzurufen, aus dem du den":1,"#mit einem Bot zu sprechen (z. B. eine Nachricht zu senden, die er":1,"#, die er dann las), um ihm zu sagen,":1,"#, und wir wissen, dass Millionen von euch, die sie bereits nutzen, es auch":1,"#gewünschten Befehl":1,"#verfügbaren Befehlen auf dem Server aufzurufen, aus dem du den":1,"#Art von App es ist und was sie tut – aber sie":1,"#sind jetzt alle verfügbar, und wir sehen jeden Tag mehr und mehr tolle Beispiele!":1,"#, sie zu implementieren – und welche Art von App es ist und was sie tut – aber sie":1,"#Millionen von euch, die sie bereits nutzen, es auch":1,"#den verfügbaren Befehlen auf dem Server aufzurufen, aus dem du den":1,"#Zum anderen haben wir auch die Funktionsweise der App-Befehle standardisiert, damit sie einfacher und sicherer zu verwenden sind. Kurz gesagt: Die „alte Methode“ bestand darin, mit einem Bot zu sprechen (z. B. eine Nachricht zu senden, die er dann las), um ihm zu sagen, was er tun sollte. Die „neue Methode“ besteht darin, einen Schrägstrich":1,"#“ besteht darin, einen Schrägstrich":1,"#ein Menü mit den verfügbaren Befehlen auf dem Server aufzurufen, aus dem du den gewünschten Befehl auswählen kannst. Diese Befehle werden":1,"#las), um ihm zu sagen,":1,"#dann las), um ihm zu sagen,":1,"#er dann las), um ihm zu sagen,":1,"#mit einem Bot zu sprechen (":1,"#lieben diese Befehle, und":1,"#wir wissen, dass Millionen von euch, die sie bereits nutzen, es auch":1,"#diese Befehle, und wir wissen, dass Millionen von euch, die sie bereits nutzen, es auch":1,"#Befehlen":1,"#sollte. Die „neue Methode“ besteht darin, einen Schrägstrich":1,"#tun sollte. Die „neue Methode“ besteht darin, einen Schrägstrich":1,"#senden, die er dann las), um ihm zu sagen,":1,"#wissen, dass Millionen von euch, die sie bereits nutzen, es auch":1,"#einzugeben":1,"#sprechen (z. B. eine Nachricht zu senden, die er dann las), um ihm zu sagen,":1,"#mit einem":1,"#Methode“ bestand darin,":1,"#anderen haben wir auch die Funktionsweise der App-Befehle standardisiert, damit sie":1,"#und unterhaltsamer":1,"#für Entwickler entworfen haben (Schaltflächen,":1,"#Jahr eine Reihe neuer Funktionen für Entwickler entworfen haben (Schaltflächen,":1,"#paar Dinge geändert haben. Zum einen können Apps jetzt alle":1,"#ein paar Dinge geändert haben. Zum einen können Apps jetzt alle":1,"#möglichen neuen kleinen Tricks, die sie vorher nicht konnten. Das liegt daran, dass wir im letzten Jahr eine Reihe neuer Funktionen für Entwickler entworfen haben (Schaltflächen, Anhänge, lokalisierte Befehle!), mit denen sie ihre Apps zugänglicher und unterhaltsamer machen können.":1,"#benutzt hast, wirst":1,"#der Vergangenheit benutzt hast, wirst":1,"#gewünschten Befehl auswählen kannst.":1,"#auf dem Server aufzurufen, aus dem du den":1,"#Methode“ besteht darin, einen Schrägstrich":1,"#Zum anderen haben wir auch die Funktionsweise der App-Befehle standardisiert, damit sie einfacher und sicherer zu verwenden sind. Kurz gesagt: Die „alte Methode“ bestand darin, mit einem Bot zu sprechen (z. B. eine Nachricht zu senden, die er dann las), um ihm zu sagen,":1,"#ihm zu sagen,":1,"#mit einem Bot zu sprechen (z. B. eine Nachricht zu senden,":1,"#gesagt: Die „alte Methode“ bestand darin,":1,"#stellen die Befehlsauswahl vor!":1,"#sind jetzt alle verfügbar, und wir sehen jeden Tag mehr und mehr tolle":1,"#sind jetzt alle verfügbar,":1,"#Ob eine App diese Funktionen nutzt, hängt davon ab, ob sich der Entwickler dafür":1,"#davon ab, ob sich der Entwickler dafür":1,"#gewünschten Befehl auswählen kannst. Diese Befehle":1,"#gewünschten Befehl auswählen kannst. Diese":1,"#du den":1,"#tut – aber sie":1,"#der Entwickler dafür":1,"#ab, ob sich der Entwickler dafür":1,"#Neue kleine":1,"#lieben diese Befehle, und wir wissen, dass Millionen von euch, die sie bereits nutzen, es auch tun!":1,"#Befehlen auf dem Server aufzurufen, aus dem du den":1,"#), um ihm zu sagen,":1,"#mit einem Bot zu sprechen (z. B. eine Nachricht":1,"#Bot zu sprechen (z. B. eine Nachricht zu senden, die er dann las), um ihm zu sagen,":1,"#mit einem Bot zu sprechen (z. B. eine Nachricht zu senden, die er dann las), um ihm zu sagen, was er tun sollte. Die „neue Methode“ besteht darin, einen Schrägstrich":1,"#kannst. Diese Befehle werden":1},"version":20016}]